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Later childhood effects of perinatal exposure to background levels of dioxins in the Netherlands - Curriculum Vitae


Academic year: 2021

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Later childhood effects of perinatal exposure to background levels of dioxins in

the Netherlands

ten Tusscher, G.W.

Publication date 2002

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Citation for published version (APA):

ten Tusscher, G. W. (2002). Later childhood effects of perinatal exposure to background levels of dioxins in the Netherlands.

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Curriculumm Vitae

Gavinn was born in Cape Town, South Africa, on the 16th of July 1969. Hee grew up in Johannesburg, attending the Highlands North Boys' High Schooll and the Johannesburg College of Education Centre for Gifted Pupils,, where he studied informatics. He worked for a few years as systemss analyst and programmer for Operation Mobilisation's M.V. Doulos,, and later in the business world. After studying Theology for a yearr and a half, Gavin emigrated to The Netherlands, where he studied Medicinee at the University of Amsterdam. He later started on his doctorate,, under prof. dr. J.G. Koppe.

Afterr graduating as a doctor, Gavin worked as a resident paediatrician in thee Emma Children's Hospital Academic Medical Centre, first not in training,, later in training. He is specialising as a paediatrician, under prof, dr.. H.S.A. Heymans, and is currently working as resident paediatrician in Medicall Centre Alkmaar.

Gavinn is married to Anna-Leena and they have two sons together, Daniel andd Joshua.




Het dienstbetoon en de service is dus een belang­ rijk motief voor toetreding.7 Dit wordt door de leden duidelijk (h)erkend en velen onder hen zou­ den niet aarzelen

Daarnaast onderkent de overheid dat de groei van het informele circuit niet alleen door sociale zekerheid wordt beïnvloed, maar dat er ook andere oorzaken

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Dit werd gedefinieerd als de mate waarin het de werknemersvertegenwoordigers gelukt was wer­ kelijk invloed uit te oefenen op de technologische veranderingen in het

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Ten eerste zijn de beïnvloe- dingsmechanismen zoals die voor de interne en externe coalitie worden uitgewerkt weinig con­ sistent: terwijl in de interne coalitie

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This would be another piece of evidence in favour of the proposition that the participation policy of the Dutch trade unions has up to now in partic­ ular