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I MM69C-I0 02~'

MASTERNEGA TIVE STORAGENUMBER: '--:::;::J KIT!.V/RoyalNetherla nds Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies


Tan IIIe-Tj!n ala .... S.troenja k... nan penjamoenl.I.ng-SanIdiljerilaken oleh Lle.-llala.'I.:Sin1'0,1915. - 42dl,III 6 bd.(3394p.). :16cm

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SedeDg belltoe, Tee Tlhfe·Hoat ltoe berlamba- lamba •• dla berllkoe radUn dan ad,ken atoeraa 1nl Itoe boeat menambaken builDI.lanll mad\lkan.

blnRI' lelinR bebrapa taon mldltkan 1nl telab dJadl barlawan beau.

Tlpl ledeoK la da boleb Idoep Icoanl latlara oraoR 'aol lIlampoe. adalabOUrI Hoa-Tenl ltoe mul IIdla berlakoe moedl,slmpe lramoedlan 11 dlpet laldt, la trabegltoe mane boeka lrandloetDI baeat membll obat, Acblr-.cblr 1nl penlakltte:ab ba.a dU.allla .. loblol koeboer. blDKlall:oetllra Itor, boellan ladla la poeDla barta. blnla dloeal 11 poenla anak·l.td lemoea tetah dlato dalemIra- koeaaliDDla Tee Tlble-Hoat.

1:11 peDllawe Ilnl dart doeloe memanl bekerdl aken ioeDa dId .elldlrl. lanta. IIdla moelal ber-

·Iakoe tloerllli bout meroeallren'.cbU.arllnlil .

•Ing mldllkaD,

Tan Hie.Tlln 81



Iltrt daa aOlknl1 Ouw Roa·Teol a1l perlllll-1281- .adla kateraaglooll Itoe toe ..a. lehab sedeog II0g pertallla ada oraog prllllpoela laoll tldlllleoKeoal boeroe', adalab jlol kldoe. tlda,maoe taoe Ilea dart pada djllan berlelaadaolan denlen boroltea QCwlDi·

Sedeng begltoe. Tee Tjble-Holt ada soeroe 410ela bwanojl laol bernama Kl~ Be~1 boeat toentoen Uoe aoat madltkan dllem legal a dlalan lIIelllboe- waog oew.ai. leperU plellr, maen top deoaen bertlrobln belli, pike blloel din mllraoeo.~.

janl roeplnla 1I0e Inlt moedl Ulda belltol rlblm, Tapl ledeng menSielap la soeree oraol blldn roeaat praoKlnla Itoe orlnK moeda, deoKen bar- terlol dan dl depl11 orlol banlat '1llloe la le·

agadll bn nllebat 101 Uoe boelt toetoee kabJe-' lOeoool.. loepala denlen belltoe. orlol dlldl aniKep leb,gl wall la tel~b la!loeken lrawldUbla- ala denieD dloe410er.

BeKltoellb, Ilotllal1 dl satoe fibat bldl penla&- ga1ao1111 Ouw Hoa·Tenl dlborolten oleb loat lendlrl. din dl laen fibat dltloeraagln oleb Tee Tjble-Hoat. maka lellnl bebrapa taon darl Itoe madlltln d~11 roem. iade menoetoep matl, la poenra barta penlnlsalan telab dladl moeloa Ilma . lehll. tlpl Ilblalln beur tetlh "ISOet ta dl1ell.

"koenta !toe toeall blng,it,

Sadjek Itoe koeUlla. aalt I. trIala Ouw Hoa,Tellg

- 1-63 -

u ml.O Idoepdart utoeIralien bid denaenuniet melarat, dladl dlpet ..kit mererea, dau Denlaklt i~1 acblraja .oedabawa IlorlnK kllob.na koeborr, Boeat 101 perhrl Oaellel IInll telab lIaciladlall .pada loat-Illllola Ouw Roa-Tenl, boelllo aad!a 01101 loelr Ida merala poewa., malab sanak 'koel.warl.nll lendlrl poen ada to.roet dlpet r...

bell1oe. sebab dl ma,.nla Itoe Ouw HOI·Teal oma.' Idoep. la telah berb:le.t baolalt perlrara lanl 1Denlatltl orlol poen!a hall.

Tatkala Itoe, Tee Tlbla-Hoat dealen bawl do 'I nakn!a dloega loelta maboer Ira kola Tjo Tlloe

·dalem provlocle Sboa TanK, .ebab bloe la tldl lelras aDRkat katl"I_, la slamplnl relllnla ling 'IIDKet krdll lama·lama IlanU dladl terboetl

DI sana ~a moelll dlllanlre" oe.lolrdll lanl

·terdape~ denien djllln tld, hllll boeat oellbaten

-lal· Uoe, din darl lebab dl ml•• ltoe bldtlnlnla 'ma.1 dlala din ses.la pentlarl.onl. tlmba hart acta bertambl mlciloe. mllll lelaol bebrapa tlolI'

diet·la dlteDK41Itoe totl.lantll dioe8ala dladl

·barta. anhtalr.

Tee TIb'e-tfoat Itoe floeml mempoenlal doea :aalt lel.kl. '1ltoe Tt-eTd~oeo ellS Tee Tloln, le-


deol dl !toe lDa.. I. tel. beroe.la lebl Inem·

C)oeloe taon.

101 doe. I dar. adl1011 b'daealn. m.lah actl

""1 I dltaep 4eqea" lit ....b la tlnl amat


- 1284-

ler.a, m.lkl dl d.lem pertar. boro.ken OewlDI' oralll tld.,bl.. bllaDI Intar. m.rIlri berdoesII.p IIDI lebl menlen.1 watel.

Tee Tlhoen Ilnl roePlnl' tlalrep, .,d.ferlreD I b.11 dlaio plealr lanll namanf. teuohor dl .n- t.r. boenll berdU•• d.n goeodI·loendal ;sedeDlr Tee Tloan l.nK mempoenlll ten'la bellr lOelr.'


.dlar Ilmoe .Uat d.n bergacel ll.ma oralll- orlol gaga denien tlc!a pili boeloe, .rtlnla bllrpoell orallg I.nl terseboetglllUoe ada toelrang Iloenlo' atawa boella d.rat, 1I akoe .dl dladl Bobetnll.

Belltoellb bart·hart'1nl doea lOed.ra tladaber- botat laen d.rI p.da ber"'Dg dengen menoeroet ....Iog·m••lng poeola ".oelrali1, b.mboerlrenoe-

••nglanl al.bnla koempoel dengenkadeta·bde~

koek dan dengea tlelrell·tlelrek leber.

Uoe alah 1101 loeda beroesl. tloill bl.. ber- boeat apatab boe.t menlegab, 1.lleo tlngl" me- olawa.1 .adla ofw.ngnla dlborollren oleh UOIt' data .nlk'doerb. lI. denllen mer••a olenes? 5e- branl baroelab I. mu... faOll, baboea AlIlIt oelal koetoekl dla boest perbo~at.nnll Plda daoeloe bart. la berlOblt, tapl lOed. kaaep,kem pembalea.n la~1 aken dltenl roeplnla lOedl tlda.

d.pet dltlegulren lagl.

Boeat or.ng


adatal. bealtoe moerll ..b....

Tee Tlhle·Ho.t ItOt, tenloe tld. bl.a tabiD melllt anlllola boro.llen oewlOg .epertl plllr derlm tlda dlldl merere..

- 1285-

Mlnlkln 1.11I. alah Itoe dladlaemlnl~nronglO,".

blnggl .cblr·lchlr f10rgal 1I:oellt ..dll memboenl- to I toel.og. I1 dl.dl Imlt peodl.m, din dloel.

taloe h.depken n.,1 I. lant.. meodlldl 'nnalr.

Sedenl begUoe, fl trAm.oe beroh.t betoel.betoel.

'Oleh Irernl leballmln. dl .t.1 loeda dlbU.ar.

Ofat bloe.rllen oe.anl aken 10 na baranll.al tlda lrallatao, Uoelah boean I1 poenla'tablat.

Sllrltnla loeda meadlldl lebl berat,1I:oetlki pad.

.celtoe barl, lantaran perhra ta.I plndlem oe••nl deDlen poenRoet boea,a lerlaloe berat,I. dl.lI terunl1l:0et d.lem perhr. dll••, biDII1 boest fI.1ap. 11 dldleblotllren dal.m peadllrl.

Lantlran 1nl, penlakltnla dla41 bertambl ber.t.

IIlnlla blon .atoe boello I.mlnl. 11 mendelrem dalem pendl.r., laat'l dloea. la meaocto.p m.ta.

M.tlnla 1nl oraal toea boelran datenllren rail dow, fapl berbillk meatrbUllen ra•• glrlnl d.- ea batlnlaTeeTlh.,'n d.n Tee Tloan,1.01laa- taran Uoe dl.dl boleh boro.llen oewan. den. .

bIlalaca.. I.gl.

TelllDO 1Oed. ocroD Hlesl perkara lrlmatlan.

oranl laJoe PlO.11l toewl·tOCbnl PI"O udan.ln tembolr dl ..ml ten.. rOlllluta d.rt, Cocar ampe Ira dale ,lOePlI. rOCm. Itoe dll41 1Irbl.1 doea d.n I.OliDI bole tlalpl denllll Urpl..atoe ... lieD.

SadarlItoe w.ttoe Tee TIOID dl.raol faoeilia


- 128&-

ellmml, lIerllllllloe 11 boekl1l beralre dl roem IOblt lobltllla. tentoellb dloell 11 'peril pallar boeat tllrt pellllboer ball.

Pldl I!)eltoe blrl 11 peril plda ..1 I' t(Jlaoe- dlra loakat Ilnll tlollll dl loelr 1r0la, lIerOllOe- dara Itoe adl bllrfn brlblllbln be'lr bo Itbul' taonnla.

OrlOI-orIOI Ilnl lroendloell81 Itoelllrabllaban,.

bblDlllrln Idl oraol-orloa IIRI, til'l tlldl


oea ad. ternlml belr.

!emoel tetlmoe Ilal mloe doedoet berllatap,.

tempo 'Iloe boedllol dlteol me Irtlllen, ling:

Klm Kalaoan tldl bIll trlmltoeln roeml poeola' oendaoalll, II0tarlO Irl,ebltlootl Idl teraloKaoe.

Mendelller Itoe boedllna poenll tlerUl, Tee' Tloln IUla. menlnla padI toean roema ItlWI I1 poeola loe4arl Inallat: "Kiln Kllaoao 'ml oal' '1'1 brlollllall Klm SeIlK-Foll,lt:eBoekllloln laol t1nllKal dellet-Tbll nboll uw ?" .-

. "JI, beloel dllnll," laoet Itoe tcean roeml. , ,,0, dll Itoe betoel Idl IlorlOK Ilal Ilnl baell:

ball din IImoe Illatoll adl plode ,elrall," Irltl' Doell Tee Tjoln,Itoe: "Akoe barlnen be~lrse-

~~I la p~eoll alf~t d.n Irlplndeln be.lr, .tl pl atloellb menllpl 1.llml 1111 IrIUlbn la tlda be- altoe op~n Ilal pldltoe. Dloel~' um~loedar.·

ioepanla la'tlldl bealt~e'rapet laal,.Iebl b blot:

fladl bealtol, menlllpatlb 1111'bad il·t~l.k loedl,.

poeola oendlnaan 1'" "" ,

- 1287 -

- ..Boleb dlldl braallklll IItoe .Ittoe koerln,

'DCrdl ta Idtaorloa tel~bberboeat kallllblnlpl'lpa


membltla la dlldl toeraol eDIt bltl. Seb-

rani IPI-boleb·boelt, bll' lien h.rt udll Itoe Intl mlntl mlllt pldlnll."

Klmoedlln Itoe toeln roema Ilntll boeta eer- dllmoeannll lanl berdlllaa IImpe dlaoe lie

·baroe brentl.

Tee Tloaa bermllem dl roemaoll Itoe soda,.

ealral, ,eblb boeat poellol Iraroeml aelldlrl d'l·

Ilnlnoll Ida terllloe dllOP, din lien dlrl beSltol, otlkoll poen loeil dlblkln poellol olebmlnoemlll.

Pldl elokola pIgl 1I baroe berplmllln pad.

toeln roeml, dan dlllln menoed'oe IrlTbllObolluw boeat Iloeodloengi pd. Klm Seog-Enr.

DI perdlalloan 1nl 11 bertemoe pldl'latoe Ire- nalln '101 tedlblr d~Irota An Kbelll.

Keollln Itoe ada 83Orlol Ibe Mo, tlol la tldl l,dl poenll IIlma laeo darl pada HOIJar g, Ilnl oralll lIellrlreo pldlOll, Ilntarln il poeola upIII batak Ilmpe meoalrllap. I1 poenla bldan Idl en-

·tena sekall, lantarao IPI la dladl bill berdla'ln

; tlepet dan lomplt lepertl mooleL

. Tempo la tlllllal boeat amentlrl wllrtoe dl.

,kota'Hod Tiloe, lerlnaka" la:pergl .atronlliro lola Ouw Hoa-TeIlK.'1l oa Ilntlrln Itoe dlldl .'lrailangan barlnl boekan ledlklt.

:\' Sedeoa bealloe, Tee Tjble-Holt-dloel.·tldl



- 12@8-

loePI ioeolkro Itoe tempo laol buk boat be- IIrteo mldlllrannll eoeola karoel'lo deoleo tlm- palreo 1t0l lemoel udlabltao atl. dlrloll ItOI .1 upI'a botl ...

Tlpl bllr bealmanl dloeil paodeoll utoe peo- tloed. klloe kaoerlnglo la oeloer taoganol', utoe


olltllla la mist! katloakep,

Bealtoelab d;Ollia loedl terdladl deoiea Mo HOlllog. Betoel .oetlkl lakoekeo peDtloerllo dl baolak tempat, demlkllO poell dl rOlmlola Ouw Hoa-Teoi, la tldl keDa katloakep, tlpl .aktoe la oelaDlkeo ublanlinnla dl roemania aaorlog blr- tawln dl jloa Hoe Koao, la loed. telplk.1 ml.U berkellallo .ama peotjalloa oead.

Bocat Itoe lradlabatao 1101 1I Ilkoelreo. lramol- dlao I1 dlboekoem bee••Dg lEa kotl Tlo Tlloe.

01 101 kota la Illoe berkeollaD IIml Tee Tjolo, IIDI terkeoal .eblll oraol gla. 1.01 tloguoll nlaloe Idl terlepI. dad .oeu bergloel IIJDI

oranl-orlol uPlotarlool..

Itoe pall, padl .Ilrtoe Ilorul bertemo. ..tot .... Ilea dl perdllllaall Ira Tblanbolauw, Tee Tloan IllIt.. m.oelor dealen lOeira alranl:

..Hola, Mo Heo.1 ..I.ml 101 Itau umlaa


Ikl kltaoraDg dllrlDI tloe bert.lloe1"

..Tlda ulllanl-lIlo., TOakoltalll." noet .1


tu: ..bul. Ida udll dl 1nl tempat.ApI Itk&ranl uoe boleb berboeat utOI IPI Iken goeolmot?

- 1289-

SOeDgloe llEoe 1II10leael .eklll uloe bealtoelalli Doe tldl bl.. Ilkoeked IItoe IPI '1nl ..Umpal d Olea boedlmoe."

- ..Hili, boolt IPI .ob.tkoe plklrlo Itoe per- Irlra Iretlll laoa tldl berbarga ...Ia lek.I'. Sekl- nni. bllollb kltl pelgl .1 warDelli arlk boeat mlooem-mlooem IIdllllt."

Mo Hwello trlml Itoe orlldlollO.

Slbelltar 11.1 Ilorlol .oeda doedoek dl 'Itoe 1'oeml m Iran !retlll laoi peroaala dl .ebrldl Thlaobolauw.

Tee Tlolo IIIll1tl ..toe.plOill1l bel., dlalol ampl dill utoe lendoel Irak blek IIOi soedl dlpalla.la.

Sllrl dloll' Iloralll .oed. moelll blkld per-

·ltoeoi l ll deoleo Itoe maklolll ..mbll beromool- .omoog.

..Soblt. IPI bit taoe .llpI IllIi UOIgal dl ltoe roemi Ilnl tembok p.braolaoDll klll.tlll dart slnl 1" beiltoe1ab lI.oedl berollloni-omool ban Ilml dirt bal 101 din Itoe. Tee TIOId laloe

eOlnl1 plda Mo Hwello IImbll menoeodloek IJAdI aall utoe roeml dllebraoi Itoeroella abo•

..Taoe lib taoe. tlDI boelt Ipatab TOIkoaJaal aDlnlltea dll Itoel' demllr1aa ltae.1 batakbales


- ..Kernl dll ltoe Idl .koe poIol. oe oe t»eaar,"


- 1290-

-:. ,,8ea ltoe ? Ap. Toalroalalla boleb b!alii da.

fat..1 apa orlDl Itoe Ida bet 'oeloehQla •


Tee TJola Ilat.. t)erltalrea dalem fatlll apaI.

lib dlbllrla ..kitball oleb oraaa IIDI Uallllell 'roe I Itoe.

MI'IIl)a Uoe Mo Hwtllo dladl berlalla., tempola loedl denller Tee T)oaa poeal. tlerlta.

"ft. . .0eDllloe Itoe tllIa alana boteh adl per- bra belllloeI" Iratl Itoe Illab pemboewlDlllade- alea loeara doeta: "Tlpl boe.t bllda pembalena plda Itoe oranll Toalroallnll bolebandelkea Mo 8_ello .allll. Alroe taoe, oraall Itoe acfa berte- Dlga be.ar; din deall.n berdepln orlnl'10e'l IIIllrln Pldlnla, tlpl lraloe Toatollanll .oelrl mea- brl temp, bebrlpl bid .Idl', alroe tanll80ea~

ling Ilroe rantl dlpet Imbll 11 poenll IrlPllL D/oelll boelt Itoe perklrl laag Ilroe Illroelrea, atoe nlntl taouoenl .ead'rl. Ireral blu poem Ilatlrla Itoe Ilroe boleh tert.aakep. alroe trlaaatl rembet-rem!Jet plda TOllrolllaa. Nib, dl IlnUall Ikoe batoerlrea .Iamlt berD''''padl Toaitollallll boeat ..lamaa)L" ," ,':"

, -'Tee,Tloaa meaaoeUap blnlalr tdmalrall.' .' , G~adoel arllr Ilnl PtIrJa~1,oedl kOloal, Tee :rlol n Illoe mlota Ilal doel aeacf,oel )Ing lien.

"Slbetoelnl',"'lrata Mo Ho.lanlr, tempa loedl

,'b~rdllm ..beatarla: "ltoe oeloe Ida 'terlreD,

..oak pldlkoe" ..•••

- 1291-

Tee Tlo 11 dladl tertedioet, blDllll plramll dl df ,poetlet aedlklt.

"Tlpt TOllralllnl dllagan IlempIDll Ipa· Ipa,"

belltoe .1 botalr UoeIlndloetlrln bltllraa)a : ..lrema

DOl beelran orlDK laall loeta mellaadlal ..nat, banla ada .atol pembela dad flbak lan ,Ieml b.

Dlaagaa lentarl baroe terkenl ,anlt,


li1de orlal"

Ito. ada alroe poenla loeclarapoetoeaaa PtIroet, dll- bloeI1 brant blnalrenTOllroalaall deaien tiarabe- altoe, alroe poen tentoe tlda blla ampoenlrea la peenll dOli."

Tee Tloan berballt dladl mera.. Ilranll dl dalem blU.

"Kaloe bellltoe, baroeslab dlMlnll la'll 'do Hear ada uorlnll Illlg blrllaten betoel padal[,lilllla,"

.emoellll la plda Itoe pentloerl I.ag ramboetala Dlal,olag: "Mata ~aloe Ilntlran 1nl Mo Heog boleh mendapet lOel." terlnl lelran blar Doea barta.oe boleb meodllcfl babl., tentoe alroe alott

'berdlrl boeat dlldl pemb.la" '

, SI'

botalr ItOI mealatalren ioelioernfa bltl. _

" Bellltoelab Iloraag teroel beromona·omonir lall'"


'"mlnoem Ifalr, 'daa 'oetllra Itoe does gend,oet

laiJ~a blllranlln dloeia loed. diad1 leloatoaaaa, buoel.b Tee Tlo.n' bllrln bere. perltoeajiD dl

" lIoe'ioem. m.tan din berpll. "arlltoe Mo HOlliar.

, S~palldllnl dlllan Tte Tlo.:" plkirlrea tl,dalla...

blsol. beglmlDl Itoe Mo HOllan'g"oed.·loe~~or·



blnkeo d\l"a lendlrl boeat belaken la poellla per- bra, ledtnl p.da oraol Uoe II tlotma pernaoen- .dJoek boedl aedlklt .ekalL Mib mllllldo IlIlet floe P rbrl, II poenlab.tl dlldllemlnRkln Ruol.

la trataoe IIma II.pa la mlltl merall aoeko r.

maka koetlu lI.at dl deplo Hoolbeoal.uw. loutoe roella m.lran Ilnl ternama beur dl kat. Tlo Tjlae.

la laloe mamplr dl Iltoe boeat mlnoem,1. poe" . 1 hltl.

I1 pili utoe tempat doedoet lallg bek, 1.10 doedoek mlooem .aoraol dlrl.

W.ldoe Itoe, la ra..teo dlrloll leperll acla dl IOrl"

Tal'l apa lIaoe, aedeol oraol I'll doedoet ml.

IIOtm deolen 1.lIanl, laloe dateDI lIoraog 1101 terpandaol leperU doerl dl d.pan ma'"

Oralll Itoe boekaonla I.eo, baola ad.lab Tee TJboeo. Tee Tloan poelllalOedarapoetoello peroet.

Oraol tlda men.artl lIenppa 1nl doea ICed"a boleb dlldl belltoe tld. raetroeD. tapl taloe d.rapt btllmana ..ma II.h leDdlrl laoranl pota tela btriatae &ep'rtl aer diD Ipl, dladl oraDK tllIa


rau herlll uloe dl aotarl lOedaranll leadlrl ... terblt !toe pertara loear blala.

Tee TIOIa dl.dl mera.. Ilkat boeat bentlalllebl


dl /foe roeml mlun, .Ita "'oedl bal"


lUll Hga" m.tuaa fanl telab dltoeroeateo ta teollo~obo, I1 laatal lIeDUDlklr ka ..toeffhalr.

- 1293-

SeuranK tluil[sl Tee Tlboeo dl Itae roeml mauD, la mlota .rall dan le IlIa matanao lanl p.llol baetr boeat rll teDIKorotaonla.

la barep blla dapet Ira.ao boelt temaol ml- noem, t.pl barepaaDI. IIda teruboel, brnlla tl•

oedlla la terpat. m.lrao·mlooem leodlrlaa ladll•

.Lebl sateola bullo Tee Tlboeo tell1l boe"anl tempoola dl Itoe roema matrao, kamoedlao baroe- lab la berl.loe atren peril dlalaD-dlalan dl pilar.

Bloo ad. lateoga dl.m la 10eot.nK·laDtoengdl 1nl tempat, IlIac 1I berlemoe pada Kle BeoK,'la.

Itoe oranlllol doeloeoleh Tee Tlble.Hoatdl.oerae· Idllrlreo loakola Ou. Hoa-Teal borolteD oewang.

Kle Beal atawa Kle OJI, deoKen D.ma maoa bblol.un oranl paDIKU p.danla le~ab la adl lalk lang bdaea, Ida latoe 80end.ll.ol tertena.

dl IrOtl Hoel Tlloe, kema I.ea dart blla lebll memboedloet orlDl, dloela pera-pera la Ida me- Dlartl IImoe IIllt ,

Ooeloe, dl ma.. la meoKloendall anatala'Ouw Boa-Teol, boleb dlbUanl Kle DU Itoe ada dlp't baoJa1l: dloeKa ocnnK pletlllt, blDrla dealeD apI la bl.a Idoep lenaOI d.,1 ..toeIra laen bart; t.pl Ipa I.tloer klmoedlao la d.pet perkara.1101 mem- bltln boebn I.dla oewaDI Ilmpeoaonla dladl iroedroet


lekat', banl. dloela la tIde bl'l taotlep katlola lebl laml IIII dl tota Hoel Tlloe.






- 1:94-

la laget Tee Tjble.Hoat, !toe ka"an dl dale rbout perkar. kadlabatan, ada Idoepberoentoeni

~I kota Tjo Tlloe, lantlrlO aDa m.1ra lalanta. bee-

"'Oil ka 1nl tota boed toendloeoRlllae kawan lallla.

Tapl dart Tee Tlble·Holt la trablll barep blnlafr, .ebab Itoe 1I mo.rla lallK .oeda keaal la poenla lIelakoean dlelek daa boleb membrl toeladan dllblt pada laat·lnatola. ..boleb·boteb bendat °lla,1 d'alan boeat Kebol padlnla.

BeaUoelab, baroe 'Idll meooemplOI bebrapI barl lamlal.,·Ia 1I0tal .oe1a ml.Uaetorl •• m.Uoe toean roema, laol acblrnll loed. sepak la kaloe., p1ntoe.

la mera.a slklt blU boeat ip. 'aol oraol .oed.

-berboelt pad.oll. -

,,"'m••tl·atl tau, oraOIl I.oll toer.ol penerlmll"

iJe.ltoe Itoe t.tt.la la berkata denleo aaeara se- DIlt: ,SIIoe tempo alroe naoU memblle.I"

Sadlek Itoe ••ktoe la berdlja .abl.a·bls.,Slllpe

k.moedlan la beroeotoeoK blla Idoep denlen plotes, Itoe harl boeat oeroes .atoe pertara perloe, laI mllll peril dl depan Thlanbolauw, dan tempo mlOll 1)erdlltln ooelanl, kabetoelao lekall la telab ber- temoe Plda Tee T.boea laogI.~I dlllan lella-

·dl lll . O dl teoll pallr

"Hol., Kle DUlong I" meoelor Tee Tjbol!o Uoe,

Itl~ra .Itoe .obat: "braolkan aoedl leblaateoll -bon akoe tlef. taoe ketemoe I BelUoe laml dl . anatab tau loeda·meDl erem? Dlae•• meD.I.

-1295 -

"atab aebraoK kaut1da taoe ~.tea. '.gl dl roe- matoe 1 0, 11, braoltln DU mill mer•••••ttt


pad. alabtoe. T.pl .oed'lab I bo .t apa kau dendem ,agl Itoe perkara tetllll"

"Aeb, ma.a II akoe dlndem oklt bIU," lIoet Kle011 ombll tertaw& dlblkln·blkla: "mllab;atoe lIIer.la mentesel lallll Idlek al.bmoe menlalllal doenla IIIMoe .etaraal atoe bloo daleoK boeat toeroet nl.t.ken doeka tllla. Bell mall., II'. lobat·

lIoe .ia b.nla' baek1"

"Trlml kall, atoll adl baek aeperll orl.llrl,"

~aoet Tee Tlhoen, laol Ilataa dloega adllt Itoe ."eraero d.rl alabllla dl dllem berboeat dl.blt me-

111011I001 kIlblrat.k~tIMoer.

"Hm, lraloe bello I, blllarlala beret 'dll" tatl Kle BenI dldl'em batl. tempo I. d.pet hol.bllll taag Tee Tlltoen'ltoe ad .oeta dloega bltlar.

p rhr. Maen dla plealr

K.moedl,a la laloe IlIlken Uoe alllle .oeloenK d.rt Tee ThleHalt mUlplr dl .oeatoe roem.

m.kln boeat mlnoem .edlklt lambll beromoall- omoall·

. Tee Tlboen trim. deagen glrlng I,oe oead'tlllan.

Saben'at 1'111 I.oranll berdoe. IOcda doedoet dab.r ber•• m.·••m••

"Olllonll, apa kiu boleb bU.n. dl mina tempat tlnKI.lmoe 1" mealnl' Tee Tlhoea toetlka la omonll blalat.b.ol.k darl pertar. II ellok.


- 1296-

"Boleh lehll," laoet 1I0e loendll ling lOed.

OelolllllE: ...ekaranl akoe tingall dl alU Eogko, dl seblanll .Iroeoa gambar did Iluw S.mlool.

Bocat Ipltlb To.toallnl menlnllken templt lInl- lalkoe 1 -apI branlull TOlkoallnl'Idl nlatm boelt dlllln.dlllln dl Ilraoakoe Ilnl boeroet Itoe1"

...Ac I dllnKlalab Djllonl merenda"ken did lalllpe bealtoe," tata Tee Tlboen denaea erala koeraDI eDl~ ball: "Orlng 1101 mempoenlll ka- plndean "bill DUloni,aedlldtnla dloell tentoe f10illl dl roeml jlng plntes·pantes. Uoe JIUW Samlonlllng baroesaalrau seboet,ra.lnll Itoe Id.

kenll: dll Itoe Ipa boetaa toeklnl meDgKlmbar ling terlrenJl dloega deoaen nlma Jauw L1an- Hool?"

- "Bener dllnla:"

- ,,0. dla Itoelall Ida .atoe toeuolllleollam- bar laol lIolet pallde, kendatlpoen oel'lola ma"

moeda Betlll. Soeda Ilma Ikoe nlattlad padlnl boeat mlnta 'I toeloellg toenl galllblrtoe aendlr"

KaPln akoe pergl I)Idlnla .toe nlnU mlmplr dloe.a dl roema Olllollg boeat beromonl·omonl."

- "Uoellb boelt atoe nantl dladllOeatoeblboe- 'In belar aetltl. Old Itoe Jauw Llan-Hoor, de- ogen ..Ioengloenll dloegl I1 unlet plnde lDeag- 11mb." lebl poell glmbar rella, boleb dlbllanl tldl 1171 kadoeanla lagl dl 1nl kota Tlo Tlloe;

Dlluloe dalem 1nl Iltoe doel taon I1 loedl dll- dl ledltlt beroentoeni, kaoentoenlan Itoe poen lOeda dateng dad Itoe IllIIblr rella. S.'lng Toa- 1I0alanl Uda Uat Itoe gamblr, tlobalah uloe Toatollaul loedl ..kslken bellmlnl la kerdlaken Itoe, nllUlla Toakollang nlntl lebl bargaken Ilal


Tee Tlhoen dlldl dlpet ra.a menaller boeatlIat Itoe .Imblr rella, matl la berdlandll pldl Kle Beni, Illr. dloeal I1 nanU sceroe JIUW L1ln- Honl toeUI utoe perlnllrat .Imbar bellltoe.

Kle 011 toendllnll mat~oedolaTee Tjboen boelt bUlln Itoe Ilmbar'lalllbar


ni tloemi bl.. e- nerbllken nlploe blrlbl.

Begltoelab toetlta loedl blromons-omonl 11.1 slbentaran, Kle DIl 1110 boetl ..koenll boat blllr harga lDaanln.

Kamoedlan la berpamllln Ilma Tee Tlboen denien melDblllnll lanll I1 bendlk olroes lltoe perlll,. perloe.. .

Koetlu Itoe, toenloenl·toenloenl Tee Tlboen dlpet Iniet Iltoe perlrlra,mlltaIllrl dloellalalalol berata pldl Kle 011: "Olllonl, Itoe barep tau dlangan berplll doeloe, blnll Itoetlab Ikoe peril Ilbentarln.a Honlbenlllluw boeat beromoni- omoni. Adaperurl perka,. pedoeIlnl noe bendlt bUllrlken Pldl tlU, din lien did besltoe, noe·

TaD Hie-Tjio 82


- 1298-

adl mera.. .adllb dloell mllll bltel meDRoeD- daDI padl Irau boell berdllmoe dl IIDa."

..Trlma lrall, Ko IIDg," Irlta Kle


Uoe lambll mellllDgaoel dalelll: "laeD bill ladll alroe DlDII Irlml kau poeola oeDdlnllD, sebab hil barl 11.

10eDRloeDII alloemllll periloeroesperkaraperlce,"

T.pl Tee Tjboeo mien


blolil ac:blNclJlr Kle


dlldl lerplllaa meDllkoel dloe,a,

S bentar 1,,1 IloraDI budoel loeda doedoell

menla~epln medii bldlDRID dl loten, HODgbeDI- Ilu••

Perdamlln IIDR dlblkl~ oleb IloraDR Idl blDIIll, tapl Implr lemoel kaloe boellln dad bll maeD lop, lentoeJlb dloeia perklra si .edep mllem.

..OllloDg," bellUoelab watloe loeda dateDI tem- ponll boell meolatakeD mlllloed bat! Tee TjboeD berlrata .ambll meDoeDdloek padl aatoe roema I.~g at! dl aebraD.: "apa klu kenal Ilapa IIDg tlDlllll dl Itoe roeml?"

· ..Ti

21," saoet Kle DII: ..I pi boeal Ipltab Koa- tanl ~eDa~lalleDUoe perkara?'" .



kall 1I0e dllgo pIeair .allbll me- IIlenglr: ..baDla lempo barl,.koelllra alloe doedoet I1I~oem dl 1101, Illoe lIat dl lolenl Uoe roem.

Id~.•lloe ,aolll Ilm" 1101 blroel dlblllOi tlantlk

ro,p,lDl~ Tlpl alloe IIdl taoe dla poenla sbe din Ipa llerdllDII, 1I0e aeblb mllra akoe meDlnl.- ken'Pldl


kerns akoe pllllr kau jlnK 141

- 1299 -

en~1 b,ollk orloi, tentoe ada keDII dloegl padaojl."

Mendenger Tee Tlboen poeDla bllllr., Uoe aoeDdal bellf laloe bernll dl dllem bill:

,..Hili, blgoel dloegl taloe la aoedalid Itoebee- oia lerlloeroeogj Ilpl 111101 Itoe sendlrl bloD berledll, blolla 101 lempo atoe Iloeml boleb

leD poul-poera ladll."

Slloed bepllllr bellltoe, m tl la laloe rkal.

padl Uoe II IdoeDg poell:


.IIIDg senll atoe tlda keDII, blDgi' atoe IIdl blal dllwlb Koalaul poeDl1 pulaD('lio denlen samlloera.j tapl bloe pedoe atoe boleb II.rl IllterloiaD, dlo klllloedlln llloe DlolI brltloe padl Ji:IU IIIPI adaoll ,adl., Uoe,"

..Trlma kalll Nab, mlooemllb 101, boelt pe-

~Ilrem lkar kemblDI bwe11

Sambll berkata beiltoe, Tee Tjboeo Illoe toe.' waDR Irall lalll.ID loeber dan 10eloelleD Uoe

~Idl Kle BeDI.

tlLlllllb, KOllanR mien RamplollD'1I dl. ," kata Kle DII: ;,Perklrl blon tentoe blla berballl, ml.1 bellmaDltab akoe braDI IrlmllDI pembrlaD Illmlt?'"

..Trlml .Idl., lobllkoej peDdellDjl kaloe itoe brul mlntatau poenll perloeloenglD, Illoe poeD pertlala 111I1 permlntlllalloe leDtoe IldlakeD dl1l11

ertloeml." '

"Sltelah berlrala'aampe dlsitae, koeDloenl'toe--


.- 1300_

o)oeOI Tee Tlboeo lI.t berkeleb.t b.'lolau orug dl Itoe loteng, kam.o. m.t.nJ. mem.DI 1.1.loe .da menalDt'er Ildll.

MII.nl. T e Tfbolln dl.dl melotot meDI••••I pad. Itoll ba"Dlla I.DI Illr. dloeg. meroeplke onDI faog boek'D l.eD .d.nl" banll adsItoe dllotoenl bltl.

IIKau lIat, 'toe




kat. I padl Kle


mbll toadlolkeD leherDII kaloe.r dlendela bOlllt eDllntler lebl telel p.d. si Ilmb.r Idoep.

KI. 011 meDeDlok, 1.loe berht. deDleD loelr.' k.lloem: "H.-Ill, betoel ttlnUkIpantel Ko.lane boleb dladl tertll'-aU., W., b.bl poewlIl.b kite mem.ndanr, kern. 1I~1I0k Itoe Id. bawl peml.


Seblglm.nl tratlDI. Kle B.nr, bener dloeaa I"

IDIIttoe ad. blw. pelllld.Dlln, daD kallloelU.D 11100 doedoek menloelam denlen.tldl menenlolr:


Tee Tlboen1.100 meDdehelll bebnPI kall,blnla.

I10001 laal t.dlnla toendoek Ildla d'adl terplkll.

berdonlllk d.o tlul lace 1I0e debellllO denieD' IIrl1raD mltL

Tee TlboeD 1101 tergodot deDlen Itoe IIdulII tadlelll, raUkeD bldlDnll meDdlldltekk10klel)ertl tldaberleellnl. ,

nBellmlDl, lohatkoll, teDflnt bu poen" penl- 1I.1ao padl 1I0e mOllltlka Idoep?" meun)I.1 p , . 11 goudal.


- 1301 -

Kle011 meDlaoet deolelt loeara hgoell: "Akoe

erl~' tlloo~

beto I denieD lo.llnl poenla penl- lafa, ling lanlet fldlem"

MIDo mao dlll1lnfa "al, diD Itoe doea k.parat 1.loe feroelkeD ·perdl. moIllDDla.

. M.tanla Tee Tlboen Implr Udataoe be,kller 'Clad b.d.D I1 ellok lanl 1II1tl:'endoek lIlenloelam.

lII(oll.nl dllDlln ,'empIDIl," tata Kle011tempo .'leda berdlllll lakoetlka la Inla: IIDendekDI. pa_

ling I m lagl lunD t IIm. blrl a oe t.ollEOen ,t.nl atoe n.ntl loeda d.pet tabu fentlDg Itoe II

gambar Idoop."

Tee TlhollD denaen alranl meDI.taken lIoekoer-



5abentar laal .d. k1U.t.n laoraDI pr.mpoe.D toe. dlteng meng1Jlmplrken p.d. al nona, Ilnl .amboet kad_fenr.nDI. denieD leDloem bllaltoll manl., hlnllKI boleh kedl••emoea



dladl temoeter, .

SlIard. beromonl-omoDI .abeDt.rID, kallat'D iloe prariJpoe.n toel, faol oeallola boleb dldoeal koerloa lebl IIm.poeloetaoa, laloe b'Dtoe beDaln .1 non poeDla kerd"



SlloedaItoe, Itoe doel pralflpoean laloe foeroea


baWl din ...• fld. moentloel kombsll.

Tee T'boea tlngg,1 ilfoek'laroek klpl.I, ledenl hplla Itoe fld. leklU mer.aa lifeI.

SlIoedl menoeDlloe amplr Iltengl dlam de-


- 1302-

a en perlloem.. I1 IlIac adllk Kle



darl Uoe roeml matan boeat pI.llr Hbentarla dl pI.lr,plllr.

Slplndlaog dlalan tlda brentlnll KleDU me.

oedfl kaUlntlunnl1 Itoe aldl. Ilna tloggal dt acbllog roeml mlkan. ,

Tempo maoe berplu, II pesenberoelaag.ollllDl pldl Kle


boelt tllrt taoe .lapI Idl011 Uo~

oonl, dan htoe boleb la barep .llekaloflll oantl bIn trllal kabu.

Kle Beag berdllndll IIOi la OIOtl perbatlten Itoe oascbal, .erlll oeodloa Tee Tlboen d teog dl perdllmoelo tbee laog be.ok II Iken blkln dl rormaall dl gang Hnllko. .

Tee Tlboen trlma 101 oendlngan,dinklmoedll~

IIOtl. berpla. • ma K/e Dll,

1nl goendll laloe berd/lm dl IItoe podlokboelt menfloatlr dirt mltanl. Tee Tlboeo, d n koetlka mel/lt flog Uoe al aUI prampoean aoedl pergl dlaoe, la Ilotal tlepet dlalan menoed/oe kl Ito~

roema loten" dlmanl Itoe boeroeni darl Idl ter- toeroeng.

Pldl Ilblon madloe lebl dlloe. baeklib tl"

tlarl taoe doeloe a/apa adlnll Itoe .1 manl. fln&

tlr:gall dl Itoc roem,.

9ad/. Itoe terlablr dl tota Hoel Tlloe. II ber- oma Im Sloe-LaD. Inlk darllm Tet·Hlan, nOflne lang terkeoal tlda berkelakoean blek dan banlat,

-1303 -

meoaalldoenl llIal boe.oelr. Iboeoli adlt.b n- or.nl Ibe Tlao, Illtoe Uoe prlmpoein toe flnl blroesln tellb dl1lat oleb Uoe doea badllngan dl It • loteng.

DI ml.lnll mill beroella moed., Iboe Uoe adl bUlIn perboeboenaln re.la ..ml Kle Oil. din dlrl lebab bealto., d/adl adltab dloelll .ekell, kaloe dl depin Tee Tlboen Kle DU telab mengltoe 1I tlda keoal .llpI /Inl lIoggal dl Itoe roemalotena.

Uoe Im Sloe·Lan doeloe adl mempoenlll ntoe Itll n ml Sloe, EOi. laog dllem goloollan boeoal rlfa dl Hoel Tlloe, blroe. dlbllang ada dladl

dlagonl.. .

AOlknl1 Ouw HOI·Teng denllen Kle


poenll perlntar.lin tellb toemplek bartlola boekanledltlt plda Sloe-EnI, dan tltlrala Itoc baron Ouw.oeda mendladl roedln. roeplnll IInllrln dl Hoel Tlloe tldl bin dldlpet Ilgllaogganln Ilog begltoebark, mlka Im Tek·Hlan I lac'I dlak lnak I.trlnll plodl b tota Tlog Kllla.

DI ml.a Itoe Sloe·Lan blon ternlma roemadla poetrl.

DI Tanl Kbll 111I Tek·Hlan teroeaten I1 poenl.

pentlarlan lama, dan dlrl pentfarlan 1nl boleb dl- bOaal I1 adl d pet bl,n lang blck dloegl.

Tlpl tldalatemlnfl TIk·Hlln beroentolog ba- loel dengen daaana.anfa. Blroe bebrlpl tlonla plllda dl kola Radl" uroepl pealak!t kotor lang



I' I






- 1:04-

berblbl'l tellb bl.a la poenll br Inza rail ka lobanll toeboer.

Denieo meoUlrI laen la amplr trablti Idoep dl tota RadJa, Ilntarao IPI mllra beulma'I n It lalrl.

Dla II merlllp IraIroellllnll temOlt, .ampe acblr-

• chlr la lampe 171 Irota TJo Tlloe.

Tapl baroe flnaial klrl·lrlra nloe boelln laml- ala dl lal IrOtl, Telr-HlanUoellloe meadapel nklt.

Ilall berlchlr memlndlkea dllwinla-ka Ilea doenla.

latrlnla Telr'Hlao, Tlln,le, ada :dldl lIIerlla doekl dloeaa atal wafatala Ilnllloelml, oleb Irerna loeaml 1I0e flda adl warllkeo ban'lat oewlni.

Hlboeran latoe-IatoelllaIlnll 1nldJllld. blla dapet.

mellnken Ilal para.nla Sloe- L n lanllamll Illnlllr.

lebl tlanllk dui atllnla lanl telab meninaaal, biDilia lantlru btgftoe, la dlaill ada banlalr harepia boeat Idoepken kombaU pentladlunl upertl pad. da.

oeloe hid.

AkeD fellp', ledeDi ad. meuglndoena barePlu beaUoe. Idallh loe~adloll.a boeat II madloelreo elaaanJlnDII, oleh tern. dl Irola Tlo Tlloe, tempat pna la tlnaral blon lama, la trakenll banllt oraor.

BeaUoe denien bealtoe beb,apI boel 0 telab bedlloe.

51 dllndl dladl lemloaklo Iboek, lantlran be.

glloe IlIma b;oodloe,1 la dapel Iltoe kenllan 11011 boleb loeloeDII mallloeln la poenl' barlnll.

Soelroerlah dloega p da loeatoe b rt Illagl la

- 1305-

alonenll dI depln plnloe lebaalmana·blalanla ubart·bad. II elapel lIat Kle DUll.lt'dl Tblan-

olauw. .

II lanlal PIDaU ltoe.•oblt lama clan·. Ul keD maloek III dalem•

. Kle


tentoe ••1111 Idl mer.11 glrlng linK I.

loeda bill bertemee lIombaU pad' lioe tatllnl.lill doeloe.

Dalem lIoe perlemoelD. lentoellb teroellma la- or.oK toetoerkeD_IPI ling tellb terdladl antar.

bOring dl dllem 1I0e tempo berpl••, d.n tamoe- dlan baroelah .1 nloDla dlandl Iledt.ken la poenla m.h led, laUoe b'almllla I. hendat berboe.t ele·

nien elldn(a Sloe-un.

"Uoe ptlkUI Ikoe klra aampanll sekaU." tlla Kle 011. leeleoi blllnl. Ida mer.la alrallg beloel lanta,an mellal Sloe-La», 1102 doeloe, tempo la ad. dl Hoel Tlloe mill ketlll,lelnlraoaSleda dladl gaelll tan2 eUolr; lebl ellot elad pada ,Sloe-fnll:

"Tapl aloerln IIn2 akoe 1lI01l Imbll, Ida Itoe atoerao el(oeal laoll doeloe .koe loeda atcer boeat aUlnla. kernI denaen Itoe tla,.; boeklo ladl. tlta blsa dapel banlat oewaDr. mallb klta tiel. cel.

dlaerellokln d(oella olcb leaala boeala elarat,IC·

b.glman. klu tlerUa k. u Itlah dapet tempo 1'21 lakoeken plkerdlalinmoe dl kola T.ni Khl•."

•.Dart perllara beaUoen\1 lib. lioe mcnoeroet .aell.... kall II ellanll.: "tcbab akoe dloeaa pcr·

ilala lana kau nantl blla bekerdla Ilbl baer."





- 13C6-

Bealtoellb laloedl beromoag omoaglaal.lkoe- IIka Ilmanla, Kle 011 laat.. plmlfanpad~.1alonl' rQem., lerlla blrdlalldfl, dllkaloe ada 11)1-IP Irl-

b " Ilarl dloeKa I1 Ilantl dateDg wartlken.

Sellag bebr.pa b rl dirt kadladlln 1nl perte- aCID, Kle 011 tellb bertemoe pada Te. Tlbo n, dan IPI lang labealtoll dlloc soeda tcrdladl dale pertemo In antara 1nl doea orang, Itoelah pem- batla tetllt mendapet taoe.

Selrlranl klta lilt Kle 011 datenll pada Ita dlanda boeat kadoea kill, IllIoe plda lI.ordanla la makan mlnoem laml Tee Tlboen.

Kldlteaglnnla dl.lmboet o!eb II nlonladengeu glrang bat'.

"lJeglmana lobatkoe," meaa!1la II lambll ber- lenlcelll: "apa pertoeloengan lang Ikoe mint.

.oedl dapet dllllnala ?" .

"Beglmlaltlb 'nlo bolebdocaa begltoe lek..?"

bealtoe KII! 011 hIes menanlL.

- "Soedl tentoe ada seblbnla. Apa Itoe oranr lanl baronln hu Idlak mlnoem dl loteng Hong- benglauw boeun Ida lawlk kaplla Itell? Mellat odla plda rorplDI., lIloe peen soeda blla lantl' dapet kanlatl'an IIDg cSll Itoe sitae lelalrl blngor."

"Bener dloega ada bealtoe," klta Kle



Ilnfla dlorga tlerltlken beglmlnl Idlnll Te.

Tlboen poenll kabendllr dan bealmanl la .socda membrl barepln Pldl Itoe lelakl nakal.

- 1307-

"Tab, Ipa alroe bUlng1 Mala orlng ling oedl bllla meUlt roegl orlng boleb lala mendoela 1"

kata 1I0e tocuag dl,lnaken anak leperll orlng Ilna merlla blnlKa lantaran doeKa'annla ada be- toel: "Tloella ladll mengapa lobllkoe IIda ma- oe t'ld orlna lanR m~ndlnllln 8rdlldt, dllngln lang roeplnla beglloe sepertl monlet·monletan 1"

,,11, 'm, roeplnla orlna Itoe betoel.epertl bang- lI:e Idoep Itl.a orlng 'ana batoelr dlra soeda klw.kln," katl Sloe·Lan ling adl dl bl.kang Iboenla IImbll beracnloem.

"Hili, tlerewet\" klta Kle 011 .Imbll gallaI bpal : ,,!oedl dltllrlllen lanl banlat oewlnl, beb.ngoelnJllab dlllelab beglnl· bealtoe; apa roe- Pi blgoea .Idll bolcb dlmalran? laloe tlld.

mioe, Ja loeda, tapl boeat tlart lalll lebl back, Itoelab akoe trablll."

"L1lt'ab loblttoe ,oeka bealtoe, orlng among maen-mien .Idll ianlal maoe mlra I" katasi dlln- da .Imbll menepot poendakutllnblionll: "Moe..

tlU betoet-betoel Idla maoe toellt Itoe redlekl lang alren datena? Setlring t1erltakenlah bill- mana ,abetoelala Itoe perkara mlat! dlatoer." .

Kle 011 Ilnlal brltaoe bellmlaa si dlanda ItOl mI.tI pentlng dlarlnlal,.

"Nib, 'beaUoe .Idll, klloe ada apl-lpI tabu belok .koe n.ntl dateni Jail."

Sablbllnla bertata begltoG, Kle



laloe dad rcemaala Itoe dlandL


- 13C8-

SeIIOR sateola d'lm la .oedl berada datem

foema IendlrJ. ,

Pada eloknla plgl, baroe ladla la babls tjoetll moeh dan kakoemoer,la lIat plotoeo!a terloellk dad loear, din "gra dloegl Tlte Tlboeo be.rd'llaD maloek ka per/englblo.

Kle OJIIlIalreo tetamoeola Itoe doedoek looem thee.

Tee Tlboen bltllra ledlllU dad Ileo.laen bl'.

bmoed'an 1110 meOlolakeo bbar tentaDI per.

mlotdoola 'IOi Iremaren. .

"Kabar Ida edllrlt," tata Kle 011:"tlpl boeat penoelreo Iroallnl' poen!a mallloed akoe Idra ada loeker sehl':'

Blelt Tee Tlboeo 1nl ledllllt perkatatan Idlse.

.peril pllo '101' menoeloet dl oeloe-bat!.. .Eb, be,lm,natah boleh dlldl bel'lto.e?" me.

nan'l II denieo loel;a htllroetan.

.)a, 1I0elab da leblbola," Iloet Uoe toran foema.

J309 XVI

01 Honllbeoglluw, Kle Beor pIIIOg dleba-


-Saeo Po p..anll dlembatlo dllllol

Enilro boeat oerboeboeogan kedl'.: Tee Tlhaert mlnta dtteranaken lebabnla, dill Kle 011 Itoe lant.. toetoerken obrollnnla lepertl berllroet: .Kemaren loh'n. koellkl alroe s')edl be;plla Ilma Ko.llnll, alroe lantSl dateol' pada bebrloa tefaolrllltlla boeat mlnta bteraolaD IDI Itoe; tapl dart Itoe tetlolga atoe t1da blla daoet Iaeo kateranglo dlrl pldl IbeDla Itol Iroelwargl laol finKill dl Itoe roema. Kltln'a roemaIto~

dltlnggllln oleb koela.a~11 Jo, laog ploda~rI

laol' Klmtle. Akoe laotal peril ka Itoe glDir dan dl Iltoe baroe'flb akoe dlpet katerlolaD ba.

bOea Itee roeml ada dltlouailll oleh koellwarl_

sopaD 'aol dateng darl laeo kota, dlo loelmls!a ttoe prampo.an toea latoe SloeUl1 adlo'l. .Tapt Itoe lOuml pada bebrapa boellD IIDI lalol tela1l"

meololial deeola, hlslgl aekaraol Int mello.~1I' tlogea' aoak·l.trln!a berdoea ad/a ada .dl Itocr rOemL Oloeaa kabaroll ltoe kol1awlrla W Idoep deoRen pantel, ma'klpDeIl ItoeSloetl~ ~..

....boem boekan laoraol bartawlD be... " . . Meodenler 1nlbter.lll.n, n.Ploenla Tee TibDt:"

dladl terbanl IIPII'O. _

,Kle011 I.nta, berkata poela: .KoalaDI, boebll


ooe tlefa maoe kaloeukeD teDala

l a


-1310 -

ioeolmoe, kernl KOlllnl pllrlr ladll leodlrl:

'1loe IPI Ilnl or.ol tlerlta betoel Idlol', beal.

mlnatlb Ilroe bl.. boeka modoet boelt omooa- keo Itoe Ilerhrl?~'

Tee Tlhoen dlldl molonlo. Llml dloep1I blroe berlr.la: .Klloe Itoe katerloaln linK dl- clapet bloo bealtoe pull, 111blllb0111001toeloenl lerepln Ilal, Irernl kaloe lleoe poenll mllt.oed lampe berbllU, montlnIlroe lIda Irtllglndllrln tlnl berlmblnl boed klu poenla boedl. Selrlrlnl bllollb kltl peral dlalln-dlllln IIbentlrlo boelt tllrl bl.1 jang leler."

Kle Benl lantal mengllroet. , Ilorlol peral Iroendloengl bebrlpa roeml moler, tlpl Tee Tjboen Irallltan t1adl begltoe bellb ber- dllm dl 1I0e laranl, mlllrl dloell lemoel boeoaa r.11 Idl mengopeni dan berlakoe mlnll pld.nll.

Olrl Iltor, Ilorani Iiloe peral' Ii:.roema'mllrln Hongbeollluw, tlpl ItOIl templt Ilnl kemlrea lloranl ImbU boeat doedoek blrdllmoe telabdl- templtkea oleb lien ora"....

Tee Tlhoen ,.llnll k.plng'n ballr bllr brlpl blollk dloe/ll klloe Iloe tetlmoe lIoeka bedaloe dad Itoe temoat dl biwI'dlendell, lang pernloll delret din lebr ni-menlebriiig betoel denaen itoe l~teDi, dlmlol idl :dji dl templt kadllmloDl1 I dllntoeDI bill. Tapl1Itldl braD\' berboeatII~pe begltoe.dlloe, I.Dtlran koeallr'dltlalabtldl ~e-

~ .



- 1311 -

Dleolt 10plO. Mlkl fa pm lidla Ilen"medllllng blek dloelll doedoeto\a, ItIW. denieo Ileo per- tata'ln boleb dlb!lanl, denaeo doeL1oek dl Iltoe orloi ma":blla lilt dloeal Ira loteol lebrloi, mllkl dloell PIDillltlD itoe Idl ledllllt terlUoa dan

dlkit dlaoe.

Toetlog roeml mikln Ilarl dloeal sldllkell arat din bebrlPI roepl ml~aaln.

Tee Tlhoen poesll Daploe dlbar kallalaD Idl kall 111I11 olp.oe menalntler ka loteog lebrlnlr, Ilntlrlo bealtoe, dlldl tldl dllraoa d\oelll Ilog loempltul. mealodolr nIl Iraloear plrlna.

MeUlt kelakoeaonla Itoe "blrana" PlleaD, Kle DIIboekaD merl.1 kallln, blnl. seoloem letlr

Ilntaa terloekll dl blblrnla lang tebel.

Tee Tjboen Insln lelull mendeoaer Kle Belli bltlirl dlrl bll 1IIlmbar Idoep, tlpl 1nl ioeDdl1


dip et febllt aken Irlb,ndllt orlDIl. leoaldl.

blllara did Ileo hit" Iloi .aml lekll1 ildl ber- boeboeoe ~.ml ItOIl perkl". Tee Tlholo dlldl meodonlllrol .Ioiet dl dllem bill.

Achir·lcbl'. Ilotarln lIodl mer••1 Irl.allball.

Tee TjhoeD Illoe meoaola bealnl: .

"Ojllool, d.rt II'Pltlb IrlU .oedl dlpet Itoe tt:DJ.0el It.terloalo ?" ,

- "Dirt Iloralll IllIi_bole& dlpertllll."·,

. -:-. ..Oaa ,

Ilapatab Dl\maoll orloa'lloe?"

.... Pi tadl airO"ll blQ!l leboet, hi? 0, orlDI

• ,..'1 t · . ' 4.•.:..1•••• t . '._


bUaaml .:' : .

"~.~""." .


hl9 Klo.e.".. , ". ' c , ,

, '",r ', ;" '. " '" .• "~Mf" .


- 13·2-

Tee Tlboen foendoeld bpIl,nla .lmbJl menle-. lib DIP".

"Tlpl fab 0 doeloe.:Ko.llnl." utaUoe loendl Iramoedlln umbll berllal berlDlet·lofef: "ThlC) Kloe 1I0e betoel boleb dlperllall, flplsltoe fempC) boleb dl.dl II Idlroedloeal.dldiem pelkafl mem- brJ trlterlnilo tnt-tte•• IpaIlil trAtanll Itoene- nl Ida dafeng darl li en trOtl din flogia ldlIlnl blonbrapa IlmL Oarl Itoe, baekllh Ikoedllnal..

denserlo sadll II poeoll tlerlfl dl satoe ',hit.

baola l.brlPI boteb ak"l nlnll fllrl bterlnim dloelll dlrl lun-Iatn oraos."

"Nib besltoellb baroe betoell" Irlta Ita. .1 ilia ba.a deDlen merln IOilb batl: "Akoe blrep ladj_

bu nlntl dlpet bferanSln lani doedo.elrofa laeD darl apa flng tau felab dlpet dlrl Tblo Kloe,"

- "AkoD poen hlrep blsltoe. ApI Koallnlalla poenll fempo bOllt doedoe~ meoOeDSiOe labeD.


dl Ilnl ?"

- ..tda. akol 1IIIIIInll adl melliluaioerj aoa bu bendak tllri bteraniln dui Itoe perbra7'


- ..Perilllll;alroe nln.tlmeuoeDiloebellfoelam.

umpe nu dateni IliL"

Kfe Dj( Iantl' berbaolklt dan fleget foeroea Irt tlnibtaa ba...

Tee Tlboeil'Onlpl menDeallee IIl11bllberdoa.

8erdllll.djallt 1.. dldlelllOlr dl Itoe latenl. lapl IedIlrltpoca la


dladl lIIera.1 djenikel.

- 1313-

Koel u nll n ploeblrabl olltl ada bellrleleatl.

Tl tkala melllt Kle 011 dateng komb11, Tee Tlboen laotal b rbangklt dID meuloll deogeD moek terloi ubar Ilag dlscrepln oleb ltoe II p uoeloeog rlndo .

Aneb betoel loeb'10kllll" Irlfa Itoe Iraparat

" , .

IImbll olang k,pal : "Klloe IIRI dlloe, dlloenla ribotla pilI. fapl klloe Il gI deket, deketnll dl depanIII ta. Koa1aoifaoeIll.pa adaallltoepram·

poelo toea? OIl Itoellb adl Ikol poenll I oak laol meil deket lekall."

Hltlnla Tee Tjboen dladl mentlelo••

..Kaloc belltoo, Ikoe blrep Olllonl tlda dladl Iretjll bat! bee t alroe poenlakelakoeanlanl koe- rang Dante••" kata I. sambll merloal••

Acb 'Itoel b tlda mellgapl ," aaoet Kle 011:

.. ,

..eebab dlanll a lentlr. tau ••edeng akoe lendlrl poeo tadlnla tlda tao blhoel dl Itoe d alroe poenla Blnak Ilnl loedl blllnl belal tlon akoe lIdl tloe ketemo; 101 katerlnian dloegaakoe. dl Pet dari slorana Ibe Tblo, tlpl dla 1nl klllat~.

ad Irenll lebl b et pada lIoe Ikoe poenla '01D- plluw. Tapl lIoe Thlo Iloe dloega tlda blUar.

dloelta. kaloe la bllani lIoe roeml dllebraniad, dlUniil lln oleh koela"ari l lani lopao-uat,o~.

leblb Itoe akoD poenla 'nko· plauw llni bernani~,' )0 Soe·Hoat. memang l1alo ada pegangk~r~i:

atoerln reema taniga." 83'

Tan Hie-Tjin


- 1314_

..Kaloe' bealtof, haroel dlbllani atoe poenll perocntoeDiln Idl dlelet lebll," bta Tee TlboeD denien loearl lepertl orlng mioe menlnill: ..Se- urlni IPI·boleh·boelt I blldlh atoe Dlnfl '11d udll lain anlt orlng ltawl tlni.11 menauiloen Unillra dl dllem hltl" ••••

Tee TJboen poetoelten bltlaranja lendld, olob keru berkltl .alllpl dl sitae aer mltan'l mloe mE- Dioetjoer.KalDoedlln la toendoetten bpllanlallm- bll berkellp.tellp dan bltll mien roembe anitln.

KoenloeDg.koenloeniII denger boen/l dlendell dlboebten, din latell1l11 berdonil'r, lantal dloeil la dipet lilt .1 nlonll dlanda dl lebrlng DIet df loteni denien bawl .ltoC bldloe prlmpoean did lOetra merl Ilni la Illoe bcbcrten dl aala.

SabeDtlr Ilgl si cllok dloe.. naet dl loteni meoahlmplrken padl Iboenj••

DI 11'.t Uoe, Tee Tlhoen r...ten .0elDlnletn'l ferblni uplro kl loleni lebrlng llenabllDplrken Pldl I1 nonl, ling PlrllDla dlldl .emlnitln boto' oleh kerna dldloedjoe llnar dldoe dlrl b.dloe IIDt lall dlanilnL

Sedena bealtoe. tempo mloe toeroen Ira bl.

I1 oonl k.11 11.1 pad. Tee Tjhoen .Itoe IIdlran flDi membetot .1 terilll·alll 1nl Impoenla hlU.

Sebrani betoel·beloel Tee Tjboen telah dladl ellndoer, blnlil k.loe Kle


IdJlt la bltflra bbarat lermabU la nja,u btlmOIl.

- 1315 -

Lima dlocgl ,0elDlnaetDja blroe poellni tom- ball, tlpl d,oela 'Ioeml .Iparo ndl..

fCoetlta Itoe, 1I laloe menanll pldl I1 ioendal:

••Sobattoe. loeda brlP. bmltlb klu nil berlemoe pldl nnltmoe Itoe?"

- ..Kaloe tldl nil .oedl Impat bela' taon,llUOI lamendlek )abmoe berlaloe dlrl kotl Hoel TU ,

tiroa pada tlonln 1I0e d)ocal atoe Pili plnda .Souw Tlloe."

- ..Dan bealmlnatlb DU poen)1 peraloelande- Gien Uoe Slnlt: IPI rlpet?"

. - uRlpetnl1 .Ib tldl OUI dlbllanl lall. Tlo- bllab bloe 1nl temp:» Ilabmoe mill Idoep. teDtoe la blla lIerllaten bea1mluI adan)1 Itoe poenla perhoeboenaan denien Itoe rlmllle. Tempo l'lh- moe bltln "rlllhln bell' boeat toetoep oemoer UmlPoeloe taon, atoe Idl IDler padln'l Iltoe Peklloetbouw. dan Itoe glmbar dld'lrltoel hoe-

~oer Sloe telab dltocll, olebIliac poen'l


Plluw- eni Uoe. DUkaloe Itoe almblr mlsl ad•• nlatllla


blla lilt bCilmlnl blgoe. adlnll Itoe poenll' oedara ml.ln Itoe poen)1 toell.ln. D)oe.1 dl ml.a KOlllnl mloe monlklh, Itoe Idl locroe la brang bebraPI sllr laDi boenllDl1 Imat blgoes.

tfoema .llanl Itoe Illr Itoe tldl ..mpe If\ler Olda' Koalani. "bib Itoe koetltl boealoe~018 .atoe perbrl perloe itoe terpltla mlltt perglIra

en templt." ~


- 1316 -

- "ltoellb soellggoe lalang lekall. TfoolllaI

dla akoe Ida mer••a koeraaK meniarfl, dJllrllo~' QU bUI.nK IrIU poenla Ilergaoella lama Uoe toe-

"wargl ada bealloe opet, meallpa nmpll lal' wattoe tlU beloa peril menloendloenll pldlnll 7'"

- 110, Uoelab KOlllni tllla oe.1 merall,beran, lebab IDI barl poen Ilroe baroe dlpet t oeb boel dla Itoe adl atoll poenll famllle. Din laen did beglto" KOllang dloega tentoe menllrUlang Itoe tldl boleh mellKoendlocllgl pallial dengen tanlla tlda terlll"••••

- ,,01,1111 tegeln!a taloe lrau pergl tau la81all b membawa barlDg-baranl nteran. 0, Itoelab gam- paol lelrall. KlloG klU iliaD., alroe poen bolcir menoeloeog."

- "Baeklah, taloe KOllang merlli tladl kabe- tan. Tapl baranl apatab 1101 akoe mllU bl!?

At oe llr. PIUng blekbarlallralocaran Tanl Kblll, terna dengen meDgIDter buanll belltoe, alrolt' boleh bUlnl ling alroll berllml Koallllgbaroe dateng darl Itoe kota"••••

- "MeDiIPI berllml alroll? Apa t ubendak Idlat atoe toeroetperi l Ilma-aallll 7"

- "Ja, atoe plklr blek begltoe. Koalalll toclr tentoe Udamer.la dladl terbID',taloeakoe bUlne baho.ea tau Ida djadllobatt oe1"

- "Tontoe fldl leull."

- ..Atlwl boleb djoela•••• flPlloodalab, boelt

- 1317 -

~PI alroe berboeat latoe perklra Ilnl bolebblkla trlUdlalll Uda eal t batL"

. - "LlIUah, lobatkoeloelra bellltoe. Atoedaa.

tau tocb boekln leperllorloglaeo, lIIalla boeat apa dl dalem perkara bltl.,1 taumill! bellatoe

~ooolloer mlllloe."

- "Beglal: alroe alii poeala Iltoe klponat an

o~~ar, laD11 ..dlek dlrl Iretlll meDgllroet alabnla pergl ta Se TlbolD, lampe lebrlag blen Idlka- bar-kabarala. untlrln beglloe, alroe dlllll eIapet Inletln boelt akoela Irau Ida eIladl kalloallrankoe fto , lang baroe ballk darl Se Tlboln deDgen da- pet oeotoens beaar,spalazlalroe poenla Iraponalr n Itoe dloegl .Iorani Ibe Tee. tloemlnamlnla 'Idla Rot·KOla Akoe mllranla bendlk berboeat be- tlnl, lebab alloe laglnloepalatlU dladl bl. a b'r- lalroe lebl Illoea'l din dapet lobI banlak perla- daban dl roemanla pllu.lokoeItoe,"

Tee Tlboen mesem blnilla moeloetnla amplr trablll rapet.

..J i, .

Itoelab aatoe pllrhan baaoe. lelrall l" kata Itoe boel la prampoeansl mbllmCDepolrtaagan:"Ha- bll Irapaatah tau maoe peral7 Apa Udlbaek1nl blrt djl7"

••Acb, 1nl hlrt ko ri ni pante.," kata Kle Djl lioe: ll~ebab sekaranl boelran ladla loeda lort, blnla tltl berdoea poeall mocta dloega 10edl mer. sepedl bUI. Toch Uda platel mlltt toen·




- 1318 -

dloeDII ro ml oraDI baet-but d D-

... 1OeP.

bealDI mlqem." ~

Tee Tlbo D terpltll mlltl meo'l~e. bill '.

pltfr.aDII Itoe loeodll Idl leblbefoe••

Tldalaml POell, Ilor.oa Iaat•• bedlloe dart Uoe roeml mlt 0 be'lI. sedeoa bUIlDlI mlbalD tomblli Kle


1101 meDdoeloelo blllr.

_Pad. eloknll PilI, tomb.1i Tee TlboeD dateaw eDIoeDdloeDII padl Kle OJ', boelt Idllt iDl sob.t peril bli Itoe blflDI-blrlDI IDteriu.

Roeml 1101 dltiDUlllo oleb Kle OJI ItOI,


ferdld did tlil petit 'IDI mempoeD'l1 tinlbtaD


Petit perlama dllewa oleb IlUw L1tDg·Honl, Uoe toetaDI lam bar, teroel Ilmpe


tlniklfaD It•• ; petit bdoel dl·111 oleb KleBeDl, tapl d'oel.

floema .Iblglln Ild'a.oleb kernl baillnnl. Ilnr Iaen, demltlln poenI~teninla. dltlnglali oleb 11_

orlnl prampoean d'ardl Ibe SoeD beruml fa poen'a aDat felltl laDI b roe ber4ngtlt berar.

Petak IlDg bUga mall tlnil I tOlOng olebtern' bloD ada laDg lal.

Tel Tjboen IIlt-Ult1nl pefat btlll umbll ber- plklr. Kalloed'anII mlmplr Pldl JIUW LtID-HoDW boelt mlDt. lal tOltang teekeD foeloeD, toeUlln la poeD'1 gambar berllml gamb.r bout bebllPI tlpla.

Sakaloeam'a dlrl 1nl w.,oeng ilmbar. la 1a104 dlllaD Dml'ami Kle


boeat peral


PIIU.- " _

- 1319-

IfTlpl tabiD doeloe,KOIllnl." b'iltoellb to tIb aroe b10elr Ilal koeDloeDI·koeDlo DI Kle


ellDdak diD berkatl PIl!I Tel T'boea: ..kerna l a lltoe Ipa· IPI IIDI uoe benl!U blqlrluD padl bu."

. "Bltfarillb, uoe adl 1e1!11 akea meal!en rI,"

bfa Tee Tlbo D Itoe denlen mellu Ileran.

"Akoe bllanl teroe. terlul PIl!lmoe, blbo noe poen'a plluwao ltoe boekla Il!l DOlIDa Janl berlrellkoean d'elet, maka bloe tlU datena pldlDll, akoe barep DU nlaU berlltoe belltoe 10PID 'lbolcha'l .oepall I.oe tldl dapet tJelabln,"

- ..Oll1onl, IrIU IDI baroel dlblllnl Ida laeb

~kall; moell.il boelt perkarl beiltoe Ikoe 1nl ..I.U I!lpeaen 1 Kemlren doeloe Ilroe poeD tel.b blllnl terlna-tuaag, b hoea katoe nonl Itoe Idl uu poeall .aolt. Ikoe olntl boewlllgieD .Ima actan Ikoe poenll nlatan. Laen dad belltoe, tau poeD'tenll Ilapa Id1nl. Tee Tlboen: moeltall Tee T'hoeo Ilnl terlrenll lebaglIlIkl·llkI toeleo, mlo berboelt IItoe perkarl Ilnl melanlaar IIm.

pII ral. blU lenl!ld 1"

- "ltoellh akoe pertlall. Poen Doe bd DIll- bat bealtor, tl~eml lakedlr aken oendloet klwa-' dllbanoll 'Itoe lobat, diD Itoellb Itoe kiraad.

Ilplaleln'a ndla. AkeD tetlpl, bllrpoen Ikoe tetlb bllaDg bClltoe. KOllang'"dlanalD berlakoe


- 1320-

terlltoe IIkat, blnli b rlltoelab UPlntelnll'.allll, .eblalmanl tetamoe 10pI.,."

Tee Tjboen mcmaniioet, laloe teraelken·per~

djllaa nnla lama'laml Kle Oil, - . Sabentlr la I I orlnK loedl bll bebrlPI roep~

blrlng kaloer nTl nK Kbll ling baraanlldlbal~~

olCh Tee TjboCD, tlmDedlan denaen membawI Itoe, Ilorlng laloe menoedloe kl itoe roeml dl .ebrang Tbllnholluw.

Pintoenla Hoeroeml lang hendltdlkoendloenal adl terkoentlld ri lIebll dllem, mlkl KleDjllaloe menlledor-aedordengen perllbln. ..

Slgr. dloeal IrIdengerln boenll tlndatan orang jll7gmendl lengll7,kamoedJan loeara orlaEl menlnll dirt acbladllem:

"SlapI ada di loelr?"

"Atoe, IItoe.Inlk lanl daten. dad templt dlloe,"

Iloet Kle Djl.

SI,djl nda lantAlpentlng platoenlL

..SoenRgoe lodl blnllt tlon kUlorAnlt!dltaoe bertemoe1" kat Kle Djl padl Hoe nlonll roelll:

..Apl 'nlo mill kenalln Ilapa Idlnll Itoe 1nl ?"

Itoe pr mpoeln toekang daaauaken aluma 11I1_

Doelllll, kadapl mltlnla I.bentarln, tamoedlln Iltoe berkata denaen loelrl glrlng: "Kaloe Itoe tld.

All Inget, klu inllab ada Kle DJI plluwtlek."

"Piau 10 poenla pellngctaa loenaloe blloel

• ekllll" klta Kle OJI dengen glrinl,

- 1321 -

..- "Maloekllh 'ntlet, 10eDIgo Itoe merlBlloe- toer aetall, lang Itoe loeda bill trllll koeDdloe.


Kle 011 Ilntal ItlakeD Tee Tlboea toeroet ml- oek berlllml-Iama,

,,'Ntle", IDaln maDltlb loedl troeptau datenl t.mlrl?" tata peela Uoe prampoeaa toea lambU erdlllan ma.oet ta perteDgabaa: "Baal t orang 1>lIlnl, 'atlet telab dlldl kala beBlrj plntel'ntjek

"oenl moeta Id lebl ballllkgemoet did pada cSl mala 'nllet beroelll doe.poetoe taon lebl. Din .llpatlb 1nl toeln tetaaee Ilrig latoll lagl?"

"Atoll nanU dllwib Iloe ..benta,," tata Kle Ojl Imbll tiro baring· blfln Interlnnll 121 ltal me- cSla: Sekarang trlmatlb lebl doeloeKie




51mbll bertata begUoe, tlparlt Iloe Ilntllbe~­

oetoet dl bldep aela Iloe I1 toel baoatl.

SI banatot djoeal Ilntll bllel berloetod, amoedllo laloe oendlock doea kor.1 boeatt~ta­

100enla doedoek•

..Ola 1nl Ilbetoelnla '010 mllti keoll dloeaa,"

tata Kle DjI tf mpo loeda bcrdoedoek Ilmbll me- Daoendlock padl Tee Tjboen: "kernl .ama kltl cSla dloeaa adl kenlnll."

SI prampocln toca poera·poera berplklr ..- cntarlD, umoedlao 1a101 bHlng Ilni la tldl blla dlpct loget Ilapa adlnla tetamoe ltor•


- 1322-

,.KaIoe ·DlO 1lI0etloe. dll lallab,lda SaD·KI


poeall uu lelatl," katl Kle DU,poela.

,,0. dla lal TeeHair·KOln ?"


II dllnd. de- Dlea melall kllet: "Platclllb dloell Itoe tld_

lIeDIUD, eblb doeloe, tempoIlroeIlelemoe II ml' dlllaD'd'a1aD dlato, blbll achr,ol Ilonll10 da ledeb II'alDt. Tloblllb pltlr. bellmlal Itoe IDt '0'11 dlldl toel. klloe orlDI laDI tadlall mul merallP. leurlnl lOeda dlldl beglnl be.u."

Tee Tlboen IUI moenall dladl merl edl1dt.

IaDtal berloetoet dl bldeplDnla ItO! gelldlt praID- pODa.

DJlblalm lal bales membrl bormlt sltllrl orug ling perDa lebl toel. KI.oedlID 11IUaken TeCt TjboeD berdoedoek dl sebllal.. Kle DII.

"Atoe tldl bin Inter Ipl-apa la~1 berbarlla pada 1010, blnll tjoelDa Iltedl r Uoe IIdl', IPI IIDI ltoe Idl baWl dad Tanl Kbll," tltl Kle DJI kamocdllD.

"Hall, boeat al'l mealanter bealtoe bullk, bltlm 10esl odla, ledeDI dl Ilnl tl~a adafanll makaD,"

kat. II toea Uoe:"Tal'l terllDdloer 10edl dlbawl, IPlta blarllb Itoe mengoetllp IIdll blnllt klma lIall."

Slllablsnll Irltl bellUoe, la Ianla. paDlill ..toe boedllog lletll1 bocat'bl . 1 mlsoek Uoe buaDI- blrang interlD. .

Slbentar IIII Uoe boel1llDg tetlll tellb taloear

- 1323-

IIgI denlen


doe tllDlklr ler thee bo t Kle


din Tee Tlboea.

"PerlUlb Ilau seeroe Doal'ledlilrea ma boelt IDI toeaa·toean tetamoe." katl II nlonla padl boed'lnanl" tempo dll IDI loedl ..mbeetl, tlultlr 1l0lODII dirt tlDIID tetamoe.

Kle 011 diD Tee Tlboen mela.. 11101 berbul""' tit. tipl 1I010011 Pltll Ilorlnll berdoedoet acrll buntl: "Ltatllb·atlet loekl bellltoeIapalibdl IInI roemiall lien orlnll? Dloe.1 ml.atlb oranl' 11011 seeea bela.ln tlon tldl tlOI ketemoe dateDl' IIbentlraa IIdll loeda :Iatas mloe bertlloe Ilal7 Inllab boekan atoeraalOan laendart bllltoe, allolJ IIIlra.. perloe dloell boelt oeadaog padl Tee KOI- Ilnlllang terttoeag mill adl terkenl Slnlt pldlto ."

Tee Tjboea merlll lenan. betoel IIDtaraD dl- , Illoe lanat oleb II dlandl.

Klmoedlan Tlanpo liloe poera-poerl meninll padl Kle DI', bealtoe'banlat taon Illmanl ltoe 'atlet loed merldloe din IPI la adl blnllk een- toenl dl dllem Uoe tempo-tempo Ilog telablaloe.

"Wlb. Itoe pertlrl dllDlan dltlerUatenI" Irlti ltoe klparat sambfl mengellb napII: "Beloel u- plOdlanl Uoe tempo roepa-roepl dlllnlan Itoe tetlh tloba terdlatea, tlpl oenloengnll Ingln be- Ian. Mellnten dll haroes dlblllng oentoenl91_

blloe" kerna blroe bebrlPI taon II Itoet allboll

'" dlllng,dl Se-TlboIO,-eWlilg la loeda bl.. balfk.·


- 1324-

lail denien membawa oewanid1ieroballln. Beil.

ani Ipa laiD .dl baDllt baet 1 Dan I.dad lea.

.pl Dtab toto loeda menlngllll doenla-1"

"Soedl amplr latenga taen," Ilollt II~eDeI. • ,bU mewet·mewek: "Ullar atoe poeDla peroen- -toengaD laDII Ilal, loeaml bealtoe baek tlill bl••

toengloeln. SedeDi bealtoe, akoetldl adl poeDla ,li eDaDak dart padl Sloe-Lln, mllra boeat peDiI.

.doepantoe dl kamoedllD blrt atoe mellDten me.

nglDdel atal peroeDtoeniladlalIorlai'.Menoeroet ,at oe poenllpltlraaatoe Inala poeDlloetl m.uto~

boeat dla, tloell1 .adjl bllghnlaatlb alroe bIll tllrt Iltoe djedllta laui baek, dlluloe atoe tlda dlPet blDtoeaa orlag 1" -

- "Sell:uaoa brOltlb oell1ollrnjl kapDDaklu 'Sloe-Lau 1"

- "Soeja delapaubelll tIOn."

- "t!b, mtnglpat,b loedl beiltoe oemoer la -blon dlklllnlklb1"

- "DalarbaPIDII terl toe banlat tlerewet, ml- ka ka at , 'allia ber.eml din kabawa 'niga beratlr. Menoeroetla poeDla maoe, la IlIala dl.

pet maatoe bOlkla Ildja I DII roePllIl1 tlakep, 'bl nll dloegl mlltl Ilna tablmloerat leria harta-

w a. 'Nllek pUllr IIdll lendlrl, pa orlDi linK bcrkafid.al1 bealtoe bIn g mpanll dapet dltlarl l' 41arl Itoelab mau Ilmpe lekarlag Sloe-Lau bloD .4apet palangaa. Doeloe boeat la poenla atllboleb

- 1325-

dlbllang loekoer lekall 'ntlek IIDitoeloeng tlarllar floblllh kaloe bockln 'ntlek poellla pertoeloengln' bloD tentoe kIt, blla dlpet mlntoe ling bClllto : tabetoelln. TJoellJ lallnll lekall dlodonla tlda pladllnr, keral baroe menllrall bebrapa boelln' 81dllI1 Slot-EolI loeda melloetoep mata. Kalo terkenaai .am Uoe pertlra loengaoe atoe mlltt mera.1 ledl."

Tempo I' acneberkata lampe dlllto,Hoeboe- dll n& tetlll IlloedatcuII mewartateD IlIlgmakanu.

loeda ledls.

SI toel I.nt.. IUakeD tet moenladoedoek ber- laDtap. Of wattoe daba" Ja Illoe'berkalapa4a.

Tee Tjhoen: "Hok·Ko n, dl Ilnl tau dllDIan ber- lakoe lIklt·lJ)rat, tern alroe dantauterltoengmall ada keDaDI'. Docloe, dl malaIbaemoc mllll ldoep,.- la daDakoe Ida leball loedara poctoelanperoet, tapl !toe perkara tentoe Ira u tld, toe, leblb Itoe tempo tau mall poenloet leg la ipa boeat elIdle- dial Ira dalem moeloet. Scurlng atoe merlaa, loelroe, lek.lI Ilni atoe loedl blla bertemoe.

komblll padamoe, maka I dlekIDI wotoe atoc barep Ilau aerlnll-aerlDI DIDtI dateag pldalroe."

Tee Tlhoen mlra.a loeto , dl dalem batl.

Kamoedlan I1 nene toewallg aillrutfawan loeber dan ladllken Itoedl hldeplnnla Itoe Holr.Koan tetlron.

01 Itoe perdlamocan Tee Tlboen tld. branl b••·


'- 1326-

alalr moeloet, blnla bloe la bltlara amplr boleb dlpaltllren lu, la tloemadla.ab pertlnl.in oranl.

Tapl blllmlin lanl dlolllonlkendllltoe, tlda lebl darl tlerlta kOlooi lani tefpoeter peril-dateo.

tloema menieDalren dlrlola Sloe-Lan.

Begltoelah Illra dlcega loedl dateol Illll 1I0e Illlran boeat orlllg bllllrlken lenllnll balnla Ita II ellolr. Mab Tlanpo 1.10e berbta:


'4tlek branatall merlsa belln meoi,pl Itoe boedllrtllfa kaloelr bout mrmbrl bormlt plda 'utlek; tapl 'utlek tentoe tldl taoe bealmlna tlda taoedirlada- ala Utpoenla kalebltan. II poenla badln klllwat lemlb. Kemaren aore akoetloeml loeroe 1IInllnl badloe dl lolen" blbll malalabIln~ranItoeIldla II dlldl kena Inlln dan 1nl antero barl II milD reba dl pemb.rlngln? Soenllloe lIda nil klloe .koe Dlmll dlllnak mllklnlanlltldl bolehdlldllt Jdoep mellrlt. Tloba I bentlr akoe lIat, taloe la loeda ..Iorlr kllnaet akoe alntlloeroe la toeroen boelt ketemoeken Pldl 'utlek din padl Holr·Koln jlng terUoeng adl dladl II poenl. plntar.n


,,&cb, Itoelab Udl oe..." kala Kle oil IlmbU lollngken taollln : nsebab Itoe perkara bolcb enlltUilloe II nonl poenla kaleDaOlan badan.


dloella klta dlteog dl Ilnl bocklD tloema 1)0 It nkl1l'poclroelladla,banla begltoeIcIa tempo

- 1327-

tang ICDIllU., sllrl dloega lrltaoranl nlnU da·

tCDg lrol2baU."

1nl leI1lklt perkaflh dirt Kle Oil, lIemblklD 1I1rePlnDla Tee TI~oeD dl Itoe bUI dladl IInlap ,u llnleronll. Mlka l.ibllDla b.raantap tldl lama IIgl JI I,nlll Idllkl Kle


belllloe dlrl roema·

ala .Itoe dlloda.

Sabentar Ilal laorloK loedl berada dl dlalln 'Il ia.

Tee TlbocD laloe meulula pada Kle011: ..So- bltkor, baroclan akoe denger t u poeala plauwso bUan" doeloe tau telah tllllkcD mantoe boelt la 1)oenla anik pr.mpoean Ilnl bellr, Ipa bener'lda bellloe ?" ,

- ..Bener, mengapa?"

- ,.Tlda, akoe menlnla Ildl.. Orlnl Ibe IPllab anloenll lanK belar? Oan Ipa dla Itoesloranl bartawin ?"

- "Oranl Ibe Ma. Maoe dlbta tellaloe barta·

wan, Itoelab tlda, hanla tloema boleb dlleboet lIorlng ling mampoe dloega. II poenli kllrllaban bloe dlbandlnaken dengenKoalang poenla,branK- tall tloella tatlek ledlkft ladla. Tlttala Ikoe dll' lanlrln bponlbnkoe ling bUll padlltoc or.nlllbe Ma, akoe lIdl bllllrl blnlak·banlalr, kernl plauw-' lolroe Itoe adl pert!llllanaet akoe poenlamoeloel;

mllrl kaloe akoe bill dl.lloken poelrlola linK

"doca, djoela akoe pertlala lanl akoe poenla


- 13~8-

plauwlo 1t0ll tento

e tld. mloe blnl



Tee Tlboen loed. lantal ••dla mlloe mlntl 1I01t tlplr.t poenla tocloengan. t p! la me



blnRBa perkatallll lans I loed. le Ill. dl teDllgoA ratan. terp.kta la tel.n ko blU.

Kamoedlan I. berpl81 did lIoe goendallaoll ee- loens dengen merala oerlns:·o ,Ingan dl dalem


Sid)ek lIoe .ttoe, b rI·barl TeeTlhoen d.teng pada Kle Oil denaeD barepan boeat dlallllk persl la I k. roemanl. II nlonla dlandA, fetlpl 1nl k.- p rat a.llloe· btldn hlllngan Inl·ltoe boe.t tld.

penoeten orloll


poenla kabendlk hatl.

Dengen begltoe, Tee Tlhoen dlalll mhtl mela- loel l.gI bebripa had ling nellnel boeat dlrlnla.

P4da loeatoe barl. koeUII. la loeda nlltake

terces-ten nI

k lOll Kle DJI tldl maoe peril lama


lama 11 nlnU perKI lendlrl pada ltoe dlandl. b.-

roellh II aoendat anter pldanl. perilka


Uoe pr.mpoeln leladak ling maoe dallngken nt:



01 una laor.ng dliamboet dengen IllInl olclr


dland lang I.nlal Iliaken iinak lendld

klloear membrl barmat pada laorang.

Tee T)bocn dl.dl kllmpolngan padaw.ktoe mllU


borm.tnla Uoe II noni ellok.

DJ waktoe doedoekberllntap.dl


Tee Tjhoe adl dladl lint lekall. ollbkernl meDoeroet Il..

- 1329-

tanla Kle DJI, la m

lltl be

dllloe l

op. n Ilntoen dl

bldepann)1 I1 m.nlll.nl toeroet dabar lama·lam••

Sedeng beal/oe. II nona tlda lek.U bed.koe Ilkat d.n lab.n·labln II melldk Plda TeeTJboen denlen lorot m.t begltoe baton, blnSlamembl- kin b.Unl. 1nl low.k kIlp la Uem d)adl dakdak.n.


aallt ltoe, Tee Tlboen .dal.h lebagl be- latoens lanll m.soek ka dllem tOII.ng. laltoe se- dens dl d.lem la meral. enak betoet, t.pll1lloe.r la Ud. blla melet.k· meletlk denien 1.loe....

Sabentar I III perdl.moean telah dUoetoep. din koetlll. 101d. beromonl·omons l.gI lakoetllla


mania darl bal roema·tanlga dan 8ebagln).n, Tee Tjboen dan Kle DJI I.toe berpamUan pada II nlo- n). roem•.

Sadlek 1I0e waktoe. I.b.n doel·tlg b.d lellall boleh dltentoeken Tee Tjboen din Kle Dfl peril menloenllloengl p.da II nlonll d)anda lanll



lamboet kad.tens.nn). dengen manll boedl.

T.pl Tee TJboen ada mera..



ns. pa

tloeml tempo I. b.roe datens ladl_ II nlonl. i


mint_ Kle DJI toeloens t)arlken mantoD boelt .

n.knl.. ICdenl

pada .

aktoe IIDg bl.kIDs.n


. lkl dJoel.

la lerlng



dl roemanj. Uoe

'm.. II

tlda peraa denier lagl II Deal leboet'le- boet Uoe perkara.

..AI.apatab 10edl dlpet1"belltoeiab Pldl 10ea-

toe barl 1* meaanj. padl dirt lendlrl denseD

Tan Hie-Tjin B~


-1330 - . .

erala koeatlr: "lteelabt~dl bo!cb dlldl; aebab blo II mlnll Ita loedl ada lana Ilmlr, ledl.

kllnla Ikoe mllll dapet noe Itoe perura dad o.loetol.'Kle OJI. OJldl boelt oCloet Uoe per.

hrll PIl/02 blek lelrarall2 Ikoe dltenl Pldlltoe tlo.

'mlang bealr."

SlbabllDII berplklrbelltoo, II I atal peril me.

Dloendloenal Plda Kle011 dl IIDI EDllro.

Slbcntlr Ilgl II loeda doedoelr plllnl omoDI IlIla Uoe tengkoelllr maooelll.

1nl dllblnlm albln ull dlldl tertawa IItllra Iblll lambll oeroet-oeroet koemlloll lanl tloeml bebrlpl lembar, apablll Tee Tlboen menial. apI II loeda dapet Ulrlkea Illoedledllkl boeat Sloe.

Laaatlwl blon.

"Ojllonl, dlaollnllb Irau mien Iladl tertawI

• Idl., dUb koe meolnlllreo iloe perkar. I" tltl Tee Tlboen deoleo merlll koerlnl lenlDl:

"tcau tocb tldl mlltt tertlwl belltoe, aplblla uu erlD toeranl perloe bo It ..oeU Ikoe poellll Ilertlnl.aoI"

!lOb, UU dlllliln goelir, 10bltIr0'," katl Ita bplrlt: "lrernl akoe tertl.1 poen tjoeml fantaraa

l!alIIerl'l gell dl baU."

- ..DIu perurl IPltab Ilnl memblkln nu djldl dlPet ran bealtoe?"

- "Jlltoe tebaun 1101 klloe noe tOltoerkcD

- 1331-

teroCl·terang braolkall boleh kedla lobatlroe Ildl koerlnl ellak bltL"

- "Tld., ltoefab alroe brllll dllndll denjen

",1.tI. Mlta Ilobafl b klu toetoerken bealmllll .dlnll bu poenl. tebakao Uoe."

- ,iAkoe teb.k•••••••• teb,k tlu Idl dapet 011 penoedloe I.ml alroe po DII kaponakln Sloe·Lan. 80elrllllla, bill lkae bitlar~teotang hll- all ltoe noD., Irau klllltla adl dl.al aoeaoep.

oeaoep ledllrlt."

- .LlaUlb Ilgl-Jaal k.u aoeka blllarl bealtoeI ApI kau paodlDI lobltmo. 1nl 'I,oeouoenla edl oraog bealtoe bin?"

- "Hllla? - bllia keDapa? Apa lIda Plntel Irl.

10e Jraponlkabkoe Iloa bl'a dlPelkeu' loeaml llDI leblgl kau? SOlokoe mloe orlng Ilnl pande ..oerat, tlpl Ikoe bIll Uarlken latoe aoedlng oe•

..ani; apI Ilara begltoe la ma.1 maoe tlellb? Tlpl 1nl tloeml IIIt,ooeroet Ikoe leneJlrl poenll

~lklraa, ledellg beilmluI Idlllll .o.okoe Uoe 1I0ellla peodlpellD, Itoellb klta mlltt denl:er dart

oeloetnlm lendlrl,"

-"Tlpl tau klta tau poeDla 1010 !toeada per-

~IIIIbetoel kau poenll moeloet."

- , la doeloe, tapl lekalaoa Ilapalab blla taoe." ' - "TIP I bllr bealmaol dloega Ikee blrep.be- toel Olllona poenla toeloeogan."

- "ltoelab alroe.mloe flab.. TJoeml noe klrl





In de volgende tabel wordt per bijlage een omschrijving gegeven. In de kolom "type" wordt aangegeven of de bijlage algemeen, voor een bepaald gebied of voor een

In de volgende tabel wordt per bijlage een omschrijving gegeven. In de kolom "type" wordt aangegeven of de bijlage algemeen, voor een bepaald gebied of voor een

Tijdelijk vrijkomende schorgrond zou bij voorkeur buiten de werkstrook in depot moeten worden gezet, en niet op het schor gedeponeerd. Na de werken dient het schor te worden

Demlkian pula realisasi dari Keputusan WakH Pang1ima Besar. 36/Kopedasan/1964 te~tang diiku~sertakannja setja- ra positip univ er s ita s jang ada di daerah perbatasan

· natuurlijk aan zijn zolen lapt omdat ze hem , niet rijker of armer maken, ondertusschen neeft Pa Samirah dat geld dan toch maar - in vijf jaren tijd moeten

Di roemahnja ada banjak peringetan hal Boon-teck, seperti itoe andjing jang menjebabken kematiannja Boon-teck dalem itoe roemah terbakaran, dan itoe andjing

Tapi akoe poenja firasat bikin akoe djadi bingoeng, nnaka akoe lantes soesoel ka Gerardstreet, dan sampe djoestroe koetika itoe inspecteur dan doea agent lagi

,,Ja, 'nko Soen; itoe perdjandjian berarti: Kaloe itoe njonja jang saja masih tjintaken ternjata iapoenja penghidoepan tida beroentoeng, saja nanti per- baekin