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De gezondheidsrisico's van e-sigaretten voor omstanders


Academic year: 2021

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Supplementary data

E-cigarette type and nicotine concentration of e-liquids volunteers For the chemical analysis of exhaled breath of e-cigarette users described in chapter 9, the volunteers were provided with an e-cigarette of a refillable or non-refillable design, and containing e-liquid with either 18 mg/ml or 11 mg/ml nicotine. The following table provides this information for the individual volunteers:

Metal analysis of e-liquids volunteers

For the chemical analysis of exhaled breath of e-cigarette users described in chapter 9, three different e-liquids were used. An analysis of metals in these liquids was performed prior to the experiment to confirm that the liquid from the non-refillable e-cigarettes used (liquid C) contained relatively high amounts of specific metals.

su b ject re fi lla b le ni c o ti ne ( m g/ m l) 1 yes 18 2 no 18 3 no 18 4 yes 11 5 yes 11 6 yes 11 7 yes 18 8 yes 11 9 no 18 10 yes 18 11 yes 11 12 yes 11 13 yes 18 14 yes 11 15 yes 18 16 no 18 17 yes 18 A rsen ic ( u g /L ) M o ly bd e n um ( u g /L) T in ( ug/ L) C a d m iu m ( ug/ L) L e a d ( u g/ L) Z inc ( ug/ L ) C o ppe r ( u g/ L ) N ic kel (u g /L ) C o ba lt ( ug/ L) M a n g an ese ( u g /L ) C h ro m ium ( u g /L) V a na di u m ( u g /L) Ur a n iu m (u g /L ) E-liquid A 21 0.16 <0.2 <0.04 0.04 9.8 3.4 0.83 0.043 1.7 0.65 0.023 <0.006 E-liquid B 20 0.78 <0.2 2 0.93 290 220 15 9 330 1.4 1.1 0.085 E-liquid C 20 2.4 33 0.13 290 35000 110000 438 2.3 48 17 2.5 0.52


Exhaled amounts for individual volunteers

For the chemical analysis of exhaled breath of e-cigarette users described in chapter 9, the amounts of different compounds measured in exhaled breath from the individual volunteers are provided in the following tables. The amount shown is the average amount in one exhaled breath after taking a puff.

s ubj e c t ni c o ti n e ( n g) PG ( u g ) g lycer o l ( u g ) NNN (p g ) NAT ( p g ) NAB (p g ) NNK (p g )


2 176 <LOQ <LOQ 29 14.2 4 71.5 3 1166 <LOQ <LOQ 79 10 0.9 33.1 4 163 7.4 <LOQ 80 5.9 0.4 10.8 5 106 <LOQ <LOQ 6 262 <LOQ <LOQ 111 40.2 7.8 32.7 7 7 <LOQ <LOQ 1.7 20.4 1.6 1.2 8 2140 127.197 <LOQ 97 18.6 3.5 46 9 43 <LOQ <LOQ 14 9.7 2.1 15.4 10 31 <LOQ <LOQ 11.6 14.3 2.3 9.3 11 107 <LOQ <LOQ 12 60 <LOQ <LOQ 13 418 12.4 <LOQ 14 408 27.7 <LOQ 15 109 <LOQ <LOQ


17 2.4 <LOQ <LOQ

nicotine and humectants tobacco-specific nitrosamines

s ubj e c t fo rm a lde hy de ( u g ) a c e ta lde hy de ( ug) a c ro le in e ( u g ) A rsen ic ( n g ) M o ly bde num ( ng) Ti n ( ng) C a dm iu m ( ng) Le a d ( ng) Zi nc ( ng) C oppe r ( ng) N icke l ( n g ) C oba lt ( ng) M a nga ne s e ( ng) C h ro m ium ( ng) V a na di um ( ng) U ra n iu m ( ng) 1 2 3 4


6 7 8 9 10









Limits of quantification

For the chemical analysis of exhaled breath of e-cigarette users described in chapter 9, the limit of quantification for the different analytical methods is shown in the following table. The shown value is the amount in one exhaled breath after taking a puff,

considering that for nicotine and humectants 5 breaths were collected, while 25 breaths were collected for the other compounds.

LOQ nicotine nicotine 2 ng humectants propylene glycol 6 ug glycerol 28 ug aldehydes formaldehyde 0.04 ug acetaldehyde 0.048 ug acrolein 0.068 ug metals vanadium 0.6 ng chromium 1.52 ng manganese 2.12 ng cobalt 0.92 ng nickel 1.52 ng copper 1.8 ng zinc 2.4 ng arsenic 0.92 ng molybdenum 1.52 ng cadmium 1.2 ng tin 1.8 ng lead 6 ng uranium 0.4 ng



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