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University of Groningen Glycogen Storage Disease type IIIa Hoogeveen, Irene


Academic year: 2021

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University of Groningen

Glycogen Storage Disease type IIIa

Hoogeveen, Irene



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Citation for published version (APA):

Hoogeveen, I. (2020). Glycogen Storage Disease type IIIa: towards precision medicine. University of

Groningen. https://doi.org/10.33612/diss.130704555


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Copyright © 2020 Irene J. Hoogeveen

The research described in this thesis was conducted at the Department of Pediatrics, Section of Metabolic Diseases, University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands. This project was funded by the Junior Scientific Masterclass (JSM) Groningen, grant no 15-16. Parts of this thesis were funded by ‘Stofwisselkracht’ and ‘Metakids’.

The author gratefully acknowledges the financial support for printing this thesis by: Groningen University Institute for Drug Exploration (GUIDE)

University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) University of Groningen (RUG)

Nutricia Nederland B.V. Vitaflo International Ltd.

ISBN (printed): 978-94-034-2522-1 ISBN (digital): 978-94-034-2521-4


Glycogen Storage Disease type IIIa

Towards precision medicine


ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

op gezag van de

rector magnificus prof. dr. C. Wijmenga en volgens besluit van het College voor Promoties.

De openbare verdediging zal plaatsvinden op woensdag 6 mei 2020 om 11:00 uur


Irene Jolanda Hoogeveen geboren op 17 juni 1992



Prof. dr. F.J. van Spronsen


Dr. T.G.J. Derks


Prof. dr. B.M. Bakker

Prof. dr. mr. A.A.E Verhagen Prof. dr. R. Santer



Willemijn J. van Rijt Fabian Peeks



Chapter 1 Introduction and thesis outline 9 Chapter 2 Natural history of GSDIIIa

a. Glycogen storage disease type III: diagnosis, genotype, management, clinical course and outcome. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 21 Chapter 3 Follow-up and monitoring of the individual GSDIIIa patient

a. Normoglycemic ketonemia as biochemical presentation in ketotic glycogen storage disease. JIMD reports 37 b. A preliminary study of telemedicine for patients with hepatic glycogen

storage disease and their healthcare providers: from bedside to home site monitoring. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease


c. A generic emergency protocol for patients with inborn errors of metabolism causing fasting intolerance: a retrospective, single-center chart review of 128 patients. Submitted


Chapter 4 Alternative composition of - and energy substrates in dietary management a. Dietary lipids in hepatic glycogen storage diseases: a systematic literature

study, case studies and future recommendations. Journal of Inherited

Metabolic Disease


b. Effects of acute nutritional ketosis during exercise in adults with glycogen storage disease type IIIa are phenotype-specific: an investigator-initiated, randomized, crossover study. Submitted


Chapter 5 General discussion and future perspectives 163

Appendices Summary 184

Samenvatting voor de niet-medicus 187

Dankwoord 191

About the author 196




Specifically, GSDIIIa patients with a severe muscle phenotype showed a beneficial improvement in muscle energy metabolism as assessed by 31 P-MR spectra, whereas this effect was

Met deze studie hebben we onderzocht of ketonen als een alternatieve brandstof zouden kunnen fungeren voor de spieren van GSDIIIa patiënten tijdens matige inspanning.. De

Exogene ketonen kunnen fungeren als alternatief energiesubstraat voor de spieren van volwassen GSDIIIa patiënten met een ernstig spierfenotype tijdens inspanning (dit

The research described in this thesis was primarily conducted at the Department of Pediatrics, Section Molecular Metabolism and Nutrition, University Medical Center Groningen,

The research described in this thesis was conducted at the Department of Cell Biology, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, The Netherlands. All

The research described in this thesis was conducted at the Department of Pediatrics, Section Molecular Genetics, and the Department of Genetics, University Medical Centre

of Pediatrics, Center of Liver, Digestive and Metabolic Diseases, University of Groningen, Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands, 2 Department

The work described in this thesis is performed at the Department of Pediatrics, Center for Liver, Digestive, and Metabolic Diseases, University of Groningen, University Medical