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Virial theorem for an inhomogeneous medium, boundary conditions for the wave functions, and stress tensor in quantum statistics


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Virial theorem for an inhomogeneous medium, boundary

conditions for the wave functions, and stress tensor in

quantum statistics

Citation for published version (APA):

Bobrov, V. B., Trigger, S. A., Heijst, van, G. J. F., & Schram, P. P. J. M. (2010). Virial theorem for an

inhomogeneous medium, boundary conditions for the wave functions, and stress tensor in quantum statistics. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 82(1), 010102-1/3. [010102].



10.1103/PhysRevE.82.010102 Document status and date: Published: 01/01/2010

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Virial theorem for an inhomogeneous medium, boundary conditions for the wave functions,

and stress tensor in quantum statistics

V. B. Bobrov,1S. A. Trigger,1,2,


G. J. F. van Heijst,2and P. P. J. M. Schram2


Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Russian Academy of Sciences, Izhorskaya Street 13, Building 2, 125412 Moscow, Russia


Eindhoven University of Technology, P.O. Box 513, MB 5600 Eindhoven, The Netherlands

共Received 30 May 2010; published 19 July 2010兲

On the basis of the stationary Schrödinger equation, the virial theorem in an inhomogeneous external field for the canonical ensemble is proved. It is shown that the difference in the form of virial theorem is conditioned by the value of the wave-function derivative on the surface of the volume, surrounding the system under consideration. The stress tensor in such a system is determined by the average values of the wave-function space derivatives.

DOI:10.1103/PhysRevE.82.010102 PACS number共s兲: 05.30.⫺d, 05.70.Ce, 05.70.Ln, 64.10.⫹h

Exact relations for describing equilibrium systems of in-teracting particles are of fundamental importance. Among such exact relations is the so-called virial theorem estab-lished by Clausius more than 130 years ago共see, e.g., 关1–4兴兲.

In the original formulation of classical mechanics关1,2兴, the

virial theorem relates the time-average values of kinetic and potential energies,

2具K典 − 具r · ⵜU共r兲典 = 0, 共1兲

where具K典 is the average kinetic energy and 具r·ⵜU共r兲典 is the average virial of the potential energy. From the condition of the equivalence of time and statistical averaging 关3兴, it

fol-lows that the virial theorem should also be satisfied for sta-tistical description of matter 关3,4兴. In this case, there is an

important observation关2兴 to which no proper significance is

often attached. The essence of this observation is reduced to that the virial theorem is valid if the particle motion in the system occurs in a bounded region of space 关2兴. For the

statistical description of the equilibrium system of interacting particles, such a bounded region of space characterizes a volume occupied by the system under consideration关3兴 and,

in the thermodynamic limit, leads to the pressure quantity appearing in the virial theorem when considering the classi-cal system within the canoniclassi-cal ensemble 共see, e.g., 关4兴兲.

Thus, it can be argued that the virial theorem formulation is substantially related to the consideration of a very large but limited volume occupied by the system, thus, to the condi-tions on the surface bounding this volume. At the same, put-ting into consideration a large but finite volume occupied by the system is equivalent 关5兴 to placing the system under

study into a certain external field characterized by “surface” forces. The case in point is the external field acting on the system under consideration in a “narrow” layer near the sur-face bounding the system volume. We further assume that a linear size of such a layer is much smaller than all charac-teristic “internal” sizes of the system under study. Then, in the thermodynamic limit, this inhomogeneous surface layer can be set to zero, and the model system can be considered in a “box” with a specified large but finite volume with infinite

potential walls such that system particles cannot leave this volume 关5兴. It is clear that such a model corresponds to the

statistical consideration of a set number of interacting par-ticles in a given volume within the canonical ensemble 关3–5兴. On the other hand, the presence of the external field

causes inhomogeneity of the system under consideration, which necessitates the consideration of internal stresses关6兴.

In this case, from general considerations, the virial theorem takes the form关7兴

2具K典 − 具r · ⵜU共r兲典 = −

xt␣␤dS, 共2兲 where t␣␤is the stress tensor, dS = ndS, n is the unit vector of the outward normal to the surface, and dS is the surface element bounding the given volume. It is clear that similar relations take place for the quantum-mechanical description of the system of interacting particles, which follows, in par-ticular, from the correspondence principle关8兴.

In this case, it is quite reasonable that the question arises about the relation between Eqs.共1兲 and 共2兲, since the

funda-mental difference between the right-hand sides of equalities 共1兲 and 共2兲 cannot be explained only by statistical averaging.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to derive the virial theorem, based on the microscopic description of the equi-librium system in a bounded volume, taking into account boundary effects on the surface. In this sense, the quantum-mechanical description seems to be preferable since it im-plies the existence of boundary conditions for wave func-tions.

The virial theorem for quantum mechanics was apparently formulated for the first time in Slater’s paper 关9兴 共see also

关1,10兴兲, based on an analysis of the stationary Schrödinger

equation for a system of interacting electrons in the Coulomb field of stationary nuclei, and was applied to describe bound 共localized兲 electronic states in the ground state. In this case, due to the exponential decay of wave functions of bound electronic states with distances from the nuclei being local-ization centers, these wave functions are considered to be equal to zero at system boundaries. Slater’s paper 关9兴 was

analyzed in detail in 关11–13兴. It was shown that the virial

theorem formulation for the ground state in the “conven-tional” form requires that not only the wave functions them-*satron@mail.ru

PHYSICAL REVIEW E 82, 010102共R兲 共2010兲



selves, but also their spatial derivatives would become zero at the boundary of the system under consideration.

In this regard, let us consider an equilibrium system of N interacting particles of the same type with mass m, which are in a very large but finite volume V with infinite potential walls, which is bounded by the surface S. Let the wave function ␺共兵ra其兲, which depends on the coordinates ra

共a=1, ... ,N兲 of all particles of the system under study, be symmetrized 共or antisymmetrized兲 taking into account the particle identity 关8兴, characterizes the state of this system

with energy E, and satisfies the stationary Schrödinger equa-tion关8兴, as well as the complex-conjugate wave function␺ⴱ,

a=1 N

− ប 2 2ma

+共U − E兲␺= 0,

a=1 N

− ប 2 2ma␺ ⴱ

+共U − E兲= 0. 共3兲

The quantity U is the sum of potential energies of the inter-particle interaction Uint with the potentialint and the

inter-action with the static external field Uext with the potential

ext, which characterizes “volume” external forces共e.g., the

external gravitational field兲, U = Uint+ Uext, Uint=1


⫽b Nint共兩r a− rb兩兲, Uext=

a=1 Next共r a兲. 共4兲

According to 关9兴, we differentiate the first equation in Eqs.

共3兲 with respect to the variable rband multiply it scalarly by

rb␺ⴱ; then we take into account the second equation in Eqs.

共3兲, but—in contrast to the procedure used in 关9兴—we will

not sum over the particle index b. As a result, we obtain − ប 2 2m

a=1 N 兵␺ⴱ关r b·ⵜb共⌬a␺兲兴 − ⌬a␺ⴱ共rb·ⵜb␺兲其 +兩␺兩2共rb·ⵜbU兲 = 0. 共5兲

Then we integrate equality 共5兲 over all coordinates ra of all

particles over the entire volume V. Integration of the second term, taking into account Eq. 共4兲, yields the average

quantum-mechanical value of the virial of forces acting on particle b from the side of other particles and the external field, 兩␺兩2共r b·ⵜbU兲 → 具rb·ⵜbU共b兲共rb兲典, U共b兲共rb兲 =

a=1,a⫽b Nint共兩r a− rb兩兲 +␸ext共rb兲, 共6兲

where angular brackets具¯典 mean quantum-mechanical av-eraging with wave functions␺ⴱand␺关8兴. To the first term in

Eqs.共3兲, we apply integration by parts. In this case,

integra-tion over all other coordinates, except for ra, does not affect

the result. We take into account that the system under

con-sideration is in the volume with infinite potential walls. Therefore, the wave functions␺ⴱ and␺vanish once at least one of the coordinates of any particle appears at the bound-ary of the volume V under consideration, i.e., on the surface S,


rb→S=关␺兴rb→S= 0,

关ⵜa␺ⴱ兴rb→S=关ⵜa␺兴rb→S= 0 共a ⫽ b兲. 共7兲

Here, the square brackets with subscript rb→S mean that the

bracketed function is defined at the coordinate rbon the

sur-face S bounding the volume V. In this case, the derivatives of wave functions ␺ⴱ and ␺ on the surface S with identical particle indices, generally speaking, do not vanish,

关ⵜb␺ⴱ兴rb→S⫽ 0, 关ⵜb␺兴rb→S⫽ 0. 共8兲

Thus, taking into account Eqs.共7兲 and 共8兲, we find


b·ⵜb共⌬a␺兲兴 − ⌬a␺ⴱ共rb·ⵜb兲其dVa

= −



共rb·ⵜb␺兲共ⵜa␺ⴱ· dSa


共9兲 Then we put into consideration the one-particle density ma-trix R共1兲共r1b, r2b兲 for particle b, which is defined by

integra-tion over all coordinates, except for the coordinate of sepa-rated particle b, the product of the wave function共r2b,兵ra其兲,

and the complex-conjugate wave function␺ⴱ共r1b,兵ra其兲. Then

the second term on the right-hand side of Eq. 共9兲 after

quantum-mechanical averaging takes the form

共rb·ⵜb␺兲共ⵜb␺ⴱ· dSb兲 →

共r2b·ⵜ2b兲共ⵜ1b· dS1b



共10兲 Thus, after the procedure of quantum-mechanical averaging, it directly follows from Eqs. 共5兲–共10兲 that the equality

2具K共1兲典 − 具r 1ⵜ1U共1兲共r1兲典 = ប2 2m

共r2·ⵜ2兲共ⵜ1· dS1兲 ⫻R共1兲共r 1,r2兲兩r1=r2→S 共11兲

is valid for any identical particle. Here, K共1兲 is the kinetic-energy operator for one particle. It is clear that summing over all particles in relation共11兲 is equivalent to multiplying

by the number of particles N. If the right-hand side in rela-tion共11兲 vanishes, which corresponds to the violation of

con-ditions 共8兲, we obtain the conventional form of the virial

theorem 共1兲. The violation of conditions 共8兲 corresponds to

the consideration of the particle state localized in the vol-ume. In this case, particles of the system under study do not affect the box walls, as well as box walls do not affect the system under consideration. We also note that, according to the above consideration, relation共11兲 is also valid for

multi-component systems, taking into account indexing of

distinc-BOBROV et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 82, 010102共R兲 共2010兲



tive features of particles of various types, e.g., particle masses.

Now let us pay attention that the above consideration equally relates to wave eigenfunctions␺kand eigenenergies

Ekof the Hamiltonian of the equilibrium system of

interact-ing particles in a given volume V in the static external field. This means that averaging over the canonical ensemble can be performed in relation 共11兲. As a result, after summing

over all particles and passing to the thermodynamic limit, relation 共2兲 directly follows from Eq. 共11兲, in which the

stress tensor t␣␤ per particle is defined by the equality

t␣␤共r兲 = −




1,r2兲其兩r1=r2=r, 共12兲

where␳共1兲共r1, r2兲 is the one-particle density matrix in

quan-tum statistics关3,4兴, which is determined by averaging of the

quantum-mechanical density matrix R共1兲共r1, r2兲 over the

ca-nonical ensemble.

In the absence of external volume forces, ␸ext= 0, the

stress tensor t␣␤ characterizes uniform compression strains directly related to the pressure P in the system under study 关6兴. In this case, the stress tensor is written as t␣␤= −P␣,␤ 关6兴. Then, taking into account Eqs. 共2兲 and 共12兲, and the

pressure constancy as the condition of thermodynamic equi-librium of a homogeneous system 关3兴, the virial theorem

takes the form

2具K典 − 具r · ⵜU共r兲典 = 3PV. 共13兲

A similar result can be obtained within the quantum-statistical description of a homogeneous system directly from the thermodynamic definition of the pressure共see, e.g., 关14兴兲.

Thus, the difference of formulations共1兲 and 共2兲 of the virial

theorem is caused by different values of the spatial derivative of the wave function of the system of interacting particles on the surface bounding the volume of the system under consid-eration.

It is necessary to emphasize that in applications to solid state the traditional derivation of the virial theorem is based on a “stretch” of wave functions by transformation of each particle coordinate ri→ri␣+兺␤⑀␣␤ri␤, where⑀␣␤ is a

sym-metric 共i.e., rotation-free兲 strain tensor 关15,16兴. To find the

virial theorem in this case the variational principle with re-spect to⑀␣␤is used共see 关17,18兴, and the references in these

papers兲. However, within such an approach, the effects con-nected with the boundary conditions for the wave functions, which are taken into account in the present Rapid Commu-nication, cannot be found. This statement follows from the fact that in the traditional theory of solids the boundary con-ditions for the wave functions are periodic 关19兴, which is

connected with the periodic structure of ideal lattices. V.B.B. and S.A.T. express their gratitude to the Nether-lands Organization for Scientific Research 共NWO兲 for sup-port of their investigations on the problems of statistical physics.

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关4兴 R. Balescu, Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Statistical

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关5兴 N. N. Bogolyubov and N. N. Bogolyubov, Jr., Introduction to

Quantum Statistical Mechanics共Science Publishing, Moscow,


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关8兴 L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, Quantum Mechanics:

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关9兴 J. C. Slater,J. Chem. Phys. 1, 687共1933兲. 关10兴 V. Fock,Z. Phys. 63, 855共1930兲.

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关14兴 D. N. Zubarev, Nonequilibrium Statistical Thermodynamics 共Plenum, New York, 1974兲.

关15兴 A. Sommerfeld, Mechanics of Deformable Bodies, Lecture on Theoretical Physics共Academic, New York, 1950兲.

关16兴 J. F. Nye, Physical Properties of Crystals 共Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1957兲.

关17兴 O. H. Nielsen and R. M. Martin, Phys. Rev. B 32, 3780 共1985兲.

关18兴 R. M. Martin, Electronic Structure: Basic Theory and

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