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University of Groningen The snowball principle for handwritten word-image retrieval van Oosten, Jean-Paul


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The snowball principle for handwritten word-image retrieval

van Oosten, Jean-Paul



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van Oosten, J-P. (2021). The snowball principle for handwritten word-image retrieval: The importance of labelled data and humans in the loop. University of Groningen. https://doi.org/10.33612/diss.160750597


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The snowball principle for handwritten word-image retrieval: The importance of labelled data and humans in the loop.. University

In this thesis, we argue that the machine learning methods should not get the singular focus of the handwriting recognition research community.. There is also a need to further

While the role of the initial state probability distribution is known to be of relatively small importance (especially in left-right topologies such as Bakis, since these models

Two methods of retrieval will be compared: 1) direct retrieval: ranking, in a single step, all instances from the test set with the distance of the image to the centroid of the

Labelled data is important—for both scientific research as well as industry—because it drives the feedback loop and therefore al- lows for improvements in both accuracy and the

Other than for strictly personal use, it is not permitted to download or to forward/distribute the text or part of it without the consent of the author(s) and/or copyright

To conclude, this thesis discusses human involvement in the handwriting process from three different angles: In the design of machine learning methods, design of feature

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