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Author: Bezirgiannis, N.

Title: Abstract Behavioral Specification: unifying modeling and programming

Issue Date: 2018-04-17



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G. Alp´ar. Attribute-Based Identity Management: Bridging the Crypto- graphic Design of ABCs with the Real World. Faculty of Science, Mathemat- ics and Computer Science, RU. 2015-01 A.J. van der Ploeg. Efficient Ab- stractions for Visualization and Interac- tion. Faculty of Science, UvA. 2015-02 R.J.M. Theunissen. Supervisory Control in Health Care Systems.

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, TU/e. 2015-03

T.V. Bui. A Software Architecture for Body Area Sensor Networks: Flex- ibility and Trustworthiness. Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, TU/e. 2015-04

A. Guzzi. Supporting Developers’

Teamwork from within the IDE. Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, and Computer Science, TUD. 2015-05 T. Espinha. Web Service Grow- ing Pains: Understanding Services and Their Clients. Faculty of Electrical En- gineering, Mathematics, and Computer Science, TUD. 2015-06

S. Dietzel. Resilient In-network Aggre- gation for Vehicular Networks. Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics

& Computer Science, UT. 2015-07 E. Costante. Privacy throughout the Data Cycle. Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, TU/e. 2015-08 S. Cranen. Getting the point — Ob- taining and understanding fixpoints in model checking. Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, TU/e. 2015-09

R. Verdult. The (in)security of pro- prietary cryptography. Faculty of Sci- ence, Mathematics and Computer Sci- ence, RU. 2015-10

J.E.J. de Ruiter. Lessons learned in the analysis of the EMV and TLS security protocols. Faculty of Science, Mathematics and Computer Science, RU. 2015-11

Y. Dajsuren. On the Design of an Ar- chitecture Framework and Quality Eval- uation for Automotive Software Sys- tems. Faculty of Mathematics and Com- puter Science, TU/e. 2015-12

J. Bransen. On the Incremental Eval- uation of Higher-Order Attribute Gram- mars. Faculty of Science, UU. 2015-13 S. Picek. Applications of Evolution- ary Computation to Cryptology. Faculty of Science, Mathematics and Computer Science, RU. 2015-14

C. Chen. Automated Fault Localiza- tion for Service-Oriented Software Sys- tems. Faculty of Electrical Engineer- ing, Mathematics, and Computer Sci- ence, TUD. 2015-15

S. te Brinke. Developing Energy- Aware Software. Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science, UT. 2015-16

R.W.J. Kersten. Software Analy- sis Methods for Resource-Sensitive Sys- tems. Faculty of Science, Mathematics and Computer Science, RU. 2015-17 J.C. Rot. Enhanced coinduction. Fac- ulty of Mathematics and Natural Sci- ences, UL. 2015-18


the Internet of Things. Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, TU/e. 2015-19

D. Gebler. Robust SOS Specifications of Probabilistic Processes. Faculty of Sciences, Department of Computer Sci- ence, VUA. 2015-20

M. Zaharieva-Stojanovski. Closer to Reliable Software: Verifying func- tional behaviour of concurrent pro- grams. Faculty of Electrical Engineer- ing, Mathematics & Computer Science, UT. 2015-21

R.J. Krebbers. The C standard for- malized in Coq. Faculty of Science, Mathematics and Computer Science, RU. 2015-22

R. van Vliet. DNA Expressions – A Formal Notation for DNA. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UL. 2015-23

S.-S.T.Q. Jongmans. Automata- Theoretic Protocol Programming. Fac- ulty of Mathematics and Natural Sci- ences, UL. 2016-01

S.J.C. Joosten. Verification of Inter- connects. Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, TU/e. 2016-02 M.W. Gazda. Fixpoint Logic, Games, and Relations of Consequence. Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, TU/e. 2016-03

S. Keshishzadeh. Formal Analysis and Verification of Embedded Systems for Healthcare. Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, TU/e. 2016-04

Requirements: Just-Enough and Just- in-Time. Faculty of Electrical Engineer- ing, Mathematics, and Computer Sci- ence, TUD. 2016-05

Y. Luo. From Conceptual Models to Safety Assurance – Applying Model- Based Techniques to Support Safety As- surance. Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, TU/e. 2016-06 B. Ege. Physical Security Analysis of Embedded Devices. Faculty of Sci- ence, Mathematics and Computer Sci- ence, RU. 2016-07

A.I. van Goethem. Algorithms for Curved Schematization. Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, TU/e. 2016-08

T. van Dijk. Sylvan: Multi-core De- cision Diagrams. Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science, UT. 2016-09

I. David. Run-time resource manage- ment for component-based systems. Fac- ulty of Mathematics and Computer Sci- ence, TU/e. 2016-10

A.C. van Hulst. Control Synthesis us- ing Modal Logic and Partial Bisimilar- ity – A Treatise Supported by Computer Verified Proofs. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, TU/e. 2016-11

A. Zawedde. Modeling the Dynamics of Requirements Process Improvement.

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, TU/e. 2016-12

F.M.J. van den Broek. Mobile Com- munication Security. Faculty of Sci- ence, Mathematics and Computer Sci- ence, RU. 2016-13


orative Machine Learning. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UL. 2016-14

M.J. Steindorfer. Efficient Im- mutable Collections. Faculty of Science, UvA. 2017-01

W. Ahmad. Green Computing: Effi- cient Energy Management of Multipro- cessor Streaming Applications via Model Checking. Faculty of Electrical Engi- neering, Mathematics & Computer Sci- ence, UT. 2017-02

D. Guck. Reliable Systems – Fault tree analysis via Markov reward au- tomata. Faculty of Electrical Engineer- ing, Mathematics & Computer Science, UT. 2017-03

H.L. Salunkhe. Modeling and Buffer Analysis of Real-time Streaming Ra- dio Applications Scheduled on Hetero- geneous Multiprocessors. Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, TU/e. 2017-04

A. Krasnova. Smart invaders of pri- vate matters: Privacy of communica- tion on the Internet and in the Inter- net of Things (IoT). Faculty of Sci- ence, Mathematics and Computer Sci- ence, RU. 2017-05

A.D. Mehrabi. Data Structures for Analyzing Geometric Data. Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, TU/e. 2017-06

D. Landman. Reverse Engineering Source Code: Empirical Studies of Lim- itations and Opportunities. Faculty of Science, UvA. 2017-07

W. Lueks. Security and Privacy via Cryptography – Having your cake

ence, Mathematics and Computer Sci- ence, RU. 2017-08

A.M. S¸utˆıi. Modularity and Reuse of Domain-Specific Languages: an ex- ploration with MetaMod. Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, TU/e. 2017-09

U. Tikhonova. Engineering the Dy- namic Semantics of Domain Specific Languages. Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, TU/e. 2017-10 Q.W. Bouts. Geographic Graph Con- struction and Visualization. Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, TU/e. 2017-11

A. Amighi. Specification and Veri- fication of Synchronisation Classes in Java: A Practical Approach. Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics &

Computer Science, UT. 2018-01 S. Darabi. Verification of Program Parallelization. Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science, UT. 2018-02

J.R. Salamanca Tellez. Coequa- tions and Eilenberg-type Correspon- dences. Faculty of Science, Mathemat- ics and Computer Science, RU. 2018-03 P. Fiter˘au-Bro¸stean. Active Model Learning for the Analysis of Net- work Protocols. Faculty of Science, Mathematics and Computer Science, RU. 2018-04

D. Zhang. From Concurrent State Ma- chines to Reliable Multi-threaded Java Code. Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, TU/e. 2018-05


Coinductive Reasoning Types, Pro- grams and Logic. Faculty of Science, Mathematics and Computer Science, RU. 2018-06

A. Lele. Response Modeling: Model Refinements for Timing Analysis of Runtime Scheduling in Real-time

Mathematics and Computer Science, TU/e. 2018-07

N. Bezirgiannis. Abstract Behavioral Specification: unifying modeling and programming. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UL. 2018-08



Institutional  review  board  approval  and  written  informed  consent  were  obtained.  Thirty‐two  patients  (25  men,  seven  women;  mean  age,  68  years; 

Contrast  agents  play  also  an  important  role  in  MR  angiography  (MRA).  The 

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Within a demand-driven MRIO model, the intra-regional impact and inter-regional impact of LE investments were used to show the differences in the regional pattern of the carbon

Daarnaast is ook een regionaal perspectief heel relevant, omdat de implementatie van LE en de productie van producten en diensten voor export en gebruik in China niet

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We next sought to elucidate the mechanism underlying the increased hepatic uptake of cholesterol-enriched remnant particles after statin treatment in addition to β3-AR agonism.