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Models of natural computation : gene assembly and membrane systems


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Models of natural computation : gene assembly and membrane systems

Brijder, R.


Brijder, R. (2008, December 3). Models of natural computation : gene assembly and membrane systems. IPA Dissertation Series. Retrieved from


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Since it takes O (|u|) to generate R u,∅ , and again O (|u|) to determine the number of connected components of R u,∅ , the previous theorem implies that it takes only linear time

The reduction graph is defined in such a way that (1) each (occurrence of a) pointer of u appears twice (in unbarred form) as a vertex in the graph to represent both sides of the

We will see that, surprisingly, these rules are in a sense dual to string rewriting rules in a model of gene assembly called string pointer reduction system (SPRS) [12].. The

The SPRS consist of three types of string rewriting rules operating on legal strings while the GPRS consist of three types of graph rewriting rules operating on overlap graphs.. For

In this section we define membrane systems (also called P systems) having mem- branes marked with multisets of proteins, and using the protein-membrane rules and the protein

In this chapter we pay special attention to SC P systems where all evolution rules of the system are promoted – hence, only the rules defined in the region where the control

However, we will also consider another mode of operation, called sequential, where no antiport rules are present and at most one sr rule is applied at each step for each

In Hoofdstuk 3 blijkt bovendien dat door middel van de graaf de mogelijke volg- ordes waarin de cirkelvormige DNA-structuren ontstaan gedurende gene assembly gekarakteriseerd