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Africa Hazards Briefing


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Africa Hazards Briefing

05 February 2013

Tom Di Liberto



7 Day

30 Day

Past Week: Current:


30 Day Percentile Seasonal Percentile


Via the UN Office for the Coordination of

Humanitarian Affairs





Seasonal Rainfall Guidance for Africa, Dec IC, Issued 5 Feb 2013, Valid Feb-Apr 2013, Mar-May 2013

Feb-Apr 2013, Zero Month lead

The forecasts call for a slightly elevated chance for above average rainfall to occur over northern Mozambique and Malawi during Feb-Apr 2013. There is also a slightly increased chance for above average rainfall over northern Namibia and southwestern Angola, as well as along coastal Guinea. For Mar-May 2013, there is a slightly increased chance for above

average rainfall over northeastern Tanzania. Climatology is suggested everywhere else.

Mar-May 2013, One Month lead




Rainfall totals in mm # of rain days.

Madagascar, although heavy rains should be close to the eastern coastline of the country. At 0600UTC Jan 2, located at

The forecasts call for a slightly elevated chance for above average rainfall to occur over the eastern half of Tanzania, northern Mozambique, and Malawi during Jan-Mar

• Heavy rains, winds gusting to 50 kts (sustained at 40kts) possible

For the Apr-Jun season, the forecasts call for a slight increased chance for below average rainfall over portions of the equatorial eastern Africa.. Seasonal Rainfall Guidance

For Jul-Sep, the forecasts call for a slightly elevated chance for above average rainfall along coastal Senegal, western Mali, eastern Burkina Faso, and the area

Africa Hazards Briefing. 11

For Sep-Nov, the forecasts call for a slightly elevated chance for above average rainfall over portions of Senegal and southern Mauritania, Cote d’Ivoire, southern Ghana,