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Appendices Appendix 1a – the order process


Academic year: 2021

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Appendix 2 – TCO Current situation



Appendix 3 – TCO improved situation



Appendix 4 - Longlist Mechanical distribution suppliers in The Netherlands



Appendix 5 - Assortment shortlist suppliers



Appendix 6 - Template Request For Information

No. Topic Rating Sub rating Question

1 General information 5% 0,5% Wha t wa s your compani es ' annua l turnover i n 2008? 0,5% Wha t i s you expected turnover for 2009?

0,5% Wha t whas you compa ni es ' EBIT over 2008? 0,5% Wha t i s you expected EBIT for 2009? 1,0% Where i n The Netherl a nds are you l oca ted? 0,5% How ma ny FTE a re empl oyed wi th your company? 0,5% In whi ch countri es a re you pres ent?

0,5% Wha t are your mai n s tra tegi c chal l enges i n the nea r future? 0,5% Wha t are your three ma i n competi tors ?

2 Product portfolio 15% 2,0% Do you ca rry bea ri ngs i n your a s s ortment? 0,5% Whi ch brands ?

2,0% Do you ca rry power tra ns mi s s i on gea r i n your a s s ortment? 0,5% Whi ch brands ?

2,0% Do you ca rry hand tool s i n your as s ortment? 0,5% Whi ch brands ?

2,0% Do you ca rry nuts a nd bol ts i n your a s s ortment? 0,5% Whi ch brands ?

2,0% Do you ca rry (mecha ni ca l ) s ea l s i n your as s ortment? 0,5% Whi ch brands ?

2,0% Do you ca rry hos es and a ppendages i n your a s s ortment? 0,5% Whi ch brands ?

3 Quality 15% 3,0% Ca n you des cri be a ny qual i ty certi fi cates your company carri es ? 5,0% How do you l ook a fter the qua l i ty of your products a nd s ervi ces ? 4,0% Ca n you des cri be total qua l i ty ma na gement proces s es s i f a ppl i cabl e? 3,0% Ca n you des cri be regul a r performance revi ews i f appl i ca bl e?

4 Price 20% 5,0% How woul d you ra te yours el f on pri ce i f you benchmark wi th competi tors ? 2,0% If di fferences exi s t, how woul d you expl a i n thi s ?

2,0% How a re pri ces s et for your compa ny?

2,0% Wha t i s the compos i ti on of your Tota l Cos t of Owners hi p?

3,0% How do you thi nk Ca rgi l l s ' TCO regardi ng mecha ni ca l MRO products i s compos ed? 5,0% How can you hel p Ca rgi l l to reduce the Tota l Cos t of Owners hi p?

1,0% Wha t i s the payment term you mai nta i n regardi ng your cus tomers ?

5 Inventory 15% 2,0% How a re you i nvol ved i n i nventory ma na gement progra ms wi th your cus tomers ? 2,0% Are you i nvol ved i n Vendor Ma naged Inventory programs of you cus tomers ?

2,0% Are you i nvol ved i n Vendor Ma naged a nd Owned Inventory progra ms of you cus tomers ? 2,5% Ha ve you ever conducted i nventory ma ppi ng exerci s es wi th you cus tomers ?

2,5% Are you i nvol ved i n cons i gnment s tock programs wi th your cus tomers ? 2,0% Ha ve you been i nvol ved i n s ta nda rdi za ti on efforts of cus tomers ? 2,0% Wha t wa s your rol e i n the s tandardi zati on effort?

6 Service 15% 4,0% Do you ha ve a 24 hour emergency s ervi ce?

4,0% How i s product experti s e orga ni zed wi thi n your compa ny? 2,0% Are you i nvol ved i n educa ti on efforts of cus tomers ' empl oyees ? 4,0% Do you take an a dvi s ory rol e regardi ng products a nd your cus tomers ? 1,0% Ca n you gi ve a n exa mpl e?

7 Logistics 5% 1,0% How often ca n you del i ver to your cus tomers ' l oca ti ons ? 1,0% How often do you del i ver to your cus tomers ' l oca ti ons ? 2,0% How much do you charge per del i very?

1,0% How much do you charge per emergency del i very? 8 Current clients 5% 2,0% Wha t are your major cus tomers ?

1,0% Are you currentl y i nvol ved wi th Ca rgi l l ? 1,0% Ha ve you done bus i nes s wi th Ca rgi l l before?

1,0% Whi th whi ch Cargi l l l oca ti ons have you done bus i nes s wi th? 9 Systems 5% 1,0% Do you ha ve an onl i ne ca tal ogue?

1,0% Do you ha ve an Entrepri s e Res ource Sys tem? 0,5% Do you ha ve experi ence wi th Sel f Bi l l i ng? 0,5% Do you ha ve experi ence wi th Credi t Bi l l i ng?



Equation (52) shows regional private consumption demand of households living in the city of Groningen c c as the sum of private consumption demand of workers employed in sector j

The ‘honest corporation’ model explained in a PowerPoint show. Also contains

The average rating given externally to quality and selection of the products and services from COS is

Furthermore, I am interested whether your company considers itself as a Multinational Company or not and a rough estimation of the amount of employees in 1999..

This is because of a number of reasons: in some research the political variables are considered significant in some extent or provide some kind of predictive power

Error of the Estimate Predictors: (Constant), Control Variable: American Economy (NYSE Index), Market Performance Indicator: Share Price, Control Variable: Executive Age,

Appendix 5c, Levene statistic, Diversity of contracts obtained by LSEs compared to SMEs. Test of Homogeneity

The order-up-to level is equal to the demand until the review moment plus lead time (R+L), where lead time is defined as the average time from the production start of an item at