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JAARVERSLAG Deel 2 Bijlagen


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D eel 2

B ijlagen

j uni 2011


Instituut voor Ontwikkelingsbeleid en -beheer Universiteit Antwerpen

Postadres: Bezoekadres:

Prinsstraat 13 Lange Sint Annastraat 7 B-2000 Antwerpen B-2000 Antwerpen Belgium Belgium

tel: (+32)-(0)3-265.57.70 fax (+32)-(0)3-265.57.71 e-mail: dev@ua.ac.be www.ua.ac.be/iob Uitgever: Robrecht Renard Layout: Ward De Pelseneer ward@visual-design.be Foto’s studenten:© IOB


J aarverslag 2010

D eel 2: B iJlagen

j uni 2011


i nhouD

1. o

nDerwiJs 7

1.1. Studentenstatistieken Master-Programma’s 7

1.2. Gastdocenten en gastsprekers in het kader van de Master-Programma’s en ITPs en

buitenlandse onderzoekers aan het IOB 10

1.3. Individuele fiches IOB doctoraatsstudenten 17

1.4. Overzicht MA vakken en betrokken docenten en AAP 27

1.5. Onderwijs door emeriti die niet tot een TG behoren 27

2. o

nDerzoek 29

2.1. Actieve deelname aan wetenschappelijke bijeenkomsten 29

2.2. IOB publicaties 34

2.3. Wetenschappelijke verblijven in het buitenland 35

2.3.1. Wetenschappelijke verblijven in het buitenland (< 1 maand) 35

2.3.2. Wetenschappelijke verblijven in het buitenland (> 1 maand) 37

2.4. Onderzoek door emeriti die niet tot een TG behoren 37

3. M



ienstverlening 39

3.1. Taken van maatschappelijke dienstverlening intra Universiteit Antwerpen en extern aan IOB

(31 december 2010) 39

3.1.1. Intra Universiteit Antwerpen 39

3.1.2. Extern Universiteit Antwerpen 39

3.1.3. Andere taken van maatschappelijke dienstverlening 40

3.2. Promotorschap of lidmaatschap jury’s van publiekelijk verdedigde doctoraten 41

3.3. Voordrachten en Mededelingen 42

3.4. Maatschappelijke Dienstverlening door emeriti die niet tot een TG behoren 42

4. o



estuur 45

4.1. Overzicht IOB bestuursorganen (stand 31 december 2010) 45

4.2. Overzicht IOB personeel (stand 31 december 2010) 46

5. F



verzicht 49

ioB D






ioB w







Het openen van de enveloppen met aanvraagformulieren voor studiebeurzen.

Vele handen maken het werk licht.


1. o nDerwiJs

1.1. s








s Statistieken academiejaar 2009-2010

1. Man-vrouw verdeling

Man Vrouw Totaal

Governance and Development 12 5 17

Development Evaluation and Management 12 11 23

Globalisation and Development 7 8 15

TOTAAL 31 24 55

2. Leeftijd (bij begin van programma – 1 oktober 2009)

20-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45

Governance and Development 2 4 8 3 /

Development Evaluation and Management 3 10 9 / 1

Globalisation and Development 1 8 5 1 /

TOTAAL 6 22 22 4 1

3. Nationaliteiten

Afrika Azië Latijns-Amerika Caraïben Europa

Governance and

Development Totaal: 11 Ethiopië (3) Kameroen (1) Nigeria (1) Oeganda (3) Rwanda (1) Zambia (2)

Totaal: 3 Bangladesh (1) Nepal (1) Vietnam (1)

Totaal: 1

Ecuador (1 Totaal: / Totaal: 2

België (1) Spanje (1)

Development Evaluation and Management

Totaal: 11 Burundi (1) Ethiopië (5) Kameroen (1) Oeganda (1) Sierra Leone (1) Zambia (1)

Totaal: 7 Bangladesh (1) Nepal (1) Filippijnen (2) Vietnam (3)

Totaal: 1

Nicaragua (1) Totaal: 1

Haïti (1) Totaal: 3 België (1) Italië (1) Roemenië (1)

Globalisation and

Development Totaal: 3 Ethiopië (1) Kameroen (1) Zambia (1)

Totaal: 7 Bangladesh (2) Filippijnen (1) Indonesië (1) Vietnam (3)

Totaal: 5 Colombia (1) Guatemala (2) Nicaragua (1) Peru (1)

Totaal: / Totaal: /

TOTAAL Totaal: 25 Totaal: 17 Totaal: 7 Totaal: 1 Totaal: 5


4. Vooropleiding

Governance and Development

Titel diploma - M.A. Degree in Development Studies

(Rural Livelihoods and Development) - M.A in Peace and Conflict Studies - B.Sc. In Sociology and Anthropology

- M.A. in Latin American and Caribbean Studies - B.A. in Social Sciences

- M.A in International Relations

- Master of Social Sciences in Political Science - Bachelor of Science (Major Ethnology) - Bachelor of Business Administration

- Master’s Degree in Rural Development - Postgraduate diploma in Development Studies - Bachelor of Science

(Natural Resources Management) - Licence en Economie

- B.A. in Social Sciences - M.A. in Development Studies (Environment and Development) - Maîtrise en Administration et Direction d’Entreprises

- Master of African Languages and Cultures

Development Evaluation and Management

Titel diploma - B.A in Economics

- Master’s in Humanities and Social Sciences (Population Studies)

- BA Development Economics

- Post-Graduate Diploma in Monitoring & Evaluation - Master in de Geschiedenis

- M.A. in Development Studies (Environment and Development)

- DES en Economie Quantitative Appliquée - B.Sc. In Economics

- Bachelor of Social Sciences (Economics) - B.A. in Development Studies and Economics - Bachelor in Sociology

- Bachelor of Education in Geography

- Bachelor of International Relations - Licence en Sciences Economiques et Administratives, Economie Rurale - B.A in Economics

- Master in International Business - Ingénieur de Gestion

- Licence en Sciences Economiques (Agribusiness) - BA in Economics

- Postgraduate Diploma in Project Planning and Management

- M. Sc. in Cultural Anthropolgy - BA in Development Studies

- Bachelor in English Language Teaching

Globalisation and Development

Titel diploma - Bachelor’s Degree in Economics

- B.Sc. In Commerce Major in Economics - Licenciado en Economía

- Master of Social Sciences in Social Welfare - Diplôme d’Agronomie Approfondie (Ingénieur Agronome)

- Bachelor in Business Administration - M.A. in Psychology

- B.A in Development Studies

- Bachelor of English Language and Literature - Master of Science in Population Science and Human Resources Development - Ingenieur Agronome option Economie et Sociologie Rurales

- Bachelor of Art in Sociology

- BA in English for Science and Technology - M.A. in Development Studies

(Rural Livelihoods and Development) - Licenciado en Economía


6. Overzicht resultaten 30 september 2009 Aantal afgestudeerden

Governance and Development

Development Evaluation and Management

Globalisation and Development TOTAAL: 15

Great distinction (1) Ethiopië (1)

Distinction (10) Bangladesh (1) België (1) Ecuador (1) Ethiopië (2) Oeganda (2) Rwanda (1) Spanje (1) Zambia (1)

Satisfaction (4) Kameroen (1) Oeganda (1) Vietnam (1) Zambia (1)

TOTAAL: 20 Great distinction (5) Ethiopië (1) France (1) Vietnam (2) Zambia (1)

Distinction (12) Bangladesh (1) België (1) Ethiopië (3) Haïti (1) Kameroen (1) Nicaragua (1) Oeganda (1) Filippijnen (1) Sierra Leone (1) Vietnam (1)

Satisfaction (3) Burundi (1) Filippijnen (1) Zambia (1)

TOTAAL: 13 Great distinction (1) Nicaragua (1)

Distinction (7) Bangladesh (1) Filippijnen (1) Guatemala (1) Kameroen (1) Peru (1) Vietnam (1) Zambia (1)

Satisfaction (4) Bangladesh (1) Indonesië (1) Vietnam (1)


20 nationaliteiten:

Bangladesh (4) - België (2) - Burundi (1) - Colombia (1) - Ecuador (1) - Ethiopië (8) - Filippijnen (3) - Frankrijk (1) - Guatemala (1) - Haïti (1) - Indonesië (1) - Kameroen (3) - Nicaragua (2) - Oeganda (4) - Peru (1) - Rwanda (1) Sierra Leone (1) - Spanje (1) - Vietnam (6) - Zambia (5)

Aantal niet geslaagden Governance and


Development Evaluation and Management

Globalisation and Development TOTAAL: 2

Nepal (1) Nigeria (1)

TOTAAL: 3 Ethiopië (1) Nederland (1) Nepal (1)

TOTAAL: 2 Guatemala (1) Vietnam (1)


1.2. g

astDocentenengastsprekers inhetkaDervanDe






BuitenlanDseonDerzoekersaan hetioB


25 januari 2010, lezing, 4x4 Ontwikkelingssamenwer- king anders bekeken, Filip Cuypers (Vredeseilanden, Leuven), discussant. Björn Van Campenhout “De Weg naar de markt loopt via Nokia. Over kleine boeren en de GSM in het Zuiden”.

28 januari 2010, seminarie, Evert Waeterloos (Vlaams Steunpunt Buitenlands Beleid, Antwerpen),

“Subnational Donors in the Reforming Humanitarian Aid Architecture: the Case of Flanders”.


1-28 februari 2010, gastdocent IOB MA programma’s, Lee Pegler (Institute of Social Studies, Den Haag, Nederland).

1 februari-31 mei 2010, Luc Reydams (University Notre Dame, Washington DC, VSA), Scholar in Residence.

11-12 februari 2010, seminarie, E. Beuselinck (Belgisch Technische Coöperatie, Brussel), “Institutional Strengthening”.

15 februari-14 maart 2010, Gilbert Midende (Univer- sité du Burundi), Scholar in Residence.

17 february 2010, seminarie, Karin Siegmann (ISS, Den Haag, Nederland), “ILO and Decent Work in the Globalisation Module”.

25 februari 2010, lezing, 4x4 Ontwikkelingssamen- werking anders bekeken, Caroo Torfs (ATOL, South Research, L euven), discussant. Nathalie Holvoet

“Leidt microkrediet tot empowerment van vrouwen?

Lessen uit impactstudies”.

25 februari 2010, evaluatiecommissie, Dirk Buyens (Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School, voorzit- ter), Isa Baud (Universiteit van Amsterdam, Neder- land), Jean Bossuyt (European Centre for Develop- ment Policy Management, Universiteit Maastricht, Nederland), Geske Dijkstra (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Nederland, secretaris), “Evaluatie Beheersovereenkomst 2007-2011”, (Vlaams Ministerie van Onderwijs en Universiteit Antwerpen, IOB).


18 maart 2010, conferentie, Peter Piot (ex-UNAIDS, director), “Global AIDS Funding and the Impact on Health Aid Architecture in Low-Income Countries”.

18 maart 2010, conferentie, Francisco Songane (ex-Minister of Health Mozambique), “Global AIDS Funding and the Impact on Health Aid Architecture in Low-Income Countries”.

18 maart 2010, conferentie, Agnès Soucat (Lead Economist, Wereldbank, Washington DC, VSA),

“Global AIDS Funding and the Impact on Health Aid Architecture in Low-Income Countries”.

23 maart 2010, lezing, 4x4 Ontwikkelingssamenwer- king anders bekeken, Chantal Van Cutsem (Advoca- ten zonder Grenzen), discussant. Stef Vandeginste

“Wat na een gewapend conflict? Vervolgen en bestraf- fen of vergeten en vergeven”.

23 maart 2010, seminarie, Peter Marchetti (Mana- gua, Nicaragua), “Migration in Ecuador: Understan- ding the Links between Migration and Local Develop- ment”.

23-30 maart 2010, studieverblijf, Peter Marchetti (Managua, Nicaragua).

25 maart 2010, workshop, Andrea Neira (KU Leuven, Leuven), “An Anthropological Perspective to the ‘Return Process’ and the Re-insertion of Second-generation Migrants into the Society of Origin”; Diego Roldán (local project director, VLIRUOS IUS subproject

“Migration and Local Development”, University of Cuenca, Ecuador), “Extended Family in the Mobility Process of Ecuadorian Migrants”; Karina Jara (IOB MA student), “Assessing the Impact of Remittances on Child Education in Ecuador: The Role of Educational Supply Constraints”. Migration, Remittances and Local Development Workshop 2010 “Migration in Ecuador:

Understanding the links between Migration and Local Development”.

25 maart- 21 april 2010, gastdocent IOB MA program- ma’s, Sebastian Dellepiane (University College Dublin, Ierland).

26 maart-21 april 2010, gastdocent IOB MA program- ma’s, Wim Pelupessy (Instituut voor Ontwikkelings- vraagstukken, Universiteit Tilburg, Nederland).

30 maart-3 april 2010, gastdocent IOB MA program- ma’s, Sam Wong (University of Leeds, Verenigd Koninkrijk).



9 april-20 juni 2010, studieverblijf, Mulubrhah Amare Reda (Ethiopië), doctoraatswerk.

19 april-20 mei 2010, gastdocent IOB MA program- ma’s, Helen Hintjens, (Institute of Social Studies, Den Haag, Nederland).

19 april-20 mei 2010, gastdocent IOB MA program- ma’s, René Lemarchand (University of Florida, VSA).

19 april-20 mei 2010, gastdocent IOB MA program- ma’s, Patience Kabamba Emory.

19 april-20 mei 2010, gastdocent IOB MA program- ma’s, Danielle de Lame (Africa Museum, Tervuren).

19 april-20 mei 2010, gastdocent IOB MA program- ma’s, Lukach Ruslan (UA FTEW).

21 april 2010, lezing, 4x4 Ontwikkelingssamenwerking anders bekeken, Hugo Couderé (Alterfin, Brussel), discussant. J. Bastiaensen “De opstand van de Nicaraguaanse kleine man tegen de microkredietban- ken. Woeker, armoedebestrijding of politiek?”.

21 april 2010, workshop, Lieselotte Viaene, “Maya Q’eqchi’ Perceptions of Justice and Reconciliation in Post-Conflict Guatemala”, Law and Anthropology Network.

30 april 2010, seminarie, Annelies Zoomers (Univer- siteit Utrecht, Nederland) en Michel Merlet (Associ- ation pour contribuer à l’amélioration de la gouver- nance de la terre, de l’eau et des resources naturelles, AGTER), “New Issues in the Struggle for Access to Land and the Governance of Land and Natural Resources in the Context of Globalization and Agro-Ecological Crisis anno 2010”.


3-7 mei 2010, gastdocent IOB MA programma’s, David Todd (Wereldbank, Washington DC, VSA).

5 mei 2010, lezingen, “DR Congo: goed bestuur en staatsopbouw”, Robert Mabala, (algemeen secreta- ris van CNONGD Conseil National des ONG de développement), Kristof Titeca (Universiteit Antwerpen, IOB), Guy Poppe, Koen Vidal ( journalist De Morgen).

28 mei 2010, seminarie, Christel Vermeersch (Latin America and Carribean Department, Wereldbank, Washington DC, VSA). (Ism Universiteit Antwerpen FTEW en Instituut voor Tropische Geneeskunde Antwerpen).


18 juni 2010, seminarie, representatives of Burundian opposition parties, “Concerns and Position on the Electoral Process”.


1 september-30 september 2010, Gilbert Midende (Université du Burundi), Scholar in Residence.

1 september-31 december 2010, Arthur Syahuku- Muhindo (Makerere University), Scholar in Residen-

ce. 17 september 2010, conferentie, “Great Lakes: People and Power in Transition”. “Elections after violent Conflict: Opportunities and Challenges for State Reconstruction”: Elections in Uganda: Arthur Syahu- ka-Muhindo (Makerere University); Elections in Rwanda: Filip Reyntjens (Universiteit Antwerpen, IOB); Elections in Burundi: Stef Vandeginste (Universiteit Antwerpen, IOB); Elections in DRC:

Thierry Vircoulon (International Crisis Group);

discussant: René Lemarchand (University of Florida, VSA); chair: Tom De Herdt (Universiteit Antwerpen, IOB). Parallel session 1 “People, Power and the Past:

Reflections on Transitional Justice in Rwanda and Burundi”: Stef Vandeginste “The Politics of Justice in Times of Transition in Burundi and Rwanda”; Bert Ingelaere (Universiteit Antwerpen, IOB) “Living the Transition. A Bottom-up Perspective on Political Transition and Transitional Justice in Rwanda and Burundi”; discussanten: Gerald Gahima (former Prosecutor General of the Republic of Rwanda), Martien Schotsmans (Universiteit Gent), Susan Thomson (University of Ottawa, Canada) en Lars Waldorf (University of York, Verenigd Koninkrijk);

chair: Filip Reyntjens. Parallel session 2 “People, Power and Public Services”: Tom De Herdt en Marc Poncelet (Université de Liège, Pôle Sud) “Post-Con- flict Reconstruction in-between the State and Society”;

Theodore Trefon (Africa Museum, Tervuren) “The Political Economy of Charcoal Production”; Inge Wagemakers (Universiteit Antwerpen, IOB) en Oracle Makangu Diki (Université Catholique du Congo, Kinshasa, DRC) “Land Conflicts in the City: the Governance of Urban Agricultural Land in Kinshasa and Kikwit”; Marc Poncelet en Géraldine André (Univer- siteit Antwerpen, IOB) “Primary School in Congo:

Heritage, Hybridity and Resilience”; discussant: Pierre Englebert (Pomona College ,Claremount, California, VSA) ; chair: Kristof Titeca (Universiteit Antwerpen,


IOB). Parallel session 3 “People, Power and Poverty Dynamics”: Sara Geenen (Universiteit Antwerpen, IOB) “Constraints, Opportunities and Hope: Gold Mining in Kamituga, South-Kivu”; Jeroen Cuvelier (IPIS, Antwerpen) “Between Hammer and Anvil: the Predicament of Artisanal Miners in Katanga”; An Ansoms (Universiteit Antwerpen, IOB) “The Chal- lenge of the Green Revolution in the Great Lakes Region”; Margot Leegwater (ASC, Leiden, Neder- land) “Restricted Access to Land and its Social Conse- quences in Rwanda”; Dominik Kohlhagen (Universi- teit Antwerpen, IOB) “Discussions in the Capital, Resignation in the Countryside: Land Reform in Burundi” ; chair: Jude Murison (Universiteit Antwer- pen, IOB).

18 september 2010, conferentie, “Great Lakes: People and Power in Transition”. “The Story behind the Findings”: doing Research in the Great Lakes Region - Which Role do/can/should Researchers play?”: Step- hen Ellis (ASC, Leiden, Nederland) “On detached Objectivity, ethical Imperatives and emotional Engage- ment. Tales we tell: how different Types of Research produce different Types of Stories”; Susan Thomson (University of Ottowa, Canada) “Re-education for Reconciliation: Participant Observations on Ingando (Rwanda)”; Filip Reyntjens “The Challenges of taking up the Role of Researcher-Actor”; Lars Waldorf (University of York, Verenigd Koninkrijk) “Tell the Story”: Alison Des Forges and morally engaged Re- search”; chair: An Ansoms. “Debate: Which Role should Researchers play? On detached Objectivity, ethical Imperatives and emotional Engagement”:

chair: Jude Murison.

23 september 2010, seminarie, Luc Christiaensen (Senior Research Fellow, UNU WIDER Helsinki, Finland), “On the Fungibility of Income”.

24 september 2010, lezing, Luc Christiaensen (Senior Research Fellow, UNU WIDER Helsinki, Finland),

“Reflections on the Role of Agriculture in Development”.


1 oktober 2010-31 december 2010, Sebastian Dellepi- ane, Scholar in Residence.

18 oktober 2010, lezing, Jan Vandemoortele (Independent consultant, former United Nations official) “10 years of MDGs. Great Campaign, poor Results?”, Debating Development: Revisiting the Millennium Development Goals. Counting down to 2015.

25 oktober 2010, lezing, Elise Legault (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organi- zation) en Auma Okwany (ISS, Den Haag, Neder- land), “Free Education for all: Trade-off between Quantity and Quality?”, Debating Development:

Revisiting the Millennium Development Goals.

Counting down to 2015.

29 oktober 2010, conferentie-debat, Diomède Rutamucero (Président PA-Amasekanya Bujumbura, Burundi), “Justice ou impunité? Le cas du Burundi”.

(Ism Rechtsfaculteit, Onderzoeksgroep Droit et développement).


1 november-31 december 2010, Kabuya Kalala (DR Congo), UNIKIN, Kinshasa. (Scholar in Residence).

1 november-30 november 2010, Tshiunza Mbiye (DR Congo), UNIKIN, Kinshasa. (Scholar in Residence).

8 november 2010, lezing, David Huberman (Interna- tional Union for Conservation of Nature) en Esteve Corbera (University of East Anglia, UK), “Will

‘marketizing’ Nature save the Wold?”, Debating Development: Revisiting the Millennium Develop- ment Goals. Counting down to 2015.

15 november 2010, masterclass, Paul Collier (Direc- teur, Centre for the Study of African Economies, University of Oxford, Oxford, Verenigd Koninkrijk),

“The Bottom Billion”.

15 november 2010, lezing, Paul Collier, “Is de kritische kijk van prof. Collier relevant voor de aanpak van het ontwikkelingsbeleid in België? ”, Nadia Molenaers (Universiteit Antwerpen, IOB), Bogdan Vanden Berghe (11.11.11.), Renier Nijskens (directeur Afrika, FOD Buitenlandse Zaken), John Vandaele (Mo*

Magazine), Robrecht Renard (Universiteit Antwer- pen, IOB), Debating Development: Revisiting the Millennium Development Goals. Counting down to 2015. (Ism UCSIA-Teaching Chair, USOS vzw).

16 november 2010, doctoraal seminarie, Paul Collier,

“Malpractices in Elections, Causes and Consequences”.

(Ism Bea Cantillon, Centrum Sociaal Beleid Herman Deleeck; Evrard Claessens Departement Internatio- nale Economie, Internationaal Management en Diplomatie; Koen De Feyter, Onderzoeksgroep Recht en Ontwikkeling; Guido Erreygers, Departement Algemene Economie; Luc Sels, Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfswetenschappen, K.U.Leuven; Stefaan Walgrave, Departement Politieke Wetenschappen).

17 november 2010, conferentie, Stijn Van Bever (Pax


Christi Vlaanderen), “Toelichting bij de initiatieven van Pax Christi om te komen tot een kernwapenvrije wereld”, Filip Reyntjens (Universiteit Antwerpen, IOB), Ir. Jacques Rosiers (Divisie Admiraal b.d. en voorzitter van de Euro-Atlantische Vereniging België)

“Solidariteit op zoek naar vrede: een rol voor het nucleaire?”; Tom Sauer (Universiteit Antwerpen FPSW en Vredesambassadeur Pax Christi Vlaande- ren) “De inertie van het NAVO nucleair beleid”; Tomas Baum (directeur Vlaams Vredesinstituut, Brussel),

“Risicobeheer en nieuwe nucleaire spelers”. (ism Pax Christi Vlaanderen en de Vereniging Economen voor Vrede en Veiligheid).

18-19 november 2010, Geert Laporte (Universiteit Maastricht, Nederland), moderator IOB 2020 denkdagen.

22 november 2010, lezing, Christine Hunter (Konink- lijk Instituut voor de Tropen, Amsterdam, Nederland) en Jan Vandemoortele (Independent consultant, former United Nations official, “Mainstreaming Gender in the MDGs, do or don’t?”, Debating Develop- ment: Revisiting the Millennium Development Goals.

Counting down to 2015.

29 november 2010, lezing, Gaetan Mootoo (Amnesty International) en Fabienne Richard (Instituut voor Tropische Geneeskunde, Antwerpen), “Health MDGs:

Global Buzzing, local Struggling”, Debating Develop- ment: Revisiting the Millennium Development Goals.

Counting down to 2015.


6 december 2010, lezing, Francesca Bomboko (Observatoire Congolais de la Pauvreté et des Inégalités) en Tom De Herdt (Universiteit Antwer- pen, IOB), “Crises, Conflicts and Poverty Reduction in the DRC”, Debating Development: Revisiting the Millennium Development Goals. Counting down to 2015.

9 december 2010, conferentie,“Contradictions of Local Government in Post Apartheid South Africa”, Gillian Hart (University of Berkeley, California, en Kwazulu/

Natal, Zuid-Afrika), “Water is the Burning Issue’: Fluid Politics and the Contradictions of Local Government”;

discussant: Chris Tapscott (Univerity of Capetown, Zuid-Afrika), “Comments From Within”.

10-31 december 2010, studieverblijf, Chris Kamavu Ndungo (Université Catholique du Congo, Kinshasa, DRC), doctoraatswerk.

13 december 2010, lezing, Manuel Montes (United

Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs) en Núria Molina (Eurodad), “How can we build Global Partnerships for Development?”, Debating Develop- ment: Revisiting the Millennium Development Goals.

Counting down to 2015.

14 december 2010, seminarie, Manuel Montes (United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs), “Global Rebalancing and Governance after the Financial and Economic Crisis”.

16 december 2010, seminarie, Hugues Keje, “Deepe- ning the Geographical Poverty Profile of the DRC. An Application of an Asset-based Approach”.








: P


Name student MA/Module Promotor Title Assessor 1 Assessor 2

September 10, 2010

Session 1: From violent conflict to state reconstruction - Moderator: S. Vandeginste

Islam Mohammad

Aynul G&D/LIPR S.Vandeginste Inside Violence in Mindanao, the Philippines: A Micro Level Conflict Analysis

F. Reyntjens S. Geenen

Hussain Nesrie

Abrar G&D/LIPR S.Vandeginste The African Union’s Response to Human Rights Abuses in

Darfur F. Reyntjens S. Geenen

Reta Alemu Kassa G&D/LIPR S.Vandeginste An Analysis of AU’s and UN’s Response to the Sudan’s Crisis in Darfur. What Lessons Learned from Burundi, if any?

F. Reyntjens S. Geenen

Onyanga Paul Moses

G&D/LIPR S.Vandeginste A ‘Durable Solution’ for Internally Displaced Persons:

What Role for Transitional Justice? The case of Northern Uganda

F. Reyntjens D. Kohlhagen

Nzabakwiza Darius G&D/PEGL S.Vandeginste The Forgotten Layer of Reconciliation in Rwanda: What

Prospects for Consociational Power Sharing? F. Reyntjens B. Ingelaere

September 10, 2010

Session 2: Urban resources and poverty reduction - Moderator: G. Steel

Lorika Moses G&D/LIPR G.Steel Community Participation as a Conduit for Achieving Sustainable Human Settlements in South Africa:

Potentials and Challenges.

S. Marysse I. Wagemakers

Nigeze Joseph DEM/LIPR D.Cassimon La réduction de la pauvreté, une priorité dans la planification budgétaire: étude de cas du Burundi

S. Marysse L. Smets

Ayana Birhanu

Taddesse DEM/LIPR G.Steel The Quest for Sustainable Poverty Reduction: What can Micro and Small Enterprises contribute? A Case Study from Yeka Sub-city of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

T. De Herdt W.Marivoet

September 10, 2010

Session 3: Value chain analysis and livelihood strategies - Moderator: W. Pelupessy

Saragih Lili Evana GD/LIPR W.Pelupessy Certification in the Coffee Value Chain in Indonesia: The

Case of Gayo Coffee from Aceh M. Prowse G. Benedictis

Tah Charles Kacho DEM/LIPR D.Cassimon Financial Cooperative Governance: Exclusion and Perspective for Effective Social Performance Management

M. Prowse D. Essers

Niño Peña Monica

Patricia GD/LIPR W.Pelupessy Competitiveness Strategies of Colombian Coffee and Livelihoods of Small Coffee Growers. A value Chain Analysis

S. Marysse G. Benedictis

September 13, 2010

Session 4: Trade policies and migration - Moderator: G. Calfat

Tegegne Solomon Tesfasilassie

DEM/EDE G.Calfat Trade Liberalization and Tariff Pass-Through in Ethiopia D. Cassimon G. Benedictis

Tran Thi Mo GD/EDE G.Calfat The Impacts of Changes in the Rice Policy of Vietnam on

Household Welfare T. De Herdt W. Marivoet

Casten Wanda

Verano GD/EDE G.Calfat Remittances and its Determinants: The Case of the

Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) D. Cassimon G. Benedictis Baumann Salas

Franz Paul

GD/EDE G.Calfat J.Vaessen

Exports as a Tool to generate Growth. Assessing the Exports Promotion Strategy of the Peruvian Government

D. Cassimon D.Essers

Díaz Lara Juan

Fernando GD/EDE G.Calfat Trade Agreement between Central America and the European Union:

Risks and Opportunities for the Small Scale Plantain Producers in Agricultural Rural Areas of Escuintla, Guatemala

W. Pelupessy A. Rivas


September 13, 2010

Session 5: Public service delivery - Moderator: T. De Herdt

Jones Christie Mariam Sonje

DEM/LIPR T.De Herdt Better Service Delivery in Primary Education: the Role of Public Expenditure Tracking Survey (PETS) in the Decentralisation of Sierra Leone

R. Renard L. Smets

Cisneros Palacios Fernando Felipe

G&D/LIPR T.De Herdt Social Capital as an Asset: an Appraisal of Networks and Public Service Delivery in Rural Ecuador

N. Molenaers S. Geenen

Van Camp Kirsten G&D/LIPR T.De Herdt C’est autre chose. Quality Education through the Eyes of

the Senegalese Daara S. Marysse I. Wagemakers

Abeshu Gemechu

Adimassu G&D/LIPR T.De Herdt Famine in Ethiopia. The Case of Shashemmenne Zuriya

District in Oromiya National Regional State S. Marysse W.Marivoet Mwila Roselyne


G&D/LIPR S.Marysse Citizens’ Voice, Accountability and Access to Housing: A case of Khayelitsha Township, Cape Town, South Africa

T. De Herdt I. Wagemakers

September 14, 2010

Session 6: Land policies, livelihoods and microfinance - Moderator: J. Bastiaensen

Merlet Pierre Antoine

GD/LIPR J.Bastiaensen Using Legal Pluralism to analyze International Land Rights Rransfers. Study of the Cases of Ghana and Madagascar

F. Reyntjens D. Kohlhagen

Salgado Gaeta

Carmen G&D/LIPR J.Bastiaensen How to Deal with Social Exclusion? The Case of Peru and Peasants’ Response through the Rondas Campesinas

F. Reyntjens S. Geenen

Deresse Fekadu

Nigussie DEM/EDE G.Calfat The Impact of “Integrative” Microcredit Programmes and its Linkages: The Case of from Rural Hararghe Zone in Ethiopia

J. Bastiaens-

en D. Essers

Villar Rose Pascual DEM/LIPR J.Bastiaensen Analysing The Social Performance Management in Philippine Microfinance: The Case of Alalay sa Kaunlaran, Inc. (ASKI)

D. Cassimon D. Essers

Khan Mohammad

Shahin GD/LIPR J.Bastiaensen ‘Finance-Plus’ Approach for The Extreme Poor: BRAC

Experiences in Bangladesh M. Prowse D. Essers

September 14, 2009

Session 7: Gender and development - Moderator: N. Holvoet

Menna Emebet

Dlasso DEM/LIPR N.Holvoet Gender Sensitivity of Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers in

Ethiopia: Current Status and Suggestions for Improvement N. Molenaers M. Gildemyn Mai Thanh Tu DEM/EDE G.Calfat Evaluation of Policy on Allocation of Farming and Housing

Land for Ethnic Minorities. Using Vietnam Household Standard Surveys

R. Renard G. Benedictus

Ashu Joan Arrey G&D/LIPR N.Holvoet Gender and Land use in Cameroon: Present Day Realities Opportunities and Constraints

T. De Herdt N. Winters

September 14 , 2009

Session 8: Decentralization - Moderator: K.Titeca

Cardenas Orvhil

Edcarson DEM/LIPR K.Titeca Decentralization: The Philippine Experience N. Molenaers B. Jacobs Daka Pondani G&D/LIPR K.Titeca Poverty Reduction through Decentralization: Predicting

the Potential Pro-Poorness of the New Decentralization Programme in Zambia

N. Molenaers I. Wagemakers

Muhangi Nelson G&D/LIPR K.Titeca Decentralisation and Service Delivery: a Case Study of

Uganda’s decentralised Health Services T. De Herdt I. Wagemakers Pham Thuy Duong GD/LIPR G.Calfat The Contribution of Diasporas to the Development of their

Country of Origin: The Case of the Vietkieu in France

S. Marysse M. Gildemyn

Zapil Ajxup Pedro

Samuel GD/EDE G.Calfat

J.Vaessen The Effect of Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) Programs on Child Labor in Latin America. Lessons to be learned and applied in the Mi Familia Progresa Program in Guatemala

R.Renard M.Gildemyn


September 15, 2010

Session 9: Evaluating aid impact and effectiveness - Moderator: R. Renard

Chanda Martin DEM/EDE R.Renard Evaluation of the Donors working in the Area of HIV/AIDS in view of the New Aid Approaches – A Comparative Study of Zambia and Botswana

N. Molenaers B. Jacobs

Hossen Sk.Sharafat DEM/EDE R.Renard Impact of Foreign Aid on Domestic Savings and Economic Growth in Bangladesh

D. Cassimon L. Smets

Reda Filmon Hailu DEM/EDE R.Renard Aid Fungibility in the Education Sector: the Case for

Primary Education D. Cassimon L. Smets

Tusiime Abniel

Hamidu DEM/EDE R.Renard The Impact of Food Aid on Household Expenditure Patterns, Food Consumption and Assets of Internally Displaced People (IDPs) in Northern Uganda

D. Cassimon W.Marivoet

Dézemma Jean Oriol DEM/LIPR D.Cassimon Post-earthquake Reconstruction in Haiti: Traditional Aid or

Debt Relief? What is the optimal Solution? R. Renard L. Smets

September 15, 2010

Session 10 : Putting Paris principles to the test … - Moderator: N. Molenaers

De Roo Bastiaan Sylvain Frans

DEM/EDE N.Holvoet A Meta-evaluation of the Belgian Technical Cooperation’s End of Term Evaluations (2004-2009)

R. Renard M. Gildemyn

Kayumba Brenda

Muletambo DEM/EDE N.Holvoet Are UNDP Programmes aligned to National Priorities and Systems? An Evaluation Synthesis of UNDP Interventions in Africa

R. Renard M. Gildemyn

Nguyen Thi Hoai Thu DEM/EDE N.Molenaers Enhancing Private Sector Participation in Infrastructure through Public Private Partnerships : The Policy and Institutional Obstacles of Vietnam

R. Renard L. Smets

Vu Thi Ngoc Anh DEM/EDE N.Molenaers Parliaments and Poverty Reduction: The South African Experience through a Vietnamese Lens

F. Reyntjens B. Jacobs

September 15, 2010

Session 11: Climate change - Moderator: M. Prowse

Le Sam Thi G&D/LIPR G.Steel The Struggle of Informal Settlements in the Context of Urban Climate Change: A cCse Study from Hochiminh City, Vietnam

M. Prowse S. Geenen

Sandino Méndez

Xitlali Cristina DEM/LIPR J.Bastiaensen Community-Based Organizations and Payment for Ecosystem Services. An Alternative to Water Management in Nicaragua

M. Prowse D. Essers

Sohag Tanvir

Mahmud GD/EDE M.Prowse Corruption in Climate Adaptation in Bangladesh D. Cassimon B.Jacobs Weldegebriel

Zerihun Berhane GD/LIPR M.Prowse Climate Change Adaptation in Ethiopia: To what Extent does social Protection influence Livelihood Diversification Strategies?

S. Marysse W.Marivoet

Tonka Menimo GD/LIPR M.Prowse The Role of Community Based Natural Resource Management in Climate Change Interventions in Cameroon


Bastiaensen N.Winters

To be scheduled later

Sy Houssynatou DEM/LIPR G.Steel Migrants’ Organizations Contributions to their Home Development: What Role for Local Actors? Case of Soninke Communities in Mali

T. De Herdt I.Wagemakers

Not in Conference September 10, 2010

Pollen Mvula Claudia

GD/LIPR W.Pelupessy Contract Farming in Zambia within the Global Cotton Chain: Opportunities and Challenges for Small Farmers

M. Prowse G. Benedictis Vu Thi Thu Huong GD/LIPR G.Steel Empowering Potentials of the Internet: Raising Youth Voice

for Social Change in Vietnam N. Molenaers B.Jacobs


Postponed until January/June

Ajadi Mojeed

Adekunle G&D/PEGL F.Reyntjens The Role of European Union in Conflict Management and Nation Building in Great Lakes Region: DR Congo (1996-2006) and regional Wars

S. Marysse W.Marivoet

Magar Min Kumar G&D/LIPR N.Holvoet Gender and Community Forestry Programme in Nepal: An Analysis of the Role of Women’s Participation and the Deci- sion-making Process and its Impact on Livelihood Strategy.

M. Prowse N. Winters

Basnet Bijaya Laxmi DEM/LIPR N.Holvoet Gender and Land Rights in Nepal N.Molenaers M. Gildemyn Van Den Bos Meyke DEM/EDE N.Molenaers Bilateral Engagement in Fragile States: a Comparative

Case Study about Aid Instruments applied by Donors in Fragile Environments

R.Renard B. Jacobs

1.3. i


ioBDoctoraatsstuDenten AINOMUGISHA Andrew

Personal Information

Country of Residence: Uganda.

Nationality: Uganda.

Affiliation: Faculty of Development Studies, Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Mbarara, Uganda.

Academic Information

Enrolled as PhD student at UA, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences (PSW).

Date of registration: November 2007.

Research Affiliate Institute in Belgium: IOB.

Supervisor: Filip Reyntjens, IOB, UA.

Field of Research

Conflict analysis and reconstruction.

Title or brief description of the doctoral research project

Title: The Place of Tradition-based Approches of Justice for Northern Uganda.

Description: The Legitimacy and Effectiveness of Tradition-Based Approaches of Justice in Transitional Justice – Case of Northern Uganda. The study seeks to identify the place of indigenous practices of justice and reconciliation in the bigger transitional justice framework. Traditional approaches however are not presented as a panacea for overcoming war, securing peace and bringing justice once and for all. Rather their effectiveness is taken to be dependent on a specific set of preconditions that by no means apply in every case and a combination of traditional and modern/western state-based practices of justice are taken to be essential.

BENEDICTIS Geovanna Personal Information

Country of Residence: Belgium.

Nationality: Ecuadorian.

Academic Information

Enrolled as PhD student at UA, Faculty of Applied Economics (TEW).

Date of registration: October 2007.

Research Affiliate Institute in Belgium: IOB.

Supervisor: Germán Calfat, IOB, UA.

Field of Research

Globalization, trade, migration.

Title or brief description of the doctoral research project

Title: Essays on the Impact of Globalization on People: Remoteness and Migration Studies.

Description: The research focuses on the analysis of the impact of globalization on people with special attention to the effect of isolation, trade opportuni- ties for the poor and welfare changes due to migra- tion and the use of remittances as a family develop- ment strategy. The area of study is Ecuador where the migration phenomenon has accelerated signifi- cantly during the last 10 years.

ESSERS Dennis Personal Information

Country of Residence: Belgium.

Nationality: Belgian.

Academic Information

Enrolled as PhD student at UA, Faculty of Applied Economics (TEW) .

Date of registration: November 2010.


Research Affiliate Institute in Belgium: IOB.

Supervisor: Danny Cassimon, IOB, UA.

Field of Research

Vulnerability of developing countries to external shocks.

Title or brief description of the doctoral research project

Title: Transmission and Impacts of the 2008-2009 Financial and Economic Crisis on Developing Coun- tries: From Macro to Micro.

Description: This PhD research project aims to provide insights into the ways how and extent to which the recent global crisis, originating from within US and European financial sectors, has translated into real consequences for developing countries , and that on both the macro and household level. A first part of the research looks at the ‘Great Recession’ as constituting a wave of external shocks with multiple dimensions impacting the developing world, most notably under the form of declining capital flows and faltering trade. Borrowing from but extending the existing theoretical literature it develops a frame- work for thinking about country-level vulnerabi- lity and its three main components: (the nature of shocks, exposure and resilience) , as well as a classification of strategies to deal with such vulnera- bility (prevention, self-insurance, market insurance/

hedging and coping). This framework is then used as an entry point into an empirical evaluation of the factors that explain differences in growth perfor- mance during the crisis of a large cross-section of non-advanced countries. Other than most recent empirical accounts our analysis attempts to include institutional and political features, next to standard macroeconomic and financial variables. The se- cond module of research, which is to be further refined, will zoom in on crisis impacts on house- holds living and working in one particular developing country community, adapting the above-mentioned vulnerability framework to trace the poverty effect of a global shock (e.g. a fall in commodity prices) all the way down to the micro-level.

FAMORY Sinaba Personal Information

Country of Residence: Mali.

Nationality: Malian.

Affiliation: Institute of Rural Economy (IER), Mali.

Academic Information

Enrolled as PhD student at UA, Faculty of Applied Economics (TEW).

Date of registration: September 2008.

Research Affiliate Institute in Belgium: Flemish Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research (ILVO) - Social Sciences Unit and IOB.

Supervisors: Johan Bastiaensen, IOB, UA en ir. Joost Dessein (ILVO)

Field of Research

Institutions, value chains, sustainable rural develop- ment, producers’ inclusion in global economy.

Title or brief description of the doctoral research project

Title: Organic and Fair Trade Global Value Chains in Mali. Towards New Forms of Small Producers’

Inclusion in Global Economy.

Description: The agricultural and food-processing activities, in the North as in the South, are at present confronted with a profound reorganization of their institutional and economic environment. This recombining creates a risk of inequalities and exclusion generation for certain actors particularly for the small producers upstream in global value chains. Also, one attends the emergence of alternate agricultural value chains as organic and fair trade products accompanied by specific quality standards and supported by new institutions for a more durable and fair commercial system. In Mali, the organic and fair trade products value chains development focused on export crops among which cotton and sesame but also products of pickings such as the shea fruit. This thesis’ aim is an economic analysis of organic and fair trade products global value chains in Mali with knowing organic fair cotton and sesame. Can the development of organic and fair trade certified products improve producers’ inclusion in global economy and rebalance the power struggles in the global value chains or do reproduce the scenario of the conventional agricultural products? This thesis invites us to investigate on how the global opportuni- ties created by organic and fair trade products can be valorized locally by value chains upstream actors. It also invites us to understand how global certification systems can redynamize the economic exchanges between North and South in impacting local commu- nities’ capabilities to face a global pressure.


FLORES Selmira Personal Information

Country of Residence: Nicaragua.

Nationality: Nicaraguan.

Affiliation: Nitlapán, Universidad Centroamericana, Managua, Nicaragua.

Academic Information

Enrolled as PhD student at UA, IOB PhD in Develop- ment Studies.

Date of registration: August 2007.

Research Affiliate Institute in Belgium: IOB.

Supervisor: Johan Bastiaensen, IOB, UA.

Field of Research

Gender in value chains.

Title or brief description of the doctoral research project

Title: Gender Analysis in the Dairy Value Chains in Nicaragua. Revealing Opportunities and Constraints for Success of Women Entrepreneurs.

Description: The research focuses on gender relation- ships in the Dairy Value Chains in Nicaragua; it is oriented around the reflection of some, often neglected, complexities characterizing the dairy sector. The dairy sector and its value chains taking place in are embedded in a complex institutional environment with particular cultural and gender dimensions. The gender analysis is addressed towards the examination of the constraints and opportunities of women and men as micro, small or middle entrepreneurs in their multiple identities in two types of dairy value chains; (a) upgraded chains where the producers of milk have built their own associative enterprises to generate and capture more value added, and (b) more traditional chains in which individual family businesses are predominant. By multiple identities, this study understands women and men as producers, buyers, exporters, suppliers, etc. whose participation also depends on gender, age, educational level, expertise, residence place, and the ability to build social networks.

GÁNAME María Cecilia Personal Information

Country of Residence: Argentina.

Nationality: Argentinean.

Affiliation: Department and Institute of Economics and Finances, School of Economic Sciences, National University of Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina.

Academic Information

Enrolled as PhD student at UA, Faculty of Applied Economics (TEW).

Date of registration: October 2002.

Research Affiliate Institute in Belgium: IOB.

Supervisor: Germán Calfat, IOB, UA.

Field of Research

Trade, new economic geography, political economy.

Title or brief description of the doctoral research project

Title: Economic Geography and Endogenous Trade Policy under Imperfect Competitive Markets.

Description: The research paper aims to explain economic disparities that emerge when nations encourage trade liberalization processes. Two different kinds of backgrounds are interrelated in order to build alternative settings that may explain those disparities. A political game à la Grossman and Helpman is taken into account in order to introduce political variables in some of the New Economic Geography models.

GEENEN Sara Personal Information

Country of Residence: Belgium.

Nationality: Belgian.

Academic Information

Enrolled as PhD student at UA, IOB PhD in Develop- ment Studies.

Date of registration: October 2007.

Research Affiliate Institute in Belgium: IOB.

Supervisor: Stefaan Marysse, IOB, UA.

Field of Research

Political and social sciences, political economy, Great Lakes Region, Central Africa.

Title or brief description of the doctoral research project

Title: Local Actors, Global Interests in South Kivu.

Description: the purpose of this PhD research project is to analyze how local actors in a mining town interact with global interests and what appear to be


the outcomes of these interactions. The research is carried out in the framework of our partnership project with the Université Catholique de Bukavu on Local Governance and Post-Conflict Development.

Within this project, information will be collected on the exploitation and trade of mineral resources (gold) in Southern Kivu and the various actors involved.

GILDEMYN Marie Personal Information

Country of Residence: Belgium.

Nationality: Belgian.

Academic Information

Enrolled as PhD student at UA, IOB PhD in Develop- ment Studies.

Date of registration: October 2008.

Research Affiliate Institute in Belgium: IOB.

Supervisor: Nathalie Holvoet, IOB, UA.

Field of Research

Monitoring, evaluation, aid policies.

Title or brief description of the doctoral research project

Title: (provisional) Monitoring and Evaluation under the New Aid Approach: the Role and Influence of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs).

Description: The PhD research aims to analyse the role and influence of CSOs that are engaged in various M&E activities within the new aid paradigm.

More specifically, how CSOs can use the evidence gathered through M&E to influence policy and, on the other hand, how they can use the evidence to make policy makers more accountable. The research will probably focus on CSOs and networks of CSOs that are active within the health sector.

GRANATO Florencia Personal Information

Country of Residence: Argentina.

Nationality: Argentinean.

Affiliation: Department and Institute of Economics and Finances, School of Economic Sciences, National University of Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina.

Academic Information

Enrolled as PhD student at UA, Faculty of Applied Economics (TEW).

Date of registration: October 2002.

Research Affiliate Institute in Belgium: IOB.

Supervisor: Germán Calfat, IOB, UA.

Field of Research

Trade, integration, economic geography, location.

Title or brief description of the doctoral research project

Title: Location of Economic Activities within Coun- tries. The Case of Argentina and MERCOSUR Members.

Description: Motivated by the striking spatial reality of my country, Argentina, this thesis contributes to the body of research known as the New Economic Geography (NEG) and to the underdeveloped study of economic geography in Argentina and MERCO- SUR. The dissertation aims at understanding how location and agglomeration of economic activities have occurred within the country and the bloc during the last decades of re-opening of the economy to international trade. The introductory chapter lays out the motivation and objectives of this thesis, and presents its plan. Chapter 1 puts it into the perspec- tive of the existing literature. It is a very complete and rather detailed revision of the NEG framework, focusing on theoretical and empirical contributions that address the impacts of trade costs changes on domestic economic landscapes. Chapter 2 introduces a typical model of new economic geography, exten- ded to deal with different ‘pre-integration’ scenarios in order to evaluate the spatial effects that a regional integration agreement may provoke within a member country. Chapter 3 builds a model that, introducing some more realistic such as comparative advantage differences across regions and intra-industry linkages, accounts for the role of transport costs and infrastructure in determining intra-country location and export performance. Chapter 4 studies location within Argentina at the light of the predictions derived from the model in the second chapter.

Specifically, it carries out an explanatory spatial data analysis of the Argentinean economic landscape after MERCOSUR formation. Chapter 5 assesses whether regional export performance in Argentina, between 2003 and 2005, can be explained by means of the theoretical framework developed in the third chapter.


In this regard the chapter estimates the model-based gravity equation derived in that previous chapter.

Chapter 6 accomplished a related assessment for MERCOSUR regions. Propo-sing a more policy-orien- ted exercise, it attempted to identify where the resources of the Fondo de Convergencia Estructural del MERCOSUR (FOCEM) for infrastructure invest- ment should be directed to. Finally, the concluding chapter summarises the contributions of this thesis and presents potentially interesting topics related to the subject of the thesis that, having been put aside, will be among the objectives of future research.

INGELAERE Bert Personal Information

Country of Residence: Belgium.

Nationality: Belgian.

Academic Information

Enrolled as PhD student at UA, IOB PhD in Develop- ment Studies.

Date of registration: May 2008.

Research Affiliate Institute in Belgium: IOB.

Supervisor: Filip Reyntjens, IOB, UA.

Field of Research

Development anthropology, political transition, transitional justice, Rwanda, Burundi.

Title or brief description of the doctoral research project

Title: Peasants, Power, Identity and the Past. An Anthropological and Micro-Level Exploration of Rwanda’s Conflict Cycle.

Description: Against the background of regime change and in the context of violent conflict and

‘post-conflict reconstruction’ policies in a divided society does the research project seek to understand how a variety of changing norms, institutions, actors and implementation processes interact with locali- zed life-worlds and the agency of local actors. This will be done through an anthropological analysis of popular and state-sanctioned practices and percepti- ons of socio-political change resulting from original in-depth and long-lasting field research in Rwanda, the case-study country.

JACOBS Bert Personal Information

Country of Residence: Belgium.

Nationality: Belgian.

Academic Information

Enrolled as PhD student at UA, IOB PhD in Develop- ment Studies.

Date of registration: November 2010.

Research Affiliate Institute in Belgium: IOB.

Supervisor: Nadia Molenaers, IOB, UA.

Field of Research

Evolutions in aid approaches, role of infrastructure in development, political dynamics of effective instituti- ons, China’s emerging role in Africa, EU-China-Africa relations.

Title or brief description of the doctoral research project

Title: China and Project Aid, ‘new’ Donor facing old Obstacles?

Description: Project aid has always been one of the most intuitive forms of aid. Can there be a better way to help a country that is lacking the facilities and services necessary for its development, than by providing these to them? Fifty years of development assistance in Africa has learned us that the answer to Africa’s development needs is not that simple. For over two decades, from the beginning of the 1960s until the oil crisis of the 1970s, project aid was the only mainstream aid modality in the donor arsenal.

But weak institutional capacity and lack of political will undermined the effectiveness of projects as a development modality and led to a paradigm shift towards the promotion of conditionality based program aid since the 1980s. Structural Adjustment Programs, the New Aid Approach and everything that lies in-between, became the direct descendants of this shift. Over the last couple of years, China has evolved into one of Africa’s largest providers of infrastructure projects, as it uses the competitive edge of its construction industry to meet the major gap in hard infrastructure. These projects are most often embedded in the so called ‘Angola Model’

agreements, where the recipient counties leverage their resources and get infrastructure in return. The agreements often include a variety of aid provisions, but are fundamentally economic deals, which are



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