Studies on Ligand Directed Enzyme Prodrug Therapy and Production of Long Acting Protein Therapeutics for Targeted Cancer Treatment
Al-Mansoori, Layla
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Publication date: 2020
Link to publication in University of Groningen/UMCG research database
Citation for published version (APA):
Al-Mansoori, L. (2020). Studies on Ligand Directed Enzyme Prodrug Therapy and Production of Long Acting Protein Therapeutics for Targeted Cancer Treatment. University of Groningen.
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In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful
First I am grateful to the almighty God for establishing me to complete this thesis and PhD.
This journey was very exceptional and long for me, many people came into my way throughout my study, and had a very supportive influence, I would love to express my gratitude to some people who had a very valuable effect to accomplish my PhD.
My supervisors, Prof. Sayed K Goda and Prof. Philip Elsinga have been the pillars of my PhD, who did not spare any help, guidance, support to finish my degree.
I place in record my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Prof. Goda for his believe in me, his support and his guidance throughout my study. For his patience, motivation, enthusiasm and immense knowledge. He truly insisted and had faith in my capabilities to earn the degree of PhD, I cannot thank him enough for all his efforts to convince and lead me through the whole way until this day. I am confident this will not end, since Prof. Goda is a very generous person who would give his best to anyone seeking his support, as I knew from his way with many students, colleagues or anyone around him. May Allah bless him and keep him healthy and happy with his beloved ones.
I wish to express my thanks to my supervisor Prof. Elsinga for his support, guidance and giving me the privilege of joining his team at UMCG. Many obstacles came in the way through my study and Prof. Elsinga was always there to solve them and facilitate many things. I am really honored to do my study under his supervision and hope this would be the beginning of more future collaborations.
Dear reading committee, Prof. Alex Domling, Prof. Folkert Kuipers and
Prof. Lotfi Chouchane, thank you for your time and effort in reviewing my
I take this opportunity to thank Qatar University for supporting my study and being there for me all of the time especially the head of my department
Prof. Asma Al-Thani, Mr. Cezar Wazen from scholarship office and the
Biomedical Research Center staff especially Dr. Hadi Mohamad Yassine,
Ms Naiema Al-Meer, Mrs. Fadheela DadBakhsh and Ms. Maria Samtti
thank you all and may Allah bless you and give you the happiness you all deserve.
To my very special, beloved and unique friends who have been my strength and support at my hard times, Mrs Moza Al-Khanji, Ms Mona Al-Bloushi and Ms. Zakia Shinwari. I am truly blessed with your friendship and wish for you all the best in your lives.
I also would like to express my very heartfelt appreciation to Prof. Shaikha
Al-Thani, the first one ever believed in me as strong as to go beyond limits
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In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful
First I am grateful to the almighty God for establishing me to complete this thesis and PhD.
This journey was very exceptional and long for me, many people came into my way throughout my study, and had a very supportive influence, I would love to express my gratitude to some people who had a very valuable effect to accomplish my PhD.
My supervisors, Prof. Sayed K Goda and Prof. Philip Elsinga have been the pillars of my PhD, who did not spare any help, guidance, support to finish my degree.
I place in record my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Prof. Goda for his believe in me, his support and his guidance throughout my study. For his patience, motivation, enthusiasm and immense knowledge. He truly insisted and had faith in my capabilities to earn the degree of PhD, I cannot thank him enough for all his efforts to convince and lead me through the whole way until this day. I am confident this will not end, since Prof. Goda is a very generous person who would give his best to anyone seeking his support, as I knew from his way with many students, colleagues or anyone around him. May Allah bless him and keep him healthy and happy with his beloved ones.
I wish to express my thanks to my supervisor Prof. Elsinga for his support, guidance and giving me the privilege of joining his team at UMCG. Many obstacles came in the way through my study and Prof. Elsinga was always there to solve them and facilitate many things. I am really honored to do my study under his supervision and hope this would be the beginning of more future collaborations.
Dear reading committee, Prof. Alex Domling, Prof. Folkert Kuipers and
Prof. Lotfi Chouchane, thank you for your time and effort in reviewing my
I take this opportunity to thank Qatar University for supporting my study and being there for me all of the time especially the head of my department
Prof. Asma Al-Thani, Mr. Cezar Wazen from scholarship office and the
Biomedical Research Center staff especially Dr. Hadi Mohamad Yassine,
Ms Naiema Al-Meer, Mrs. Fadheela DadBakhsh and Ms. Maria Samtti
thank you all and may Allah bless you and give you the happiness you all deserve.
To my very special, beloved and unique friends who have been my strength and support at my hard times, Mrs Moza Al-Khanji, Ms Mona Al-Bloushi and Ms. Zakia Shinwari. I am truly blessed with your friendship and wish for you all the best in your lives.
I also would like to express my very heartfelt appreciation to Prof. Shaikha
Al-Thani, the first one ever believed in me as strong as to go beyond limits
My sincere thanks also go to Dr. Mohamed Elrayess for his support, encouragement and giving me very valuable advices. Dr. Elrayess was very passionate and had an extraordinary believe in my capabilities, he was always there since I knew him for any support or help needed.
I would like to thank QNRF and ADLQ for funding and allowing me to carry on my research at their facility.
I have been really blessed with amazing Teachers all my educational life, to all my wonderful teachers who taught me from all their hearts how to be a knowledge seeker, instead of just being a hunter for grades and degrees, who showed me how to chase my dreams and always look for the best and never give up on whatever I believe in. I pray GOD to bless them all wherever they are and humbly would like to share this degree with them, for I believe its their true right and the fruit of their exertion.
My heartfelt gratitude to my parents and family. Some people are just great by themselves with no titles or glorious positions; in my opinion, my mother is one of those people. My Mother didn’t spare any effort to push me throughout my study and established the person who I am today by raising me and my sisters uniquely.
My beloved little sister Noura, she is younger in age but has been there for me all of the time as my mother, father, very dear friend and honest loving mentor. My precious brothers Ahmed and Fahad, the best brothers ever any one could wish for. They were immensely supporting my study despite many challenges and difficulties; I cannot thank them enough for their trust, support
Last but not least, my country QATAR, which I hold in my heart wherever I go very proudly and passionately. Proud of its flag, sky, land and kind Qatari people. I have always been honored by simplest details related to QATAR going to the massive achievements reached lately. Hope I can reward and pay back very little of what I gained from my country since my childhood, and wish to make my country proud of me as I am fortunate of being a citizen of such heaven.
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My sincere thanks also go to Dr. Mohamed Elrayess for his support, encouragement and giving me very valuable advices. Dr. Elrayess was very passionate and had an extraordinary believe in my capabilities, he was always there since I knew him for any support or help needed.
I would like to thank QNRF and ADLQ for funding and allowing me to carry on my research at their facility.
I have been really blessed with amazing Teachers all my educational life, to all my wonderful teachers who taught me from all their hearts how to be a knowledge seeker, instead of just being a hunter for grades and degrees, who showed me how to chase my dreams and always look for the best and never give up on whatever I believe in. I pray GOD to bless them all wherever they are and humbly would like to share this degree with them, for I believe its their true right and the fruit of their exertion.
My heartfelt gratitude to my parents and family. Some people are just great by themselves with no titles or glorious positions; in my opinion, my mother is one of those people. My Mother didn’t spare any effort to push me throughout my study and established the person who I am today by raising me and my sisters uniquely.
My beloved little sister Noura, she is younger in age but has been there for me all of the time as my mother, father, very dear friend and honest loving mentor. My precious brothers Ahmed and Fahad, the best brothers ever any one could wish for. They were immensely supporting my study despite many challenges and difficulties; I cannot thank them enough for their trust, support
Last but not least, my country QATAR, which I hold in my heart wherever I go very proudly and passionately. Proud of its flag, sky, land and kind Qatari people. I have always been honored by simplest details related to QATAR going to the massive achievements reached lately. Hope I can reward and pay back very little of what I gained from my country since my childhood, and wish to make my country proud of me as I am fortunate of being a citizen of such heaven.