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Acidity and activity of H-ZSM-5 measured with NH3-TPD and n-hexane cracking


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Acidity and activity of H-ZSM-5 measured with NH3-TPD and

n-hexane cracking

Citation for published version (APA):

Post, J. G., & Hooff, van, J. H. C. (1984). Acidity and activity of H-ZSM-5 measured with NH3-TPD and n-hexane cracking. Zeolites, 4(1), 9-14. https://doi.org/10.1016/0144-2449(84)90065-4



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Acidity and activity of H-ZSM-5

measured with NHa-t.p.d. and n-hexane


j . G. Post and J. H. C. van H o o f f

Eindhoven University of Technology, Laboratory for Inorganic Chemistry,

PO Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands

(Received 15 March 1983)

NH3-t.p.d. and n-hexane cracking were used to characterize the acidity and activity of zeolite H-ZSM-5. From the NH3-t.p.d. experiments it could be concluded that two types of acid sites are present in H-ZSM-5: Weak acid sites corresponding with desorption at low temperature and small &/-/des, and strong acid sites corresponding with desorption at high temperature and large &Hdes. Especially the desorption at high temperature could be explained satisfactorily by theoretical models as presented in literature. From the n-hexane cracking experiments information about the initial activity and the deactivation were obtained. Combination of the results of both methods led to a relation between the initial activity and the amount of strong acid sites. However, it was impossible to relate the deactivation with one of the acidic properties. Keywords: H-ZSM-5; acidic properties; NHz-t.p.d; n-hexane cracking


The acidity of zeo|ites can be investigated by several methods. With infrared spectroscopy one can determine w h e t h e r Lewis or Br#nsted sites are present 1. From results obtained it m a y be concluded that the ZSM-5 samples used in this work contain mainly Br$Snsted acid sites.

The acid strength can be d e t e r m i n e d by measuring the heat of adsorption or desorption of a suitable probe molecule. A m m o n i a meets the requirements for such a probe. Firstly it is small enough to enter all the zeolite pores. Secondly it can react b o t h with the Br#nsted and Lewis acid sites. Pyridine, for instance is m u c h less suitable with regard to the first requirement.

The heat o f adsorption can be measured with calorimetry and the heat o f desorption with temperature programmed desorption (t.p.d.). During adsorption, NH 3 enters the zeolite and adsorbs at the first available site. This is n o t necessarily the strongest one. In this way too low a value of the acid strength is obtained. During desorption starting with all sites covered, a m m o n i a will first desorb from the weakest site. Therefore t.p.d., in t h e o r y the most correct m e t h o d , is applied in this work.

Although t.p.d, is a well k n o w n m e t h o d , n o t so m u c h has been reported about it using zeolites, especially ZSM-5. A satisfying t h e o r y for determining the heat of desorption from the t.p.d, plot is developed by Cvetahovic and

A m e n o m i y a 3. Gorte 4 and Alnot 19 reported that the


~) Butterworth & Co. (Publishers) Ltd. i

m e t h o d o f a sequence of measurements with different heating rates gives the most reliable values for the heat o f desorption. Using this m e t h o d Tops~be 1 has already reported NH 3 t.p.d, for ZSM-5.

The cracking o f n-hexane is used as a test reaction to determine the activity and the deactivation of the catalyst. As has been shown earlier 6 this simple reaction can be used for testing the suitability of ZSM-5 for m e t h a n o l conversion. In this w o r k an a t t e m p t is made to f'md the relation b e t w e e n the acidity, measured with NHyt.p.d. and the catalytic behaviour of ZSM-5. Variation of the acidity is achieved by variation of the Al c o n t e n t s and by changing the degree of exchange.



ZSM-5 catalysts were synthesized in a Teflon vessel placed in an autoclave, u n d e r autogeneous pressure (5-6 atm) for 6 days at 150°C. A typical reaction mixture was A1203 : SiO2 : Na20 : K20 : TPAOH : H20 = 1 : 59 : 1.25 : 0.87 : 12.5 : 1200. Where A1203 and Na20 are supplied as sodium aluminate, SiO2 as colloidal silica, and TPAOH as

a 20% aqueous solution also containing K20. With respect to the original recipe 7, lowering o f the TPAOH c o n t e n t enhanced the crystallinity (from XRD). Silicalite, the Al-free ZSM-59, was also synthesized. After crystallization the ZSM-5 was calcined (air, 550°C for 3 h) to remove the organic material. Crystallinity, checked with XRD 7 was


Acidity and activity of H-ZSM-5: J. G. Post and J. H. C. van Hooff

Table 1

Chemical composition n-hexane cracking

Samples SiO2/Al=O 3 N AI,uc * exch1" k 0 (h-') k ( 1 0 -2)



AHde s (kJ tool-') N (102°sites/gi &Hde s N

E1 22.1 8.0 0.75 0.56 2.80 E3 22.1 8.0 0.85 0.92 1.63 F1 49.5 3.7 0.52 0.48 4.98 F2 49.5 3.7 0.81 0.67 4.29 F3 49.5 3.7 0.89 0.65 4.21 H 1 68.8 2.7 0.88 0.51 4.17 H3 68.8 2.7 0.97 0.46 3.03 11 41.0 4.5 0.96 1.20 19.6 13 41.0 4.5 0.98 1.43 25.8 73 1.8 45 116 1.3 103 169 1.8 109 138 0.9 76 137 2.8 68 5.7 3.4 3.3 2.0 6.1 * NAI,u c = number of AI per unit cell (AIxSi96_xO192)

1" exch = (mol AI -- mol (Na + K))/mol AI

good for all samples. To exchange the Na ÷ and K ÷ ions for H ÷ the ZSM was stirred for 1 h with a 2 M NH4OH solution at 80°C, washed and calcined. To obtain different degrees of exchange this was done 1-3 times. The catalysts used in this work are summarized in Table 1.

Apparatus and procedure n-Hexane cracking

The n-hexane cracking was carried out in a tubular quartz reactor. The n-hexane was fed in the He carrier-gas stream b y a syringe pump and led over the catalyst at 300°(3. The flow of n-hexane was 1 g/((g catalyst) h). The reactor bed contained 0.5 g ZSM-5, particle size 60-125/~m. The reaction product was chromatographically analysed, every 25 min for at least 4 h. NHa-t.p.d.

The apparatus used for NH3-t.p.d. is schematized in Figure 1. Before adsorption the catalyst (0.5 g)




Thermocouple - - - - 7




,<,_ [


] ~ [

I I + He NH~ Figure 1 NH3-t.p.d. apparatus

was dried in a flow of 23 ml min -I o f predried He for 2 h. Adsorption t o o k place with 20% N H 3 in the He flow at 70°C for 0.5 h. Finally the catalyst was flushed with He at 70°C for 1 h. Desorption was done by heating the catalyst from 70°C to 600°C with a linear heating schedule. The a m o u n t of desorbing NH 3 was measured with a heat con- ductivity detector. The exit gas was bubbled through a gas-washing-bottle filled with 0.1 N H2SO 4 to collect the NH3, so the total a m o u n t could be determined by back titration.


The cracking of the n-hexane as function of the time on stream is shown in Figure 2. Because the cracking is first order in n-hexane Is it follows that:

dC - k C ( 1 ) dt 1 Cout 1 k = - - - l n . . . . In (1 - - x ) (2) r Cm r

In these equations the rate constant k is time d e p e n d e n t to discount the deactivation. Several theoretical models are in use to describe the course o f k as a function of the reaction time. These models have in c o m m o n that k can be characterized by two parameters: the initial rate constant k0, and the deactivation constant X. Although it is possible to describe mathematically each curve, the model which is of interest uses only these two parameters. U n f o r t u n a t e l y the models we used ]2,13 gave a poor fit for the con- version curves and so far as we k n o w there are no models which describe properly conversion with zeolite catalysts in terms o f b o t h initial activity and deactivation. In spite of this there is still a need to compare the catalysts so the k 0 values are

determined by graphical extrapolation and X by


_ ~ - - E 3 ' F 5 A 0< 20 - m I 6O FI Figure 2 I I I 120 180 2 4 0 Time (min)

n-Hexane cracking versus t i m e on stream


the following equation: ~, = ko--k(t= 3 h)




The results are given in Table 1. They show that except for the samples H1 and H a activity increases with increasing degree of exchange. Such a relation- ship cannot be found for deactivation. XRD and adsorption of n-butane were used to examine the crystallinity of the zeolites. As mentioned before all samples show a good XRD crystallinity and there was no significant difference between them. The pore volume determination with n-butane adsorption (at 23°C) resulted for all samples in values between 0.162 and 0.173 ml g-l, which is in good agreement with other investigations x°'11 So it is also n o t possible to explain the differences

in catalytic behaviour by differences in crystal- linity.

As expected, silicalite shows no activity in the n-hexane test. Only 1-2% isomerization occurred. The acidity of silicalite comes from the = S i - - O H groups at the external crystal surface and is far too weak for n-hexane cracking.


Figure 3 shows a typical t.p.d, plot. The catharo- meter response in arbitrary units which is pro- portional to the desorption rate r, is given as a function of the desorption temperature. With the theory developed by Cvetanovic and A m e n o m i y a 3 it is possible to determine the activa- tion energy E d , or the heat A H d , of desorption. The investigations of Gorte 4 for the design para- meters of t.p.d, apparatus show that this theory is applicable in our experimental set-up and that

Acidity and activity of H-ZSM-5: J. G. Post and J. H. C. van Hooff

freely occurring readsorption is most likely. The desorption rate is given by:

d 0 (--Edes ~

r = ~ = v O n exp \ R T / (4) The coverage 0 equals unity when all available adsorption sites are covered. The desorption is first order if log rio versus 1/T gives a linear relationship. Figure 4 shows that this holds very well for the high temperature peak (HTP) b u t n o t for the low temperature peak (LTP). T.p.d. plots



• v I

4 0 0 600 800

Temperoture ( K )

Figure 3 NH3-t.p.d, plot for catalyst 13 detector response versus

temperature o 60 iO00 2 . 4

3, f

+ -I- + 1.4 + + + + + + + Figure 4

Figure 3. S is the catharometer response in arbitrary units


1.2 2.0 2 . 6 I O 0 0 / T (K -z )

Log S/e versus IO00/T belonging t o the t.p.d, plot of


A c i d i t y a n d a c t i v i t y o f H - Z S M - 5 : J. G. P o s t a n d J. H. C. van H o o f f

of silicalite only possess the LTP, so combined with the fact that silicalite does n o t crack n- hexane makes it clear t.hat only the HTP is of catalytic interest. Because NH a desorption is first order, in the HTP, and readsorption occurs freely, the relation b e t w e e n the peak m a x i m u m tempera- ture Tm and the heat of desorption AHdes is given


2 log Tm -- log/3 -


2.303 RTm

+ log](1--0m)V~AHdes ]

F A R (5) where/3 is the linear heating rate.

An analogous relation b e t w e e n T,,,, fl and Ede s is only valid in the case where readsorption does not occur, which is not very likely in microporous catalysts 4. Because Ead from gases to a solid surface is negligible AHaes is almost equal to Eaes. If the t.p.d, curves are recorded with various heating rates ft. AHaes can be determined accord- ing to relation (5) by plotting 2 log Tm -- log fl against 1~Tin. This was done for the LTP and the HTP.

Determination of Tm and the peak area is done by c o m p u t e r fitting the measured t.p.d, plot with the theoretical curve shape s , which will be discussed later. Results are summarized in Table 1.

The values of AHdes obtained with NHs-t.p.d. using different heating rates are in good agreement with microcalorimetric measurements of Auroux s comparing AHdes for the HTP found in this work with their initial heat of adsorption. There is good agreement with Tops~be 1 however they used the equation for activation energyk Applying one heat- ing rate and estimating the last term of relation (5) or using relation (4) gives deviating and un- reliable results.


as a function o f S i O 2 / A l 2 0 3 ratio appears to have a m a x i m u m at SiO2/A1203"~" 50 (which agrees with Ref. 11). From structural considera- tions one would understand an increase of acidity with increasing ratio until a top level is reached at a ratio of 48 because then there is one A1 at each pore intersection, in case of random distribu- tion. But, however, it shows that acidity is a function of A1 content. The n u m b e r of both strong and weak acid sites (Nhtp and Nltp) increases with the A1 content. The strong increase of the weak acid sites makes it clear that these sites c a n n o t only be silanol (--Si--OH) surface sites.

Plotting the initial rate-constant k 0 of n-hexane cracking versus the Nht p (Figure 7) gives an almost linear relationship. Also for the LTP there is a clear increase of k0 with Nltp. The k0 has no

+ 5.10 T 4.80 N 4.50 - I I I I I 1.32 1.36 1.40 I000/Tm (K -t )

Figure 5 2 Log T m - - log/3 versus I O 0 0 / T m for catalyst 13. = 15.21, 12.63, 9.51,6.43 and 1.22 from left t o right for the indicated points A 4 o 2 6 - I ÷ 0 I I I I I I 20 40 60 SiOz/AI z 03

Figure 6 A m o u n t of desorbed molecules NH 3 versus the SiO=/AI=O 3 ratio for the LTP and the H T P of the catalyst (Tab/e I)

1.2 i j = ~,, 0.8 0 . 4 Figure 7 + • + • I I I I I I 2 4 6 N ( 102°sites/g )

Initial rate constant k o versus sites/g catalyst f o r the LTP and H T P o f the catalyst (Tab/e 1)


relation with AHdes. So it seems that for n-hexane cracking it is mainly the n u m b e r of strong acid sites which is important and n o t the strength.

The deactivation constant ;~ of the catalyst cannot be related with any o t h e r parameter. Only with some caution can it be stated that ~ increases with the n u m b e r o f acid sites. To discover if coke formation at the external surface is the cause o f deactivation 6,14, and is a function o f the crystallite surface acidity, t.p.d, was done with another probe molecule. Triethylamine (TEA) was used instead o f NHa. This is too large to enter the ZSM-5 pores but has the same basic properties

a r NH 3. For TEA-t.p.d. the same procedure was

followed as for NH3-t.p.d. Again there is a HTP (T m ~ 490°C) and a LTP (T m ~ 180°C) and

silicalite only posseses the LTP. However, the relation b e t w e e n TEA-t.p.d. (external surface acidity) and deactivation is n o t b e t t e r than for NHa-t.p.d.

Acidity and activity of H-ZSM-5: J. G. Post and J. H. C. van Hooff

function of T can be computed. By varying em the theoretical curve can be fitted to the ascending slope of the first experimental peak. With the fitting em the theoretical descending slope is computed. After subtracting the theoretical curve from the experimental one, the procedure is repeated for the remaining curve. The result is shown in Figure 3a. It is possible to c o n n e c t to each peak a AHaes value by applying different heating-rates as described before. This results in decreasing AHdes values for peaks with increasing Tin, which is physically impossible. F u r t h e r m o r e n o t every catalyst shows the same n u m b e r of resolved peaks. So this way of curve resolving is n o t very reliable. If the theory is valid, it should also be possible to resolve the curve in the opposite direction from high to low temperature (Figure 8b). In this way a direct resolving of the HTP, which is of catalytic interest, is obtained. With this m e t h o d the HTP area is determined, for the LTP area the total area minus the HTP area is taken. The p o o r fit of the LTP makes it clear that the theoretical model cannot be applied for the whole plot. CURVE FITTING

The Cvetanovic and A m e n o m i y a model

It is possible that the NH3-t.p.d. plot consists of

more than the two peaks which are visible at first iz0 sight. Depending on the heating rate, some

catalysts showed a weak shoulder after the top of the LTP. Therefore attempts are made to resolve

the curve with the model for the case of desorption a0 with freely occurring readsorption. With their

t h e o r y t h e y derived an equation for the concentra- tion C of the desorbing species in flowing gas as a function of surface coverage. To obtain C, which

is proportional to the c a t h a r o m e t e r response, as a 40 function of the temperature (at linear heating rate)

the following equations have to be evaluated:

=. o In ( O m l O 3 - - ( O m -- 0 120 1 _ _ E m x fexp n dT. (6)



AHdes X = e m ( 1 - - 1 ] a0 e m -


T,. / 4O l n ( e ) - e = l n x e x

0 1 - - On, 4oo 600 aoo

- - e x ( 8 ) remperot.re ( K )

1 - - 0 8m Figure 8 (a) T.p.d. curve resolving for catalyst 13, in forward direction (b) T.p.d. curve resolving for catalyst 13, in backward direction

C n m

Starting with an initial coverage 0l = 1, C as a


A c i d i t y a n d activity o f H-ZSM-5: J. G. Post a n d J. H. C. van H o o f f

Because the theoretical curve shape is assymetrzc with respect to


curve resolving gives a b e t t e r m e t h o d of determining the HTP peak area.


The cracking of n-hexane has been used to de- termine the activity and deactivation of ZSM-5. This reaction seems to have a threshold level for acid strength. Above this level the acidity only depends on the n h m b e r of acid sites. Therefore trafislation o f n-hexane activity and deactivation to other chemical reactions has to be done with great care. To examine the relation b e t w e e n deactivation and acidity a b e t t e r model for de- activation then applied in this w o r k is needed. NH3-t.p.d. is a useful m e t h o d for characterizing the acidity of a catalyst in terms of acid strength (AHdes) and the number o f acid sites. For reliable values of

AHaes the m e t h o d of different heating

rates has to be applied. It was not possible to relate the strong or weak acid sites to disc.rete lattice positions. With curve resolving according to Cvetanovic and A m e n o m i y a it is:not possible to distinguish in a proper manner more than two acid strengths. Applying backwards curve resolv- ing rather than just determining the peak maxi- m u m temperature is a more accurate way of determining the area of the HTP.


Thanks are due to H. J. M. Cals, A. van der Putten and T. H. A. van den Bout for doing a great deal of the practical work.

N O M E N C L A T U R E k ko t WHSV C X k Edes Hdes rdes P e n Tm P Nhtp Nltp index

rate constant (g n-hexane/g catalyst h)

rate constant t = 0

contact time (h)

weight hourly space velocity (g n-hexane/g catalyst h) concentration in = reactor in

out = reactor out conversion

deactivation constant (h -I)

activation energy for desorption (kJ/mol K) heat of desorption (kJ rno1-1)

rate of desorption frequency factor coverage


peak maximum temperature (K) heating rate (K min -j)

number of NH 3 desorbing in the high temperature peak number of NH 3 desorbing in the low temperature peak i initial

m at peak maximum

n normalized to peak maximum (e.g. T n = T / T m)


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