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Visualisation of articular motion in orthopaedics Krekel, P.R.


Academic year: 2021

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Visualisation of articular motion in orthopaedics

Krekel, P.R.


Krekel, P. R. (2011, February 10). Visualisation of articular motion in orthopaedics. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/1887/16455

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License: Licence agreement concerning inclusion of doctoral thesis in the Institutional Repository of the University of Leiden

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List of publications

Krekel PR, Botha CP, Valstar ER, DeBruin PW, Post FH, Rozing PM (2006). Interactive si- mulation and comparative visualisation of the bone-determined range of motion of the human shoulder. Proceedings of Simulation and Visualization (T. Schulze, G. Horton, B. Preim, and S.

Schlechtweg, eds.), 275-288, Best Paper Award.

Krekel PR, de Bruin PW, Valstar ER, Post FH, Rozing PM, Botha CP (2009). Evaluation of bone impingement prediction in preoperative planning for shoulder arthroplasty. J. Engineering in Medicine Part H: Proc. IMechE.223(7), 813-822.

Krekel PR, Valstar ER, Post FH, Rozing PM, Botha CP (2010). Combined surface and vo- lume processing for fused joint segmentation. The International Journal for Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery5(3), 263-273.

Krekel PR, Valstar ER, DeGroot J, Post FH, Nelissen RGHH, Botha CP (2010). Visual Ana- lysis of Multi-Joint Kinematic Data. Computer Graphics Forum, 29(3), 1123-1132.

Botha CP, Krekel PR, Valstar ER, DeBruin PM, Rozing PM, Post FH (2010). Pre-operative planning and intra-operative guidance for shoulder replacement surgery. Scientific Visualiza- tion: Advanced Concepts(H. Hagen, Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum f¨ur Informatik), 1, 179- 195.

Krekel PR, Vochteloo AJH, Bloem RM, Nelissen RGHH (2011). Femoroacetabular impinge- ment and its implications on range of motion: a case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports, Accepted to appear.


List of publications



Curriculum Vitae

Peter Krekel was born on the 20thof June 1982 in the Bronovo Hospital in Den Haag, The Netherlands. After graduating from the ‘Oranje Nassau College’ in Zoetermeer (VWO) in the year 2000 he commenced his studies in Computer Science at Delft Uni- versity of Technology. During a practical in 2004 he came into contact with dr. C.P.

Botha, who efficaciously conveyed his enthusiasm for the field of medical visualisa- tion. A Master’s project followed, which was completed in 2006. The research was showcased in a national television series and was awarded a Best Paper award at Simulation and Visualization 2006 in Magdeburg, Germany and the 1st prize of the Young Investigator Award of the Dutch Biomedical Engineering conference 2007 in Egmond aan Zee, the Netherlands.

He continued the work on medical visualisation for orthopaedics as a Ph.D. stu- dent in May 2006. The project was carried out as a joint effort between the Orthopa- edics Department of Leiden University Medical Center (Head: prof. dr. P.M. Rozing;

followed up in 2006 by prof. dr. R.G.H.H. Nelissen) and the Computer Graphics &

CAD/CAM group of the Department of Mediamatics of Delft University of Technology (Head: prof. dr. ir. F.W. Jansen).

In May 2010 he founded a company called Clinical Graphics. Clinical Graphics specialises in decision-supporting visualisation software for clinical challenges.


Curriculum Vitae




This thesis was realised at the Department of Orthopaedics of Leiden University Me- dical Center (Head: prof. dr. P.M. Rozing; and prof. dr. R.G.H.H. Nelissen) and the Computer Graphics & CAD/CAM group of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Ma- thematics and Computer Science of Delft University of Technology (Head: Prof. dr. ir.

F.W. Jansen). The described research was supervised by Charl Botha, Edward Valstar and Frits Post. Its completion I owe to many.

I am greatly indebted to Professor Emery and Addie Majed, who have believed in this work from our first encounter at a pleasant small-sized conference in London.

They have been vital for a large part of this thesis, as well as for the continuation of the research.

I would like to thank Rolf, Tom, Heinse and Stefan for being early adopters in (r)evolutionary hip research. Furthermore, the people at J9, especially Nienke, Da- niel, Andr´e and Bouke, who were colleagues from the beginning and perfectly played their part in a never dull work environment. Jurriaan, thank you for your advice on orientation and direction. A special thanks goes to Ruud and Bart for their knowled- geable technical support.

I would like to thank, in order of appearance, but not necessarily in order of importance: Jorik, Gerwin, Eric, Peter Schaafsma, Stef, Lingxiao, Paul de Bruin, Thisbe, Vesna, Paolo, Tim, Stef, Andriy, Emiel and last and quite the contrary of least, Franc¸ois. Your social roles and in depth discussions have been of utmost importance.

Dear Frans, it would be impossible for me to imagine the past four years without your friendship. You already finished your thesis, a masterpiece you can be extremely proud of. A reminder of an important period in both our lives, I will keep the books side-by-side and frequently look back with a smile. I was told that nothing really ends; we should do this again some time.

With the final dot drawing nearer I am thankful to my parents, who have always encouraged me to pursue and to persist. Sacha, thank you for being there for me



when I need you. Fleur, I am extremely proud of having you as a sister.

Dear Charl, the final spot is rightfully yours. I can honestly say that the decision to do my Master’s graduation work under your supervision has been the best decision of my life. For everything that followed from it I am thoroughly grateful.




Specifically, we study how medical visualisation provides insight into the articulation and range of motion (ROM) of joints, with the purpose of supporting surgical decision-making

Our segmentation technique consists of four stages (see Figure 2.2) of which the first stage is a preprocessing stage to counteract variability in the scan parameters and to

In our prototype pre-operative planning system for shoulder replacement, we cre- ate patient-specific bone-determined range of motion predictions based on collision detection

Our pre-operative planning system simulates patient-specific bone-determined range of motion, meant to reduce the risk of impingement complications and to im- prove the range of

Each model underwent a process of endosteal and periosteal morphological assessment (see Fi- gure 5.2). Proximal ellipse fitting defines a distal major and minor axis whilst

The system currently supports six visualisation techniques that are collectively used to filter motion data and inspect relationships between the various DOFs. Although designed for

Pre-operative simulation of ROM, assuming the fracture would have healed in post-traumatic configuration, indicated that the available range of external rotation in 0 ◦ of

This principle can be used to guide the development of visual analysis applications that deal with large amounts of data.. The challenge of these visualisation tasks lies in