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University of Groningen Biochemical characterization of β-galactosidases and engineering of their product specificity Yin, Huifang


Academic year: 2021

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University of Groningen

Biochemical characterization of β-galactosidases and engineering of their product specificity

Yin, Huifang

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Publication date: 2017

Link to publication in University of Groningen/UMCG research database

Citation for published version (APA):

Yin, H. (2017). Biochemical characterization of β-galactosidases and engineering of their product specificity. University of Groningen.


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ѝ᮷᪈㾱 192 վ㚊ॺң㌆ᱟ⭡н਼Ⲵॺң㌆অݳ䘈৏ㄟ䘎᧕ањ㪑㨴㌆ᡆॺң㌆࠶ ᆀᶴᡀⲴˈ㚊ਸᓖа㡜ѪҼࡠॱњঅսDŽഐѪᆳԜо⇽ңѝⲴሑ㚊㌆ᴹ㊫ լⲴ⳺⭏ݳ࣏㜭ˈվ㚊ॺң㌆ᐢ㓿㻛ᒯ⌋␫࣐ࡠႤᒬݯྦ㊹઼伏૱ѝDŽβ-ॺ ң㌆㤧䞦൘儈⎃ᓖⲴң㌆֌Ѫᓅ⢙ᰦਟԕۜॆ䖜㌆ส৽ᓄ⭏ᡀվ㚊ॺң㌆ˈ ਇࡠҶᒯ⌋Ⲵޣ⌘઼⹄ウDŽн਼Ⲵ β-ॺң㌆㤧䞦ӗ⭏Ⲵվ㚊ॺң㌆൘ᡀ࠶ǃ 㔃ᶴǃ㚊ਸᓖǃԕ৺䘎᧕䭞රкᆈ൘ᖸབྷᐞᔲDŽⴞࡽሩβ-ॺң㌆㤧䞦ӗ⢙ ⢩ᔲᙗⲴ㔃ᶴส⹰䘈н␵ᾊDŽᵜ䇪᮷࡙⭘สҾ㔃ᶴⲴॺ⨶ᙗケਈᒦ㔃ਸሩ ӗ⢙㔃ᶴⲴ䈖㓶䀓᷀⹄ウҶβ-ॺң㌆㤧䞦Ⲵӗ⢙㔃ᶴ৺ަӗ⢙⢩ᔲᙗⲴ㔃 ᶴส⹰DŽ ᡁԜ俆ݸ⹄ウሩ∄Ҷй⿽൘ᐕъкᓄ⭘ᒯ⌋Ⲵβ-ॺң㌆㤧䞦ۜॆӗ⭏ Ⲵվ㚊ॺң㌆Ⲵӗ䟿઼ᡀ࠶ˈᆳԜ࠶࡛ᶕⓀҾBacillus circulans,

Kluyveromyces lactis ઼ Aspergillus oryzaeDŽ ⹄ウ㔃᷌㺘᰾ˈᶕⓀҾ Bacillus circulans Ⲵ β-ॺң㌆㤧䞦⭏ӗվ㚊ॺң㌆Ⲵӗ䟿ᴰ儈ˈ㘼фվ㚊ॺң㌆Ⲵ

㔃ᶴҏᴰѠᇼDŽᡁԜӾᶕⓀҾB. circulans, K. lactis ઼ A. oryzae Ⲵ β-ॺң㌆ 㤧䞦ӗ⭏Ⲵӗ⢙ѝ࠶࡛࠶⿫䢤ᇊҶ 21ǃ12 ઼ 11 ⿽н਼Ⲵվ㚊ॺң㌆㔃ᶴDŽ ᶕⓀҾB. circulans Ⲵ β-ॺң㌆㤧䞦ӗ⭏Ⲵվ㚊ॺң㌆ѫ㾱䭞රवᤜ(β1→4)ǃ (β1→2)ǃ(β1→3)઼(β1→6)DŽަѝˈ(β1→4)ᱟӗ⢙ѝᴰѠᇼⲴ䭞රDŽᶕⓀҾ K. lactis ઼ A. oryzae Ⲵ β-ॺң㌆㤧䞦ӗ⢙ѝ(β1→6)ᱟᴰѫ㾱Ⲵ䭞රDŽሩҾ й⿽β-ॺң㌆㤧䞦ѫ㾱ӗ⢙Ⲵࣘᘱ䐏䑚㺘᰾ˈվ㚊ॺң㌆Ⲵᡀ࠶ѫ㾱ਆߣ Ҿ䞦ⲴᶕⓀ઼৽ᓄᰦ䰤DŽ਼ᰦˈᡁԜ⭘13C ḷ䇠Ⲵॺң㌆઼㪑㨴㌆᧒㍒Ҷᆳ Ԝሩ䞦৽ᓄ䗷〻Ⲵᖡ૽DŽ㔃᷌㺘᰾ˈሩҾᶕⓀҾB. circulans ઼ K. lactis β-ॺң㌆㤧䞦ˈ≤䀓৽ᓄӗ⭏Ⲵॺң㌆઼㪑㨴㌆䜭֌Ѫਇփᓅ⢙৲оҶ䖜㌆ ส䞦৽ᓄˈ⭏ᡀҶ䘈৏ㄟнѪң㌆Ⲵሑ㌆ӗ⢙DŽሩᶕⓀҾA. oryzae Ⲵ β-ॺ ң㌆㤧䞦ᶕ䈤ˈ㪑㨴㌆৲оҶ৽ᓄˈ㘼ॺң㌆ᱟ䖜㌆ส৽ᓄⲴᣁࡦࡲDŽ ަ⅑ᡁԜԕᶕⓀҾ Bacillus circulans Ⲵ β-ॺң㌆㤧䞦Ѫ⹄ウሩ䊑䘹ਆҶ սҾ⍫ᙗѝᗳⲴ≘ส䞨↻สᒦ䘋㹼Ҷᇊ⛩ケਈˈᒦф⹄ウ઼䀓᷀Ҷケਈփ ᡰӗ⭏Ⲵվ㚊ॺңሑ㌆ˈԕ䱀᰾ަӗ⢙⢩ᔲᙗⲴ㔃ᶴส⹰DŽ⹄ウ㔃᷌㺘᰾ սҾ⍫ᙗѝᗳⲴArg484 ሩҾվ㚊ॺң㌆Ⲵ䭞රᴹ⵰䶎ᑨޣ䭞Ⲵ֌⭘DŽ価઼ ケਈ㺘᰾ᡰᴹ൘䈕ս⛩Ⲵケਈ䜭᭩ਈҶӗ⢙Ⲵ䭞රˈӾ㘼ӗ⭏Ҷਜ਼ᴹн਼ 㓴࠶Ⲵվ㚊ॺң㌆ӗ⢙DŽNMR ࠶᷀㺘᰾ˈ䘉⿽ӗ⢙Ⲵѫ㾱䭞රᱟ(β1→3)઼ (β1→4)ˈ㘼䟾⭏ර β-ॺң㌆㤧䞦ѫ㾱ӗ⢙ᱟ(β1→4)䭞රDŽᡁԜ䙊䗷Ṩ⻱ޡ ᥟ˄NMR˅ǃ儈᭸⿫ᆀ㢢䉡˄HPAEC-PAD˅઼ส䍘䖵ࣙ◰ݹ䀓᷀⭥⿫伎


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㹼ᰦ䰤䍘䉡˄MALDI-TOF-MS˅䢤ᇊҶ 10 ⿽ޘᯠⲴվ㚊ॺң㌆㔃ᶴˈӾ㘼 ֯վ㚊ॺң㌆Ⲵ㔃ᶴᮠᦞᓃӾ60 ⿽ᢙབྷࡠҶ 70 ⿽DŽ䘉ҏᱟ俆⅑ᣕ䚃࡙⭘ 䞦࠶ᆀ᭩䙐Ⲵᯩ⌅᭩ਈβ-ॺң㌆㤧䞦Ⲵӗ⢙⢩ᔲᙗDŽ਼ᰦˈᡁԜ⹄ウҶ༴ Ҿ⍫ᙗս⛩ѝᗳⲴަԆ8 њ≘ส䞨↻ส(Arg185, Asp481, Lys487, Tyr511, Trp570, Trp593, Glu601, and Phe616)Ⲵ֌⭘DŽ≘ส䞨↻ส Arg185 ઼ Glu601 սҾ-1 ս⛩ˈ൘ GH2 ᇦ᯿Ⲵ β-ॺң㌆㤧䞦ѝ儈ᓖ؍ᆸDŽሩҾ䞦⍫䎧ޣ䭞֌ ⭘ˈ᧘⍻৲оҶᓅ⢙Ⲵ㔃ਸ઼ᇊսDŽ≘ส䞨↻สTyr511 оѤ䘁ⲴӢṨ䈅ࡲ Glu532 ᴹ≒䭞֌⭘ˈ᧘⍻ᴹॿࣙۜॆⲴ֌⭘DŽ≘ส䞨↻ส Trp570,Trp593 ઼ Phe616 ൘⍫ᙗս⛩ᖒᡀҶ⮿≤ਓ㺻ˈᖡ૽ᓅ⢙㔃ਸⲴս⛩DŽ≘ส䞨↻ส Lys487 ઼ Asp481 սҾ+1 ս⛩ˈ㜭ཏᖡ૽ᓅ⢙઼䞦Ⲵ㔃ਸᯩᔿˈӾ㘼᭩ਈ ӗ⢙Ⲵ㓴ᡀ઼䭞රDŽ ᴰਾᡁԜ∄䖳Ҷ β-ॺң㌆㤧䞦⭘ң㌆઼ң᷌㌆є⿽н਼ᓅ⢙ᡰӗ⭏Ⲵ ӗ⢙൘㔃ᶴкⲴᐞᔲᙗDŽԕң᷌㌆֌Ѫᓅ⢙ˈB. circulans β-ॺң㌆㤧䞦䟾 ⭏ර઼R484H ケਈփⲴਟԕۜॆਸᡀվ㚊ॺң᷌㌆DŽᡁԜᙫޡ䢤ᇊҶ 8 ⿽ վ㚊ॺң᷌㌆㔃ᶴˈަѝ5 ⿽ᱟ俆⅑ᣕ䚃DŽৼ↗ᵶ㧼˄Bifidobacterium

dentium ઼ Bifidobacterium breve˅㜭࡙⭘վ㚊ॺң᷌㌆ᒦф⭏䮯⣦ߥ㢟ྭDŽ


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