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Dynamic testing in practice : shall I give you a hint? Bosma, T.


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Dynamic testing in practice : shall I give you a hint?

Bosma, T.


Bosma, T. (2011, June 22). Dynamic testing in practice : shall I give you a hint?. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/1887/17721

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Dynamic Testing in Practice:

Shall I give you a hint?

Tirza Bosma


Cover Alex Yanson lay-out Tirza Bosma

ISBN 978-94-91211-61-4

Printed by Ipskamp Drukkers B.V., Enschede

© Tirza Bosma


Dynamic Testing in Practice:

Shall I give you a hint?


Ter verkrijging van

de graad van Doctor aan de Universiteit Leiden,

op gezag van Rector Magnificus prof. mr. P.F. van de Heijden, volgens besluit van het College voor Promoties

te verdedigen op woensdag 22 juni 2011 klokke 13.45 uur


Tirza Bosma Geboren te Velsen,

In 1972


Promotie commissie


Prof. dr. W. C. M. Resing

Overige leden:

Prof. dr. I. A. Van Berckelaer-Onnes (Universiteit Leiden) Dr. M. P. Hessels (University of Geneva)

Prof. dr. A. J. J. M. Ruijssenaars (Universiteit Groningen)

Publication of this thesis was made possible by the financial support of Haags Centrum voor Onderwijs (HCO) and Onderwijs Advies (OA).



Chapter 1 General Introduction 7

Chapter 2 Dynamic assessment and a reversal task:

a contribution to needs-based assessment 15

Chapter 3 Need for instruction:

Dynamic Testing in Special Education 41

Chapter 4 Differences in need for instruction:

Dynamic testing in children with arithmetic difficulties 63

Chapter 5 Bridging the gap between diagnostic assessment

and classroom practice 89

Chapter 6 Teacher’s appraisal of dynamic assessment outcomes:

recommendations for weak mathematics performers 121

Chapter 7 Teachers’ preferences for educational planning:

dynamic testing, teaching’ experience and

teachers’ sense of efficacy 157

Chapter 8 General discussion 179

References 193

Summary (in Dutch) 205

Curriculum Vitae 213




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Reports and recommendations, formulated based on these outcomes as described in chapters 5 and 6, were valued by teachers in general as useful and meaningful for their

(2008) Group Assessment of Learning Potential of Pupils in Mainstream Primary Education and Special Education Classes. Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology,

Er wordt specifiek nagegaan of met deze tests de behoefte aan instructie gemeten kan worden en ten tweede of de resultaten en aanbevelingen, gebaseerd op

Sinds april 2011 is ze als docent werkzaam bij het cluster Special Educational Needs van het onderwijscentrum van de Vrije Universiteit

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