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Molecular mechanisms of epithelial host defense in the airways Vos, J.B.


Academic year: 2021

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Molecular mechanisms of epithelial host defense in the airways

Vos, J.B.


Vos, J. B. (2007, January 11). Molecular mechanisms of epithelial host defense in the

airways. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/1887/9749

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Duits L.A., Nibbering P.H., van Strijen E., Vos J.B., Mannesse-Lazeroms S.P., van Sterkenburg M.A., Hiems- tra P.S., Rhinovirus increases human beta-defensin-2 and -3 mRNA expression in cultured bronchial epithelial cells, FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol. 2003 Aug 18;38(1):59-64

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Vos J.B., Datson N.A., van Kampen A.H., Luyf A.C., Verhoosel R.M., Zeeuwen P.L., Olthuis D., Rabe K.F., Schalkwijk J., Hiemstra P.S., A molecular signature of epithelial host defense: comparative gene expression analysis of cultured bronchial epithelial cells and keratinocytes, BMC Genomics. 2006 Jan 18;7(1):9

Morsink M.C., Steenbergen P.J., Vos J.B., Karst H., Joels M., De Kloet E.R., Datson N.A., Acute activation of hippocampal glucocorticoid receptors results in diff erent waves of gene expression throughout time, J Neuroendocrinol. 2006 Apr;18(4):239-52

Berezikov E., van Tetering G., Verheul M., van de Belt J., van Laake L., Vos J.B., Verloop R., van de Weter- ing M., Guryev V., Takada S., van Zonneveld AJ., Mano H., Plasterk R., Cuppen E., Many novel mam- malian microRNA candidates identifi ed by extensive cloning and RAKE analysis, Genome Res. 2006 Oct;16(10):1289-98

Thijssen D.H., Vos J.B., Verseyden C,, van Zonneveld A.J., Smits P., Sweep F.C.G.J., Hopman M.T.E., de Boer H.C., Haematopoietic stem cells and endothelial progenitor cells in healthy men: eff ect of aging and training, Aging Cell, in press

Vos J.B., Datson N.A., Rabe K.F., Hiemstra P.S., Exploring Host-Pathogen Interactions At The Epithelial Surface: Application of Transcriptomics in Lung Biology, Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol., in press Vos J.B., Verhoosel R.M., McCallum A.D., Holleman M.J., Rabe K.F. , Tessier P.A., Hiemstra P.S., Pseudomonas

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