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Academic year: 2021

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Author: Bosch, D.M.

Title: Molluscs in the Levantine Upper Palaeolithic: implications for modern human diets and subsistence behavior

Issue Date: 2018-05-03




First, I would like to thank my promotor Jean-Jacques Hublin and the members of my Max- Planck thesis committee: Laura Niven, Shannon McPherron, and Marcello Mannino for guidance in the design, and support they provided during the completion of this thesis. Special thanks to Jean-Jacques for giving me the opportunity to carry out the research. Laura for the energy she put into showing me different ways of studying zooarchaeological assemblages and her everlasting support that continued long after she left her position at the Max-Planck. Shannon for creating and introducing me to the wonders of E4 and for taking me to his digs in Jebel Irhoud and, after a rather unexpected encounter at Rouffignac, to Abri Peyrony. Marcello for introducing me into the world of molluscan studies and stable isotope analysis, for the many discussions at the MPI from which I learned a lot, although I doubt we will ever agree on a definition of Time Averaging.

The research reported in this thesis was funded by the IMPRS – the Leipzig School of Human Origins and supported by a Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship: EU-Beads (no.

656325) in the write-up phase.

Throughout the research several people have assisted me with labwork and analyses.

Therefore, I thank all co-authors on the publications forming this thesis as well as Rien Bosch, Jose Manuel Escobar Casado, Amanda Henry, Annelie Leinhos, Chase Murphree, Olaf Nehlich, Sahra Talamo, and Jörg Watzke.

Many thanks to the supporting staff of the MPI EVA and the Department of Human Evolution, in particular Silke Streiber, for their help with admin, technical support, and living in Leipzig.

I have discussed to death many aspects of my thesis, I would like to thank the following people for their listening ear and useful comments: Jamie Clark, Sabine Gaudinski, Andrew Kandel, Preston Miracle, Natalie Munro, Susanne Münzel, Laura Niven, Britt Starkovich, Teresa Steele, Mary Stiner, John de Vos, Reuven Yesurun, and Reinier van Zelst for zooarchaeological discussion. Daniella Bar-Yosef Mayer, Jose Joordens, Marcello Mannino, Stefania Milano, Ronald Pouwer, Amy Prendergast, Enza Spinapolice, and Frank Wesselingh, for discussions on molluscan data. Yuri Demidenko, Anemie Kersten, Paul Mellars, Tsenka Tsanova, and Nicolas Zwyns for discussing the the Ksâr ‘Akil stratigraphy.



I owe my gratitude to Graeme Barker for reading several chapters of this work and am indebted to him and Beatrice Demarchi, Martin Jones, Rob Foley, Andrea Manica, Tamsin O’Connell, Cameron Petrie, Johannes van der Plicht, Marie Soressi, and Alexander Verpoorte for insightful advice, discussions, and support when things threatened to go pear-shaped.

Special thanks to the PalMeso group in Cambridge, and the Paleonerds in Leiden for listening to, and providing feedback on, what seemed to me endless iterations of Ksâr ‘Akil-based results.

Marta Mirazon Lahr and the In-Africa team for much appreciated support in times of need and for giving me the opportunity to explore new parts of the world and to reengage with archaeology and research in such a stimulating environment.

Walpurga Antl-Weiser, Anton Kern, and the Prehistory department of the Natural History Museum in Vienna for financial support and for making the impossible possible. My gratitude runs deeper than words can describe.

Friends without the support of whom I would probably never have finished and most definitely would not have kept my sanity: Pilou Basin, Don Frederik Arthur Maximilian a.k.a.

Donders van den Biggelaar, Jacqui Bolt, Iris Briels, Rosa Burgers, Femke van Buuren, Ben Copsey, Maria Ana Correia, Nina Dörschner, Tamara Dogandžić, Patricia van Echtelt, Lucy Farr, Emily Hallinan, Christine Hazendonk, Amanda Henry, Alex Jamieson, Adeline Le Cabec, Alice Leplongeon, Colin Moore, Aurélien Mounier, Barbara Mulder, William a.k.a. Chase Murphree, Andreas Nymark, Alex Pryor, Fran Rivera, Viola Schmid, Anna Sonnberger, Enza Spinapolice, Eugenie Stapert, Steffi Stelzer, Inge van Stokkom, André Strauss, Ann Van Baelen, Lianne Raat, Rachel Reckin, and Alex Wilshaw. Thank you all for the many shared beers, coffees, chats, board game nights, and climbing sessions.

Aan mijn ouders, broer, familie en schoonfamilie, bedankt voor jullie eindeloze geduld bijvoorbeeld als ik op kerstavond nog bezig was met een manuscript deadline, voor de lekkere lange wandelingen door de bossen, de koffies en jullie luisterend oor, al dan niet via skype. Voor jullie bezoeken in Leipzig, Wenen en Cambridge. Ik zou niet weten wat ik zonder jullie zou doen.

Lieber Philip, ich danke Dir für all Deine dauerhafte Unterstützung. Du weißt wie kein anderer wievielen Schwierigkeiten ich am Weg begegnet bin. Ich kann nicht sagen wieviel es bedeutet, daß ich mich immer auf Dich verlassen kann. Ich kann kaum warten dieses Kapitel abzuschließen, und ein neues Abenteuer anzufangen, mit Dir und…







Curriculum Vitae

Dorothea Maria Bosch werd op 8 Juni 1983 geboren te De Bilt. Ze doorliep het atheneum aan de Werkplaats Kindergemeenschap te Bilthoven en behaalde in 2001 haar VWO diploma. In het najaar van 2001 begon ze met een propedeuse archeologie aan de Universiteit Leiden. Ze specialiseerde zich in archeozoölogie en prehistorische archeologie. In 2009 behaalde ze haar doctoraaldiploma aan de Universiteit Leiden met een scriptie over het verband tussen mammoet mortaliteit en Jong Palaeolithische mensen in de midden Donau regio. In het najaar van 2009 begon ze als promovendus, met als promotor Prof. Dr. Jean-Jacques Hublin, aan het Max Planck Instituut voor Evolutionaire Anthropologie in Leipzig, Duitsland. Na de publicatie van haar onderzoek in internationale peer-reviewed tijdschriften verdedigde Dorothea Maria Bosch haar dissertatie in 2017.

Dorothea Maria Bosch was born on 8 June 1983 in De Bilt, the Netherlands. She finished her VWO diploma at the Werkplaats Kindergemeenschap in 2001. In autumn 2001, she started a propedeuse (equivalent to the first year of University) in archaeology at Leiden University, the Netherlands. She specialised in zooarchaeology and prehistoric archaeology. In 2009, she completed her Doctorandus (equivalent to MA) with a thesis on mammoth mortality and its relation to Upper Palaeolithic humans in the middle Danube Region, at Leiden University. She started her PhD under supervision by Prof. Dr. Jean-Jacques Hublin at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany. After publication of her research in international, peer-reviewed journals, Dorothea Maria Bosch defended her dissertation in 2017.





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