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University of Groningen Practical Significance of Item Response Theory Model Misfit Crisan, Daniela


Academic year: 2021

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University of Groningen

Practical Significance of Item Response Theory Model Misfit

Crisan, Daniela



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Publication date: 2020

Link to publication in University of Groningen/UMCG research database

Citation for published version (APA):

Crisan, D. (2020). Practical Significance of Item Response Theory Model Misfit: Much Ado About Nothing?. University of Groningen. https://doi.org/10.33612/diss.128084616


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Dear colleagues, friends, and family: The past four years were full of wonderful experiences to which you all contributed. In a few words, I would like to ex-press my gratitude and appreciation towards all of you.

Rob, Jorge, and Don, thank you for being the best supervisors I could have wished for! None of this would have been possible without you; it was a pleasure and an honor working with you. Rob, your enthusiasm and your affa-ble personality are invigorating. The times you used to walk into my office to share whatever had you excited at the moment, be it a new research idea or the latest blockbuster, were some of my favorite moments at the office. Your com-passion and care for the well-being of your students are some of your best qual-ities, and I was lucky enough to receive plenty of these from you. Most of all, thank you for the countless opportunities that you provided for me to grow and develop as a researcher and psychometrician! Dear Jorge, I am grateful for your thorough feedback, your full commitment and support, and all your encourag-ing words durencourag-ing these years! Thank you for always beencourag-ing ready to offer your help when I needed it. Your down-to-earth style paired with your kindhearted nature and humor make you the great supervisor that you are. Don, thank you for all your helpful comments and suggestions and for always brightening the room with your cheerfulness!

Many thanks to my collaborators, dr. Catharina Hartman and dr. Rob Wanders: it was great working with you!

Cheers to the greatest office mates, Lieke, Jorien, and Max! I had the best time with you guys – there are very few people who can make me laugh as hard as you did! Lieke, we’ve known each other for 7 years now, and I can wholeheartedly say that you are one of the most considerate, thoughtful, eager to help, and organized persons I’ve known. Thank you for your altruism! Jorien, I will never forget our road trip in Canada and how much fun we had! Thank you for being such a good sport by organizing the trip and by being the desig-nated driver! Max, you won me over with your cheerful morning greetings and with your cookies. I’m really glad we were office mates, even for a short while! Next, I would like to thank all my other colleagues from the Department of Psychometrics and Statistics, for the pleasant chats, advice, and company: Maliheh, Mark, Nitin, Susan, Iris, Casper, Joyce, Merle, Laura, Marvin, Tom, Anja E., Edith, Jasmine, Sebastian, Sarahanne, Marieke, Henk, Hanny, Anja B. Special



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thanks to Karin – your friendly, supportive, and kind way of approaching peo-ple make me appreciate you as a colleague and as a friend.

Much appreciation goes to my two fantastic paranymphs, Alexandra Crișan and Jorien Vugteveen. Alexandra, thank you for your friendship! Your expansive personality, hilariousness, love for people, and the passion you put into everything that you do are inspiring! Jorien, I know I can count on your laid-back, chilled, and “energy-saving” mode to calm down my nerves on the defense day!

To my family, I will write in Romanian. Mama, îți mulțumesc pentru sprijinul tău moral în tot acest timp, că ai fost și ești cel mai mare susținător, dar și cel mai aspru critic al meu. Îți mulțumesc pentru orele petrecute pe Skype ascultându-mi îngrijorările sau bucuriile și simțind împreună cu mine! Tata, îți mulțumesc pentru încurajări și ajutor. Codruța, îți sunt veșnic recunoscătoare că ai fost literalmente acolo cu mine atunci când am început acest drum. Fără dăruirea și grija ta de soră mai mare mi-ar fi fost infinit mai greu să continui. Bunică dragă, răbdarea ta fără margini, vocea blândă, sfaturile bune și, în spe-cial, sesiunile de masaj în talpă, au fost cel mai bun leac împotriva stresului. Maya și Andra, nepoțelele mele dragi, voi sunteți surse inepuizabile de energie pozitivă și voie bună pentru mine! Vă mulțumesc și vouă, Tușa Geta și Maria, pentru încurajările, susținerea și gândurile bune de zi cu zi. În mod deosebit îi sunt veșnic recunoscătoare Simonei Chișbora, ale cărei bunătate, prietenie, dedicare, sprijin, grijă și iubire m-au marcat profund. R.I.P. Simona, roadele vir-tuților tale te fac nemuritoare.

Finally, I thank my closest friends for always being there for me, cheer-ing for me, and for providcheer-ing moral support and countless boosts of confidence: Alexandra B., Alexandra S., Alex C., Antonela, Claudia, Cristina, Dana, Hella, Iu-lia, Johanna, Kassandra, Raul, Tabita, Valeria. Very special thanks go to my dear friend Delia Bîrle, who has been a steady stream of care, inspiration, uplifting, comfort, empowerment, and priceless advice. Thank you for seeing me and for believing in me, especially when I did not. Words cannot describe my gratitude towards you, and how fortunate I feel to have you in my life!

Thank you all once again! Vă mulțumesc tuturor încă o dată!


About the Author

Daniela completed high school in 2010 at Liceul Teologic Baptist Emanuel in Oradea, Romania. Between 2010 - 2013 she studied Psychology at the Faculty of Social-Humanistic Sciences, University of Oradea, Romania, where she earned her bachelor degree. From 2013 - 2015, Daniela completed a research master in Social and Behavioral Sciences at Tilburg University, The Nether-lands, specializing in Methodology and Statistics. In 2015, she started her Ph.D. research on the practical consequences of item response theory (IRT) model misfit, at the department of Psychometrics and Statistics, University of Gro-ningen, supervised by prof. Rob Meijer, dr. Jorge Tendeiro, and dr. Don van Ravenzwaaij. During this time, Daniela participated in and presented at several national and international conferences, including the European Conference on Psychological Assessment, the Conference of the Interuniversity Graduate School od Psychometrics and Sociometrics, The Annual Meeting of the Psycho-metric Society, and the Conference of the International Test Commission. She also taught several courses in the Psychology program, such as statistics, test theory, and academic skills. Daniela completed her Ph.D. research in winter 2019 and defended her thesis on July 2, 2020.



For example, in the arithmetic exam- ple, some items may also require general knowledge about stores and the products sold there (e.g., when calculating the amount of money returned

IRT, item response theory; LV 1 , the first, supervised latent variable; LV 2 , second latent variable; LV 3 , third latent variable; NRS withdrawal , numerical rating scale score

Illusion: checkerboard-like background moving horizontally at target’s appearance or at 250ms inducing illusory direction of target motion Task: Hit virtual targets as quickly and

The Crit value as an effect size measure for violations of model assumptions in Mokken Scale Analysis for binary data .... The monotonicity assumption in

Results show that the

research on the practical consequences of item response theory (IRT) model misfit, at the department of Psychometrics and Statistics, University of Gro- ningen, supervised by

The significance of IRT model misfit should be decided based primarily on theoretical considerations and within specific research contexts. Items that violate IRT assumptions

At the end of the Section 4 we exploit such an exponential stability in order to control the scale of the desired shape by only controlling the distance between the first and the