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University of Groningen Bilateral neural correlates of treatment-induced changes in chronic aphasia Averina, Svetlana


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University of Groningen

Bilateral neural correlates of treatment-induced changes in chronic aphasia

Averina, Svetlana



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Averina, S. (2021). Bilateral neural correlates of treatment-induced changes in chronic aphasia. University

of Groningen. https://doi.org/10.33612/diss.167304144


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Unlike in the previous chapter, the goal was to examine the bilateral white matter correlates of treatment-induced improvement in spontaneous speech (the mean length of

Het doel was om de witte stof correlaten van beide hersenhelften te onderzoeken voor grammaticale vaardigheden (gemeten door de gemiddelde lengte van de uiting,

She conducted her studies at the Center for Language and Cognition (CLCG; University of Groningen) while collaborating with the Center for Language and Brain (the National

student interaction in English as a foreign language lessons. Bilateral neural correlates of

Performance in untreated chronic aphasia and treatment- induced improvement do not rely on the same white matter structures in the same way; left and right

I also thank Ekaterina Iskra for her help with data collection in people with aphasia and for her invaluable clarifications of the standard language diagnostic procedures in

For the comprehensive assessment of verb and sentence processing in aphasia, two batteries have been developed: the Verb And Sentence Test (VAST; Bastiaanse, Maas, &amp;

The parameters presented in the database are name agreement (percentage of name agreement and H statistic), objective and subjective visual complexity, image agreement,