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Reaction rate constant kHow fast will the reaction proceed?Activation Energy E


Academic year: 2022

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Reaction rate constant k

How fast will the reaction proceed?

Activation Energy Ea for the reaction.

Arrhenius (1890’s) (Forced global warming predicted 1896)

Eyring, Polanyi, Evans Rate Theory

Gasoline in a gas tank does not explode due to kinetic limitations.

Gasoline is reactive but kinetically stable

Reaction equilibrium constant Ka Will the reaction proceed?

Endergonic, Exergonic Endothermic, Exothermic

What are the equilibrium concentrations?

Gibbs free energy change in the reaction.

Gasoline in an engine can ideally produce 46.4 MJ/kg at equilibrium.

Gasoline is not thermodynamically stable.

Rate Constant vs. Equilibrium Constant

Ka aA+ bB¬ ®¾ cC + dD

rForward = kForwardAmBn m and n are the orders of reaction m and n are not necessarily related to a, b, c, d

rBackward = kBackwardCpDq k = exp -Ea

RT æ

èç ö

ø÷ Ea is the activiation energy Arrhenius (1880), Eyring, Polanyl, Evans (1920)

aA+ bB¬ ®¾ cC + dD Ka = exp -DG

RT æ

èç ö




Le Châtelier's principle (1884) Gibbs (1872)


ˆfi fugacity of component "i"

in a mixture at tempreature T, press. P fi0 fugacity of component "i"

in a pure state at standard T,P,comp.

typically T, P and pure


ˆfi fugacity of component "i"

in a mixture at tempreature T, press. P fi0 fugacity of component "i"

in a pure state at standard T,P,comp.

typically T, P and pure


Standard heat of reaction Standard heat of reaction




Assume all species same size and all g or all l Assume ΔCp = 0

So J =ΔHR0


Example 17.4


Example 17.6 excel





Section From Chapter 3




These are molar for pure components, yi = 1; ni = 1


17.7 17.22

Practice Problems 17.1, 17.4, 17.9 Test-yourself’s OK but short



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