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Downregulation of MHC class I molecules by human cytomegalovirus- encoded US2 and US11


Academic year: 2021

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Downregulation of MHC class I molecules by human

cytomegalovirus-encoded US2 and US11

Barel, M.T.


Barel, M. T. (2005, October 27). Downregulation of MHC class I molecules by human

cytomegalovirus-encoded US2 and US11. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/1887/4294


Corrected Publisher’s Version


Licence agreement concerning inclusion of doctoral thesis in the

Institutional Repository of the University of Leiden





D e fe ns e m e ch a nis m s a g a ins t v irus e s

In healthy individuals, the immune system is able to

limit the damag e in many viral infec tions. W hen a viral

p artic le manag es to invade the body by c rossing

p hysic al barriers suc h as the sk in and muc us

membranes, it bec omes subjec t to detec tion and

elimination by several immune effec tor c ells. A s

viruses c annot rep lic ate on their ow n, they must infec t

c ells in order to ex p loit the host c ell’s mac hinery for

the p roduc tion of p rog eny and to enable further virus

sp read.

H ost c ell entry c an be bloc k ed by antibody-p roduc ing

B c ells, w hic h sp ec ific ally rec og niz e foreig n struc tures

on the viral p artic le. T he antibodies c annot only

steric ally hinder viral entry, but they c an also induc e

elimination of the viral p artic les via different p athw ays.

T hese inc lude c omp lement ac tivation,

antibody-dep endent c ell-mediated c ytotox ic ity and p hag

o-c ytosis

1 ,2

. T w o subtyp es of B c ells arise after

ac tivation of B c ells, antibody p roduc ing p lasma c ells

and memory B c ells. T he latter subtyp e is c ap able of

mounting an immediate hig h-affinity resp onse up on

renew ed c ontac t w ith the antig en.

O nc e virus p artic les are inside host c ells, T c ells c ome

into p lay. T hey c an rec og niz e foreig n antig en

frag ments disp layed in the c ontex t of major

histoc omp atibility c omp lex (M H C ) molec ules at the

c ell surfac e

3 ,4

. T here are tw o c lasses of M H C

molec ules, w hic h differ in struc ture, ex p ression

p attern and sourc e of antig enic p ep tides.

M H C c lass I molec ules are found on all nuc leated

c ells and mainly p resent p ep tides derived from

endog enously synthesiz ed p roteins. C irc ulating C D 8


c ytotox ic T c ells (C T L s) insp ec t antig enic frag ments

disp layed by M H C c lass I molec ules. In c ase of

infec tion, C T L s rec og niz ing foreig n antig ens c an,

up on ac tivation, k ill suc h c ells.

E x p ression of M H C c lass II molec ules is restric ted to

antig en-p resenting c ells, i.e. B c ells, mac rop hag es

and dendritic c ells. C lass II molec ules disp lay p ep tide

frag ments, derived from an ex og enous sourc e of

p roteins (e.g . viral c ap sid p roteins), for insp ec tion by

C D 4


T c ells. U p on rec og nition of foreig n p ep tides,

these T c ells p rovide help to C D 8


T c ells to elic it a

c ytotox ic resp onse. In addition, C D 4


T help er c ells

are req uired for the maintenanc e and func tionality of

memory C D 8


T c ells



T he p resentation of ex og enous p ep tides is not

c omp letely restric ted to M H C c lass II molec ules, as

p ep tides derived from internaliz ed p roteins c an also

enter the M H C c lass I p athw ay

6 ,7

. T he ability to c

ross-p resent seems to be limited to a sross-p ec ific subset of

antig en p resenting c ells, mainly C D 8


dendritic c ells



In addition, endog enous p roteins c an g ain ac c es to

the M H C c lass II p athw ay via autop hag y



B esides an interac tion betw een M H C molec ules and

their sp ec ific rec ep tors, a lig ation betw een ac c essory

molec ules on the antig en p resenting c ell and c

ounter-rec ep tors on the T c ell (c o-stimulation) is req uired for

T c ell ac tivation.

N atural k iller (N K ) c ells are also c ap able of sensing

virally infec ted c ells, but c an only do so by virtue of

altered ex p ression levels of c ertain native surfac e

p roteins, inc luding M H C c lass I molec ules. T he

ac tivation of N K c ells, and the subseq uent release of

c ytotox ins, is c ontrolled by a set of N K c ell rec ep tors.

D ep ending on the typ e of rec ep tor, inhibitory or

ac tivating sig nals are ig nited up on binding lig ands on

the p otential targ et c ell. If inhibitory rec ep tor sig naling

fails to q uenc h the effec t of eng ag ement of ac tivating

rec ep tors, the N K c ell w ill be trig g ered to k ill its targ et

c ell.

T his thesis w ill further foc us on M H C c lass I

molec ules and their imp lic ation as lig ands for T and

N K c ell rec ep tors in the c ontex t of human c ytomeg

alo-virus infec tion.

H um a n cy tom e g a lov irus

H uman c ytomeg alovirus (H C M V ) is found in human

p op ulations w orldw ide and c an infec t 6 0 – 90 %


individuals, dep ending on the p op ulation studied.

H C M V is a member of the Herpesviridae, w hic h are

k now n to establish a life-long relationship w ith their

hosts. H C M V infec tion is usually asymp tomatic , but

c an c ause disease in an op p ortunistic manner. In

immunoc omp romised individuals, suc h as A ID S

p atients and org an transp lant rec ip ients, unc ontrolled

H C M V reac tivation c an c ause severe illness or death

1 0 ,1 1

. A dditionally, H C M V is a notorious risk fac tor for

c ong enital birth defec ts. In most c ases, suc h c linic al

manifestations are found in mothers w ho underg o

p rimary rather than rec urrent infec tions

1 2



In vivo, HCMV can infect endothelial cells, epithelial

cells, monocytes/macrophages, smooth muscle cells,

stromal cells, neuronal cells, neutrophils, fibroblasts,

and hepatocytes


. In vitro, all tested vertebrate cell

types were susceptible to HCMV infection


. Common

HCMV-associated illnesses include retinitis (which

may cause blindness), hepatitis, encephalitis,

pneumonia, and bowel disease



F ollowing primary infection, HCMV persists in a latent

state in cells of the myeloid lineage, with intermittent

viral reactivation and shedding from mucosal surfaces,

and containment by the host immune response



Another potential cell type latently or persistently

infected by HCMV are vascular endothelial cells



Interestingly, HCMV infection has different effects on

the functioning and survival of these various types of

host cells. In macrovascular aortic endothelial cells

HCMV infection is not lytic and results in the

accumulation of significant amounts of extracellular,

but not intracellular virus. In addition, the cell cycle is

not inhibited by HCMV and cells continuously release

infectious virus. This is in contrast with the rapid, lytic

infection of brain microvascular endothelial cells and

human foreskin cells


. It also differs from HCMV

infection in monocyte-derived macrophages, which

results in non-lytic accumulation of intracellular virus

and lack of extracellular virus



At present, the viral and host mechanisms of HCMV

latency and reactivation are unclear, but the virus may

be reactivated by cellular differentiation, and hormonal

or cytokine (TNF D) stimulation.

HCMV particles can be found in all body fluids and

can be transmitted by multiple means, including

aerosol droplets, sexual contact, nursing,

trans-plantation and blood transfusion



HCMV has a large double stranded DNA genome

(t230 kb), encoding approximately 192 proteins



The size of the genome varies among HCMV strains.

Compared to low-passage clinical HCMV isolates, the

laboratory-adapted AD169 and Towne strains lack 22

and 19 viral genes, respectively



In infected cells, viral replication occurs according to a

cascade of three consecutive phases, called

immediate early (IE), early (E), and late (L). The IE

gene products play an important role in regulating the

expression of viral E and L genes, as well as of

cellular genes. E and L viral gene products include

viral functions associated with viral DNA replication

and virus packaging. The viral genome also encodes

several proteins involved in immune evasion

strategies, dealing with various immune effector

mechanisms of the host. These include interference

with MHC class I and II antigen presentation to CD8


and CD4


T cells, NK cell activity, cytokine and

chemokine signalling, and apoptosis



It is evident that these mechanisms are not exploited

in a way that is life-threatening to the

immuno-competent host. Several studies support important

roles for B, T and NK cells in protection against HCMV



. However, these immune evasion

strategies may prevent complete eradication of the

virus and contribute to the ability of HCMV to cause

lifelong persistent infections.

Before discussing the immune escape mechanisms

exploited by HCMV to interfere with MHC class I

surface expression, an introduction on MHC class I

complex formation and the different functions of the

various MHC class I locus products will be given.

MHC class I molecules


for peptides binding different alleles of MHC class I

Figure 1. Features of MHC class I molecules. A) S ch em atic diagram of an MHC class I m olecu le sh ow ing th e ex ternal dom ains, th e transm em brane segm ent and th e cy toplasm ic region. T h e peptide binding cleft is form ed by th e m em brane distal 1 and 2 dom ains of class I. B ) R epresentation of th e h u m an class I HL A -A 2 m olecu le determ ined by x -ray cry stallograph ic analy sis. T h e -strands are depicted as th ick arrow s and th e -h elices as h elical ribbons. D isu lfide bonds are represented as tw o interconnected sph eres. C) A plot of th e v ariability in th e am ino acid seq u ence of allelic class I m olecu les in h u m ans dem onstrates th at th e v ariable residu es are clu stered in th e 1 and 2 dom ains. D ) R epresentation of th e 1 and 2 dom ains as v iew ed from th e top of a class I m olecu le, sh ow ing th e cleft consisting of a base of anti-parallel beta strands and sides of -h elices. E ) E x am ples of anch or residu es in nonam eric peptides elu ted from tw o class I MHC m olecu les. A nch or residu es (grey ) tend to be h y droph obic am ino acids and interact w ith th e class I MHC m olecu le. (Adopted from J. Kuby, Immunology 4th ed.,


for peptides binding different alleles of MHC class I

molecules. Altogether, this ensures the display of a

wide variety of peptide antigens for CD8


T cell


MHC class I assembly and interactions with

comp onents of MHC class I antigen p resentation

p athway

The folding and assembly into mature trimeric

complexes involves a series of events and requires

the action of several accessory molecules (see Figure

2). As HCMV-encoded proteins intervene at different

stages of this process, the MHC class I antigen

presentation pathway will be discussed in more detail.

MHC class I heavy chains encode a signal peptide,

which directs insertion into the ER during translation.

Once in the ER, the signal sequence is cleaved off by

a signal peptidase, while oligosaccharyl transferase

equips the HC with an N-linked oligosaccharide.

These free HCs are soon found in association with the

general ER chaperones BiP


and membrane bound

calnexin, the latter of which has lectin-like activity



BiP transiently binds to many newly synthesized

proteins. Misfolded proteins and unassembled

subunits are bound by BiP in a prolonged fashion.


. Binding of calnexin is regulated by glucose

trimming of nascent N-linked oligosaccharides



Calnexin generally binds proteins with

mono-glucosylated (G lc1Man9-7G lnNAc2) oligosaccharides


. Calnexin and BiP predominantly associate with free

MHC class I heavy chains and the assembly with E2m

abolishes the interaction of the heavy chain with these



. Before binding the light chain,

heavy chains also interact with ERp57, a member of

the protein disulfide isomerase (P DI) family, who are

involved in disulfide bond oxidation, reduction and

isomerization reactions


. Mature MHC class I

molecules harbor three intra-molecular disulfide

bridges, the formation of which is likely to be mainly

assisted by ERp57. After binding E2m, MHC class I

molecules are found in association with another,

soluble ER chaperone with lectin-like activity,



. Like calnexin, calreticulin binds to



G lc1Man9-7G lnNAc2




. MHC class I molecules than

become associated with the peptide-loading complex,

which besides calreticulin includes ERp57, tapasin,

and the transporter associated with antigen

processing (TAP ). Tapasin mediates the interaction of

class I with TAP


. The structure of MHC class

I-peptide complexes suggests that oxidation of the

cysteines in the HC D2-domain is a prerequisite for

stable peptide binding, a process likely facilitated by



. The peptides are generated from

endogenous proteins by cytosolic proteasomes (large

protease complexes, discussed in more detail in a

later section) and may be further trimmed by

aminopeptidases before and after translocation into

the ER via TAP


. In the ER, peptides are loaded

onto HC-E2m heterodimers. These trimeric

HC-E2m-peptide complexes then dissociate from the loading

complex and are released into the secretory pathway



MHC class I variants

In humans, a single type of light chain (B2m) is found

that is complexed with one of multiple types of heavy

chains, HLA-A, B, C, E, G , of which up to two different

allelic forms can be expressed. They are encoded by

separate clusters within the MHC region of the human

genome, located on chromosome 6. This region also

encodes other proteins involved in antigen

presentation (e.g. MHC class II, TAP 1, TAP 2, LMP

genes). The light chain is encoded by a gene located

on another site, on chromosome 15. The various

types of heavy chains differ from each other in several

ways, as will be discussed below.


One outstanding difference among class I haplotypes,

is the degree of polymorphism that can be found in

the world population. To date, 372 different alleles

have been reported for HLA-A, and 661 for HLA-B.

HLA-C shows somewhat less variation with 190

different alleles. P olymorphism of HLA-E and HLA-G

is very limited, with 5 (HLA-E) and 15 (HLA-G )

different alleles described to date (IMG T/HLA




T issu e distrib u tion / su rfac e ex pression

Tissue distribution and cell surface levels differ for the

various locus products. Most host cells express

HLA-A, B, C and E alleles, whereas HLA-G expression is

restricted to the thymus and certain placental tissues,

e.g. trophoblast cells. The trophoblast cells at the

maternal-fetal interface lack surface expression of

HLA-A and -B alleles


. Outside this

immune-privileged site, the surface levels of HLA-A, -B, and -C

alleles may vary between cell types


. Several

aspects that influence MHC class I (surface)

expression levels will be discussed below.


Figure 2. M H C c la s s I a s s em b ly . A ) Model for folding and complex formation of MHC class I molecules and interactions with components of the class I antigen presentation pathway (see text for further description). Calnexin (Cnx), calreticulin (Crt), tapasin (T pn). T he N -link ed gly can is mark ed “N ”. B ) N -link ed gly cans are added to proteins in the E R as "core oligosaccharides" that hav e the structure shown. T hese are b ound to the poly peptide chain through an N -gly cosidic b ond with the side chain of an asparagine that is part of the A sn-X -S er/T hr consensus seq uence. T he three glucoses are remov ed b y glucosidase I and II, and terminal mannoses b y one or more different E R mannosidases. A ssociation of gly copeptides with Cnx/Crt is dependent upon the presence of a single terminal glucose residue b ound to the G lcN A c2Man9 gly can precursor.

(Adapted from ref.142

attrib uted to differences in their promoter regions.


9-7 1

. T he cy tok ines T N F -D, IF N -J and IF N -E can

increase av erage MHC class I surface lev els up to 1 0


6 9

. T he HL A -G promoter region differs from other

MHC class I genes, as some of the conserv ed

regulatory b oxes hav e b een deleted or altered,

including the IF N regulatory seq uence

7 0 ,7 2

. In

addition, the cy tok ine IL 1 0 has b een reported to

selectiv ely upregulate HL A -G expression

7 3

. Cell ty

pe-specific factors may contrib ute to differential locus

expression as well

6 8 ,6 9


MHC class I complex formation and stability

T h e le v e ls o f th e d iffe re n t M H C c la s s I m o le c u le s th a t

a re fo u n d a t th e c e ll s u rfa c e a re d e te rm in e d b y

tra n s c rip t le v e ls , a s w e ll a s b y th e s u c c e s s o f s ta b le

c o m p le x fo rm a tio n , a n d tu rn o v e r ra te s . G e n e ra lly ,

s u rfa c e le v e ls o f H L A -C lo c u s p ro d u c ts a re ra th e r lo w ,

a b o u t 1 0 % o f th e a v e ra g e le v e l o f H L A -A a n d -B

m o le c u le s

7 4 -7 6

. S e v e ra l e x p la n a tio n s h a v e b e e n

p ro p o s e d , in c lu d in g lo w e r tra n s c rip t le v e ls , lo w e r

a s s e m b ly ra te s fo r H L A -C h e a v y c h a in s w ith E2m ,

a n d a n in e ffic ie n t s u p p ly o f h ig h a ffin ity H L A C

-s p e c ific p e p tid e -s .

7 1 ,7 7 ,7 8

. V a ria tio n b e tw e e n M H C

c la s s I m o le c u le s in b in d in g c o m p o n e n ts o f th e

p e p tid e lo a d in g m a c h in e ry , ta p a s in /T A P , m a y a ls o

c o n trib u te to d iffe re n c e s in M H C c la s s I s u rfa c e le v e ls .

E x p e rim e n ts w ith w ild ty p e a n d m u ta n t H L A -A 2

m o le c u le s in d ic a te d th a t re s id u e s 1 3 2-1 3 4 in th e D2

d o m a in a re im p o rta n t d e te rm in a n ts fo r a s s o c ia tio n

w ith T A P . H L A -A 2 T 1 3 4 K /S 1 3 2C m u ta n ts d o n o t

a s s o c ia te w ith ta p a s in /T A P a n d a re re le a s e d in to th e

s e c re to ry p a th w a y m u c h fa s te r (a s in d ic a te d b y

re a c h in g E n d o H re s is ta n c e ) th a n th e ir w ild ty p e

c o u n te rp a rts

7 9

. T h e re is n o s e q u e n c e v a ria tio n in th is

p a rtic u la r re g io n . R e s id u e s 1 1 4 a n d 1 1 6 , w h ic h a re

p o ly m o rp h ic , w e re s h o w n to b e re s p o n s ib le fo r

d iffe re n c e s in p e p tid e -lo a d in g c o m p le x in te ra c tio n s

8 0

-8 4

. C la s s I m o le c u le s th a t a s s o c ia te in e ffic ie n tly w ith


lower peptide ligand binding affinities and render the

heterotrim eric M H C c lass I c om plex es form ed less

stable. O nc e at the c ell su rfac e, ty rosine or di-leu c ine

m otifs present in m ost M H C c lass I m olec u les c an

fu nc tion as endoc y tosis signals. H L A -G m isses

potential endoc y tosis signals and its half-life has been

shown to be alm ost twic e that of H L A -A 2 m olec u les

8 5


Peptide binding / repertoire

H L A -A /B and H L A -C /G /E differ in their ligand-binding

c apabilities: H L A -A /B m olec u les are prom isc u ou s,

whereas the other c lass I m olec u les bind a lim ited

nu m ber of ligands. H L A -C loc u s produ c ts, for

instanc e, hav e a preferenc e for peptides that are

poorly transported into the E R , and that req u ire a 1 0

-fold higher peptide c onc entration for release into the

sec retory pathway

7 8 ,8 6 -8 8

. H L A -G binds m any

self-peptides with a defined m otif and its peptide binding

div ersity is estim ated to be abou t fiv e fold lower than

that of H L A -A

8 9 ,9 0

. T he m ost c om m on H L A -E ligands

are nonam ers deriv ed from signal seq u enc es of other

H L A c lass I m olec u les

9 1 ,9 2


S pec ia l fea tu res / a lterna tiv e s plic e v a ria nts

D u e to a prem atu re stop c odon in ex on 6 , H L A -G has

a relativ ely short c y toplasm ic tail (6 residu es)

c om pared to other H L A c lass I m olec u les (2 9 -3 3

residu es)

9 3

. C onseq u ently , H L A -G not only lac k s

potential endoc y tosis signals present in other c lass I

m olec u les, bu t it also gains an E R retriev al/retential

signal with the dily sine residu es positioned at 4 and

-5 from the C -term inu s. T his m otif c an m ediate

rec y c ling of assem bled H L A -G m olec u les between the

E R and the c is -G olgi

9 4 ,9 5

. H igh affinity peptide binding

seem s to be req u ired to end the rec y c ling and allow

egress to the c ell su rfac e

8 5


P rim ary H L A -G m R N A transc ripts are differentially

splic ed, giv ing rise to m u ltiple isoform s

9 6

. O nly the fu ll

length isoform (H L A -G 1 ) is ex pressed at the c ell

su rfac e

9 7

. In addition to this m em brane-bou nd

isoform , a solu ble (sec reted) isoform was detec ted in

plac ental tissu es (sH L A G 1 /H L A G 5 ). S olu ble H L A

-G 1 is translated from a transc ript with a retained intron

4 , whic h introdu c es a prem atu re stopc odon after the

D1 -3 dom ain enc oding seq u enc e. T his isoform c an

assoc iate with E2 m

9 8 ,9 9


L iga nds for T a nd N K c ell rec eptors

M H C c lass I m olec u les c an be ligands for c y totox ic T

c ell rec eptors, as well as for N K c ell rec eptors.

T hrou gh rec ognition of M H C -peptide c om plex es,

C D 8


T c ells c an k ill infec ted target c ells. H L A -A and

B m olec u les are the restric tion elem ents in the

m ajority of C T L responses, althou gh there are also

som e ex am ples of H L A -C , -G and -E m olec u les

presenting antigenic peptides to C T L s

1 0 0 -1 0 3

. T his

m ay v ery well ex plain the high degree of

poly m orphism that is partic u larly desc ribed for H L A -A

and – B alleles.

U nlik e for C T L s, the distinc tion between self and

non-self antigens in the c ontex t of M H C c lass I m olec u les

is not the m ajor restric tion elem ent for triggering of N K

c ell ly sis. T his trigger is determ ined by the presenc e

or absenc e of N K c ell rec eptor ligands on the su rfac e

of the target c ell. T he total inpu t of sev eral ty pes of

ligands, inc lu ding M H C I m olec u les, and their

engagem ent with both inhibitory and ac tiv ating N K

rec eptors c ontrols N K c ell c y toly sis

1 0 4 ,1 0 5

. M any M H C

c lass I m olec u les c an c ontribu te to the regu lation of

N K c ell fu nc tioning. O ther N K c ell rec eptor ligands

inc lu de sev eral m olec u les that are distantly related to

M H C c lass I m olec u les, e.g. M IC A /B , U L 1 6 binding

protein (U L B P ) 1 /2 /3 , and C D 1 5 5 . A n ov erv iew of

c u rrently k nown N K c ell rec eptors and ligands is

presented in T able 1

1 0 6 ,1 0 7


A partic u lar N K c ell c lone c an ex press u p to nine

different rec eptors, whic h together determ ine the

ac tiv ation statu s of the c ell. T hese rec eptors c an be

display ed on ov erlapping su bsets within the total N K

c ell popu lation, and the repertoire of ex pressed

rec eptors is heterogeneou s in different indiv idu als

1 0 8 ,1 0 9

. S om e of these rec eptors are also fou nd on

other im m u ne effec tor c ell ty pes. V ariation in su rfac e

ex pression of only one ty pe of M H C c lass I m olec u le

c an already m ak e a differenc e for c ell su rv iv al.

Table 1. Natural killer cell receptors and their ligands N am e of rec eptor T y pe of signal L igand(s) K IR 2 D L 1 (p5 8 .1 ) inhibitory H L A -CL y s8 0

K IR 2 D L 2 (p5 8 .2 ) inhibitory H L A -C A sn8 0

K IR 2 D L 4 (p4 9 ) inhibitory H L A -G K IR 3 D L 1 (p7 0 ) inhibitory H L A -B w4 K IR 3 D L 2 (p1 4 0 ) inhibitory H L A -A 3 , A 1 1 L IR 1 /IL T 2 inhibitory H L A -A ,-B ,-C ,-E ,-F ,-G L IR 2 /IL T 4 inhibitory H L A -A ,-B ,-C ,-E ,-F ,-G C D 9 4 /N K G 2 A inhibitory H L A -E K IR 2 D S 1 (p5 0 .1 ) ac tiv ating H L A -C L y s8 0

K IR 2 D S 2 (p5 0 .2 ) ac tiv ating H L A -C A sn8 0

K IR 2 D S 4 (p5 0 .3 ) ac tiv ating u nk nown C D 9 4 /N K G 2 C ac tiv ating H L A -E P 4 0 /L A IR 1 inhibitory u nk nown p7 5 /A IR M 1 inhibitory u nk nown N K p3 0 (1 C 7 /N K -A 1 ) ac tiv ating u nk nown N K p4 4 ac tiv ating u nk nown N K p4 6 ac tiv ating u nk nown N K p8 0 ac tiv ating u nk nown N K G 2 D ac tiv ating M IC A /B , U L B P 1 -3 2 B 4 ac tiv ating C D 4 8


Surface expression of HLA-E was shown to be

sufficient to either inhibit N K cells expressing

C D 9 4 /N K G 2 A or to enhance k illing by cells

expressing C D 9 4 /N K G 2 C

1 1 0

. Lik ewise, HLA-G

expression has been shown to protect HLA class I

d eficient targ ets from N K cell m ed iated ly sis, throug h

eng ag ing inhibitory N K cell receptors

1 1 1 ,1 1 2

. T he

selectiv e expression of only HLA-C , -E, and – G alleles

on cells at the fetal m aternal interface m ay help to

protect them from m aternal cy totoxic T cell and N K

cell attack .

T cell and NK cell escape mechanisms of HCMV

Sev eral im m une escape m echanism s exploited by

hum an cy tom eg alov irus seem to focus on prev ention

of d etection and elim ination by cy totoxic T cells and

N K cells.

HCMV and escape from cytotoxic T cell killing

D uring latent infections, HC M V v iral g ene expression

is lim ited which helps to av oid im m une surv eillance by

cy totoxic T cells. D uring activ e infection, HC M V

exploits another m echanism to av oid d isplay of v iral

antig ens, that is by d own-reg ulating M HC m olecules.

C ell surface expression of M HC class I m olecules is

affected by the concerted action of a set of proteins

encod ed within the uniq ue short (U S) reg ion of the

HC M V g enom e that are expressed along the d ifferent

stag es of v iral infection. U S3 is the first to be

sy nthesiz ed and prev ents traffick ing of newly

sy nthesiz ed M HC class I m olecules, by entrapping

them in the ER

3 0 ,1 1 3

. N ext, U S2 and U S1 1 com e into

play and ind uce proteoly tic d eg rad ation of M HC class

I m olecules. Im m ed iately after their sy nthesis and

translocation into the ER , class I heav y chains are

transported into the cy tosol where they are d epriv ed

of their N -link ed g ly can and subseq uently d eg rad ed

by proteasom es

3 7 ,1 1 4

. At early and late tim es post

infection, U S6 prev ents peptid e load ing of M HC class

I m olecules by block ing the T ransporter associated

with Antig en P rocessing (T AP )

2 9 ,3 3 ,1 1 5

. Another U

S-encod ed g ene, U S1 0 , has been reported to d elay

m aturation of M HC class I m olecules

2 5


HCMV and N K cell escape

A com plete red uction of M HC class I expression could

hav e serious conseq uences for the surv iv al of the

v irus, as cells lack ing M HC class I surface m olecules

are m ore susceptible to N K -cell attack

2 4

. Sev eral

proteins encod ed within the U niq ue Long (U L) reg ion

of the HC M V g enom e (U L1 6 , U L1 8 , U L4 0 ) appear to

protect infected cells ag ainst N K -cell ly sis. T hey either

block expression of lig and s that activ ate N K cells

(U L1 6 ) or allow expression of lig and s that can inhibit

N K -cell trig g ering (U L1 8 , U L4 0 )

3 4


U L1 6 , expressed at an early stag e of infection,

interferes with M IC B / U LB P 1 , 2 -specific trig g ering of

activ ating N K cell receptors (N K G 2 D ) by d

own-reg ulating their lig and s

1 1 6

. At the sam e tim e, U L4 0

can prom ote surface expression of HLA-E by

prov id ing it with T AP -ind epend ent peptid es, thereby

supply ing a lig and for the inhibitory C D 9 4 /N K G 2 A

receptor, which is found on m ost N K cells

1 0 2

. At a late

stag e of infection, HC M V encod es a v iral M HC class I

hom olog ue, U L1 8 , which serv es as d ecoy for M HC

class I at the cell surface and can bind the LIR 1

inhibitory N K cell receptor

1 1 7

. R ecently , a new

early /late HC M V -encod ed g ene prod uct has been

id entified , U L1 4 1 , which prev ents surface expression

of C D 1 5 5 , a lig and for the activ ating N K cell receptor

C D 2 2 6

3 6

. It is im portant to note that this U L1 4 1 g ene

is present in v arious clinical HC M V strains, whereas it

is lost in laboratory AD 1 6 9 and T owne strains

2 1 ,2 2 ,3 6


Alternativ e way s to preserv e inhibitory sig nals to N K

cells could includ e a m ore selectiv e d own-reg ulation

of M HC class I surface expression. If the specificity of

the U S proteins were such that those M HC class I

m olecules that present v iral antig ens (m ostly HLA-A

and -B alleles) are affected pred om inantly , HC M V

could escape both T cell and N K cell k illing .

S electiv ity and degree of MHC class I dow n-regu lation

b y HCMV

T he success of im m une escape by HC M V from both T

cell and N K cell attack throug h m od ulation of M HC

class I surface expression is lik ely to be influenced by

the efficiency as well as by the specificity of the

d ifferent v iral ev asion proteins.

T he d eg ree of d own-m od ulation that can be

accom plished lik ely d epend s on the balance of targ et

M HC class I and U S protein lev els. As m entioned

before, M HC class I surface lev els can be upreg ulated

by cy tok ines. T he expression lev els of the U S proteins

v ary d uring the course of infection and m ay also

d epend on v iral load

1 1 8

. A hig her am ount of v iral

particles can lead to a m ore sev ere red uction in M HC

class I surface expression

1 1 9

. As m entioned in


Several laboratories have studied allelic differences

between MHC class I molecules with respect to

sensitivity to US2, US3, US6, and US11



Our studies were focused on the specificity of MHC

class I down-regulation by US2 and US11. In addition,

we aimed to characteriz e the precise regions in MHC

class I alleles that determine sensitivity or resistance

to US2 and US11. The approach for US2 was based

on previous results and on crystal structure data from

a soluble HLA-A2/E2m/US2 complex (see Figure 3)

published by Gewurz et al.



Dislocation and degradation of MHC class I

m olecules

In the ER, US2 and US11 bind newly synthesiz ed

MHC class I heavy chains and target them to the

cytosol for subsequent degradation by proteasomes


. Retro-transport is a mechanism commonly used

for the disposal of improperly folded and unassembled

ER lumenal proteins, including MHC class I heavy

chains. The exact requirements for dislocation of

these membrane-anchored proteins from the ER into

the cytosol are still relatively unknown. However, there

are indications that certain ER chaperones may be


ER quality control and ER-associated degradation of

incom pletely folded or assem bled M H C class I

m olecules

W hen properly folded heterotrimeric HC-E2m-peptide

complexes are formed, the MHC class I complex is

released of all auxiliary molecules as it follows the

secretory pathway. But until this point, several quality

control mechanism are active to prevent surface

expression of malfolded or unassembled class I heavy

chains. For instance in the absence of one of the

components of the complex, e.g. in case of a defect in

E2m expression, no MHC class I molecules can be

detected at the cell surface


. If the supply of

peptides is hampered by TAP inhibition, or loading is

obstructed by an impaired interaction of TAP and

HC’s in the absence of tapasin, then the surface

expression of class I molecules is also severely




In E2m and TAP-deficient cell lines, incompletely

folded and assembled MHC class I molecules are

removed from the ER and released into the cytosol,

where they are degraded by proteasomes


. The

exact mechanism by which molecules are dislocated

remains elusive, but there are indications that ER

F igure 3 . Cry stal structure of a soluble U S 2 /HL A -A 2 / 2 m /Tax com plex . Crystal structure of a soluble US2/HLA-A2/ 2m/Tax complex, as determined by B. Gewurz et al. Data for this image were derived from the PUBMED Protein Data Base (reference 1IM3) and visualiz ed as solid ribbon using W ebViewerLite. HLA-A2 (light grey), 2m (darker grey), US2 (darkest grey) and Human T lymphotropic virus type I Tax peptide (LLFGY PVY V, black). Amino acid residues in HLA-A2 that make direct contact with US2 are depicted in dark grey and are marked with their corresponding position numbers in the class I heavy chain.

chaperones such as BiP and calnexin may play a role

in this process. BiP retains many misfolded proteins in

the ER, including unassembled HC’s


. Studies

involving Kar2p (the yeast homologue of BiP) and

glycoprotein CPY * , have linked the ATPase activity of

BiP with release of malfolded proteins into the cytosol


. The release from BiP and retro-transport of

unassembled Ig L chain, a soluble nonglycosylated

protein, has been found to be tightly coupled with

proteasome activity


. It is unclear whether these

effects of BiP on dislocation are restricted to

malfolded soluble ER proteins. Besides this, BiP has

been implicated to play a role in the unfolded protein

response (UPR), as sensor of accumulating misfolded

proteins. UPR directs the upregulation of a number of

stress-related proteins (likely involved in disposal

processes), including BiP


. Like BiP, Calnexin

retains incompletely assembled MHC class I HC’s in

the ER by using its cytoplasmic tail


. Surface

expression of MHC class I heavy chains in a

E2m-deficient cell line could be restored by introducing

calnexin with a truncated tail



As mentioned before, trimming of the N-linked

precursor oligosaccharide Glc3Man9GlcNAc2 in the

ER yields Glc1Man9-7GlnNAc2, which enables


and quality control process is then initiated that

consists of cycles of deglucosylation by glucosidase II,

release from the chaperone, reglucosylation by the




glucosyl-transferase, and re-association with calnexin and



. Glycoproteins that achieve proper

folding are no longer recognized by glucosyltranferase

and leave this cycle. Differential mannose trimming by

ER-mannosidases I and II has been proposed to

signal the degradation of terminally misfolded



. Inhibitors that prevent mannose

trimming were found to inhibit degradation of many

defective glycoproteins


. Loss of the mannose

residue that is the acceptor for glucosyltranferase

leads to release from the reglucosylation cycles

involved in the rescue of improperly folded

glycoproteins and association to the putative mannose

lectin EDEM


. The glycoproteins are then

dis-located to the cytosol, deglycosylated and degraded

by the proteasome



Ubiquitin and proteasomal degradation

The turnover of many cellular proteins is regulated by

a process, which involves initial earmarking via the

ubiquitin system and subsequent degradation by

proteasomes (see Figure 4). This earmarking involves

the linkage of ubiquitin, a highly conserved protein of

~ 8.5kDa, to the substrate protein through an

isopep-tide bond between the C-terminal glycine (Gly76) of

ubiquitin and the H-NH


group of a lysine residue in

the target protein. Protein ubiquitination involves a

cascade reaction with subsequent activities of three

different types of enzymes: ubiquitin-activating

enzyme (E1), ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (E2) and

ubiquitin-ligase (E3)


. Polyubiquitin chains are

formed by the attachment of additional ubiquitin

moieties via Gly76, to Lys48 of the next ubiquitin

moiety. Only poly-ubiquinated proteins are recognized

as substrates for proteasomal degradation. A fourth

type of enzyme (E4) has been postulated to function

as multi-protein chain assembly factor



Ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis is an important

mechanism for the regulation of many cellular

processes, as it mediates the turnover of cell cycle

regulators, tumor suppressors and growth modulators,

transcriptional activators and inhibitors, cell surface

receptors, in addition to misfolded proteins. This

requires a substrate specific mode of action for the

E1-3 enzymes. E1 enzymes are highly conserved and

so far only a single ubiquitin-activating enzyme (Uba1)

has been found in yeast and humans. The

ubiquitin-conjugating (ubc) enzymes are part of a homologous

family of proteins. To date, 13 different E2 enzymes

have been described in yeast, and at least 18 in

humans. Likely, E3 enzymes contribute most to the

biological specificity of the ubiquitin system, with

hundreds, if not thousands of often structurally

unrelated enzymes. These include Skp/Cullin/F-box

(SCF), SOCS-box, Anaphase Promoting Complex

(APC), HECT family, RING finger domain, U-box,

VBC and Parkin-like E3 ligases.

Proteasomes, found both in the nucleus and cytosol,

are large multi-subunit complexes, made up of a 20S

core particle and one or two regulatory “cap”

complexes (19S or 11S/PA28)


. The 20S

barrel-shaped core particle consists of four stacked rings:

two identical outer D-rings, and two identical inner

E-rings. Each of these rings contain seven different

subunits. The catalytic activity is provided by 3

subunits (called X , Y and Z ) in the E-rings. The 19S

cap is composed of 17 subunits, 9 of which are part of

a base connected to the D-ring, and 8 of which are

found in a structure referred to as the lid. This cap

recognizes poly-ubiquitinated proteins and is believed

to mediate entry into the narrow pore of the 20S core

particle by unfolding the substrate and widening the

entrance via the D-ring. Immuno-modulatory cytokines

such as IFN-J can alter the composition of the

proteasome. IFN-J promotes expression of the

regulatory PA28/11S complex, which reportedly

enhances proteasome activity


. In addition, IFN-J

induces the incorporation of LMP2, LMP7 and

MECL-1 subunits into the E-rings of the 20S core particle,

instead of the standard X , Y, and Z subunits



Proteasomes harboring IFN-J subunits are therefore

referred to as immunoproteasomes.

Immuno-proteasomes may enhance the specificity of the

proteasome and promote the generation of peptides

presented by MHC class I molecules.

D islocation of ER-lumenal proteins and involvement of

cytosolic factors

It is still largely unknown how dislocation of

ER-lumenal substrates is accomplished. Proteasomes

may play an active role in the extraction of

ubiquitinated substrates. In mammalian cells ~ 10% of

the proteasomes are located at the cytosolic face of

the ER membrane, and proteasomal activity appear

to be required for the extraction of several

trans-membrane proteins




final membrane detachment of partially dislocated


1 6 4 ,1 6 5

. It is a h ex am eric rin g c o m p lex , th at

sen ses bo th p o ly ubiq uitin ated as w ell as n o n

-ubiq uitin ated p ro tein s

1 6 5

. It lik ely ac ts in c o n c ert w ith

o th er (E R -m em bran e an c h o red ) p ro tein s ex ertin g a

m o re substrate-sp ec ific ro le.

In stud ies o f U S 1 1 -m ed iated d eg rad atio n o f M H C

c lass I h eav y c h ain s, D erlin 1 (th e m am m alian

eq uiv alen t o f y east D er1 ), w as id en tified as an

ad d itio n al c o m p o n en t in v o lv ed in d islo c atio n

1 6 6 -1 6 8


Scope of this thesis

T h e stud ies d esc ribed in th is th esis fo c us o n

strateg ies ex p lo ited by h um an c y to m eg alo v irus to

esc ap e im m un e d etec tio n by its h o st th ro ug h

m o d ulatio n o f surfac e ex p ressio n o f M H C c lass I

m o lec ules by U S 2 an d U S 1 1 (rev iew ed in C h ap ter 1 ).

U S 2 an d U S 1 1 c an bo th targ et n ew ly sy n th esiz ed

M H C c lass I m o lec ules fo r p ro teaso m al d eg rad atio n .

T h is c an p ro h ibit th e d isp lay o f v iral an tig en s o n th e

surfac e o f in fec ted c ells an d frustrate in sp ec tio n by

c y to to x ic T c ells. H o w ev er, th e absen c e o f surfac e

c lass I m o lec ules c o uld also alert N K c ells an d trig g er

c y to ly sis by th ese im m un e effec to r c ells.


If the specificity of the viral US2 and US11 proteins

w as su ch that those M H C class I m olecu les

presenting viral antig ens (m ostly H L A -A and -B

alleles) are preferentially affected, these US proteins

cou ld contrib u te to an escape of H C M V -infected cells

from b oth T cell and N K cell k illing . In this thesis, w e

investig ated w hether US2 and US11 indeed display

selectivity in their dow n-reg u lation of M H C class I

locu s produ cts (C hapters 2-4 ).

A lthou g h at first sig ht the m ode of action of US2 and

US11 seem s very sim ilar, it is u nlik ely that H C M V

encodes tw o different proteins w ith identical fu nction.

W e evalu ated if US2 and US11 cou ld act

com plem entary to each other. T hey cou ld do so in

variou s w ays, e.g . b y targ eting different M H C class I

su b sets for deg radation, b y u sing different pathw ays

for deg radation of class I m olecu les, or b y acting at

different stag es in the folding and assem b ly process

of M H C class I m olecu les. T herefore, w e evalu ated

several of these aspects.

F irst of all, w e ex plored the stru ctu ral req u irem ents of

M H C class I m olecu les to b ecom e targ ets for US2

(C hapters 2 and 4 ) or US11 (C hapters 3 and 4 ) u sing

variou s chim eric and m u tant H L A class I m olecu les.

Ub iq u itin serves as an earm ark to targ et proteins for

proteasom al deg radation and it cou ld also provide a

handle for pu lling E R protein into the cytosol.

T herefore, w e also assessed the role of the u b iq u itin

system in US11-m ediated dislocation of M H C class I

m olecu les (C hapter 5 ).

F inally, w e evalu ated w hether US2 and US11 can act

in early stag es of M H C class I folding and assem b ly,

b y targ eting u nassem b led H C s for deg radation

(C hapter 6 ).


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Human cytomegalovirus gene products US2 and US11 differ in their ability to attack major histocompatibility class I heavy chains in dendritic cells.. The cytosolic tail

De studies in Hoofdstuk 3 en 4 met verschillende MHC klasse I chimeren duiden erop dat dit niet het geval is: alleen de bouwsteensamenstelling van de in het ER

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Ubiquitination is essential for human cytomegalovirus US11-mediated dislocation of MHC class I molecules from the endoplasmic reticulum to the cytosol. Human HRD1 is an E3

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The research presented in this thesis was performed in the Laboratory of Vaccine Research in the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven, and in

(2000) Pivotal role of calnexin and mannose trimming in regulating the endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation of major histocompatibility complex class I heavy chain..