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Improving neonatal resuscitation at birth : technique and devices Schilleman, K.


Academic year: 2021

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Improving neonatal resuscitation at birth : technique and devices

Schilleman, K.


Schilleman, K. (2012, February 15). Improving neonatal resuscitation at birth : technique and devices. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/1887/18487

Version: Corrected Publisher’s Version

License: Licence agreement concerning inclusion of doctoral thesis in the Institutional Repository of the University


Improving neonatal resuscitation at birth: technique and devices

Kim Schilleman

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Improving neonatal resuscitation at birth: technique and devices

© Kim Schilleman, 2012, Leiden, the Netherlands

No part of this thesis may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage or retrieval system, without permission of the copyright owner.

ISBN: 978-90-6464-530-3

Cover design: T.H. Boerdam

Graphic design: Ferdinand van Nispen, Citroenvlinder DTP&Vormgeving, Bilthoven Printing: GVO drukkers & vormgevers B.V. | Pons en v Looijen

The research presented in this thesis was performed at the Department of Pediatrics,


Improving neonatal resuscitation at birth:

technique and devices


ter verkrijging van

de graad van Doctor aan de Universiteit Leiden, op gezag van Rector Magnificus prof.mr. P.F. van der Heijden,

volgens besluit van het College voor Promoties te verdedigen op woensdag 15 februari 2012

klokke 16.15 uur


Kim Schilleman geboren te Rotterdam in 1986

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Promotor Prof. dr. F.J. Walther Co-promotor Dr. A.B. te Pas

Overige leden Dr. K. Bohlin

Karolinska University Hospital/Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

Dr. A.H.L.C. van Kaam

Emma Children’s Hospital, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Prof. dr. J.M.M. van Lith

Prof. dr. M. Vento

University and Polytechnic Hospital La Fe, Valencia, Spain

Prof. dr. J.M. Wit

Prof. dr. L.J.I. Zimmerman

Maastricht University Medical Centre, Maastricht, the Netherlands


Voor mijn ouders en RobbertJan

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Chapter 1 General introduction, aim and outline of the thesis 9 Part 1 – Technique of neonatal resuscitation at birth 19

Chapter 2 Leak and obstruction with mask ventilation during simulated neonatal resuscitation


Chapter 3 Variability in the assessment of ‘adequate’ chest excursion during simulated neonatal resuscitation


Chapter 4 Compressive force applied to a manikin’s head during mask ventilation


Chapter 5 Evaluating manual inflations during mask ventilation of preterm infants at birth

61 Chapter 6 Breathing during mask ventilation of preterm infants at birth 75 Part 2 – Devices for neonatal resuscitation at birth 89

Chapter 7 Low versus high gas flow rate for respiratory support of infants at birth: a manikin study


Chapter 8 Changing gas flow during neonatal resuscitation: a manikin study 105 Chapter 9 Auditing resuscitation of preterm infants at birth by recording

video and physiological parameters


Chapter 10 General discussion - Neonatal resuscitation at birth: technique and devices


Chapter 11 Summary 155

Appendix Nederlandse samenvatting 164

List of abbreviations 170

Authors and affiliations 171

Dankwoord (Acknowledgements) 172

Publications 174

Curriculum Vitae 175

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License: Licence agreement concerning inclusion of doctoral thesis in the Institutional Repository of the University of Leiden. Downloaded

License: Licence agreement concerning inclusion of doctoral thesis in the Institutional Repository of the University of Leiden. Downloaded

A sustained inflation directly followed by continuous positive airway pressure, delivered through a nasopharyngeal tube, is a more efficient ventilation strategy in very

License: Licence agreement concerning inclusion of doctoral thesis in the Institutional Repository of the University of Leiden. Downloaded

The aim of this study was to measure the effect of changing gas flow during positive pressure ventilation on peak inflating pressure (PIP), positive end expiratory pressure

License: Licence agreement concerning inclusion of doctoral thesis in the Institutional Repository of the University of Leiden. Downloaded

To evaluate mask technique during simulated neonatal resuscitation and test the effectiveness of training in optimal mask

This prompted us to investigate the compressive force applied to the head of a manikin during mask ventilation and determine whether this force increases in response to an attempt