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Right ventricular performance in the cardiac surgical patient


Academic year: 2021

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University of Groningen

Right ventricular performance in the cardiac surgical patient

Bootsma, Inge



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Publication date: 2021

Link to publication in University of Groningen/UMCG research database

Citation for published version (APA):

Bootsma, I. (2021). Right ventricular performance in the cardiac surgical patient. University of Groningen. https://doi.org/10.33612/diss.168431594


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Propositions Belonging to the thesis

Right ventricular performance in the cardiac surgical patient

1. In the cardiac surgical patient, the right ventricle is an essential part of the cardiovascular

system. - This thesis

2. Impaired postoperative right ventricular ejection fraction is a strong and independent risk factor for morbidity and mortality in the cardiac surgical setting. - This thesis

3. The association between impaired right ventricular ejection fraction and mortality continues to aggravate patient outcome in the first two years after the intervention. - This thesis

4. Echocardiographic assessment of perioperative right ventricular function is challenging due to the complex anatomy of the right ventricle. - This thesis

5. Right ventricular dysfunction in the cardiac surgical patient is not only determined by well-known risk factors, but has a multifactorial aetiology. - This thesis

6. Although considered to be a cornerstone in the treatment of right ventricular dysfunction, the increase in blood pressure is an ineffective strategy in the cardiac surgical patient. - This thesis

7. Without the right knowledge and application of a measurement device, its use will not result in the improvement of clinically relevant endpoints. - This thesis

8. A good craftswoman never blames her tools. - Unknown

9. Hurdling requires more than just speed. It requires flexibility, strength, and courage. - Reggie Towns



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