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On a characterization of the exponential distribution


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On a characterization of the exponential distribution

Citation for published version (APA):

Harn, van, K., & Steutel, F. W. (1990). On a characterization of the exponential distribution. (Memorandum COSOR; Vol. 9021). Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.

Document status and date: Published: 01/01/1990

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EINDHOVEN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Department of Mathematics and Computing Science

Memorandum COSOR 90-21 On a charcterization of the

exponential distribution K.vanHarn F.W. Steutel

Eindhoven University of Technology

Department of Mathematics and Computing Science P.O. Box513

5600 MB Eindhoven The Netherlands

Eindhoven,July 1990 The Netherlands


On a characterization of the exponential distribution

K. van Ham!, Free University of Amsterdam F.W. Steutel2, Eindhoven University of Technology


The characterization of the exponential distribution as given in [2] is improved by sub-stantially weakening the conditions.


1. Introduction

In [2] Dimitrov and Khalil consider the 'blocking time' Z in a certain queueing system. This random variable can equivalently be defined as follows:

(1) Z = YI

+ ... +



XN ,

where X}, YI , X2 , Y2 , ••• are independent, the X n are nonnegative and Ld. with P(XI = 0) < 1, the Yn are Ld. and exponential withEYI = 1/A, and N is defined by

N=min{nEIN;Xn<Yn} .

The main theorem formulated in [2], which is also the theorem we shall prove here, can now be phrased as follows:

Theorem: Z


Xl, if and only if Xl has an exponential distribution.

In view of the proof in [2] this formulation is somewhat misleading; the authors of [2] use the condition that Z, whose distribution depends on A, has the same distribu-tion as Xl for all A



We shall show that a single value ofAsuffices. This makes the result more attractive and more natural.

As it is easily verified, and shown in [2], that Z


Xl ifXl has an exponential distri-bution, we shall only consider the converse, Le., the 'only if' part of the Theorem. 2. Proof of the Theorem

It is shown in [2], and not hard to prove directly from (1), that the following relation exists between b(s) = Ee-· z and g(s) = Ee-·X1 :

(2) b(s) = (s




A) s




A) .

Ipostal Address: Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Free University, De Boelelaan 1081, 1081 MC Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

2postal address: Department of Mathematics and Computing Science, Eindhoven University of Technology, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands.




Xl,Le., ifb= g,then from (2) it follows that (3) if we put (4) g(s)






1 A) - l)}-l






A)}-l , 8+",gS+ 1 1 h(s) = -( - () - 1) . s 9 s

Now (3) implies that h(s) = h(s


A), and we obtain (5) g(s)





0) ,



s s

where h is positive and periodic with period A. Clearly,ifwe can prove that h is

con-stant, Le., that 9 has the form g( s) = (1


cs)-1, then the Theorem is proved. We state this result as a lemma.

Lemma IT Z is a nonnegative random variable with P(Z




1and Ee-·



g(s), where 9 has the form (5) and h is periodic (with period A),then Z has an exponential distribution.

Proof: From (4) it follows that h has a continuous derivative on (0,


which is also periodic with period A. So for 8


0 we have


-g'(s)= (sh'(s)




sh(S))-2 ,

Le., sh'( s) ~ -he8). By the periodicity ofh' it then follows that

h'(s) = h'(s


nA) = limh'(s




_ lim h(s


nA) n ... oo n ... oo S



= _ lim h(s) = 0 n ... oo8



Therefore h is nondecreasing, periodic and, by (5), positive. So h(s)



0, and the Lemma is proved.

3. Concluding remarks

Added in proof, in [2] the relation h(s


A) = h(s) for all A


0 is used for s


0 to obtain h(A}= h(O) for all A


O. In fact, for a simple proof of the constancy ofhtwo values ofAare sufficient: ifh is periodic with periods Al and A2 with AllA2irrational, then by its continuity h must be constant.

A simple proof of the fact that one value ofAsuffices would be possible ifit were known that limsg( s) exists. Then, since g( s) -+ P( Xl = 0) as 8 -+ 00 we would have


hs _ 1-g(s+n.\) ( ) - (s





lim 1 - g(s


n.\) = c n-+oo (s





However, lim sg(s) does not exist for arbitrary Laplace-Stieltjes transforms g; a fairly n-+oo

complicated counterexample was shown to me by Sl2iren Asmussen. This limit does exist if the distribution corresponding to9 has a density with a right-hand limit at zero (see e.g. [3], p. 182).


[1 ] Asmussen, S. (1990) (personal communication).

[2 ] Dimitrov, B. and Khalil, Z. (1990) On a new characterization of the exponen-tial distribution related to a queueing system with an unreliable server, J. Appl. Prob., 27, 221-226.

[3 ] Widder, D. V. (1972) The Laplace transform, Princeton University Press.


~INDHOVENUNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY )epartment of Mathematics and Computing Science



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jst of COSOR-memoranda - 1990

~umber Month Author Title

o19()"()1 January lJ.B.F. Adan Analysis of the asymmetric shortest queue problem J.Wessels Part 1: Theoretical analysis


0190-02 January D.A. Overdijk Meetkundige aspecten van de productie van kroonwie1en

.190-03 February I.J.B.F. Adan Analysis of the assymmetric shortest queue problem 1. Wessels Part II: Numerical analysis


.190-04 March P. van derLaan Statistical selection procedures for selecting the best variety L.R. Verdooren

.190-05 March W.H.M.Zijm Scheduling a flexible machining centre E.H.L.B. Nelissen

,190-06 March G. Schuller The design of mechanizations: reliability, efficiency and flexibility W.H.M. Zijm

.190-07 March W.H.M. Zijm Capacity analysis of automatic transport systems in an assembly fac-tory

.190-08 March G.J. v. Houtum Computational procedures for stochastic multi-echelon production W.H.M. Zijm systems


Number Month Author Title

M90-09 March PJ.M. van Production preparation and numerical control in PCB assembly Laarhoven


M 90-10 March F.A.W. Wester A hierarchical planning system versus a schedule oriented planning 1. Wijngaard system


M 90-11 April A. Dekkers Local Area Networks

M 90-12 April P. v.d. Laan On subset selection from Logistic populations

M 90-13 April P. v.d. Laan De Van Dantzig Prijs

M90-14 June P. v.d. Laan Beslissen met statistische selectiemethoden

M 90-15 June F.W. Steutel Some recent characterizations of the exponential and geometric distributions

M 90-16 June 1. van Geldrop Existence of general equilibria in infinite horizon economies with C. Withagen exhaustible resources. (the continuous time case)

\190-17 June P.C. Schuur Simulated annealing as a tool to obtain new results in plane geometry

\190-18 July F.W. Steutel Applications of probability in analysis

\190-19 July U.B.F. Adan Analysis of the symmetric shortest queue problem J. Wessels


\190-20 July U.B.F. Adan Analysis of the asymmetric shortest queue problem with threshold 1. Wessels jockeying


\190-21 July K.van Ham On a characterization of the exponential distribution F.W. Steutel



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