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2000 08 31


Academic year: 2021

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informatie: Jan van den Noort 010-436 6014 - janvdnoort@ext.eur.nl

Werkgroep Stedengeschiedenis

Berlin 2000

European cities: Networks und Crossroads

(Fifth International Conference on Urban History, Berlijn 31 augustus t/m 2 september 2000) Hieronder treft u een overzicht van de sessies (organisatoren, universiteiten, onderwerpen) voor de vijfde conferentie van de European Association of Urban Historians volgend jaar in Berlijn Begin april zal de congresorganisatie een call for papers doen uitgaan naar de adressen uit het ‘register of urban historians’ en naar de adressen van de deelnemers aan de vorige vier conferenties. Wie 15 april nog niets heeft gehoord en toch op de hoogte wil zijn kan zich wenden tot Pim Kooij, De Sitterstraat 12, 9721 EW Groningen. Wie hem een gefrankeerde envelop met adres stuurt ontvangt tzt eveneens een call for papers.

Main sessions

1 Anne Borsay, Peter Shapely (Lampeter-Wales, Bangor-Wales) History from below: The Urban Poor and the Reception of Medicine and Charity in Western European Cities

2 Karen Bowie, Ralf Roth, Marie-Noëlle Polino (Charenton, Berlin, Paris) The Railway and the City 3 Ann Katherine Isaacs (Pisa) Cities versus States in Medieval and Modern Europe

4 Philippe Jansen (Nice ) Réseaux des sociabilités et des fonctionalités des petites villes à la fi n du moyen age

5 Helen Meller, Adelheid von Saldern (Nottingham, Hannover) Urban Living in Modern Cities. Educational Ideas and Practices, Public and Private Strategies (1880-1960)

6 Graeme Morton, Boudien de Vries (Edinburgh, Leiden) Societies, Associations, Clubs and the Making of Urban Networks since 1600

7 Lucy Peltz (Museum of London) Walking the City’s Streets: The Role of the City Museum in the Invention of Urban Past

8 Dieter Schott, Geneviève Massard-Guilbaud, Harold L. Platt (Darmstadt, Clermont-Ferrand, Chicago) The State in Emergency: Cities and Catastrophes (Early Modern and Modern History)

9 Klaus Tenfelde, Jürgen Reulecke (Bochum, Siegen) Structural Change and Urban Life in Old Industrial Cities after the Second World War

Round Tables

1 Pim Kooij (Groningen) Round Table: Aspects of Urban History: Modern Times

2 Dénis Menjot (Lyon) Round Table: Aspects of Urban History: Medieval and Early Modern Times

Specialist Sessions

1 Krysztof Bieda, Christoph Bernhard (Krakow, Berlin) The limitations of urban planning in socialist cities in the 20th century

2 Denis Bocquet, Samuel Fettah (Aix-en-Provence) Technical Networks and Confl icts of Power in European Towns (XVIII°-XX°)

3 Bruno Blondé (Antwerpen) Transportation and urban development before the railway age 4 Patrizia Bonifazio, Elena Cogato Lanza, Paolo Scrivano, (Torino, Genève, Milano) Theory


informatie: Jan van den Noort 010-436 6014 - janvdnoort@ext.eur.nl

5 Catherine Clémens-Denys, Clive Emsley (Lille, Open Univ., UK) The Police of the Urban Space 6 Natacha Coquery, Caroline Varlet (Tours, Paris) Solidarités professionnelles, réseaux citadins,

mutations spatiales: les formes d’exercice des métiers en ville du XVIè au Xxè siècles 7 Penelope Corfi eld (London) The Urban Crossroads: European Cities and Sexual Adventure 8 Dirk de Meyer (Ghent) On the Road Again: Travelling Artists and the City 1400-1750 9 David B. Gobel (Savannah, USA) The City Gate: Negotiation and Nexus

10 Stefan Haas, Taina Syrjämaa, (Münster, Turku (Finnland) The visualization of Urban Consumer Culture in the 19th and 20th centuries

11 Evan Jones (Leicester ) Cleaning the City: Waste Disposal and the Urban Environment in the Pre Modern Era (1000-1700)

12 Luda Klusáková (Prag) Peripheries or crossroads of cultures? Towns of East - Central and South - Eastern Europe

13 Ludolf Kuchenbuch, T. Behrmann (Hagen, Münster) Stadt und Schriftkultur im Mittelalter 14 Gerd Kuhn, Paolo Capuzzo (Stuttgart, Bologna) Suburban Europe after the second World

War: City planning ambitions and achievements

15 Paola Lanaro (Venedig) The Spatial Organization of Markets and Fairs in the City (15th-17th centuries)

16 James Moore, John Smith (Leicester) Corruption, Scandals and Urban Government. 19th and 20th centuries.

17 Nicholas Papayanis, Rosemarie Wakeman (New York, Fordham) Urban Crises and Intellectual Visions: The Roots and Developments of Modern Urban Planning

18 Alexander Shevyrev, Derek Keene (Moskau, London) Metropolitan Axes in the European States

19 Janet Stewart, Dorothy Rowe (Aberdeen, Roehampton Institute) Culture, Space and the City: Georg Simmel at the Crossroads of Modernity

20 Steinar Supphellen (Trondheim) The merchant in his web: Personal relations in inter-city networks (Early Modern History)

21 Helmuth Trischler, Mark Rose (München, Miami) The wired City: Global Communication in local Environments (late 19th and 20th century)

22 Clemens Wischermann, Richard Rodger (Münster, Leicester) Economic Cycles and Rhythms in European Cities since 1750

23 Clemens Zimmermann (Heidelberg) European Cinema and the Cities 1900-1930.

24 Guido Zucconi, ... Concino (Venedig) The Reshaping of Ionian and Adriatic Cities after the Collapse of the Republic of Venice, 1797-1866. A Comparative Analysis

Namens de Werkgroep Stedengeschiedenis Jan van den Noort



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