Anouk N.A. van der Horst‐Schrivers
1, Adrienne H. Brouwers
2, and Thera P. Links
11Departments of Medical Endocrinology, University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands
2Department of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, University of Groningen, and University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands
RET rearranged during transfection SRS somatostatin receptor scintigraphy SSTR somatostatin receptor
Medullary thyroid cancer (MTC), first described in 1959 [1], is a neuroendocrine tumor originating from the calcitonin‐secreting C cells of the thyroid and accounts for 3–10% of the thyroid malignancies [2]. It occurs in a sporadic (75%) and a here
ditary form referred to as multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) type 2A (MEN‐2A), MEN type 2B, or familial MTC (FMTC). The hereditary forms occur due to germ line mutations in the rearranged during transfection (RET) gene [3–6]. Besides a 100% expression of MTC, patients also develop pheochromocytomas (MEN‐2A and MEN‐2B), hyperparathyroidism (MEN‐2A), intestinal ganglioneuromatosis (MEN‐2B), and mucosal neuromas (MEN‐2B).
MTC metastasizes early during the course of the disease to regional cervical lymph nodes. up to 20–30% of patients with a primary tumor of <1 cm (T1), up to 50% of patients with a T2 tumor, and almost all patients with a T3 or T4 tumor present with cervical lymph node metastases [7, 8]. Distant metastases are typically found in the mediastinum, lungs, liver, and bone.
Surgery, consisting of a total thyroidectomy and an extensive lymph node dissec
tion, is the only effective curative treatment in primary MTC. Locoregional tumor control may be improved by initial extensive surgery consisting of central, bilateral, and upper mediastinal neck dissection [9].
However, clinically curative surgery resulted in a cure rate between 33 and 61% in groups that routinely employed central and bilateral lymph node dissection [7, 8, 10].
Serum calcitonin is the main biochemical and accurate marker used for the detection of tumor persistence and recurrence and is of importance in the postoperative management of patients with MTC. For patients with recurrent disease and/or lymph node metas
tases, surgery is the first line of treatment. Patients with distant metastases cannot be cured and have a reduced survival [11]. Systemic treatment modalities such as radio
therapy and chemotherapy have limited success. New molecular targeted therapy such as tyrosine kinase inhibitors shows promising results in vitro as well as in vivo; a phase III trial has been published recently [12, 13]. The management of patients with MTC is also impaired due to the difficulty of imaging persistent/residual and/or met
astatic tumor lesions. Morphological imaging techniques (ultrasonography of the neck, computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)), scintigraphic imaging techniques (99mTc‐V‐dimercapto‐sulfuric acid (99mTc‐V‐DMSA), 111In‐labeled somatostatin receptor scintigraphy (SRS)), and positron emission tomography (PET) labeled with 18F‐2‐fluoro‐2‐deoxy‐d‐glucose (18F‐FDG) have complementary values, since they are dependent of different tumor characteristics. Also, they depend on tumor load. Sensitivity for individual imaging techniques can however be disappointing.
Newer alternative tracers for PET imaging such as 18F‐dihydroxyphenylalanine (18F‐DOPA) and 68Ga‐labeled analogues of somatostatin (DOTA) are more promising.
Besides the diagnostic application of somatostatin analogues, these have also been used in the treatment of MTC. The focus of this chapter is the diagnostic and therapeutic use of somatostatin in MTC.
somAtostAtin As An imAging tool in pAtients with mtc As previously stated, the imaging of residual and/or recurrent (metastatic) MTC can be very difficult when conventional imaging techniques such as ultrasonography, CT, and/or MRI are used. Patients with postoperative calcitonin levels of <150 pg/ml should undergo ultrasonography of the neck according to the ATA guidelines [14].
However, when calcitonin levels rise above 150 pg/ml, additional imaging techniques are recommended for the detection of distant metastases. For this purpose, 123I(131I)‐
metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) and 99mTc‐V‐DMSA routinely have been used and were reported to be able to detect residual or recurrent disease after primary surgery, in about 33–70% of patients. After the demonstration of the presence of somatostatin in parafollicular C cells and cells of MTC by immunohistochemistry in the mid‐1970s [15–17], several somatostatin receptors (SSTR) (including SSTR2 and SSTR5) have been shown to be present in vitro in MTC cells, thus providing the rational for the use of SRS in these patients (Fig. [18–20].
The first report on SRS in three patients with MTC using 123I‐labeled tyr‐3‐octreotide (tyr‐3‐SMS 201‐995, a synthetic derivative of somatostatin) showed no uptake [21].
Since then, several studies have been published regarding the value of SRS in patients with recurrent or residual MTC, but the data do not reveal sensational results. As is shown in Table, the number of patients that have been studied is limited, and the sensitivity range varies between 0 and 75%, illustrating the lack of well‐designed studies in selected patients [22]. Sensitivities also differ regarding different metastases sites and size of the metastases.
(a) (b)
Figure 111In‐labeled somatostatin receptor scintigraphy, with visible metastases in the supraclavicular lymph nodes and mediastinal and bilateral hili of the lung. (a) Head/neck region anterior view. (b) Chest/abdominal region anterior view.
So in current patient practice, sensitivities of SRS but also of 123I‐MIBG and
99mTc‐V‐DMSA are disappointing, and in clinical practice, the application of these techniques is waning. Other scintigraphic imaging techniques such as 18F‐FDG PET,
18F‐DOPA PET, and PET imaging with 68Ga‐labeled DOTA peptides are upcoming in the diagnostic workup of patients with residual and/or metastatic disease in addition to the conventional imaging. However, the clinical value use of these new tracers has not been established yet. Also PET combined with CT imaging and in the future combined with MRI may be of additional value in these patients.
It has been reported that 18F‐FDG PET may be superior in patients with short calci
tonin doubling time and in patients with tumor with a Ki67 score of >2.0% [40–43].
tAble studies regarding somatostatin receptor scintigraphy in recurrent medullary thyroid cancer
No. of patients
patient based Remarks
Krenning 1989 [21] 3 0% 123I‐labeled tyr‐3‐octreotide
Frank‐Raue 1995 [23] 26 57%
Krenning 1993 [24] 12 8 out of 12
Kwekkeboom 1995 [25] 17 65% No visualization of liver metastases
Krausz 1994 [26] 10 9 out of 10 No visualization of liver metastases
Bernà L 1995 [27] 11 55%
Bernà 1998 [28] 20 50%
Celentano L 1995 [29] 14 64%
Rufini L 1995 [30] 7 72%
Baudin E 1996 [31] 24 38% No visualization of small
tumor sites
Tisell 1997 [32] 22 50% Higher CEA and calcitonin
in patients with a positive scan
Adams S 1998 [33] 18 29% No visualization of small
tumor sites
Hoegerle 2001 [34] 11 52% 18F‐DOPA PET: 63%
Arslan N 2001 [35] 14 79% Sensitivity combined 99mT
Tc‐V‐DMSA and SRS:
De Groot JW 2004 [36] 26 41% Lesion‐based sensitivity
Diehl 2001 [37] 24 25% 24 histological confirmed
Kurtaran 1998 [38] 14 71% For the primary tumor
0% For lymph node metastases
Lodish 2012 [39] 11 45% Pediatric population
Small size: <1 cm. CEA denotes carcinogenic embryonic antigen, 18F‐DOPA PET denotes
18F‐ dihydroxyphenylalanine position emission tomography, SRS denotes somatostatin receptor scintigraphy, and 99mT Tc‐V‐DMSA denotes 99mTc‐V‐dimercapto‐sulfuric acid.
This may be in contrast to the 18F‐DOPA PET with a reported sensitivity of about 62%, possibly reflecting the more indolent type of MTC. However, these data have to be confirmed in other series [34, 41]. When combining CT imaging with 18F‐
DOPA PET, the reported sensitivities may increase to 94 and 100% [44, 45]. Although
18F‐DOPA PET has less prognostic value, it can assess the extent of the disease in residual MTC [46, 47].
Currently several other tracers for PET imaging binding to somatostatin receptors have become available that could be of value in the detection of MTC: 68Ga‐DOTA peptides, DOTA‐TOC, DOTA‐TATE, and DOTA‐NOC, bind with high affinity to SST‐2. 68Ga‐DOTA‐NOC also binds to SST‐3 and SST‐5 [48]. These new PET traces are very promising, although the clinical experience is limited. Conry et al. investi
gated 18 patients with recurrent MTC with an overall sensitivity of 18F‐FDG PET and
68Ga‐DOTA‐TATE PET of 77.8 and 72.2%, respectively. On a region‐based analysis,
18F‐FDG PET was more sensitive [49]. Clearly, more studies with more homogeneous patient groups are needed to evaluate the value of these tracers in patients with MTC.
therApeutic use oF somAtostAtin AnAlogues
Since the most effective treatment of MTC, surgery, does not result in a 100% cure rate, additional therapies are needed in recurrent/persistent and/or metastatic MTC.
Radiotherapy is especially used for local tumor control. Chemotherapy has a very limited value.
The first therapeutic intervention with somatostatin analogues in patients with MTC dates from 1987. A somatostatin analogue was prescribed for a 63‐year‐old man with disseminated MTC and pancreatic nesidioblastosis. The analogue had no effect neither on the calcitonin hypersecretion nor on the growth of the medullary carcinoma [50].
Since then, there have been several trials studying the effect of somatostatin analogues on MTC. Treatment with the current available somatostatin analogues, octreotide and lanreotide (both with a high affinity for SSTR2 and SSTR5), does not seem to have an effect on survival but may control symptoms of flushing and diarrhea in some patients [51–56].
In current guidelines, the use of somatostatin analogues can be considered for symptomatic treatment of diarrhea if other antimotility drugs, such as loperamide, are ineffective [14].
Experience with peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) is limited in this patient group and disappointing.
New therapies in the treatment of metastatic MTC use target tyrosine kinase receptors inhibitors that belong to the same family group of proteins as RET. Several TK inhibitors have already been tested in vitro and evaluated in mostly phase II clinical trials, and several phase III trials are currently underway and have been published [12, 13].
In summary, the clinical applications of somatostatin analogues in the diagnosis and therapy for patients with MTC are very limited. Possibly, the 68Ga‐DOTA‐labeled peptides may be diagnostically applicable, but with the scarce data, the specific clinical value in MTC patients must be awaited.
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Somatostatin Analogues: From Research to Clinical Practice, First Edition. Edited by Alicja Hubalewska-Dydejczyk, Alberto Signore, Marion de Jong, Rudi A. Dierckx, John Buscombe, and Christophe Van de Wiele.
© 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2015 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
CT computed tomography
DTPA diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid FDG 2‐deoxy‐2‐(18F)fluoro‐d‐glucose GIST gastrointestinal stromal tumor HCC hepatocellular cancer
HD Hodgkin’s disease
MALT mucosa‐associated lymphoid tissue MCC Merkel cell carcinoma
mIBG metaiodobenzylguanidine NHL non‐Hodgkin’s lymphoma NSCLC non‐small cell lung cancer
PBMC peripheral blood mononuclear cells PET positron emission tomography PRRT peptide receptor radionuclide therapy RCC renal cell carcinoma