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Gedrukte bronnen

Historical exhibition presented by the German Bundestag. Elections in the Weimar Republic (Berlijn 2014).

Nederlandse democratie (Den Haag 2013).

Projectbeschrijving Huis voor Democratie en Rechtstaat (z.p. 2009). Reglement van Orde (Den Haag 2015).

Ridderzaal in ere hersteld (Den Haag 2010).

Sternberger, D., Drei Wurzeln der Politik (Frankfurt 1978). Verbeek, J., De effecten van DemocratieLab (Den Haag 2015).

Online bronnen


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73 Rijksdaggebouw

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Voorpagina Westzijde van het Capitool, uit: WikiMedia Commons.

Rijksdaggebouw, uit: WikiMedia Commons.

Binnenhof aan de hofvijver, uit: WikiMedia Commons.

p. 12 Afb. 1: foto door auteur.

Afb. 2: afkomstig uit collectie Library of Congress.

Afb. 3: foto door auteur.

p. 14 Afb. 4: foto door auteur.

p. 18 Afb. 5: afkomstig uit WikiMedia Commons.

Afb. 6: afkomstig uit WikiMedia Commons.

p. 24 Afb. 7: afkomstig uit collectie Library of Congress.

Afb. 8: afkomstig uit WikiMedia Commons.

Afb. 9: afkomstig uit WikiMedia Commons.

p. 27 Afb. 10: afkomstig uit collectie Library of Congress.

Afb. 11: afkomstig uit collectie Library of Congress.

Afb. 12: foto door auteur.

p. 40 Afb. 13: afkomstig uit WikiMedia Commons.

Afb. 14: afkomstig uit WikiMedia Commons.

p. 57 Afb. 15: foto door auteur.

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Voor zover mogelijk is zoveel mogelijk informatie tijdens de rondleidingen overgenomen. Audio-opnames waren verboden, daarom berusten de bijlagen op de uitwerking van de aante- keningen tijdens de rondleiding. Letterlijke uitspraken staan tussen aanhalingstekens. Dit is aangevuld met materiaal dat op internet te vinden is, maar ook letterlijk bij het parlementsbe- zoek inbegrepen zat. Bij de transcripties van de introductiefilm wordt alles tussen haken […] aangegeven dat niet door de voice-over wordt gezegd, maar in beeldfragmenten voorbijkomt.

Bijlage 1

In het Capitool te Washington D.C. begint de rondleiding in Emancipation Hall, het bezoe- kerscentrum. Hier moeten bezoekers zich aanmelden voor de rondleiding.


De rondleiding begint met een korte film:


Out of many states, cities and neighborhoods, out of such different perspectives and distinct personalities, so many free and fiercely independent people, emerges one country. One nation. How. How do we move forward as a single nation when our desires seem so different? Our views so varied? Not easily and not quietly. Answers in America don’t come from one voice, but from many. Out of freedom flows energy, ideas and passionate, legitimate differences. Peacefully resolving those differences, finding our common ground, is the challenge the free people face and the job of those we elect to Congress. One hundred senators elected for six year terms, 435 voting members of the House of Representatives elected for 2 year terms. On behalf of over 300 million American citizens.

The House, the larger body, is designed to reflect the will of the majority. In the more intimate chamber of the Senate the voice of each member can be taken into greater account. The formation of the laws and policies we live by, the balancing of beliefs, opinions and de- sires happens here in the full dialogue and debate of a freedom hard earned.


The price of becoming the independent people, is paid by the blood of soldiers and sacrifice of families. Out of eight years of struggle in the Revolutionary War emerges a new, at first uncertain country. More in fact, a collection of states. The question is how to create a strong nation while protecting the vital role of the state and the personal liberty of citizens.

In Philadelphia delegates to the Constitutional convention cannot agree. How are the citizens and the states to be represented in this new republic? What emerged is today what is known as the Great Compromise.

There shall be one Congress with two houses. In the Senate, each state will be equally represented with two senators. In the House, each state will have a number of representatives based on population. The Constitution of the United States creates three equal branches of government. Congress, the Presidency, and the judiciary. And article number one makes clear, that Congress is the branch most directly connected to the people. In Congress shall reside the powers to make all laws, to determine taxes, to regulate commerce, to establish post offices and courts, and, when necessary, to declare war.

The delegates believed every power of government should be exercised carefully in full consideration of many points of view. The center of this new government, it’s capitol, shall be built on new ground, on a crest of a blove overlooking the Potomac river. At the heart of a new city called Washington D.C.. The design of the building is rooted in an ideal ages old, that citizens can build a government driven not by the whim of a dictator, king or tyrant, but based on the consent of the governed. This monumental structure built far from available supplies and resources would be the largest building of its time in North America.

Workers, many of them enslaved African Americans, quarry stone, cut and saw timber lay brick and finish rough and fine carpentry. By 1811 the Capitol houses in its North wing the US senate, and the South wing the Representatives. The experiment of representative de- mocracy, of electing citizens to make the decisions of government, has been emerged, only incredibly to be torched.

In 1812 British troops set ablaze the center of American self-government. That the thereafter burnt-down city would even remain the nation’s Capitol yields to the resolve of a now tested nation. [Op het scherm zijn verschillende wetten te zien die de nieuwe staten offi- cieel maakten en wetten waarmee de rechten van Indianen en Afro-Amerikanen werden inge- perkt] A nation pushing West. More members to the House. Congress is where the issues of building a nation unfold. One question overshadows all: will they be slave or free?

In the end a nation cannot survive half slave, half free. The country goes to war with itself. The frame of the great dome of the Capitol sits unfinished but the builders decide to


continue, trusting that the nations will endure, that this is not the time to doubt America’s fu- ture. President Lincon takes hold. ‘If the people see the capitol is going on, it is a sign that we intend the union shall go on.’ Within a few years the white dome of the Capitol is topped by the statue called Freedom, defining for the ages the national skyline. [Nu verschijnen namen van emancipatiewetten op het scherm]

The new dome reflects an ambitious country. Congress creates legislation to spur op- portunity and growth. While the research, the Library of Congress expands to a dramatic new building. Also growing is the basic right within this form of government, the right to vote. In Congress the debate who gets included. Through Congressional hearing, Constitutional amendments and landmark legislation the right to vote will be expanded and protected. The process of seeking solutions to the nation’s problems and unleashing the nation’s possibilities unfolded over time.

It’s a cycle of listening to citizens, of creating and at times reshaping policy and legis- lation. Some bills as easily reflecting of wide consensus, others pass narrowly. Not every idea should become a law. And with time and perspective, some laws are changed or replaced with new legislation. Through the work of Congress, ours is a government of, by and for the peo- ple. We change our prospects and advance our cause through what happens here.

This is the core. The center of our experiment of political freedom. Curving walls set on a foundation graceful and right at heart. The artistic care and … overtime reflect our histo- ry and settlement of a nation. We inaugurate our presidents here and come to bid them and others farewell. The U. S. Capitol is our national stage. We the people are represented in the votes of the members, the cadence of their own call, the balance between prudent compromise and then brought release. Congress is the crucible where feuds and ideas from every corner of the country is expressed examined and debated, considered again, Congress is where we can find our common ground.

These walls have been tested, their strength does not break. E Pluribus Unum, Out of many, one.


Na de film worden bezoekers ingedeeld bij verschillende rondleiders. De eerste stop was in de crypte onder de Rotunda, het middelpunt van het Capitool. Hier staan dertien standbeelden van de Statuary Hall Collection en een replica van de Magna Carta.

In deze ruimte vertelt de gids dat hier de ingang naar de crypte van George Washing- ton had moeten komen, die lijnrecht onder de koepel begraven moest worden. ‘George Wash-


ington was supposed to be put underneath the crypt, right there in the middle, but in his will he wrote he wanted to be buried on his estate Mount Vernon, a request which was honored by Congress.’

Daarna vertelt de gids over een van de standbeelden. ‘We are now standing next to the statue of Roger Sherman from Connecticut, one of the Founding Fathers, one of the drafters of the Declaration of Independence. Sherman was the only statesman that signed the three most important documents of our nation, the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Con- federation and the U.S. Constitution.’

Daarna wijst de gids nog op de replica van de Magna Carta, dat als voorbeeld diende voor de Amerikaanse Grondwet. ‘This version of the Magna Carta in this gold plated case was presented by England in honor of the bicentennial celebrations of our independence. It is a copy of one of the four remaining versions from 1215. It shows the rights and liberties in Great Britain and was of course the document upon which the Declaration of Independence was based.’ ‘The Crypt is situated directly underneath the Capitol Rotunda. The forty columns in this crypt support the floor of the Rotunda and the dome.’

In het midden van de ronde kamer is een windroos gelegd. Dit is het middelpunt van Washington D.C. en deelt de stad in vier sectoren, tussen Noord, Oost, Zuid en West.

Daarna leidt de gids de groep een verdieping hoger, in de Rotunda. Hier staan standbeelden van verschillende presidenten, Martin Luther King jr. en een gezamenlijk standbeeld van Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony and Lucretia Mott. Daarnaast hangen er acht schilderijen, een geschilderde fries en de Rotunda is overdekt met de typerende koepel. In de koepel is een fresco met George Washington te zien.

‘Currently you cannot see the dome very well because of the big donut [doeken die in de koepel gespannen waren in de vorm van een donut, KM] in the dome because of the con- struction work, but in the middle you can still see the Apotheosis of George Washington. The painter Constantino Brumidi was commissioned to make the fresco, in which Washington is honored as the first president of the United States. As you can see fifteen women encircle him and the national motto E Pluribus Unum, to symbolize the nature of the political environment. Two of them are the gods of victory and liberty and the others represent the first thirteen states of the US. Around them, different allegorical figures represent different aspects of gov- ernment and society. Of course you can see war, the woman directly under Washington. Left