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Panel Discussion & Closing Ceremony

In document The Conference for PLS Users (pagina 53-200)

used. The ECSI was properly adjusted to the educational framework and has shown its effectiveness when assessing students’ satisfaction regarding the at- tended HEI. Two distinctive graduates’ segments were identified using a sample of 166 HEIs’ consumers. Results confirm the assumption of heterogeneity as the relationships differ across segments and the need for HEIs to differently target those segments in such a competitive context.

Social Event II: Gala Cocktail

Thursday, 18 June 2015, 21:30-. . .

In the evening of Thursday, 18 June 2015, we will have a gala cocktail with tapas at Metropol Parasol. This event includes drinks and tapas and is covered by the conference fee. Venue:

Metropol Parasol, Plaza de la Encarnaci´on, s/n, 41003 Sevilla (see page 5), Entrance from “Puerta Este” (East Door),https://goo.gl/maps/mtFqI

Post-conference Workshop


Time Topic

08:00-09:00 Registration

09:00-10:30 Prediction-oriented segmentation

10:30-10:50 Coffee break

10:50-12:15 Advanced topics in PLS-SEM results assessment and prediction

12:15-12:35 Coffee break

12:35-14:00 Confirmatory composite analysis using PLS

14:00-16:00 Lunch break

16:00-17:25 Consistent PLS (PLSc)

17.25-17:45 Coffee break

17:45-19:10 Measurement invariance of composite models (MICOM)

Practical Information


Metropol Parasol, Plaza de la Encarnaci´on, s/n, 41003 Sevilla (see page 5), Entrance from “Puerta Este” (East Door),https://goo.gl/maps/mtFqI Notes:

Please bring your own laptop with you.

You should have SmartPLS installed. SmartPLS can be obtained for free fromhttp://www.smartpls.com.

You should have ADANCO installed. ADANCO can be obtained for free fromhttp://www.composite-modeling.com.

List of Authors

1. Jos´e Abrantes, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu (Portugal), jlabrantes@estv.ipv.pt, Poster Exhibition II

2. Francisco Acedo, Universidad de Sevilla (Spain),fjacedo@us.es, Session 3c

3. Emiliano Acquila-Natale, Universidad Polit´ecnica de Madrid (Spain), emiliano.acquila@upm.es, Session 2b

4. Angel F. Agudo-Peregrina, Universidad Polit´ecnica de Madrid (Spain), af.agudo@upm.es, Session 2b

5. Noor Haslina Ahmad, Universiti Sains Malaysia (Malaysia), hazlina@usm.my, Sessions 5c, 8d, 11d

6. Mar´ıa Dolores Aledo, UPCT (Spain),mdaledo@hotmail.com, Session 3b 7. Tomas Aluja, Universitat Polit´ecnica de Catalunya (Spain),

tomas.aluja@upc.edu, Session 8a

8. Suzanne Amaro, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu (Portugal), samaro@dgest.estv.ipv.pt, Session 11a, Poster Exhibition II 9. Ricardo Jos´e Rocha Amorim, University of State of Bahia (Brazil),

amorim.ricardo@gmail.com, Session 2d, Poster Exhibition I 10. Azlan Amran, Universiti Sains Malaysia (Malaysia),

azlan_amran@usm.my, Session 8d

11. Maria Jos´e Antunes, Instituto Polit´ecnico de Viseu (Portugal), maria.jose.l.antunes@gmail.com, Session 3c

12. Jorge Arenas-Gaitan, Universidad de Sevilla (Spain),jarenas@us.es, Session 2b

13. Roya Asadifard, Tarbiat Modares University (Iran), roya.asadifard@yahoo.com, Session 3d

14. Juan Carlos Ayala-Calvo, Universidad de La Rioja (Spain), juan-carlos.ayala@unirioja.es, Session 3c

15. Adelaide Maria Baeta, UNIFEMM (Brazil),

adelaide.baeta@unifemm.edu.br, Poster Exhibition I

16. Karla Barajas-Portas, Universidad Anahuac Mexico Norte (Mexico), karla.barajas@anahuac.mx, Session 5b

17. Rafael Bautista Mesa, Universidad Loyola Andaluc´ıa (Spain), rbautista@uloyola.es, Session 11d

18. Jan-Michael Becker, University of Cologne (Germany), j.becker@wiso.uni-koeln.de, Session 2a (2×)

19. Daniel Belanche Gracia, Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain), belan@unizar.es, Session 5d

20. Niels Biethahn, Institut f¨ur Automobil Forschung (IAF) (Germany), n.biethahn@automobil-forschung.org, Session 11a

21. Antonio Blanco-Oliver, Universidad de Sevilla (Spain), aj_blanco@us.es, Sessions 2d, 11c

22. Ricarda Bouncken, University of Bayreuth (Germany), ricarda.bouncken@uni-bayreuth.de, Session 5a

23. Adriano Leal Bruni, Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) (Brazil), albruni@gmail.com, Session 2d, Poster Exhibition I

24. Elena Carvajal-Trujillo, University of Huelva (Spain), nale1515@gmail.com, Session 5d

25. Luisa Carvalho, Aberta University (Portugal), luisam.carvalho@uab.pt, Session 8d

26. Luis Vicente Casal´o Ari˜no, Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain), lcasalo@unizar.es, Session 5d

27. Crist´obal Casanueva, Universidad de Sevilla (Spain),crocha@us.es, Session 5a, Poster Exhibition II

28. Jose C. Casillas, Universidad de Sevilla (Spain),casillas@us.es, Session 3c

29. Julen Castillo Apraiz, UPV/EHU (Spain),julen.castillo@ehu.eus, Session 8c

30. Ignacio Castro, Universidad de Sevilla (Spain),icastro@us.es, Sessions 5a, 8b

31. Jose M´arcio Castro, PUC Minas (Brazil),josemarcio@pucminas.br, Poster Exhibition I

32. Juan Gabriel Cegarra, UPCT (Spain),juan.cegarra@upct.es, Session 3b

33. Gabriel Cepeda-Carri´on, Universidad de Sevilla (Spain),gabi@us.es, Conference Co-chair, Sessions 1, 9, 12, Pre-conference Workshop 34. Ignacio Cepeda-Carri´on, Universidad de Sevilla (Spain),icepeda@us.es,

Session 2c, Poster Exhibition I

35. Wynne W. Chin, University of Houston (United States of America), wchin@uh.edu, Sessions 7, 12

36. Frances Chumney, University of West Georgia (United States of America),fchumney@westga.edu, Session 8a

37. Antonio Ciampi, McGill University (Canada), antonio.ciampi@mcgill.ca, Session 8a

38. Mar Cobe˜na, Universidad de Sevilla (Spain),mcobena@us.es, Poster Exhibition II

39. Teresa Costa, Polytechnic Institute of Set´ubal (Portugal), teresa.costa@esce.ips.pt, Session 8d

40. Rafael Peria˜nez-Cristobal, Universidad de Sevilla (Spain), rafacris@us.es, Session 2c

41. Stephan von Delft, University of Amsterdam (Netherlands), s.vondelft@uva.nl, Session 5a

42. Theo K. Dijkstra, University of Groningen (Netherlands), t.k.dijkstra@rug.nl, Sessions 6, 12

43. Frank Drewes, Harris Interactive AG (Germany), fdrewes@harrisinteractive.de, Session 11a

44. Paulo Duarte, University of Beira Interior (Portugal),pduarte@ubi.pt, Session 11a

45. Henrik Eriksson, Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden), henrik.eriksson@chalmers.se, Poster Exhibition I

46. John E. Ettlie, Rochester Institute of Technology (United States of America),jettlie@saunders.rit.edu, Session 5c

47. Joerg Evermann, Memorial University of Newfoundland (Canada), jevermann@mun.ca, Session 11b

48. Sofia Eurico, School of Tourism and Maritime Technology (Portugal), sofia.eurico@ipleiria.pt, Session 11d

49. Lisa Falschlunger, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria (Austria),lisa.falschlunger@fh-steyr.at, Session 8c

50. Omer Farooq Malik, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (Pakistan),omer_farooq@comsats.edu.pk, Session 3b

51. Matthias S. G. Feistel, Capcellence (Germany),

matthias.feistel@capcellence.com, Poster Exhibition II 52. Carmen M. Felipe, Universidad de Sevilla (Spain),

carmenfelipe73@gmail.com, Session 8c

53. Carlos Fernandez-Jard´on, Universidade de Vigo (Spain), cjardon@uvigo.es, Session 5c

54. Raimundo Nonato Lima Filho, University of State of Bahia (UNEB) (Brazil),rnlfilho@gmail.com, Session 2d, Poster Exhibition I

55. Carlos Flavi´an Blanco, Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain), cflavian@unizar.es, Session 5d

56. Cheng-Hun Fong, Universiti Sains Malaysia (Malaysia), ptshopgr@yahoo.com, Session 5d

57. Olivier Furrer, University of Fribourg (Switzerland), olivier.furrer@unifr.ch, Sessions 3a, 5a

58. Bandula Galhena, University of Agder (Norway), blgalhena2@gmail.com, Session 3b

59. Dolores Gallardo-Vazquez, University of Extremadura (Spain), dgallard@unex.es, Session 8d

60. ´Angeles Gallego, Universidad de Sevilla (Spain),maga@us.es, Session 5a, Poster Exhibition II

61. Juan Carlos Garcia Villalobos, Universidad San Pablo CEU (Spain), garvil@ceu.es, Session 3a

62. Carsten Gelhard, University of Twente (Netherlands), c.gelhard@utwente.nl, Session 5a

63. Ali Rajabzadeh Ghatari, Tarbiat Modares University (Iran), alirajabzadeh@gmail.com, Session 2d

64. Alfonso J. Gil L´opez, University of La Rioja (Spain), alfonso.gil@unirioja.es, Sessions 3c, 5b

65. Yen-Nee Goh, Universiti Sains Malaysia (Malaysia), gohyennee@gmail.com, Session 5b

66. M. Rosario Gonz´alez-Rodr´ıguez, Universidad de Sevilla (Spain), rosaglez@us.es, Session 5d

67. Pablo Gonzalo Lazaro, Universidad San Pablo CEU (Spain), pablo.gonzalolazaro@ceu.es, Session 3a

68. Elisabeth Grabmann, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria (Austria),elisabeth.grabmann@fh-steyr.at, Session 8c

69. Siegfried Gudergan, The University of Newcastle (Australia), siggi.gudergan@newcastle.edu.au, Session 5a

70. Jaime Ortega-Gutierrez, Universidad de Sevilla (Spain),joguti@us.es, Sessions 2a, 5c

71. Joseph F. Hair, Jr., Kennesaw State University (United States of America), jhair3@kennesaw.edu, Pre-conference Workshop 72. Hasliza Abdul Halim, Universiti Sains Malaysia (Malaysia),

haslizahalim@usm.my, Session 5c, 11d

73. J¨org Henseler, University of Twente (Netherlands),

j.henseler@utwente.nl, Conference Co-chair, Sessions 1, 3a, 5a, 7, 9, 12, Poster Exhibition I, Post-conference Workshop

74. ´Angel Hern´andez-Garc´ıa, Universidad Polit´ecnica de Madrid (Spain), angel.hernandez@upm.es, Session 2b

75. Felipe Hern´andez Perlines, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (Spain), felipe.hperlines@uclm.es, Session 5d

76. Petra Hoffmann, Universiteit Twente (Netherlands), p.hoffmann@utwente.nl, Session 8c

77. Lisa H¨uttinger, Volkswagen AG (Germany), lisa.huettinger@volkswagen.de, Session 3a

78. Ana Irimia-Dieguez, Universidad de Sevilla (Spain),anairimia@us.es, Session 2d

79. Dhouha Jaziri Bouagina, ARBRE Laboratory - ISG Tunis (Tunisia), dhouhajaziri@gmail.com, Session 8b

80. Jos´e Luis Jim´enez-Caballero, Universidad de Sevilla (Spain), jjimenez@us.es, Session 5d

81. Ildik´o Kem´eny, Corvinus University of Budapest (Hungary), ildiko.kemeny@uni-corvinus.hu, Session 2b

82. Kevin H. Kim, University of Pittsburgh (United States of America), khkim@pitt.edu, Session 11b

83. Olli Kuivalainen, University of Laaperanta (Finland), olli.kuivalainen@lut.fi, Session 3c

84. Sherah Kurnia, The University of Melbourne (Australia), sherahk@unimelb.edu.au, Session 11d

85. Giuseppe Lamberti, Universitat Polit´ecnica de Catalunya (Spain), giuseppelamb@hotmail.com, Session 8a

86. Antonio Leal Millan, Universidad de Sevilla (Spain),aleal@us.es, Poster Exhibition I

87. Antonio Luis Leal-Rodr´ıguez, Universidad Loyola Andaluc´ıa (Spain), alleal@uloyola.es, Sessions 2c, 5c, Poster Exhibition I

88. Joska Le Conte, KNMV (Netherlands),superjoska@hotmail.com, Session 11c

89. Othmar Lehner, University of Oxford (United Kingdom), othmar.lehner@sbs.ox.ac.uk, Session 8c

90. Sara Leroi-Werelds, Hasselt University (Belgium), sara.leroiwerelds@uhasselt.be, Session 2a

91. Mar´ıa D. L´opez-Gamero, Universidad de Alicante (Spain), md.lopez@ua.es, Session 11c

92. Iris Lorscheid, Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) (Germany), iris.lorscheid@tuhh.de, Session 11b

93. Heimo Losbichler, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria (Austria),heimo.losbichler@fh-steyr.at, Session 8c

94. Catarina Marques, ISCTE (Portugal),cmvamarques@gmail.com, Session 11d

95. Silvia Martelo-Landroguez, Universidad de Sevilla (Spain), smartelo@us.es, Poster Exhibition I

96. Rosario Mart´ın-S´amper, Universidad de Sevilla (Spain),rmartin@us.es, Session 5d

97. Eva Mart´ınez, UPCT (Spain),eva.martinez@upct.es, Session 3b 98. Mara Mataveli, Universidad de La Rioja (Spain),

maramataveli@gmail.com, Session 3c

99. Ruth Mateos de Cabo, Universidad San Pablo CEU (Spain), matcab@ceu.es, Session 3a

100. Jes´us Matey de Antonio, UPV/EHU (Spain),jesus.matey@ehu.eus, Session 8c

101. Matthias Meyer, Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) (Germany),matthias.meyer@tuhh.de, Session 11b

102. David Midgley, INSEAD (Germany),david.midgley@insead.edu, Poster Exhibition II

103. Caroline Lancelot Miltgen, Audencia School of Management, Nantes (France),clancelot@audencia.com, Poster Exhibition I

104. Simona C. Minotti, Universit`a degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca (Italy), simona.minotti@unimib.it, Session 8a

105. Ainul Abdul Mohsin, Universiti Sains Malaysia (Malaysia), ainabdulmohsin@hotmail.com, Session 5c

106. Horacio Molina Sanchez, Universidad Loyola Andaluc´ıa (Spain), hmolina@uloyola.es, Session 11d

107. Jos´e F. Molina-Azor´ın, Universidad de Alicante (Spain), jf.molina@ua.es, Session 11c

108. Miguel ´Angel Moliner-Tena, Universitat Jaume I of Castell´on (Spain), amoliner@uji.es, Session 8b

109. Manuel Rey-Moreno, Universidad de Sevilla (Spain),mrmoreno@us.es, Session 2c

110. Siham Mourad, Grenoble Alpes University (France), sihammourad@gmail.com, Session 5b

111. ´Akos Nagy, University of P´ecs (Hungary),nagya@ktk.pte.hu, Session 2b 112. Antonio Navarro-Garc´ıa, Universidad de Sevilla (Spain),

anavarro@us.es, Session 2c

113. Mehran Nejati, Universiti Sains Malaysia (Malaysia),mehran@usm.my, Session 8d

114. Christian Nitzl, University of the German Federal Armed Forces Munich (Germany),christian.nitzl@unibw.de, Session 8a

115. Shintaro Okazaki, Universidad Aut´onoma de Madrid (Spain), obarquitec@coac.net, Session 8b

116. Carlos Or´us Sanclemente, Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain), corus@unizar.es, Session 5d

117. Ana Pay´a-Mart´ınez, Faurecia Multinational (Spain), ana.paya@faurecia.com, Session 8d

118. Angel Peiro-Signes, Universitat Polit´ecnica de Valencia (Spain), anpeisig@omp.upv.es, Session 8d

119. Luciana Penna, PUC Minas / UNIFEMM (Brazil), luciana.penna@globo.com, Poster Exhibition I 120. Jorge Pereira-Moliner, Universidad de Alicante (Spain),

jorge.pereira@ua.es, Session 11c

121. Araceli Pic´on, Universidad de Sevilla (Spain),araceli@us.es, Session 8b 122. Aleˇs Popoviˇc, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia),

ales.popovic@ef.uni-lj.si, Poster Exhibition I 123. Niels Pulles, University of Twente (Netherlands),

n.j.pulles@utwente.nl, Session 3a

124. L˘acr˘amioara Radomir, Babe¸s-Bolyai University (Romania), lacramioara_radomir@yahoo.com, Poster Exhibition II 125. Hendry Raharjo, Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden),

hendry@chalmers.se, Poster Exhibition I

126. Jesus Nicolas Ramirez Sobrino, Universidad Loyola Andaluc´ıa (Spain), jramirez@uloyola.es, Session 11d

127. Patricio E. Ramirez-Correa, Catholic University of the North (Chile), patricio.ramirez@ucn.cl, Session 2b

128. Hamid Reza Rasekh, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences (Iran),hrasekh@gmail.com, Session 2d

129. Martin Ratzmann, University of Bayreuth (Germany), martin.ratzmann@uni-bayreuth.de, Session 5a

130. Nordin Abd Razak, Universiti Sains Malaysia (Malaysia), norazak@usm.my, Session 3d

131. Nuria Reguera-Alvarado, Universidad de Sevilla (Spain), nreguera@us.es, Session 11c

132. Consuelo Ria˜no Gil, University of La Rioja (Spain), consuelo.riano@unirioja.es, Session 5b

133. Nicole Richter, Nordakademie (Germany),

nicole.richter@nordakademie.de, Poster Exhibition II 134. Edward E. Rigdon, Georgia State University (United States of

America),erigdon@gsu.edu, Sessions 1, 12

135. Christian M. Ringle, Hamburg University of Technology (Germany), christian.ringle@tuhh.de, Conference Co-chair, Sessions 1, 2a, 6, 7, 8a, 9, 11b, 12, Poster Exhibition II, Post-conference Workshop 136. Ellen Roemer, Hochschule Ruhr West (Germany),

ellen.roemer@hs-ruhrwest.de, Session 11a

137. Jos´e Luis Rold´an, Universidad de Sevilla (Spain),jlroldan@us.es, Conference Co-chair, Sessions 1, 5c, 7, 8c, 12, Pre-conference Workshop 138. Jaime Romero, Universidad Aut´onoma de Madrid (Spain),

jaime.romero@uam.es, Session 8b

139. F. Javier Rond´an-Catalu˜na, Universidad de Sevilla (Spain), rondan@us.es, Session 2b

140. Agust´ın V. Ruiz Vega, University of La Rioja (Spain), agustin.ruiz@unirioja.es, Session 5b

141. Carolina Ru´ız, Universidad de Sevilla (Spain),carolruiz@us.es, Session 8b

142. M. Isabel Sanchez-Hernandez, University of Extremadura (Spain), isanchez@unex.es, Session 8d

143. Silvia Sanz Blas, University of Valencia (Spain),silvia.sanz@uv.es, Session 5d

144. Marko Sarstedt, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg (Germany), marko.sarstedt@ovgu.de, Sessions 6, 8a, 11b, Pre-conference Workshop 145. Holger Schiele, University of Twente (Netherlands),

h.schiele@utwente.nl, Sessions 3a, 8c

146. Jos Schijns, Open University of the Netherlands (Netherlands), jos.schijns@ou.nl, Session 11c

147. Nadine A. Schirmer, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (Germany),schirmer@bwl.lmu.de

148. Rainer Schlittgen, University of Hamburg (Germany), r.schlittgen@t-online.de, Sessions 2a, 11a

149. Arturo Calvo-Mora Schmidt, Universidad de Sevilla (Spain), schmidt@us.es

150. Jan Hendrik Schreier, University of Bamberg (Germany), jan-hendrik.schreier@bits-iserlohn.de, Session 11a 151. Sandra Schubring, Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)

(Germany),sandra.schubring@tuhh.de, Session 11b 152. Cl´audia Seabra, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu (Portugal),

cseabra@dgest.estv.ipv.pt, Session 3c, Poster Exhibition II

153. Jos´e Ram´on Segarra-Moliner, Universitat Jaume I of Castell´on (Spain), jsegarra@uji.es, Session 8b

154. Marival Segarra-O˜na, Universidad Polit´ecnica de Valencia (Spain), maseo@omp.upv.es, Session 8d

155. Azadeh Shafaei, Universiti Sains Malaysia (Malaysia), azadeh.shafaei@gmail.com, Session 3d

156. Abdel Monim Shaltoni, Alfaisal University (Saudi Arabia), ashaltoni@alfaisal.edu, Poster Exhibition I

157. Pratyush Nidhi Sharma, University of Delaware (United States of America),pnsharma@udel.edu, Session 11b

158. Galit Shmueli, Institute of Service Science, National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan),galit.shmueli@gmail.com, Sessions 11b, 12 159. Kuan Siew Khor, Sunway University (Malaysia),

kuansiewk@sunway.edu.my, Session 8d

160. Jo˜ao Silva, University of the Algarve (Portugal),jsilva@ualg.pt, Session 11d

161. Judit Simon, Corvinus University of Budapest (Hungary), judit.simon@uni-corvinus.hu, Session 2b

162. Maarten Snijders, Universiteit Twente (Netherlands), mp.snijders@gmail.com, Session 8c

163. Sandra Streukens, Hasselt University (Belgium), sandra.streukens@uhasselt.be, Session 2a

164. Kriszti´an Sz˝ucs, University of P´ecs (Hungary),szucsk@ktk.pte.hu, Session 2b

165. Juan Jos´e Tar´ı, Universidad de Alicante (Spain),jj.tari@ua.es, Session 11c

166. Mary Tate, Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand), mary.tate@vuw.ac.nz, Session 11b

167. Kai Thiele, Hamburg University of Technology (Germany), k.thiele@tuhh.de, Session 8a

168. Jeyanthi Thuraisingham, Monash University (Malaysia), jeyanthi.selvarajah@monash.edu, Session 3d

169. Ramayah Thurasamy, Universiti Sains Malaysia (Malaysia), ramayah@usm.my, Sessions 8d, 11d

170. Brian Tjemkes, VU University Amsterdam (Netherlands), b.v.tjemkes@vu.nl, Sessions 3a, 5a

171. Tabea Tressin, Hamburg University of Technology (Germany), tabea.tressin@tuhh.de, Poster Exhibition II

172. Pierre Valette-Florence, IAE Grenoble Alpes University (France), pierre.valette-florence@iae-grenoble.fr, Session 5b

173. Patr´ıcia Valle, University of the Algarve (Portugal),pvalle@ualg.pt, Session 11d

174. Amir Viyanchi, Hamedan University of Medical Sciences (Iran), viyanchi@gmail.com, Session 2d

175. Margarida Vicente, Instituto Polit´ecnico de Viseu (Portugal), margarida@estv.ipv.pt, Session 3c

176. Frederik Vos, University of Twente (Netherlands), f.g.s.vos@utwente.nl, Session 3a

177. Benito Y´nez Araque, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (Spain), benito.yanez@uclm.es, Session 5d

178. Jasmine A. L. Yeap, Universiti Sains Malaysia (Malaysia), jasmineyeap810@gmail.com, Session 11d

179. Yiqing Yu, Sun Yat-sen University (China),tsing1129@gmail.com, Poster Exhibition II

180. Qinghua Zhu, Nanjing University (China),qhzhu@nju.edu.cn, Poster Exhibition II

Conference Chairs

- org Henseler (University of Twente)

- Christian M. Ringle (TUHH Hamburg University of Technology) - Jos´e Luis Rold´an (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain)

- Gabriel Cepeda (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain)

Organizing Committee

- Francisco J. Acedo - Ram´on Barrera Barrera - Arturo Calvo de Mora Schmidt - Jos´e Carlos Casillas Bueno - Mario Castellanos Verdugo - Marco Castiglioni

- Ignacio Castro Abanc´ens - Gabriel Cepeda Carri´on - Ignacio Cepeda Carri´on

- Ma del Rosario Gonz´alez Rodr´ıguez - Jaime Ortega Guti´errez

- Antonio Luis Leal-Rodr´ıguez - Silvia Martelo Landroguez - Antonio Navarro Garc´ıa - Jes´us Pe˜na Vinces - Araceli Pic´on Berjoyo - Manuel Rey-Moreno - Jos´e Luis Rold´an

- Francisco Javier Rond´an Catalu˜na - Carolina Ruiz Moreno

- Manuel Jesus S´anchez Franco - Ma Angeles Rodr´ıguez Serrano´ - Adolfo V´azquez S´anchez

Program Committee

- Francisco J. Acedo (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain) - onke Albers (K¨uhne Logistics University, Germany) - Tom`as Aluja (Universitat Polit`ecnica de Catalunya, Spain) - Nicholas J. Ashill (American University of Sharjah, U.A.E.) - Jan-Michael Becker (University of Cologne, Germany) - Diogenes Bido (Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie,


- Pedro Sim˜oes Coelho (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal)

- Tim Coltman (University of Wollongong, Australia) - Timothy Devinney (The Universtiy of Leeds, U.K.) - Theo K. Dijkstra (University of Groningen, The


- Andreas Eggert (University of Paderborn, Germany) - Vincenzo Esposito Vinzi (ESSEC, France)

- John Ettlie (Rochester Institute of Technology, U.S.A.) - Siegfried Gudergan (The University of Newcastle, Australia) - Michael Haenlein (ESCP, France)

- Joe Hair (Kennesaw State University, U.S.A.) - Andrew Hardin (University of Nevada, U.S.A.) - Geoffrey Hubona (Virginia Commonwealth University,


- John Hulland (University of Georgia, U.S.A.) - Tomas Hult (Michigan State University, U.S.A.)

- Izani Ibrahim (University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia) - Surinder Kahai (Binghamton University, State University of

New York, U.S.A.)

- Byron Keating (University of Canberra, Australia) - George Marcoulides (University of California, Santa

Barbara, U.S.A.)

- David Midgley (INSEAD, France)

- Yuichi Mori (Okayama University, Japan)

- Aron O’Cass (University of Tasmania, Tasmania)

- Shintaro Okazaki (Universidad Aut´onoma de Madrid, Spain) - David Xiaosong Peng (University of Houston, U.S.A.) - Arun Rai (Georgia State University, U.S.A.)

- Thurasamy Ramayah (University Sains Malaysia, Malaysia) - Edward E. Rigdon (Georgia State University, U.S.A.) - James Robins (Vienna University of Economics and

Business, Austria)

- Gast´on S´anchez (University of California, Berkeley, U.S.A.) - Marko Sarstedt (Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg,


- Holger Schiele (University of Twente, The Netherlands) - Rainer Schlittgen (University of Hamburg, Germany) - Judit Simon (Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary) - Rudolf Sinkovics (Manchester Business School, U.K.) - Detmar Straub (Georgia State University, U.S.A.) - Dirk Temme (University of Wuppertal, Germany) - Michel Tenenhaus (HEC, France)

- Jason Bennett Thatcher (Clemson University, U.S.A.) - Ron Thompson (Wake Forest University, U.S.A.) - Sunil Venaik (The University of Queensland, Australia) - Martin Wetzels (Maastricht University, The Netherlands)


We would like to thank our sponsors for their kind support:

Universidad de Sevilla atedra Metropol Parasol

atedra Santander de Empresa Familiar Programa de Doctorado en Gesti´on Es- trat´egica y Negocios Internacionales University of Twente

Technische Universit¨at Hamburg-Harburg PLS School

SmartPLS GmbH

Composite Modeling GmbH & Co. KG SEM’n’R

Collaborating Entities

We would like to thank the following collaborating entities:

Shafaei & Razak Importance-Performance Matrix Analysis (IPMA)

Importance-Performance Matrix Analysis of the Factors Influencing International Students’ Psychological and Sociocultural Adaptations Using


Completed Research Paper

1st Azadeh Shafaei School of Educational Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)

Penang 11800, Malaysia

2nd Nordin Abd Razak School of Educational Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)

Penang 11800, Malaysia Abstract

With the increase in international mobility in higher education especially in Asia, the issue of cross-cultural adaptation becomes paramount since international students try to overcome challenges and flourish psychologically and socioculturally in a new environment. Therefore, this study is conducted to identify the factors influencing international postgraduate students’

psychological and sociocultural adaptations in Malaysian public universities, an emerging education hub in the region. It also further investigates importance-performance matrix analysis (IPMA) of the antecedents for psychological and sociocultural adaptations as the endogenous variables to provide insights and derive recommendations for education policymakers and academic administrators to ensure successful international postgraduate students’ cross-cultural adaptation.

Keywords: Cross-cultural adaptation, psychological adaptation, sociocultural adaptation, Importance-Performance Matrix Analysis (IPMA), internationalization of higher education

1. Introduction

International students mobility has become an important aspect of the global education for more than 10-15 years (Verbik & Lasanowski, 2007). It is worth noting that international students’ mobility to other countries for the purpose of getting the best education can contribute significantly to the financial, social, cultural and academic growth of the host countries. Thus, governments have paid notable attention to education internationalization in order to grow their countries economic by making improvements in universities academic work and national development (Porter & Vidovich, 2000). This fact has led to a worldwide competition among educational institutions to develop knowledge-based economy through training the best brains especially in Asia (Arokiasamy, 2010).

Malaysia is one of these countries emerged to be an education hub in the region (Verbik &

Lasanowski, 2007). UNESCO has ranked Malaysia as the 11th country in the world by holding 2.5% of global international students (Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia, 2009).

According to the statistics, 80,750 international students enrolled in Malaysian universities in 2009 while this number increased to 111,939 in 2011 (Cheng, Mahmood, & Yeap, 2013).

Education internationalisation not only develops the global knowledge network but it also grows business in Malaysia (Cheng et al., 2013). Particularly, education sector in Malaysia contributed 4 per cent to the Malaysian Gross National Income (GNI) and it is expected to be doubled by 2020 (PEMANDU, 2010).

In document The Conference for PLS Users (pagina 53-200)