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Myth and philosophy on stage in Platonic dialogues Tofighian, O.


Academic year: 2021

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Myth and philosophy on stage in Platonic dialogues

Tofighian, O.


Tofighian, O. (2010, January 19). Myth and philosophy on stage in Platonic dialogues. Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/1887/14566

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I was successful in developing my research ideas and completing this thesis due to a number of important factors. First, I feel very privileged to have been given a great deal of trust in terms of where I was located during different periods of my PhD. Also, I always felt I had the liberty to experiment with and integrate my many scholarly and personal interests and pursue new themes and ideas. These factors were controlled and guided by strict, yet open-minded, supervision. In addition, I had regular opportunities to interact with different universities, faculties, departments and participate in their conferences, seminars and workshops. The culmination of these elements is reflected in my interpretation of the relationship between myth and philosophy in general, and in Plato in particular, in terms of form, content and methodology. I am confident that I can use this research to explore, and make a significant contribution to, a diverse range of topics in philosophy and the humanities.



Leuven and De Wulf-Mansion Centre for Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy for accommodating me for two semesters as a visiting scholar and providing me with

License: Licence agreement concerning inclusion of doctoral thesis in the Institutional Repository of the University of Leiden.. Downloaded

He explains in Mythical Thought (p. 64) that myth categorizes its material like science but instead of logical categories of genus it classifies them according to “the law

plot structure; character selection; index of themes and motifs). I will move on from the Meno to deal with four other dialogues using the same framework of interpretation and

18 In light of these comments and observations the theme of the dialogue is not solely virtue and whether it can be taught but also, as I will analyze next, the place

After the myth Protagoras presents Socrates with a number of arguments in the form of examples which confirm the hypothesis – the position that political

In other words, the hypothesis is in the service of the plot which was designed to enforce a particular ideological distinction (Platonism against

5 For an interpretation that links Socrates‟ trip out to the country with his loss of composure and enthusiasm for listening to Lysias‟ speech see the introduction by Nehamas