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University of Groningen Management of heavy menstrual bleeding van den Brink, Marian


Academic year: 2021

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University of Groningen

Management of heavy menstrual bleeding

van den Brink, Marian



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Publication date: 2021

Link to publication in University of Groningen/UMCG research database

Citation for published version (APA):

van den Brink, M. (2021). Management of heavy menstrual bleeding: Towards a patient-centred approach. University of Groningen. https://doi.org/10.33612/diss.160486947


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Management of heavy menstrual bleeding

Towards a patient-centred approach


Cover & Lay-out: Iris Gruppen

Printing: Ridderprint, the Netherlands

Part of the research described in this thesis is financially supported by the Netherlands Organisation for Health and Development (ZonMw) and is gratefully acknowledged.

Financial support for the publication of this thesis, provided by Research Institute SHARE (School of HeAlth REsearch), University of Groningen, University Medical Centre Groningen (UMCG) and SBOH, employer of GP trainees, is gratefully acknowledged.

© Copyright M.J. van den Brink, 2021


Cover & Lay-out: Iris Gruppen

Printing: Ridderprint, the Netherlands

Part of the research described in this thesis is financially supported by the Netherlands Organisation for Health and Development (ZonMw) and is gratefully acknowledged.

Financial support for the publication of this thesis, provided by Research Institute SHARE (School of HeAlth REsearch), University of Groningen, University Medical Centre Groningen (UMCG) and SBOH, employer of GP trainees, is gratefully acknowledged.

© Copyright M.J. van den Brink, 2021

All rights reserved. No part of this thesis may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the written permission of the author or, when appropriate, of the publishers of the publications.

Management of heavy menstrual


Towards a patient-centred approach


ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

op gezag van de

rector magnificus prof. dr. C. Wijmenga en volgens besluit van het College voor Promoties.

De openbare verdediging zal plaatsvinden op maandag 15 maart 2021 om 14:30 uur


Maaike Johanna van den Brink

geboren op 8 augustus 1985 te Opsterland



Prof. Dr. M.Y. Berger Prof. Dr. M.Y. Bongers

CCoopprroommoottoorr Dr. J.H. Dekker

BBeeoooorrddeelliinnggssccoommmmiissssiiee Prof. Dr. W.J.J. Assendelft Prof. Dr. M.J.E. Mourits



Prof. Dr. M.Y. Berger Prof. Dr. M.Y. Bongers

CCoopprroommoottoorr Dr. J.H. Dekker

BBeeoooorrddeelliinnggssccoommmmiissssiiee Prof. Dr. W.J.J. Assendelft Prof. Dr. M.J.E. Mourits


Chapter 1 General introduction

Chapter 2 Incidence and treatment of heavy menstrual bleeding in general practice

Chapter 3 Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (Mirena) versus endometrial ablation (Novasure) in women with heavy menstrual bleeding: a multicentre randomised controlled trial (Study protocol)

Chapter 4 Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system versus endometrial ablation for heavy menstrual bleeding

Chapter 5 The levonorgestrel intrauterine system versus endometrial ablation for heavy menstrual bleeding: a cost-effectiveness analysis

Chapter 6 Women’s preferences for the levonorgestrel intrauterine system versus endometrial ablation for heavy menstrual bleeding

Chapter 7 Effect of lower von Willebrand factor and factor XI levels on levonorgestrel intrauterine system and endometrial ablation treatment success in heavy menstrual bleeding

– an explorative study

Chapter 8 Factors affecting patient recruitment to trials: qualitative research in general practice

Chapter 9 Summary and general discussion Nederlandse samenvatting Dankwoord

About the author

Research Institute SHARE

Contents 9 23 45 59 99 123 145 161 183 211 221 227 229


Chapter 1



This thesis was conducted within the Research Institute SHARE of the Graduate School of Medical Sciences, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen. The printing

Financial support by the University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen and Graduate School of Medical Sciences for publication of this thesis is gratefully

The study was conducted within Graduate School for Health Research SHARE (University of Groningen, University Medical Center

Feikje, jij verdient ook een persoonlijke noot. In 8 jaar heb ik veel mensen zien komen en gaan, maar jij was vanaf het begin een vast gezicht op de afdeling en altijd in voor

Bij vrouwen met hevig menstrueel bloedverlies die kunnen kiezen tussen de levonorgestrel afgevende spiraal of. endometriumablatie wordt hun behandelvoorkeur het meest bepaald door

The studies in this thesis were conducted within the Research Institute SHARE of the Graduate School of Medical Sciences, University Medical Center Groningen, University of

Financial support for the printing of this thesis was kindly provided by the University of Groningen Medical Center, the University of Groningen, the Graduate School of

The studies in this thesis were conducted within the Research Institute SHARE of the Graduate School of Medical Sciences, University Medical Center Groningen, University of