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Recently, in the papers of Suedan and Jull [l], [2], it is demonstrated that the complex source point (CSP) method can be successfully used in combination with AI

Figure 13(a) shows the transmission characteristics of propagation along the z axis (the stacking direction) for a structure with 4 unit cells (16 layers) along the z axis.. The

La colonitation , conridérée an point de vne de l'érnifîration , serait donc une chose fâ- clieuse pour la France, qui a besoin de tous les brat qu'elle peut soutenir; mats il n'en

At its core, fintech refers to the application of technology to the financial sector- whether through banks, credit unions or other financial services firms, or

As a blobs becomes smaller the stiffness of the aggregate within it increases and the strain energy becomes larger, The stress is transmitted across the system through the backbones

Due to the difficulty of directly comparing the two-dimensional DPD simulation results against experiments and the difficulty of relating the particle interaction model to

Onrwerpers en beleidsmakers dienen hun analyses en beslis- singen niec alleen te baseren op de mace waarin de gewenste effecten oprreden, maa¡ ook op andere effecten