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Academic year: 2021

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Panagiotou, M.




B.1 Acknowledgments

First of all, I would like to thank Tom de Boer and Joke Meijer for their mentorship, support and fruitful discussions throughout the years that I spent in the lab. Additionally, I would like to thank all the older and newer members of the neurophysiology lab for the time that we spent together.

Special thanks to Mayke, my paranymph, for all the help in the lab and the experiments on the 9th floor, the company during the endless hours in the sleep deprivation experi-ments, our coffee breaks, our shared love about board- and video-games and continuous discussions about everything.

Special thanks also to my friend and office-mate Karim, for all the scientific help and the academic, social, political and economic discussions, especially in the late hours in the office when we had our inspirations as night owls.

I would like to thank all my bachelor and master students, Danielle, Joris, Hessel, Wouter and Mandy for the data that we produced and analyzed together.

Many thanks to my Nijmegen friends for the amazing time that we had, our dinners, board- and video-game nights (and days), movie/series nights, parties, coffee and drinks and all the abroad experiences that we shared, Maria & Nikos, Irini, Sakis, Marios, Dim-itris (x2), Gus, Athina, Alex, Valia and many others. To my friends in the neighboring departments in Leiden, Sofia and Irina, and former colleague and good friend from the neurophysiology department Sissy (+Giorgos) thank you all so much and good luck at your academic careers and personal life! Special thanks to Sissy for the dutch translation of the summary of this thesis.

Special thanks to my best friends and sisters since adolescence Mirella and Charoula (and extended families, Giorgos x 2 and baby!) for all their love and support! To my best friends from the Athenian University, Alexandra & Anna, thank you so much for our perfect actual or digital time together, as well as to Dimitra & Toula, although not often seen, it is always as if not a day has passed. To my cousin & best friend Marilena (+Christos, Eva, Marios) thank you for always being in my life since day 1 (literally since year 2.5) :) !


Appendix B


B.2 Curriculum Vitae


About the author


B.3 List of publications

• Panagiotou M & Deboer T. “Effects of chronic dim-light-at-night exposure on sleep in young and aged mice.” Neuroscience 426 (2020): 154-167

• van Aken MA, Groothuis PG, Panagiotou M, Duin MV, Nap AW, van Rijn TC, Kozicz T, Braat DD, Peeters AB. “An objective and automated method for evalu-ating abdominal hyperalgesia in a rat model for endometriosis.” Lab Anim (2019) 1:23677219856915 doi: 10.1177/0023677219856915

• Panagiotou M & Deboer T “Chronic high-caloric diet accentuates age-induced sleep alterations in mice.” Behavioral Brain Research (2019) 362:131-139 doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2019.01.017.

• Panagiotou M, Meijer M, Meijer JH, Deboer T. “Effects of chronic caffeine con-sumption on sleep and the sleep electroencephalogram in mice.” Journal of Psy-chopharmacology (2018) 33(1), 122-131 doi.org/10.1177/0269881118806300 • Panagiotou M, Papagiannopoulos K, Rohling JHT, Meijer JH and Deboer T. “How

old is your brain? Slow-wave activity in non-rapid-eye-movement sleep as a marker of brain rejuvenation after long-term exercise in mice.” Frontiers in Aging Neuro-science (2018) https://doi.org/10.3389/fnagi.2018.00233

• Panagiotou M, Meijer JH, Deboer T. “Chronic high-caloric diet modifies sleep homeostasis in mice.” European Journal of Neuroscience 47.11 (2018): 1339-1352.




12-h light and dark (L1, D1, L2, D2 for light and dark periods of the first and second day respectively) mean values of vigilance states were analyzed by two-tailed unpaired t-tests

Additionally, compared to BL, sleep de- privation did not induce any alterations in the amounts of waking and NREM sleep in all DLAN mice, contrary to changes induced in the

In order to investigate whether the Xpg-/- premature aging mouse model demonstrates similar characteristics to naturally aged mice, we compared the data in the current study to

Although sleep and circadian behavior is mildly affected in aged mice as por- trayed in the second part of the present thesis, the effects found particularly on the sleep EEG and

Following chronic high-caloric diet, sleep architecture was moderately affected in young mice, including an increase in REM sleep during the light period, while regard- ing

In tegenstelling tot jonge muizen gegevens werd EEG SWA bij oudere muizen differentieel beïnvloed door langetermijn dim-light-at-night, zoals beschreven in Hoofd- stuk 8.. Hoewel er

Μετά από αυτήν την μεγάλης διάρκειας αλλαγή στη διατροφή, ο ύπνος επηρε- άστηκε σε μέτριο βαθμό στα νεαρής ηλικίας ποντίκια δείχνοντας μια αύξηση στον

Slow-wave-activity in the non-rapid-eye movement sleep EEG could be considered a biomarker of brain age that may reflect lifestyle choices (this thesis).. Obesity and aging