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Cover Page The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/87898


Academic year: 2021

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Panagiotou, M.




Additionally, compared to BL, sleep de- privation did not induce any alterations in the amounts of waking and NREM sleep in all DLAN mice, contrary to changes induced in the

In order to investigate whether the Xpg-/- premature aging mouse model demonstrates similar characteristics to naturally aged mice, we compared the data in the current study to

Although sleep and circadian behavior is mildly affected in aged mice as por- trayed in the second part of the present thesis, the effects found particularly on the sleep EEG and

Following chronic high-caloric diet, sleep architecture was moderately affected in young mice, including an increase in REM sleep during the light period, while regard- ing

In tegenstelling tot jonge muizen gegevens werd EEG SWA bij oudere muizen differentieel beïnvloed door langetermijn dim-light-at-night, zoals beschreven in Hoofd- stuk 8.. Hoewel er

To my friends in the neighboring departments in Leiden, Sofia and Irina, and former colleague and good friend from the neurophysiology department Sissy (+Giorgos) thank you all so

Slow-wave-activity in the non-rapid-eye movement sleep EEG could be considered a biomarker of brain age that may reflect lifestyle choices (this thesis).. Obesity and aging

The module isomorphism problem can be formulated as follows: design a deterministic algorithm that, given a ring R and two left R-modules M and N , decides in polynomial time