Carlo Sørensen ([email protected]),
Danish Ministry of the Environment, Coastal Authority
Towards a
Wadden Sea Sediment solutions Community of Understanding
27 November 2020
Sediment management in the Danish Wadden Sea – past and current
• Industrial:
Esbjerg (Port); Grådyb tidal area; dredging & deposition, Landfill.
Port of Rømø; Lister Dyb tidal area; dredging & deposition
• Recreational:
‘Sønderho Harbour’; Navigation channel and harbour reconstruction
• Flood Protection and management:
Mainland and islands: Dike construction/strengthening.
Road dams to Rømø (and Mandø)
Maintenance, land reclamation (to a minor extent at present).
Hydrology– tributaries/rivers
• Research and Monitoring
Nature and Environment, farming and fisheries, habitats etc.
Non-cohesive sand budget off the Wadden Sea Islands
• no sand nourishments except for dredged sand (periodically)
Example coastline change (island of Fanø)
Towards a
Wadden Sea Sediment solutions Community of Understanding
27 November 2020
Sediment management in the Danish Wadden Sea – future
Tasks and challenges:
• Re-survey of the entire Wadden Sea Area in a combination of traditional and space-borne surveying techniques
• Establish ‘baselines’ and monitor physical (morphological) and environmental changes (large scale vs small scale).
• Evolution of ebb tidal deltas
• Interdisplinary, cross-sectoral and cross-national collaboration on the sediment management of the area
• Research, monitor and manage – Climate change impacts - Mitigation, Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction -
Nature & biodiversity - Marine and terrestrial environments - Recreation, Industry etc.
Collaboration and knowledge exchange.
Towards a
Wadden Sea Sediment solutions Community of Understanding
27 November 2020
Sediment management in the Danish Wadden Sea – future
Tasks and challenges:
• Re-survey of the entire Wadden Sea Area in a combination of traditional and space-borne surveying techniques
• Establish ‘baselines’ and monitor physical (morphological) and environmental changes (large scale vs small scale).
• Evolution of ebb tidal deltas
• Interdisplinary, cross-sectoral and cross-national collaboration on the sediment management of the area
• Research, monitor and manage – Climate change impacts - Mitigation, Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction -
Nature & biodiversity - Marine and terrestrial environments - Recreation, Industry etc.
Collaboration and knowledge exchange.