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---------- Forwarded Message ---------- From : European Action Group Date : 31/01/11 16.01 Subject :


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--- Forwarded Message --- From : European Action Group Date : 31/01/11 16.01

Subject : The EU official Koos Richelle case - the CDE case - the Cesar Deben case To : koos.richelle@ec.europa.eu, louis.michel@europarl.europa.eu

Cc : catherine.day@ec.europa.eu, Olaf-Courrier@ec.europa.eu,

stefaan.declerck@just.fgov.be, jose-manuel.durao-barroso@ec.europa.eu, CAB-

SEFCOVIC@ec.europa.eu, Maros.Sefcovic@ec.europa.eu, Andris.Piebalgs@ec.europa.eu, Algirdas.Semeta@ec.europa.eu, Siim.Kallas@ec.europa.eu, Catherine.Ashton@ec.europa.eu, Herman.Vanrompuy@consilium.europa.eu, stefano.manservisi@ec.europa.eu,

yves.leterme@premier.fed.be, kab.bz@diplobel.fed.be, Gary.Quince@ec.europa.eu, Clara.Martinez-Alberola@ec.europa.eu, Joao.Vale-de-Almeida@ec.europa.eu,

Fernando.Frutuoso-De-Melo@ec.europa.eu, Mercedes.De-Sola-Domingo@ec.europa.eu, Cesar.Deben@ec.europa.eu, Fokion.Fotiadis@ec.europa.eu, Claus.Sorensen@ec.europa.eu, Kristian.Schmidt@ec.europa.eu, Keith.Fitch@ec.europa.eu, jerzy.buzek@europarl.europa.eu, luigi.demagistris@europarl.europa.eu, joseph.daul@europarl.europa.eu,

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To the attention of Mr Koos Richelle Copy to the Belgian authorities

Copy to the COCOBU Copy to the Press Copy to OLAF Open letter

Subject : Psychiatric attacks against EU Citizens denouncing EU frauds - the CDI- CDE case - your letter AIDCO/C4/JNS D(2008) 19307 to Mariyus Noko dated 1st October 2008

The following documents will be communicated on request to european.action.group.01@gmail.com :

- 1992-10-CDI-organigramme.pdf : the CDI organization chart

- 2002-2009-Justice-Belgique.pdf : letters of the Belgian Justice Ministry confirming that the CDE does not exist

- 2007-11-21-OLAF-pv-audition.pdf : Official bayi’s complaint to OLAF

- 2008-08-27-CDE-organigramme.pdf : the CDE organization chart published by EU Deputees Van Buitenen and Simpson

- 2010-04-28-dossier-Cesar-Deben.pdf : the accusation file against EU official César Deben

Dear Mr. Koos Richelle,

The European Action Group (E.A.G.) would like to welcome you at your new EU function -

« Directeur Général de l’Emploi de la Commission européenne » : http://www.acp-

eucourier.info/Actualite.79.0.html?&L=2&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=1787&cHash=2c080fc9 04633965e1a4882bedaeaad0

This nomination is extremely surprising for European Citizens since you are personally concerned by legal complaints in front of the Belgian Justice. They are not closed at the

‘Tribunal de Première Instance de Bruxelles’.

It seems that those complaints are instructed by the Belgian judge Jean Coumans.

Jean Coumans has ordered Mariyus Noko’s arrestation mid of December 2011.

Mariyus Noko is this famous Belgian Citizen denouncing EU fraud at the CDE. Daniel Baseke and Abraham Mbayi have also strongly denounced this EU fraud : the CDE does not exist.

Mariyus Noko has received in jail the visit of the Belgian psychiatrist Dr. Cromphout the 22th December 2010 (see below). The “deal” proposed then shows that this is clearly a “psychiatric attack against an European Citizen denouncing EU fraud”.

EU Deputee Nigal Farage has written an open letter to the Belgian Minister of Justice Stefaan De Clerck the 6th January 2011 (see below) concerning this “psychiatric visit”.


Investigation journalist Charles Onana has described in April 2009 the psychiatric attack against Daniel Baseke in the chapter 17 of his book “Ces tueurs tutsi au Coeur de la tragédie

congolaise”. Onana has not been attacked till today for libel.

Please read carefully the pages 302-303 : http://www.congoforum.be/upldocs/Onana- chapitre17.pdf

The E.A.G. has just mailed you the “César Deben file” dated 28th April 2010 and would like to submit you publicly the two following hyperlinks http://infos.congogate.org/#post183 : - Koos RICHELLE's letter to mariyus Noko (01/10/2008)

http://iloapp.congogate.org/blog/infos?ShowFile&doc=1296210240.pdf - Explanations (28/01/2011)


The E.A.G. would like to communicate you its letter addressed to the COCOBU the 26th January 2011 : "the Mariyus Noko / CDE case : psychiatric attacks against European Citizens denouncing EU frauds" (please see below).

Concerning this CDE case, you have declared the 1st October 2008 that the CDE has succeeded to the CDI (AIDCO/C4/JNS D(2008) 19307).

Mr Charles Michel, Louis Michel’s son, has informed the 10th January 2011 that the CDE exists since 2004 (see below) : "... pour rappel, le CDE qui existe depuis 2004 (anciennement CDI depuis 1978) ...". Charles Michel has given 3,3 millions € Belgian Development funds to the CDE in 2010 and it is again Mariyus Noko whos has revealed this :

http://iloapp.congogate.org/blog/infos?ShowFile&doc=1288000321.pdf Consequently, the CDE has succeeded to the CDI latest in 2004.

The European Action Group has answered to Mr Charles Michel the 14th and the 20th January 2011 by informing (see below) :

" ... Mais à vrai dire, la question de l'existence du CDE a, semble-t-il, déjà été tranchée par la Justice, puisque le 10 mars 2005, sur recours en appel contre l'ordonnance 04/1334/C dans une affaire opposant le CDI au CDE et consort, le juge Delvoix a écarté le CDE des parties à la cause dans la mesure où les avocats du CDE, dont fait partie Me Theeuws, n'ont pas su lui produire l'accord de siège du CDE ..."

Would you then please explain how it is possible that :

- both the CDI and the CDE have been in front of a Belgian Court the 10th March 2005 ? - the judge Delvoix has "écarté le CDE des parties à la cause dans la mesure où les avocats du CDE, dont fait partie Me Theeuws, n'ont pas su lui produire l'accord de siège du CDE" ?

According to the Judge Delvoix, the CDI - and not the CDE - exists the 10th March 2005.

According to the Belgian Ministry of Justice, the CDE does not exist (letter dated 23th September 2002 confirmed by the letter dated 22th January 2009).


Does this mean that we are in front 2 different entities ?

- the original and authentic CDI that has not been replaced since it is still acting in Justice in 2005 and

- a "CDE" that can not exist since the CDI is still acting in Justice ? We would like to drawn your attention on two organization charts : - the first one is the 1992 CDI organization chart

- the second one is the "CDE organization chart " published in 2008 by the Deputees Paul Van Buitenen and Brian Simpson

Would you please inform us which organization chart is the good one ? Your name is mentioned in the 2nd one.

Concerning your declaration "the CDE has succeeded to the CDI", we would like to remind that the article 12 of the 'Accord de siège du CDI' is forbidding any transfer of goods unless if a law is organizing this transfer.

Would you please communicate us the Belgian law allowing this transfer of goods from the CDI to the CDE ?

Finally, would you please communicate us the CDE "accord de siège" with Belgium ?

The missing one that has brought judge Delvoix to " écarté le CDE des parties à la cause dans la mesure où les avocats du CDE, dont fait partie Me Theeuws, n'ont pas su lui produire l'accord de siège du CDE" the 10th March 2005.

It seems that most of the psychiatric attacks against EU Citizens denouncing EU frauds are benefitting from a European financial help authorized by the Commission.

The question for the European Citizens is simple : is it acceptable that an EU Official, involved in a serious EU corruption case having affected/affecting extremely seriously the EU Financial interests and being directly linked to the EU Citizen Mariyus Noko suffering from a psychiatric attack, is today the « Directeur Général de l’Emploi de la Commission européenne » ? It seems that EU Citizens denouncing EU frauds are not the only one to suffer from psychiatric attacks.

Rumours are saying that EU officials are also in this case. Several EU Deputees have denounced the last years the fact that OLAF is not opening investigations when EU officials are indicating EU frauds. They have also denounced the fact that OLAF has instead been warning the Commission services …

Till today, OLAF has not open any investigation following International Official Abraham Mbayi’s audition the 21th November 2007. He came that day for :


"Je me présente en vos bureaux afin de déposer plainte contre le commissaire européen Louis Michel en m'inscrivant en faux contre la réponse qu'il a réservée à la question écrite n° E-2889/2005 et à la Commission des Pétitions dans le cadre du dossier n° 122/2003 pour les raisons suivantes"

Do you want to receive the copy of the audition documents ?

And it is Mr Louis Michel who has asked to you to answer the 1st October 2008 to Mr Mariyus Noko, victim today of a psychiatric attack.

Thanking you in advance, we remain the European Action Group














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