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University of Groningen The impact of genotoxic stress on protein homeostasis Huiting, Wouter


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University of Groningen

The impact of genotoxic stress on protein homeostasis

Huiting, Wouter



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Huiting, W. (2021). The impact of genotoxic stress on protein homeostasis: a study on an emerging theme

and its relevance for age-related degeneration. University of Groningen.



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Polarized protein trafficking and disease: Towards understanding the traffic jams in microvillus inclusion- and Wilson disease2.

In addition, we discuss the recent identification of a group of patients suffering from intrahepatic cholestasis, which carry mutations in MYO5B, but without any of the

epithelial cells orientate the mitotic spindle and cell division perpendicular to the apical basal axis, giving rise to symmetric cell division and generating daughter cells that both

Taken together, the available data suggest that defects in ARE function result in brush border microvillus atrophy and in the intracellular retention of enzymes and transporters

Consistent with the changes observed in the intestinal epithelium of MVID pa- tients 1,2 , important structural defects were observed in the enterocytes of Myo5b knockout newborn

The differently colored blocks associated with each muta- tion in the protein domains represent the predicted consequences for the protein (black: premature termination,

In a large subset of Wilsons disease patients, mutations in the gene that encodes the ATP7B copper transporter, result in the impaired transport of this protein from the ER to

Een nieuw idee, omdat er toe vanuit gegaan werd dat de cholestase wordt veroorzaakt door het algehele verlies van myosine Vb en niet per se de aanwezigheid van een