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University of Groningen Stigma and stress la Roi, Chaïm


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University of Groningen

Stigma and stress

la Roi, Chaïm

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la Roi, C. (2019). Stigma and stress: Studies on attitudes towards sexual minority orientations and the

association between sexual orientation and mental health. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.


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Hierdie bespreking het slegs plaasgevind om die massa op hoogte te bring van die onderskeie menings wat deur die ver- skillende Universiteite oor die saak

Stigma and stress: Studies on attitudes towards sexual minority orientations and the association between sexual orientation and mental health..

In this dissertation, I also take the minority stress framework as a starting point and conduct five studies aimed at improving the understanding of prejudice towards sexual

Also, findings from the individual fixed effects model could mean that both acceptance of homosexuality and level of education are partially confounded by levels of cognitive

Longitudinal social network analyses were employed, which allowed us to disentangle peer influence processes from selection processes regarding homophobic attitudes in both

Subsequently, a second model was estimated where we added the effect of bullying victimization and parental rejection on the intercept and slope, the effect of sexual orientation

Mental health: -social well-being -psychological well-being -depressive symptoms Minority stressors: -outness to family -chronic strain -everyday discrimination -internalized

We studied the extent to which social integration within the adolescent peer context could explain mental health differences between heterosexual and sexual minority