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On the usefulness of life cycle assessment of packaging


Academic year: 2021

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On the Usefulness of Life Cycle Assessment

of Packaging


Centre of Environmental Science

Leiden University P.O. Box 9518

2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands

ABSTRACT / In reaction to a paper in Environmental

Management in which the sense and sensibility of environmental assessments ot packaging were

questioned, it is argued that these types of assessments may be very useful, provided the relevant types of questions are posed. These boundary conditions are discussed, along with an overview of more recent methodological developments with respect to environmental assessment of products.

In an issue of Environmental Management, Kooijman (1993) discusses a n u m b e r o f arguments that could induce people to believe that it is useless and fruitless to spend time in assessing packaging with respect to environmental properties.

Kooijman discusses some aspects o f environmental assessment o f products in general, focusing on pack- aging. We add a n u m b e r o f standard references, which have a p p e a r e d d u r i n g the last two years, and o f which Kooijman is apparently not aware, and pose some critical notes to some key issues o f his paper. Although he makes a n u m b e r o f good points, we would like to explain why his overall conclusions are too strong.

O n M e t h o d o l o g i c a l D e v e l o p m e n t of E n v i r o n m e n t a l A s s e s s m e n t s of P r o d u c t

Life cycle assessment (LCA) is the currently widely accepted term for environmental assessments o f products on a cradle-to-grave basis as described by Kooijman. For a novice in the field, Kooijman's state- ments on the state-of-the-art o f this type of assess- ments may be disappointing. This is d u e to an incom- plete overview o f the developments with respect to LCA in the early 90s. Below, we provide a brief sum- mary o f what we consider to be the most relevant S o u r c e s .

We have been involved as the first two authors o f a report, commissioned by the Dutch government, to

KEY WORDS: Life cycle assessment; Packaging; Products

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

design an improved methodology for LCA (Heijungs and others 1992). Similar projects in o t h e r countries have resulted in similar reports. Examples are: the one p r e p a r e d for the Nordic Council (Anonymous 1992), that o f EPA (Vigon and others 1993), and the one p r e p a r e d for PWMI (Boustead 1992). T h e Cana- dian Standards Association is currently working at such a report. A standard f r a m e w o r k and terminol- ogy is provided by the fairly broad accepted Code o f Practice o f the Society o f Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) (Consoli and others 1993). Concise surveys o f methodology in a broad sense are provided in the form o f a p a p e r by Guin6e and others (1993a,b).

Kooijman criticizes in particular what he calls the assessment stage and states that this p r o c e d u r e is not feasible. Impact assessment, as it is now generally coined, is in rapid development. We mention a few recent activities. In February 1992, an e x p e r t work- shop was held in Sandestin, Florida (Fava and others 1993). In the already mentioned Nordic report, an extensive chapter is devoted to impact assessment (or classification, as it is called there) (Finnveden and oth- ers 1992). O u r r e p o r t (Heijungs and others 1992) provides an extensive operational m e t h o d for a simi- lar type o f classification. In J a n u a r y 1993, an expert's workship was held in Lyngby, Denmark, on the topic o f ecotoxicity assessment in LCA (Bro-Rasmussen and others, 1995). In the S E T A C - E u r o p e LCA news, a call for experts was readily answered (de O u d e 1993). SETAC and the International Organization for Stan- dardization (ISO) are initiating working groups to ad- dress this issue. T h e conclusion here is that this com- p o n e n t is in rapid d e v e l o p m e n t and is a crucial part o f LCA.



R. Heijungs and J. B. Guinee

On the Environmental Assessment

of Packaging

So m u c h for the b a c k g r o u n d o f LCA. O u r criticism concerns the contents. Kooijman argues that it is w r o n g to m a k e an e n v i r o n m e n t a l assessment o f pack- aging and that one should study the total food system instead o f a selected part o f it. He essentially gives two reasons for this:

9 the packaging typically represents a small portion of the e n v i r o n m e n t a l problems o f the food sys- tem;

9 environmental assessment of the packaging can- not be isolated f r o m the food p r o d u c t it contains.

On the Relevance of Irrelevancies

We agree that it will often a p p e a r that the food p r o d u c t itself has considerably m o r e e n v i r o n m e n t a l impact than the packaging. This fact may, however, not lead to an apathetic attitude. Seen in a b r o a d e r perspective, food products are responsible for only a small part o f the e n v i r o n m e n t a l impacts caused by the total industry and transportation. Still, m a n y people, including Kooijman, direct their attention to analyz- ing and reducing the environmental impacts o f food products. Rightly,. their attitude is inspired by the be- lief that we have to i m p r o v e the entire economic sys- tem. We t h e r e f o r e do not see why analysis o f packag- ing, if possible, is senseless.

It can easily be conjectured that there is an issue with a relevance that is between the food pur sang and the package pur sang: the f o r m in which the food is conserved. Desiring to buy peas, a c o n s u m e r has the choice between fresh, frozen, dried, a n d retort-pre- served peas. T h e choice is seldom motivated by envi- r o n m e n t a l arguments. Only for the same type o f food (peas), provided in the same f o r m (retort preserved), is the choice between different package materials (tin, glass), in practice, influenced by e n v i r o n m e n t a l con- siderations. Kooijman neglects this intermediate level of environmental concern.

O f course, the reasons for spoiling o f 5 % - 3 0 % o f milk, and for spoiling 70 million kg o f bread have to he investigated. Wasting o f food means that substan- tial parts o f the emission of chemicals and extraction o f resources have been in vain. It may be that the introduction o f other sizes o f packaging can decrease this stream o f wasted food. However, if it is concluded that, for example, 0.75-liter packaging would largely solve this problem, we still would have to decide on

the packaging material. It also could t u r n out that large p r o d u c t losses cannot be avoided despite adjust- m e n t o f package size. T h e packaging o f the food p r o d u c t remains an interesting problem, which can be studied i n d e p e n d e n t l y o f p r o d u c t losses caused by i n a p p r o p r i a t e packaging size.

On Isolating Content and Packaging

We agree that, even if we c o m p a r e packages o f the same size, it may h a p p e n that different packaging materials have different properties with respect to p r o d u c t loss, for instance, because o f clinging o f yo- gurt to packaging. O n e m i g h t be t e m p t e d to incorpo- rate this in the assessment without analysis o f the food p r o d u c t itself. Rightly, Kooijman's point is that the differences in adhesive properties o f packaging alter- natives give rise to d i f f e r e n t a m o u n t s of food spilling. Assume that drinking 1000 liters o f milk requires 1050 one-liter bottles or 1025 one-liter cartons. This can only be taken into account by calculating and add- ing the impacts of 25 liters o f milk to the impacts o f

1050 bottles.

We hold, however, that the aim o f the assessment d e t e r m i n e s w h e t h e r a n d how this should be taken into account. It will seldom occur that a family wants to drink exactly 1 liter o f milk at lunch. Instead, they have a container with a p p r o x i m a t e l y 1 liter, a n d p o u r out a n u m b e r o f glasses. I f there is a little more, the question will be asked: "Who wants the last half cup?" In contrast, if 5% o f the milk clings to the packaging, they just drink a little bit less. T h e y do not buy an additional bottle. T h e y will buy a n o t h e r bottle o f course, when only 50% o f that package size o f milk can be consumed.

It is difficult to fix a b o u n d a r y between the situa- tion where it matters, and the situation where it does not. This largely d e p e n d s on the particular situation. In a canteen, a fixed n u m b e r o f consumptions is re- quired, so that a loss o f 1% d u e to clinging may indeed result in 1% m o r e purchasing. For a small family, a loss o f 5% may have negligible effects. It thus will d e p e n d entirely on the aim o f the study if p r o d u c t loss be part o f the assessment. It is conceivable that LCA tells us that a household should p r e f e r glass bottles, whereas canteens should p r e f e r carton packages. T h e e n v i r o n m e n t a l truth is u s e r - d e p e n d e n t a n d thus con- text-sensitive. This may have consequences for an ecolabeling system.


Life Cycle Assessment of Packaging


and we hope that LCA will not be used to prove that large packages are better than small ones.

T h e essential ingredient in LCA to avoid obtaining such nonsensical results is the functional unit. T h e functional unit is the basis o f the comparison. It has been introduced because it does not make sense to compare one returnable glass bottle with one one-way carton packaging. T h e functional unit in Mekel and Huppes (1991)) was defined as the packaging o f 1000 liters o f milk. This functional unit was used to com- pare 1000 one-liter carton packages with 33.3 one- liter glass bottles, assuming a trip rate of 30, and with 13.3 one-liter polycarbonate bottles, assuming a trip rate o f 75. In principle, this functional unit would allow the comparison o f 2-liter bottles as well, or even the comparison o f a l-liter bottle with a 2-liter bottle. As the actual alternatives were all o f the l-liter model, the functional unit did not explicitly exclude this. T h e important thing is that only l-liter bottles were com- pared, as they were considered functionally equiva- lent. Only if the packaging alternatives provide equiv- alent functions, a comparison is sensible. For some users, l-liter and 2-liter bottles are functionally equiv- alent.

First, a choice has to be made on the comparable alternatives. In some cases it may be useful to com- pare two packaging systems for coffee milk: the l-liter bottle versus the individual portions o f 10 ml in plastic cups. This exercise will be completely uninteresting for a c o n s u m e r who only rarely uses coffee milk, but for daily use by a family, this is really interesting. T h e y have to choose between the two systems and might want to use environmental information in their deci- sion along with other aspects related to c o n s u m e r preference, such as convenience and cost. T h e user eventually makes an overall evaluation o f different aspects, such as cost and convenience,judges what he finds most important, and decides. LCA thus tries to provide information on the environmental aspects only.

Towards a Sensible

Environmental Assessment

It is clear that consumers, from single households to professional organizations, make purchase deci- sons. Protection o f the e n v i r o n m e n t d e m a n d s that en- vironmental considerations play a role in this deci- sion-making process. This begins with the question o f whether the p r o d u c t is really needed (do I really need food?), whether another p r o d u c t is preferable (do 1 really need peas for food?), which form is best (do I

really need retort-conserved peas for food?), which package is best (do I really need retort-conserved peas in glass tot food?), and ends with a choice o f packag- ing size (do I really need retort-conserved peas in l-liter glass jars tor food?). Aspects that could subse- quently enter the analysis are the a m o u n t o f food spilt by adhesion or by going bad. Investigating c o n s u m e r behavior in this respect, thereby making a distinction between the average consumer, small families, large families, canteens, etc., can improve the value o f LCA and can increase the environmental gain that can be attained.


We thank Prof. Dr. Helias A. U d o de Haes for helping to clarify o u r arguments. T h e c o m m e n t s o f two referees were used to improve the p a p e r as well.

Literature Cited

Anonymous. 1992. Product life cycle assessment. Principles and methodology, Nord, Copenhagen.

Boustead, I. 1992. Eco-balance. Methodology for commod- ity thermoplastics. APME/PWMI, Brussels.

Bro-Rasmussen, F. 1995. Proceedings of a workshop on ec- otoxicological assessment in LCA (in preparation). Consoli, F., D. Allen, I. Boustead, N. de Oude, J. Fava, W.

Franklin, B. Quay, R. Parrish, R. Perriman, D. Postleth- waite, J. Seguin, and B. Vigon. 1993. Guidelines for life- cycle assessment: A code of practice, 1st ed. SETAC, Brus- sels.

Fava, J., F. Consoli, R. Denison, K. Dickson, T. Mohin, and B. Vigon. 1993. A conceptual framework for life-cycle impact assessment. SETAC, Pensacola, Florida.

Finnveden, G., Y. Andersson-SkOld, M.-O. Samuelsson, L. Zetterberg, and L. G. Lindfors. 1992. Classification (im- pact analysis) in connection with life cycle assessments. A preliminary study. In Anonymous (ed.), Product life cycle assessment. Principles and methodology. Nord, Copen- hagen.

Guin6e, J. B., G. Huppes, and H. A. Udo de Haes. 1993a. Quantitative life cycle assessment of products. 1: Goal definition and inventory. Journal of Cleaner Production 1:3-13.

Guin6e, J. B., R. Heijungs, G. Huppes, and H. A. Udo de Haes. 1993b. Quantitative life cycle assessment of prod- ucts. 2: Classification, valuation and improvement analy- sis. Journal of Cleaner Production 1:81-91.



R. Heijungs and J. B. Guin6e

Kooijman,J. M. 1993. Environmental assessment o f packag- ing: Sense and sensibility. Environmental Management


Mekel, O. C. L., and G. Huppes. 1990. Environmental ef- fects of different package systems for fresh milk. CML, Leiden.

Oude, N. T. de, 1993. Experts n e e d . . , experts. SETAC- Europe LCA News 3:1-2.



10 To this end, various statistical methods have been applied within the field of LCA, including: discernibility analysis, 11,12 impact category relevance, 13 overlap area of

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