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Long-lived sociality : a cultural analysis of middle-class older persons' social lives in Kerala, India


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social lives in Kerala, India

Bomhoff, M.C.


Bomhoff, M. C. (2011, November 24). Long-lived sociality : a cultural analysis of middle- class older persons' social lives in Kerala, India. Retrieved from


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In many ways this greatly helped my research as specifically these interactions gave great insight in many aspects of older persons’ sociality as this was their way of placing

In topics like gender, love and arranged marriages, dowry, joint and independent living arrangements and old age homes the various perspectives on change are discussed.. Since each

Through a control of mind, body and social comportment, middle class older persons positioned themselves against the masses of ‘others’ who because of their disregard for

Explicit reminders of expectations or references to their or my duty even helped me as a much younger researcher in behaving more or less appropriately within older

The majority of the older persons in this study had experiences in at least three very different contexts: the native place, the city, and out of Kerala (abroad or in other states of

Mary auntie seemed happy to see her and told her neighbour that she was feeling worse every day and that the Good Lord still hadn’t come to take her.. The neighbour told her to

The difference between long-term and emergency care was more than purely analytical and mattered greatly to persons like Joseph uncle and Mary auntie who were chronically ill or

In order to learn more about the commonalities and variations within the limited category of highly educated (upper-) middle class older persons, I chose to investigate