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University of Groningen Achilles tendon rupture Dams, Olivier Christian


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University of Groningen

Achilles tendon rupture

Dams, Olivier Christian



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Dams, O. C. (2021). Achilles tendon rupture: current clinical practice, imaging and outcome. University of

Groningen. https://doi.org/10.33612/diss.171082409


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Chapter 4

Substantiating the use of ultrasound tissue characterization in the

analysis of tendon structure: a systematic review

Lucas Maciel Rabello, Olivier C. Dams, Inge van den Akker-Scheek, Johannes Zwerver, Seth O’Neill

Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 2019; doi:10.1097/JSM.0000000000000749. Online ahead of print.



Objective: To determine the role of ultrasound tissue characterization (UTC) in predicting,

diagnosing and monitoring tendon structure and/or tendinopathy. In addition, this study aims to provide recommendations for standardized methodology of UTC administration and analysis.

Data source: The PubMed, Embase and Web of Science databases were searched (up to

September 2018). All scientific literature concerning the use of UTC in assessing tendons was collected. The initial search resulted in a total of 1972 hits and, after screening by eligibility criteria, 27 articles were included.

Results: In total, 18 investigating the Achilles tendon, 5 the patellar tendon and 4 both

Achilles and patellar tendons were included. The methods of UTC administration and analysis differed and were not uniform. The studies showed that the use of UTC to predict Achilles tendinopathy (AT) is inconclusive, but that a higher amount of tendon disorganization increases the risk of developing patellar tendinopathy (PT). In terms of diagnosis, UTC might provide additional information in AT cases. In addition, promising results were found for the use of UTC in both AT and PT in monitoring the effect of load or treatment on tendon structure.

Conclusion: More research regarding the use of UTC in predicting tendon pathology

is required. UTC seems useful as an adjunct diagnostic modality because it can be used to differentiate symptomatic from asymptomatic tendons. In addition, UTC is a promising device to be used to monitor changes in tendon structure in response to load or treatment. Moreover, we provide recommendations of a standardized protocol concerning the methods of UTC measurement and analysis.



The Achilles and the patellar tendons are 2 of the strongest tendons in the human body and thus subjected to large and frequent weight-bearing forces [27, 28]. As a result of this loading, these tendons are prone to overuse injuries such as tendinopathy, occurring in both (recreational) athletes [44] and sedentary individuals [18]. The prevalence of Achilles and patellar tendinopathy is estimated at approximately 2.35 and 1.60 per 1000 in the general population,[1] and even higher in competitive athletes [17], and these numbers are expected to rise due to increasing (recreational) sport participation, especially in the middle-aged [25].

Tendinopathy causes significant (functional) impairment and may be career ending for athletes [37]. In addition, tendinopathy is difficult to treat and many patients fail to respond to treatment [28]. It has been proposed that tendinopathy can eventually lead to rupture of the tendon [21, 22, 26], further worsening the prognosis with regard to tendon function and participation in sporting activities.

The diagnosis of tendinopathy is usually clinical, but it can be confirmed with imaging, such as ultrasound (US) or magnetic resonance imaging. However, there seems to be a poor correlation between imaging results and patient-reported symptoms [13, 23]. This makes it difficult for clinicians to monitor treatment and to predict athlete’s (future) risk for tendinopathy. A systematic review by McAuliffe et al. concluded that US may be useful in predicting future tendinopathy [32], though US poses problems such as interoperator variance, variations in transducer positioning and lack of standardization.

Van Schie et al. [42] attempted to address these issues by introducing the imaging modality ultrasound tissue characterization (UTC). UTC is an ultrasonographic imaging modality that consists of a 10-MHz linear array transducer fitted to a tracking device that automatically takes 600 images in transverse plane at intervals of 0.2 mm along the tendon constructing a 3-dimensional block [42]. These recordings can be analyzed by quantification and calculation of the percentage of echo-types of a specific portion of the tendon tissue. These echo-types (I-IV) represent tendon integrity and fibrillar disorganization: (I) highly stable, (II) medium stable, (III) highly variable and (IV) constantly low intensity and variable distribution [42]. This imaging tool is only validated in equine tendon; however, since 2010, the UTC has been widely used in the investigation of humans tendon [41].

UTC can discriminate symptomatic from asymptomatic tendons [42]. However, the role of UTC in diagnosing, predicting and monitoring tendon structure and/or tendinopathy is still relatively unknown. In addition, despite the potential UTC has in quantifying tendon structure, no conclusive guidelines exist for either the scanning of tendons or analyzing of the images. This has led to large variations in scanning and reporting of UTC imaging. There are currently several variations of scanning methods using different patient, ankle/ knee and tracker positions, as well as scanning directions that may impact reliability


and/or validity of reported findings. In addition to the methods of scanning, there are large variations in the methodology employed for the image analysis: the main variations appear to be the window size (number of frames the pixel brightness and stability pattern are based on, variations in this impact the percentage of the different echo-types) and the length of tissue the quantification is based on, entire tendon or small section. Because UTC is not yet standard clinical practice, it is hypothesized that the methods of administration vary and lack uniformity, and this impacts the research conclusions. This study aims to determine the role of UTC in predicting, diagnosing and (treatment-progress) monitoring tendon structure and/or tendinopathy by systematically reviewing all available literature relating to UTC administration and/or analysis of tendons. In addition, this study aims to provide recommendations for standardized methodology of UTC administration and analysis.



This systematic review was conducted according to the PRISMA-Protocol for Systematic reviews [33].

Search strategy and criteria

A systematic electronic search using the databases PubMed, Embase and Web of Science was performed in September 2018. All scientific literature concerning the use of UTC in human tendon (injuries) was collected. Implementation and validation of the search terms and search methods was attained from a medical librarian at the University of Groningen. Search strategy is listed in Table 1.

Study selection

Inclusion criteria were as follows: primary research studies using UTC to assess tendon structure. The exclusion criteria were as follows: reviews, case-studies and animal-studies. There was no language restriction.

Data extraction and analysis

Two reviewers were involved in the study selection process. Two reviewers (LMR and OCD) independently selected the studies by applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria in 3 successive rounds. In the first round, reviewers screened the titles followed by the abstracts selection. In the third round, the full text was screened. In case of disagreement between the two reviewers in any of the rounds, a third opinion (IvdAS) was requested.

Table 1. Search strings by database Database Search string

PubMed (“Achilles Tendon”[Mesh] OR achilles tend*[tw] OR ((achill*[tw] OR patella*[tw]) AND (“Tendinopathy”[Mesh] OR tendonit*[tw] OR tendinit*[tw] OR

tendinos*[tw] OR rupture [tw] OR tear [tw] OR tendinopath*[tw] OR tendon*[tw]))) AND (UTC [tw] OR echotype* [tw] OR (tissue[tw] AND characteri*[tw]) OR (ultraso*[tw] AND characteri*[tw])) NOT (“Animals”[Mesh] NOT “Humans”[Mesh])

Embase ('Achilles tendon'/exp OR 'achilles tendinitis'/exp OR achillodyn*:ab,ti,de OR ((achill* OR patella*) NEAR/3 (tendino* OR tendini* OR tendon* OR rupture OR tear)):ti,ab,de) AND (UTC OR echotype* OR (tissue AND characteri*) OR (ultraso* AND characteri*)):ab,ti,de NOT ('animal'/exp NOT 'human'/exp)


The following data was extracted from the full texts of the included articles: 1. Study information: author(s), year, design;

2. Subject information: characteristics, tendon, tendinopathy, follow-up;

3. UTC scanning methodology: patient position (prone, supine, sitting or standing), direction of the scan (proximal or distal), window size (9, 17 or 25) and area of the tendon analyzed;

4. UTC’s clinical role in predicting, diagnosing and monitoring tendon structure and/ or tendinopathy, UTC results, practical recommendations for UTC application. The following were the definitions used:

Predicting: UTC use prior to or until the development of symptomatic tendinopathy Diagnosis: UTC use to show structure and pathology; cross-sectional design

Monitoring: UTC use longitudinally to assess tendon structure in response to a stimulus (e.g., treatment and load).


RESULTS Search results

The applied search yielded 1351 articles (Figure 1). Of these articles, 27 met our inclusion criteria. The methods of UTC administration are presented in Table 2. The other extracted data are presented in Table 3. Eighteen studies performed a scan of the Achilles tendon [4, 10, 11, 16, 19, 20, 30, 31, 36, 40, 42, 43, 46–51], five of the patellar tendon [2, 3, 15, 38, 39] and four studies assessed both [8, 9, 12, 14]. No publications regarding the use of UTC in other tendons were found. Most studies concerned patients with (a history of) Achilles mid-portion tendinopathy.

Figure 1. PRISMA flow diagram

Records identified through database searching (n = 1952) PubMed (n = 430); Embase (n = 773); Web of Science (n = 749)

Records after duplicates removed (n = 1351)

Records screened (n = 210)

Full-text articles assessed for eligibility

(n = 36)

Records excluded (n = 174)

Studies included in qualitative synthesis

(n = 27)

Full-text articles excluded (n = 9), reason: - UTC was not applied






111 Ta bl e 2 . M et hods of U TC a dm ini st ra tion Aut hor Pat ient pos iti on D irect ion of th e scan Si de W indow si ze R eg io n o f i nt er est (R O I) Ar ea anal yz ed Int er va l bet w een co nt our s Docki ng et al . [9 ] Achi lles tendon: pr one w ith th ei r f eet o ff t he ed ge of a pl int h in 90 degr ees of ankl e do rs ifle xio n Patel lar tendon: s upi ne w ith t he ir k ne e a t ; 120 deg rees f lexi on Fr om pr ox im al to di st al U ni lat er al or Bi lat er al 25 Achi lles tendon: fr om the di sappear ance of the cal caneus to t he appear ance of the m uscul ot end ino us j un ct ion Patel lar tendon: fr om the di sappear ance of the i nf er ior pat el la pol e t o 3 cm di st al ly N ot des cr ibed Docki ng et al . [12] Achi lles tendon: pr one w ith th ei r f eet o ff t he ed ge of a pl int h i n 90 degr ees of ank le dor si flex ion Patel lar tendon: s upi ne w ith t he ir k ne e a t ; 120 deg rees f lexi on Fr om pr ox im al to di st al U ni lat er al 25 Achi lles tendon: fr om the di sappear ance of the cal caneus to t he appear ance of the m uscul ot end ino us j unct io n Patel lar tendon: fr om the di sappear ance of the i nf er ior pat el la po le t o 3 cm di st al ly N ot des cr ibed de S á et al . [40] Pr one on an ex am inat ion bed w ith th ei r f eet p laced on a f oot and ank le st ab ilizer to st ab ilize an d pos iti on t he A chi lle s tendon N ot descr ib ed Bi lat er al 25 The ex am iner det er m ined t he l andm ar k ( 2 cm fr om th e ca lc an ea l i nse rti on ) i n th e sag itt al p lan e. C on to ur s w er e d raw n at 2 m m p ro xi m al and d ist al to the l and m ar k ( 4 m m to ta l) 4 m m Rud avsky et . al [39] Supi ne pos iti on w ith t he lef t knee f lex ed t o 90° Fr om pr ox im al t o di st al U ni lat er al 25 Fr om the di sappear ance of the i nf er ior po le o f t he p at el la, ext en di ng 1 cm d ist al ly N o m or e t han 4 mm van A rk et al . [3 ] Supi ne pos iti on w ith t he lef t knee f lex ed t o 100° Fr om pr ox im al to di st al U ni lat er al 25 Fr om the di sappear ance of the i nf er ior po le o f t he p at el la, ext en di ng 3 cm d ist al ly N o gr eat er than 5 m m


112 W au gh et al . [48] Pr one pos iti on w ith f oot pl aced in st ab ilizer u sed achi eves p er pend icul ar al ignm ent . UT C trans ducer pl aced at 5/ 10 deg ree d or si flexi on N ot descr ib ed Bi lat er al 25 A s can 2. 5 cm pr ox im al of the i ns er tion of the A chi lles tendon w as locat ed. The Achi lles tendon bor der w as out lines 2 m m ei ther si de of thi s sl ice l ocat ion i n t he sa git ta l p la ne and t he t w o cont our s int er pol at ed t o cr eat e a 20 s ca ns x 0 .2 m m reg io n o f i nt er est 4 m m H ey w ar d et al . [ 16] Pr one pos iti on w ith m axi m um ankl e do rs ifle xio n Di st al to pr oxi m al U nila ter al 25 Ac hille s m id -por tion ( from 2 c m pr ox im al to t he upper bor der of the cal caneus in a pr ox im al di re ct ion) N o gr eat er than 5 m m Rud avsky et al . [ 38] Supi ne pos iti on w ith t he lef t knee f lex ed t o 90° Fr om pr ox im al to di st al U ni lat er al 25 fro m th e di sa ppe ar an ce of the in fe rio r pol e of the pa te lla , e xt endi ng t w o cent im et er s d ist al ly N o m or e t han 4 mm Esm aei li et al . [14] Achi lles tendon: S tandi ng on a r ai sed l ev el s ur face w ith t he gr ea t t oe a nd knee t ouchi ng the w al l i n a st and ar di zed lunge pos iti on Patel lar tendon: S upi ne po si tio n, kn ee f lexed at ~60º Di st al to pr oxi m al Bi lat er al 25 Achi lles tendon: M ul tipl e cont our s ( fro m the di sappear ance of the cal caneus to t he m uscul ot end ino us j unct io n Patel lar tendon: ov er a di st ance of 3 cm st ar tin g f ro m th e d isap pear an ce o f t he inf er ior pol e of the pat el la N o gr eat er than 5 m m St anl ey et al . [43] St andi ng on a r ai sed l ev el su rface w ith th e g reat to e and knee t ouchi ng t he w al l i n a st an dar di zed lunge po sit io n Di st al to pr oxi m al U ni lat er al 17 0. 5 cm pr ox im al to t he i ns er tion of the Achi lles to t he cal caneus , cont inui ng t o the m us cul ot endi nous junct ion or a l engt h of 6 cm 0.5 m m (i f neces sar y, m or e f req uent cont our s w er e adde d) H er nández G et al . [ 15] Si tti ng pos iti on w ith f oot pl aced in a h ig h su rface and knee f lexed 90º Di st al to pr oxi m al Bi lat er al N ot descr ib ed 7 cont our s w er e d raw n ( tot al fr ee l engt h of the t endon) N ot cons is tent Bed i et al . [4 ] St andi ng on a r ai sed l ev el su rface w ith th e g reat to e and knee t ouchi ng t he w al l i n a st an dar di zed lunge pos iti on Di st al to pr oxi m al U ni /B ilat er al 25 Achi lles : M ul tipl e cont our s ( from the di sap pear an ce o f t he cal can eu s t o t he m uscul ot end ino us j unct io n N o gr eat er than 5 m m


113 Docki ng et al . [10] Achi lles tendon: S tandi ng on a r ai sed l ev el s ur face w ith th e g re at toe and knee t ouchi ng the w al l i n a st and ar di zed lunge pos iti on Patel lar tendon: S upi ne po si tio n, kn ee f lexed at ~60º Ac hille s: Di st al to pr oxi m al Pat el lar : Pr ox im al to di st al U ni /B ilat er al 25 Achi lles tendon: M ul tipl e cont our s ( from the di sappear ance of the cal caneus to t he m uscul ot end ino us j unct io n Patel lar tendon: ov er a di st ance of 3 cm st ar tin g f ro m th e d isap pear an ce o f t he inf er ior pol e of the pat el la N o gr eat er than 5 m m Docki ng and C ook [8 ] St andi ng on a r ai sed l ev el su rface w ith th e g reat to e and knee t ouchi ng t he w al l i n a st an dar di zed lunge pos iti on Di st al to pr oxi m al U ni lat er al 25 Fr om di sappear ance of the cal caneus to the m us cul ot endi nous junct ion N o gr eat er than 5 m m W ezen beek et al . [ 49, 50] Pr one pos iti on w ith ank le in appr ox im at ely 5 -10º of do rs ifle xio n N ot descr ib ed Bi lat er al 17 Achi lles Ins er tion: 5 cont our s ( from the di sap pear an ce o f t he cal can eu s t o 2 cm pr ox im al) M id -por tion: 9 c ont our s ( from 2 t o 6 c m pr ox im al to t he uppe r bor de r of the cal caneus i n a p roxi m al d irect io n) 5 m m M asci et al . [31] Pr one pos iti on w ith m axi m al ankl e do rs ifle xio n Di st al to pr oxi m al U ni lat er al 25 N ot des cr ibed van A rk et al . [2 ] Supi ne pos iti on w ith ~100º o f knee f lexi on Pr ox im al to di st al U ni lat er al 25 Fr om the ap ex of the p at el la t o 2 cm dis ta lly N o gr eat er than 5 m m M asci e t a l. [30] Pr one pos iti on w ith m axi m al ankl e do rs ifle xio n Di st al to pr oxi m al U ni lat er al 25 N ot des cr ibed Ro seng ar ten et al . [ 36] St andi ng on a r ai sed l ev el su rface w ith th e g reat to e and knee t ouchi ng t he w al l i n a st an dar di zed lunge pos iti on Di st al to pr oxi m al U ni lat er al 25 Fr om 2 t o 4 cm pr ox im al to t he upper bo rd er o f t he cal can eu s i n a p ro xi m al di re ct ion 5 m m


114 de Jo ng e et al . [ 19] Pr one pos iti on w ith f eet hangi ng ov er the edge and w ith ankl e i n ap pr oxi m at el y 5 -10º of do rs ifle xio n N ot descr ib ed U ni lat er al 9 Fr om 3 t o 5 cm pr ox im al to t he cal caneal ins er tion 5 m m de Jo ng e et al . [ 20] Pr one pos iti on w ith ankl e dor si fle xi on of 15º Pr ox im al to di st al U ni lat er al 9 5 cont our s: m ax im um thi cknes s and 1. 5 cm p roxi m al and d ist al fr om the segm ent of m ax im um thi ck nes s 7. 5 m m Docki ng et al . [11] Par tici pant s s tood on an el evat ed p lat for m , w ith thei r t oes and knee agai nst a w al l. Di st al to pr oxi m al U ni /B ilat er al 25 Fr om the poi nt that the cal caneus di sa ppe ar ed t o t he m us cul ot endi nous junct ion N ot des cr ibed W ong e t a l. [51] St andi ng on a r ai sed l ev el su rface w ith th e g reat to e and knee t ouchi ng t he w all Dis ta l to pr oxi m al U ni lat er al 25 Fr om the di sappear ance of the cal caneus to t he m us cul ot endi nous junct ion 6 m m de V os et al . [46] Pr one pos iti on w ith f eet hangi ng ov er the edge, w ith d or sifle xio n N ot descr ib ed U ni lat er al 9 5 cont our s: 1. 5 cm pr ox im al and di st al fro m th e th ic ke st s egm en t ( to ta l 3 c m ) de V os et al . [47] Pr one pos iti on w ith ank le dor si fle xi on of 15º N ot descr ib ed U ni lat er al 9 5 cont our s: 1. 5 cm p ro xi m al an d d ist al fro m th e th ic ke st s egm en t ( to ta l 3 c m ) 6 m m van S ch ie et . al [42] Pr one pos iti on w ith m axi m al ankl e do rs ifle xio n Pr ox im al to di st al U ni lat er al 9 M ean of the t hi ckest p ar t of the t end on and 2 m m p roxi m al and d ist al


115 C har act er ist ics an d r esu lts o f t he i ncl ud ed ar ticl es / D esi gn Sub ject C har act er ist ics Pat hol ogy (A ch ill es /p ate lla r tendi nopat hy ) C lin ic al ap plic at io n Fol low -up R esul ts Pr act ical ap pl icat io ns M ean A ge (y rs ) N o. of Sub ject s (M al e: Fem al e) Spor ts ng et Pr os pect iv e cohor t Ac hille s tendon: 23. 9 Pat el lar tendon : 2 3.8 Ac hille s tendon: 163 Pat el lar tendon : 171 Yes (elit e) Ye s and N o Pr edi ct ing Si ngl e scan A per cent age of DI S ab ove ∼ 2. 5% w as a sig nific an t r is k fa ct or fo r t he pr esen ce o f sym pt om s at basel in e. Per cent age of DI S show ed a w

eak relations

hi p w ith sever ity o f sym pt om s at basel in e. Q ua nt ific at io n o f tendon stru ctu re us ing U TC di d not enhance t he ab ilit y t o i dent ify at hl et es w ho devel op ed sym pt om s. ng et [9 ] Pr os pect iv e C ohor t Ac hille s tendon: 23. 9 Pat el lar tendon: 23. 9 Ac hille s tendon: 149 Pat el lar tendon: 152 Yes (elit e) Yes and N o Di agnosi s Si ngl e scan Abnor m al tendons cont ai ned gr eat er m C SA of A FS com par ed w ith nor m al tendons . Patel lar tendon show ed si gni ficant di ffer en ce bet w een The ex tent of di sor ga ni za tion in A chi lles and pat el lar ten do ns doe s not im pa ct on t he pr es ence or s ev eri ty o f clin ic al sym pt om s.


116 pl ayer s w ith an d w ithout a hi sto ry o f sym pt om s, an d pl ayer s w ith an d w ith ou t c urre nt sym pt om s. á et al ., [40] C ro ss -sect io nal Sta tin u se rs : 66 Cont rol s: 63 Sta tin u se rs : 33 ( 29: 4) Cont rol s: 33 (29: 4) Yes (recr eat io nal ) No Di agnosi s/ Pr edi ct ing Si ngl e scan The pr opor tion of echo -ty pe I pa tte rns [S T 70 (10) % , C G 74 (13) % ] w er e eq ui val ent in t he tw o gr oups . Ther e i s no evi dence of a negat iv e s tat in inf luence on Achi lles tendon stru ctu re . avsky et ., 2018 Pr os pect iv e cohor t Rang e f ro m 11 to 18 57 ( 34: 23) Yes (recr eat io nal ) No M oni tor ing 2 y rs N

ine percen

tag e o f ad ol escent dan cer s devel op ed pa thol ogy dur ing t hi s st udy . O nl y 2 of 5 par tici pant s w ho de ve lope d pa thol ogy repor ted pai n associ at ed w ith thei r t endon . Pat hol ogy in t he pr ox im al pa te lla r t endon can d evel op dur ing ad ol escence . A rk et ., 2018 [3 ] Rand om ized clin ic al t ria l 22. 7 18 ( 16: 2) Ye s (recr eat io nal ) Yes M oni tor ing 4 w k N o s igni ficant

changes on tendon stru

ctu re w ere obs er ved af ter O ut co m es o f tre atm en ts fo r pat el lar tendi nopat hy need t o be



exer ci se pr ogr am ba se d on cl ini cal fi nd ings rat her than im agi ng . beek Pr os pect iv e cohor t 18. 03 250 ( 113: 137) Yes (recr eat io nal ) No Pr edi ct ing 2 y rs Stru ctu ra l par am et er s (echo -ty pes ) di d not pr edi ct Ac hille s tendi nopat hy . U TC ev al uat ion shoul d not be the s ol e bas is in pr edi ct ing t he de ve lopm ent of tendi nopat hy . e t Pr os pect iv e 30. 1 18 ( 8: 10) Yes (recr eat io nal ) No M oni tor ing 12 w k Decr ease i n echo -ty pe I seen a fte r longer res t trai ni ng com par ed to sh orte r re st trai ni ng. The change i n echo -ty pe w as not rel at ed t o t he change i n young’ s m od ul us. U TC can be us ed t o as ses s

tendon respons

e t o loadi ng; s houl d pr ef er ab ly b e us ed i n com bi nat ion w ith o th er anal yses . ar d et Rand om ised cr ossover 22 21 ( 12: 9) Yes (recr eat io nal ) N o M oni tor ing 2. 7 d N o s igni ficant changes on echo -typ es ( I-IV ) o ver the pe riod. Signi ficant ef fect s of ti m e w er e f ound f or echo -ty pe s III and IV (d ecr ease) . Low to m od er at e l oad s m ay b e be ne fic ia l in th e tre atm en t, m anag em ent o r rehabi lit at ion of Ac hille s tend inop at hy . Pr os pect iv e cohor t Bal let d ancer s fro m 1 1 to 1 8 60 ( 25: 35) Yes (recr eat io nal ) No Pr edi ct ing 2 y rs Tendon disor ga ni za tion Pr es ence of tendon s truct ur e


118 avsky et ., 2017 Con tro l fro m 21 t o 40 (echo -ty pe s III + IV ) i ncr eased ; ther e w as a gr eat er incr eas e in t he gr oup w ith abnor m al iti es . ab nor m al iti es w as n ot rel at ed to pai n, w hi ch su gg est s t hat de ve lopm ent of sym pt om s inv ol ves a com pl ex int er pl ay be tw een a num ber of fa ct or s. aei li et ., 2017 Pr os pect iv e cohor t 23. 7 26 ( 26: 0) Yes (pro fessi onal ) No M oni tor ing 18 w k Bo th l im bs and tendons show ed incr eas ed echo -ty pe I . Trai ni ng l oad had incons is tent ef fect s on changes i n tendon stru ctu re . Reg ul ar U TC assessm ent coul d f ind m al ad ap tat io n to i ncr eas ed trai ni ng l oad . anl ey et ., 2017 Pr os pect iv e cohor t 19. 76 21 ( 9: 12) Yes (sem i-pr of essi on al ) No M oni tor ing Basel ine, 1, 2, and 3 mo Incr ease i n echo -ty pe I. Over al l p osi tive ad ap tat ion ( shi ft fro m ty pe II to ty pe I ) i n t endon st ruc tur e dur ing seaso n. U TC can det ect changes i n tendon s truct ur e ov er a s eas on . er nández et al ., [15] C ohor t 22. 6 20 ( 20: 0) Yes (pro fessi onal / recr eat ional ) No Di agnosi s Si ngl e scan N o s igni ficant di ffer en ce bet w een pr of essi on al and young U TC cannot diffe re nt ia te sym pt om at ic and



pl ayer s t en do n stru ctu re . No s igni ficant di ffer en ces o n tendon stru ctu re o f sym pt om at ic com par ed to asym pt om at ic sid e. asym pt om at ic cases . al ., [4 ] Pr os pect iv e 32 15 ( 13: 2) Yes (pro fessi onal / sem i-pr of essi on al ) Yes M oni tor ing 25 m o Decr ease i n echo -ty pe s III and IV ; i ncr ease in echo -typ es I and II . U TC of fer s an obj ect iv e m et hod t o eval uat e heal ing of A chi lles tendons . ng et Pr os pect iv e Ac hille s tendon: 28. 17 Patel lar tendon: 24. 04 Ac hille s tendon: 66 (63: 3) Pat el lar tendon : 50 (49: 1) N o/ Yes (sed ent ar y/ el ite at hl et es) N o s peci fic i nj ur y, ‘p at ho lo gi cal ’ and ‘heal thy’ tend ons Di agnosi s Si ngl e scan Echo -typ es I and II w er e si gn ifican tly low er in t he pa thol ogi ca l tendon i n com par ison t o nor m al tendons and echo -typ es III a nd IV w er e sig nific an tly incr eas ed . U TC can po ssi bl y d et ect ‘p at ho lo gi cal ’ tendons , inconcl us iv e i s i f thi s r es ul ts in tendon sym pt om s. ng et Pr os pect iv e 23. 8 18 (18: 0) Ye s (p ro fessi onal ) No M oni tor ing 5 m o Echo -ty pe I incr eas ed and echo -typ es I I-IV decr eased , sugge st ing a tendon impr ov ed at the end of the pr eseaso n. U TC can det ect changes i n tendon i n res pons e t o load .


120 asci et al ., [31] Pr os pect iv e cohor t 40 18 ( 14: 4) Yes (recr eat io nal / pr of essi on al ) Yes Di agnosi s Si ngl e scan UT C det ect s tendon disor ga ni za tion in t he m edi al pa rt o f th e Achi lles tendon . U TC can com pl em ent U S and col our Dop pl er b y de m ons tra ting di sor ga ni ze d fo ca l m edi ca l Achi lles tendon stru ctu re indi cat iv e of pl ant ar is te ndon inv ol vem ent in tendi nopat hy . A rk et ., 2016 [2 ] Pr os pect iv e 17. 2 41 ( 30: 11) Yes (recr eat io nal ) No M oni tor ing Each d ay of a 5 -d ay vo lle yb all tour nam ent N o s igni ficant changes i n tendon stru ct ur e ( ech o-typ es I -IV ) o ve r the t our nam ent pe riod . Ei ther st ruct ur e is s tabl e enough, U TC is us el es s or tour nam ent /ti m e ins uf fici ent to br ing a bout change? ezen beek al ., 2017 C ro ss -sect io nal 17. 9 70 ( 29: 41) Ye s (recr eat io nal ) No Di agnosi s Si ngl e scan Tendon stru ctu re : 54, 6% echo -ty pe I , 42. 8% echo -ty pe II, 2. 2% echo -ty pe III, a nd 0 .3 % echo -ty pe I V. Mor e echo -ty pe II at inser tio n than m id -por tion . Fem al e t endons cont ai ned m or e echo -ty pe II (in ins er tion and U TC a sse sse s tendon s truct ur e and shoul d b e int er pr et ed diffe re nt de pe ndi ng on locat ion (inser tio n o r m id -por tion) of tendon or gen de r of par tici pan t.



m id -por tion than m al e) . et al ., Pr os pect iv e case -ser ies 39 8 ( 7: 1) Ye s (recr eat io nal ) Yes M oni tor ing 6 m o Incr ease i n echo -ty pe s I + II and d ecr ease i n III + IV a t 6 m ont hs U TC can assess stru ctu ra l res pons e t o treat m ent ar ten Pr os pect iv e 23. 8 21 ( 21: 0) Ye s (p ro fessi onal ) Yes M oni tor ing Basel ine, 1, 2 and 4 d Di ffer ence i n U TC res ul ts bet w een gr oups . Ther e w as a t ran si en t change ( day 2) in t endon stru ctu re (d iso rg ani zat io n) in t hos e w ith nor m al tendons that ret ur ned t o basel in e at d ay 4. U TC m ay be ab le t o d et ect changes i n tendon s truct ur e in r es pons e t o load . ng e et C ase -cont rol Ty pe 1 di ab et ics: 2 3 Type 2 diabe tic s: 4 9.6 Con tro ls fo r ty pe 1: 24. 2 Con tro ls fo r ty pe 2: 46. 6 Ty pe 1: 24 (9: 15) Cont rol ty pe 1: 20 ( 9: 11) Type 2: 24 (15: 9) Cont rol ty pe 2: 24 ( 13: 11) N o/ Y es (sed en ta ry / recr eat ional ) No Pr edi ct ing Si ngl e scan U TC s how s de fin ite ab nor m al iti es i n ty pe 2 di abet es pat ien ts (p ossi bl y al so ty pe 1) pos si bl y pr ed ict ive o f tendi nopat hy . Scr eeni ng f or hi gh r is k of devel op m en t. ng e et Pr os pect iv e Sy m pt om at ic gr oup: 49. 7 Asym pt om at ic gr oup: 51. 4 Sy m pt om at ic gr oup: 54( 26: 28) Asym pt om at ic gr oup: 26 (18: 8) N o/ Yes (sed ent ar y/ recr eat ional ) Yes M oni tor ing 6, 12, 24, and 52 w ks Di ffer ence i n echo -typ es bet w een sym pt om at ic and asym pt om at ic U TC has no cor rel at ion w ith cl ini cal m easur e (V IS A-A s cor e) .


122 gr oups . Tendon stru ctu re re tu rn s to val ues o f asym pt om at ic w ithi n 24 w ks . No r el at ions hi p how ev er bet w een U TC tendon stru ctu re a nd sym pt om s. N o cor rel at ion bet w een V isa -A and U TC . ng et ., 2015 Pr os pect iv e Tendi nopat hy gr oup: 30. 3 Heal thy gr oup: 26. 8 Tendi nopat hy gr oup: 21 (20: 1) Heal thy gr oup: 6 ( 5: 1) Ye s (recr eat io nal / pr of essi on al ) Yes Di agnosi s Si ngl e scan Si gni ficant diffe re nc e in tendon stru ctu re bet w een sym pt om at ic, asym pt om at ic and cont rol gr oups . Asym pt om at ic tendon i s stru ctu ra lly com pr om ised . U TC m ight be us ef ul to diffe re nt ia te bet w een sym pt om at ic and asym pt om at ic pat ien ts an d "h eal th y "su bj ect s. ong e t a l., [51] Pr os pect iv e case -cont rol Di ab et ic pa tie nt : 37. 9 Cont rol : 32. 9 Di ab et ic gr oup: 7 ( 5: 2) Cont rol gr oup: 10 ( 4: 6) Yes (recr eat io nal ) No M oni tor ing Basel ine, 2 and 4 d afte r th e run. Basel ine st ru ct ur e w as si m ilar b et w een gr oups , no stru ctu ra l res pons e t o load i n ei ther N o s igni ficant diffe re nc e in U TC res ul ts bet w een di ab et ics an d cont rol s. N o trans ient



gr oup ov er 4 days p ost exer ci se . res pons e t o load . Pr os pect ive clin ic al t ria l 46 25 ( 10: 15) N o/ Yes (sed ent ar y/ recr eat ional ) Yes M oni tor ing Basel ine, 2, 8, 16 and 24 w ks N o cor rel at ion bet w een V isa -A and U TC . A n im pr ov em ent on echo -typ es I and II w as obs er ved w

ithout correl

at ion t o sym pt om sever ity . UT C assesses tendon stru ctu re , though t hi s seem s u nr el at ed to s ym pt om s. Rand om ized clin ic al t ria l PR P gr oup: 49 (8 .1 ) Saline gr oup: 50 ( 9. 4) PR P gr oup: 27 (13: 14) Saline gr oup: 27 ( 13: 14) N o/ Yes (sed ent ar y/ recr eat ional ) Yes M oni tor ing Basel ine 6, 12, and 24 wk Im pr ovem ent in tendon stru ctu re a fte r 24 w eeks . No diffe re nc e in change of echo -ty pe bet w een tre atm en t gr oups . U TC a sse sse s tendon s truct ur e res pons e t o tre atm en t(s ). ch ie et C ase -cont rol Sy m pt om at ic: 44. 9 Asym pt om at ic: 43. 6 Sy m pt om at ic gr oup: 26 (12: 14) Asym pt om at ic: 26 ( 16: 10) N ot descr ib ed Yes Di agnosi s Si ngl e scan Sy m pt om at ic tendons show ed less echo -ty pe s I + II than asym pt om at ic . U TC us ef ul in m on itor in g res pons e t o treat m ent .


UTC methods

Generally, studies employed one of 2 positions to perform the scan of the Achilles tendon: the standing position [4, 8, 10, 11, 14, 36, 43, 51] and the prone position [9, 12, 19, 20, 30, 31, 40, 42, 46–49]. Of the studies that positioned patients in prone position, different angles of dorsiflexion were used: 5 to 10 degrees [19, 48–50], 15 degrees [20, 47], maximum dorsiflexion [16, 30, 31, 42] and neutral position [9, 12] and in two studies this was not specified [40, 46].

In scanning the patellar tendon, patients were positioned sitting with knee flexion of 90 degrees [15] or in supine position in four different angles of knee flexion, 60 [8], 90 [38, 39], 100 [2, 3], or 120 degrees [9, 12].

Most studies that performed a UTC scan of the Achilles tendon performed the scan from distal to proximal [4, 8–12, 14, 16, 30, 31, 36, 43, 51]. The patellar tendon was usually scanned from proximal to distal [2, 3, 8, 38, 39] although one study scanned from distal to proximal [15].

The most frequently used window size was 25, n = 16 [2–4, 8–12, 14, 30, 31, 36, 39, 40, 43, 48, 51]. Two authors used a window size of 17 [49, 50] and 3 authors used a window size of 9 [19, 20, 42, 46, 47]. One study did not specify the window size used [15].

Role of UTC in predicting tendinopathy

Of the 3 studies that investigated the Achilles tendon [12, 19, 50], one study found that UTC could possibly predict the onset of tendinopathy or symptoms in different populations [19]. However, the prospective studies with the largest sample size determined that UTC structure could not predict the development of tendinopathy in young healthy individuals and elite male Australian football players [12, 50]. The studies that investigated the patellar tendon based their results on the amount of disorganized tissue structure (DIS) (echo-types III and IV together). One study observed that a higher amount of DIS might increase the risk of developing tendinopathy [38]. Other authors observed that the amount of echo-types III and IV at baseline do not predict future symptoms [12].

Role of UTC in diagnosing tendinopathy

UTC was used for diagnosis in 8 studies investigating the Achilles tendon [8, 9, 11, 12, 31, 40, 42, 49] and four studies assessing the patellar tendon [8, 9, 12, 15]. Of the AT studies, 2 studies identified that UTC can accurately differentiate between symptomatic and

asymptomatic tendons [12, 42]. Van Schie et al. [42]found a diagnostic accuracy of 83%

when a threshold of 75% echo-types I and II was set to differentiate between asymptomatic (above 75%) and symptomatic (below 75%) tendons. Docking et al. [12] observed that a higher percentage of echo-types III and IV increases the capacity of UTC to identify subjects with tendinopathy. The same authors found that a percentage above 6% of echo-types III and IV was a significant risk factor for the presence of symptoms at baseline measurement [12]. Other authors also observed that symptomatic tendons show significantly higher percentage of echo-types III and IV compared to asymptomatic tendon [8, 9, 11]. In addition,


to the UTC echo-type analysis, some authors also investigated the mean cross-sectional area (mCSA) of the aligned fibrillar structure (AFS) (echo-types I and II together) and DIS. Docking et al. [9] observed that mCSA of AFS in the symptomatic group was similar to the asymptomatic group and the mCSA of DIS was significant higher in the symptomatic group. Docking and Cook [8] observed that a significantly higher amount of mCSA of AFS and DIS in the symptomatic group compared to the asymptomatic group.

Masci et al. [31] observed that UTC can complement US/Doppler investigation, identifying the involvement of the plantaris tendon in AT cases. One study showed that different factors should be considered when analyzing UTC images (age, gender, tendinopathy location etc) [49]. One study investigated the influence of medication on the Achilles tendon structure and observed no negative effects of statin [40].

Of the studies investigating patellar tendons, one study observed similar findings as found in the AT patients – a higher percentage of echo-types III and IV increases the capacity of the UTC to identify the subjects with tendinopathy. Docking et al. showed that a percentage of DIS above 2.5% was a significant risk factor for the presence of symptoms. Other studies found that symptomatic tendons have a higher percentage of echo-types III and IV and, consequently, less percentage of echo-types I and II compared with asymptomatic subjects [8, 9]. When the mCSA was investigated, 2 studies observed that mCSA of AFS and DIS were higher in the symptomatic group compared to the asymptomatic group [8, 9]. One study showed that UTC does not differentiate between asymptomatic and symptomatic patellar tendons [15].

Role of UTC in monitoring changes in tendon structure and/or tendinopathy

A total of fifteen studies used UTC to monitor changes on Achilles or patellar tendons. Of the twelve studies performed a UTC analysis in Achilles tendon, [4, 10, 14, 16, 20, 30, 36, 43, 46–48, 51] six studies investigated the changes on asymptomatic tendon structure as an adaptation to load, [10, 14, 16, 36, 43, 51] four studies investigated the effect of different treatment modalities on tendon structure [20, 46–48] and two studies investigated the structural effect of surgical tendinopathy treatment [4, 30]. Three studies investigated the patellar tendon [2, 3, 39], two investigating the effect of load on asymptomatic tendons [2, 39] and one investigating the effect of an exercise treatment [3]. Of the studies that investigated the effect of load on Achilles tendon structure, four studies showed a positive adaptation [10, 14, 16, 43], one study showed no changes [51], and one study showed that 2 days after exercise tendon structure showed a transient response and returned to baseline at day 4 [36]. Of the studies that assessed tendon structure after either conservative or surgical treatment, five studies [4, 20, 30, 46, 47] showed that there was an increase in echo-type I and a decrease in echo-echo-type II and one study showed a decrease in echo-echo-type I after training with a short rest period (3-s) [48]. Regarding the studies investigating the patellar tendon, one study showed no significant changes after 5-days volleyball tournament [2], one study showed no significant changes after conservative treatment [3] and one study showed a tendon maladaptation in adolescent ballet dancers [39].



This study aimed to determine the clinical applicability of UTC in predicting, diagnosing and monitoring of tendon structure and/or tendinopathy. A systematic review of all literature providing information on the role of UTC in imaging of tendons was conducted, and a total of 27 studies included, most concerning analysis of the Achilles tendon. Despite the fact that prior research showed that conventional US can predict the onset of AT and PT [32] the results of the studies included in this review suggest that UTC might not predict the development of AT when the whole tendon is contoured and a percentage threshold is set; perhaps this is a result of the methods of UTC analysis as previous studies show ultrasound is predictive of new symptoms [32]. Several studies assessed the total volume of the Achilles tendon, whereas studies using conventional US focused specifically on pathological regions [32]. In addition, the use of window size 25 and lack of information regarding contour distance may also influence the image interpretation, as important (future) pathology may be missed. Regarding the results for the patellar tendon, the use of UTC to predict the development of future symptoms is inconclusive when based on percentage of echo-types III and IV [42]. However, it may be important to consider the level of healthy tissue using echo-types I and II. To be able to predict future symptomatic pathology, however, UTC images of healthy controls of which some eventually develop tendinopathy are required. Given the relatively low incidence of AT and PT in the general population, the required subject number is very difficult to achieve; this explains the low number of predictive UTC studies. Of the included studies attempting to predict tendinopathy using UTC, different study designs and populations were employed; this makes comparing the results of these studies difficult because of heterogeneity. More uniform studies into the predictive value of UTC are needed.

The results of this review showed that UTC might be able to provide additional diagnostic data in patients with AT; however UTC appears to offer little benefit over and above conventional imaging for the PT [7, 13, 28, 29]. Pathological Achilles tendons show a lower percentage of types I and II and consequently a higher percentage of echo-types III and IV [6, 8, 31, 49]. However, despite the presence of disorganized structure, UTC alone cannot differentiate between asymptomatic and symptomatic tendons. A possible explanation for these findings might be the fact that pathology may develop prior to the presence of clinical symptoms [32, 45]. A previous study using UTC which showed that tendon structure of the contralateral, asymptomatic, tendon is also compromised corroborates with this explanation [11]. In addition to that, some authors suggests that tendons with higher percentage of echo-types III and IV (DIS structure) would also present a higher area of AFS that allows the tendon to function without presenting symptoms. However, the number of studies using UTC for tendinopathy diagnosis is still low (n = 9) and the absence of reference (gold standard) values for the UTC echo-types makes it difficult to use this tool for diagnosing tendinopathy.


ability to monitor the effect of load/treatment on Achilles and patellar tendon structure. UTC seems to be able to detect subtle changes on tendon structure as a result of loading. However, the use of this tool to monitor the effect of a rehabilitation protocol is not clear yet, especially given that the association between UTC echo-types and the clinical outcome is inconclusive. This lack of association is also observed for the conventional imaging outcomes and the tendon might need to be investigated in a long-term follow-up to observe the (changes on) tendon structure after treatment [7, 35].

Unlike conventional techniques, UTC provides objective information on tendon structure that can potentially be used in multiple phases of tendinopathy management (predicting, diagnosing and monitoring). These objective parameters can be used to detect (mal) adaptation to load and/or treatment and provide quantifiable information in the diagnostic and monitoring phases. For example, UTC is an interesting imaging tool to be correlated with the continuum model [5]. This model proposes that tendon pathology occurs in several phases, and using UTC, it might be possible to identify the current phase and the tendon’s response to the load/treatment performed. More research into adaptive and maladaptive responses to loading and treatment however is required. Athletes should preferably be followed longitudinally to determine specific thresholds for pathology based on echo-types. In addition, this imaging pathology should be correlated to the clinical picture and to the golden standard, histology, to conclude on UTC’s role in diagnosing injuries specifically. The latter would require correlations between human tendon biopsies and UTC, to substantiate the true pathology seen by echo-types. Previous research investigated these correlations in the equine superficial digital flexor and showed that the UTC is a valid tool to quantitatively measure tendon structural integrity [41].

Limitations and future directions

A limitation of this review is the lack of methodological quality assessment of the included studies. We opted for a narrative, descriptive, approach to this review. Additionally, the included studies showed to be heterogeneous in methods, designs and aims enabling data pooling.

In contrast to the heterogeneity in study design and methods, the included studies tended to focus on the same tendinopathy, that is, mid-portion AT; however this matches the incidence rates in the general population [1, 18]. The lack of studies on PT makes conclusions about UTC’s potential in tendinopathies, difficult to determine. The results of our review also showed that many of the same authors contributed to the scientific literature concerning UTC, potentially increasing bias in methodologies and interpretational expertise. We therefore believe more authors should investigate the potential of UTC, taking various populations into consideration: e.g. subjects with different level of activity, larger range of age and, again, with different locations of tendinopathy.

UTC standard methodology

Because the results show a wide variation in the UTC methods applied, no standard synthesized recommendations for UTC use based can be made.


Standardization of the UTC methodology is necessary to ensure homogeneity of scientific results and facilitate analyses and comparisons. Furthermore, this standard methodology can be applied in clinical practice. The standard methodology regarding UTC scanning should include patient positioning, direction of the scan and tendon side, and the parameters for the imaging analysis should include window size, area of interest and interval between the contours. Based on the methodology used in the studies included in this review and on the expertise of the authors concerning UTC equipment, this manuscript proposes such a standard methodology for UTC scanning and imaging analysis for Achilles and patellar tendons.

The proposed standardized method is shown in Table 4.

Regarding the scanning of unilateral or bilateral, the included studies show that in a research setting it is sufficient to scan unilaterally. However, because the contralateral, asymptomatic tendon often shows a compromised structure [11] it is recommended to scan bilaterally in clinical practice. This allows clinicians to detect abnormalities that might increase the risk of future tendinopathy [32]. Similar to the studies included in this review, we recommend patients be positioned according to the authors preference in scanning the Achilles tendon, as no superiority of a single position has been shown. More important than the position is a maximum level of tension on the Achilles tendon,

Table 4. Recommendations for UTC administration and analysis Patient position Direction

of the scan

Side Window

size Area of interest (ROI) Interval between contours Achilles tendon

Patient prone with ankle in maximum dorsiflexion

Distal to

proximal Bilateral 9 or 17 Insertion – From the upper border of the calcaneus to 2 or 3 cm proximal. Mid-portion – from 2 cm proximal to the upper border of the calcaneus to 6 cm proximal. Minimum of a 2 cm ROI. No greater than 5mm Patellar tendon Patient supine with knee in flexion between 90 – 100º


to distal Bilateral 9 or 17 From the patella appendix to 3 cm distally. No greater than 5mm Achilles tendon Patellar tendon


and this requires scanning in maximum dorsiflexion. In scanning the patellar tendon a supine position with the knee flexed 90 to 100 degrees is recommended, allowing for the necessary tendon tension. In line with the studies included in this review, we recommend the Achilles tendon is scanned distal to proximal and patellar tendon proximal to distal, as this ensures that the proximal calcaneus and apex of the patella are identified before start scanning, both of these landmarks are important for identifying the exact position along the tendons. This improves objectively and is critical for accurate repeated measurements.

Regarding imaging analysis, the majority of the studies included in this review used the window size of 25. However, based on the UTC algorithm [49] using window sizes of 9 or 17 allows images to be analyzed in greater detail [49]. More sensitive settings might be utilized in order to draw accurate conclusions. Therefore, we recommend that UTC images should be analyzed using window size 17 or 9. Moreover, based on the studies included in this review, we also suggest that contours should be drawn no greater than 5 mm apart as contouring at greater lengths can lead to false interpolation of the tendon either including tissue external to the tendon or missing tendon tissue, thereby giving false results.

Regarding the tendon area selected for analysis, three different sites of the Achilles tendon can be analyzed depending on the zone of pathology: (1) full length (from the disappearance of the calcaneus to the musculotendinous junction), (2) insertion (from the disappearance of the calcaneus to 2 cm proximal) and (3) mid-portion (from 2 to 6 cm proximal to the upper border of the calcaneus in a proximal direction). However, as the insertion and mid-portion show a different distribution of echo-types [49], and it is believed that insertional and mid-portion AT are distinct clinical and tendon pathologies [24], we recommend analyzing the insertion and mid-portion separately. For the patellar tendon images, since tendinopathy is frequently observed in the inferior pole of the patella [34], the analysis of the proximal area (from apex to 3 cm distally) is recommended.



The results of this review showed a potential clinical role for UTC in monitoring changes in tendon structure and/or tendinopathy. The echo-types that UTC provides might be interpreted in the context of multiple outcomes to guide the athlete to optimal loading and the patient to adequate recovery. In conclusion, UTC analysis seems to have an important potential for monitoring changes in tendon structure and/or tendinopathy but further studies need to consider the methodology they use and its exact clinical interpretation. Additional research is needed validating the use of UTC in human tendon and more research is needed investigating the UTC potential in predicting and diagnosing tendinopathy.



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Part II




The present text seems strongly to indicate the territorial restoration of the nation (cf. It will be greatly enlarged and permanently settled. However, we must

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Muslims are less frequent users of contraception and the report reiterates what researchers and activists have known for a long time: there exists a longstanding suspicion of

Discussion: This prospective cohort study will contribute to optimal decision making in the primary treatment and rehabilitation of ATRs by providing insight into (1)

The Achilles tendon Total Rupture Score is a responsive primary outcome measure: an evaluation of the Dutch version including minimally important change..

Therefore, routine use of imaging including measures of tendon length also allows clinicians to identify patients at risk of poor outcome who would benefit from more

UTC provides objective information concerning tendon structure after Achilles tendon rupture and is therefore recommended as an imaging modality to study regeneration.. The

Achilles tendon rupture: current clinical practice, imaging and outcome. University