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University of Groningen Membrane fusion of influenza and chikungunya viruses Blijleven, Jelle


Academic year: 2021

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University of Groningen

Membrane fusion of influenza and chikungunya viruses

Blijleven, Jelle

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Publication date: 2018

Link to publication in University of Groningen/UMCG research database

Citation for published version (APA):

Blijleven, J. (2018). Membrane fusion of influenza and chikungunya viruses: Mechanisms inferred from single-particle experiments. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.


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Summary for non-experts

Viruses depend on a host for their continued existence: they invade a host cell and hijack its machinery to produce new virus particles. In this thesis we studied two virus species that infect humans. Influenza virus (“the flu”) causes yearly epidemics due to its ability to extensively change appearance; this continuous shapeshifting makes the threat of a new, deadly influenza pandemic real. Chikungunya virus has recently spread across the globe and is transmitted by mosquitos whose range expands with global warming. Full protection or treatment against ei-ther virus remain unavailable. Both viruses have an envelope, a membrane wrapping the viral contents. A key step in entry is the merger of the viral envelope with the envelope that covers cells. Protein spikes on the outside of the virus mediate this fusion event. In the process, the proteins extend and grab the target membrane after which they fold back onto themselves. Thereby, they force both membranes to come together and merge, mixing the viral contents into the cell. This thesis focuses on determining the mechanisms that these proteins use to achieve entry. We use a microscopy technique that allows us to observe the behavior of indi-vidual virus particles. By controlling the experimental conditions and using agents that block fusion, new insight was obtained on the way these proteins function, and specifically, how mul-tiple spike proteins need to work together to mediate fusion. Such knowledge of the exact mechanisms involved in viral fusion will help to guide the design of new antiviral therapeutics.



Kim, Monique, Keri, Gerco, voor de vele spelletjes, gesprekken en gewoon gezelligheid, wat zo belangrijk voor me was om ook even uit dat onderzoek te komen; de filosofiegroep,

 van Duijl-Richter MKS*, Blijleven JS*, van Oijen AM†, Smit JS†, Chikungunya virus fusion properties elucidated by single-particle and bulk approaches, Journal of General

Other than for strictly personal use, it is not permitted to download or to forward/distribute the text or part of it without the consent of the author(s) and/or copyright

Membrane fusion of influenza and chikungunya viruses Blijleven, Jelle.. IMPORTANT NOTE: You are advised to consult the publisher's version (publisher's PDF) if you wish to cite

Studies performed in GUVs and GPMVs show different values for lateral diffusion, partitioning of raft associated proteins and differences in membrane order between the L o and L d

Single monosaccharides (glucose and fructose) and reducing disaccharides (including palatinose, maltose, and gentiobiose) do not affect coexisting L o and L d phases,

Pyrene and pyrene-like compounds dissipate phase separation in mixtures containing DPPC as saturated lipid component but not in GUVs containing SSM instead of DPPC. We speculate

the acyl chains to α-helical membrane peptides or proteins would shift their partitioning from L d to L o , but this is not what we observe in phase-separating GUVs composed of DPPC,