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University of Groningen The tell-tale isotopes Jouta, Jeltje


Academic year: 2021

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Jouta, J. (2019). The tell-tale isotopes: Towards indicators of the health of the Wadden Sea ecosystem.

Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.


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The tell-tale isotopes

Towards indicators of the health of the Wadden Sea ecosystem


The work in this thesis was conducted at the Animal Ecology Group, Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Studies, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands and Department of Marine Ecology, Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research NIOZ, Texel, The Netherlands. The research was funded by Waddenfonds project Waddensleutels (WF203930). The printing of this thesis was funded by the University

of Groningen and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. This thesis should be cited as:

Jouta, J. (2019) The tell-tale isotopes: towards indicators of the health of the Wadden Sea ecosystem. PhD Thesis, University of Goningen, Groningen, The Netherlands.

Lay-out & figures: Dick Visser Cover design: Drawings: Paranimfen: Printed by: Jeltje Jouta Jeltje Jouta

Wout Mooiman (samenvatting, ”Krabben”) Bregje Mooiman (contents, “Fûgeltsje yn aai”) Tim Valk and Sytze Jouta

Ridderprint B.V. ISBN: 978-94-034-1347-1 (Printed book) ISBN: 978-94-034-1346-4 (Electronic version) © 2019 J. Mooiman-Jouta (jjouta@hotmail.com)


The tell-tale isotopes

Towards indicators of the health of the Wadden Sea ecosystem


ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de

Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

op gezag van de

rector magnificus prof. dr. E. Sterken

en volgens besluit van het College voor Promoties.

De openbare verdediging zal plaatsvinden op

vrijdag 22 februari 2019 om 11:00 uur


Jeltje Jouta

geboren op 9 december 1985

te Wurdum (gem. Leeuwarden)



Dr. ir. H. van der Veer


Prof. dr. B.D.H.K. Eriksson

Prof. dr. S. Bearhop

Prof. dr. K. Philippart


Oan Heit & Mem

Aan Maarten



CHAPTER1 General introduction 9

CHAPTER2 Food web assembly at the landscape scale: Using stable isotopes to reveal 25 changes in trophic structure during succession

Maarten Schrama, Jeltje Jouta, Matty P. Berg & Han Olff

Published in Ecosystems (2013) 16: 627–638

CHAPTER3 Benthic primary producers are key to sustain the Wadden Sea food web: 47 Stable carbon isotope analysis at landscape scale

Marjolijn J.A. Christianen, Jack J. Middelburg, Sander J. Holthuijsen, Jeltje Jouta, Tanya J. Compton, Tjisse van der Heide, Theunis Piersma, Jaap. S. Sinninghe Damsté, Henk W. van der Veer, Stefan Schouten & Han Olff

Published in Ecology (2017) 98(6): 1498–1512

CHAPTER4 Spatial heterogeneity in coastal stable nitrogen isotope baselines, does it matter? 75 Jeltje Jouta, Theunis Piersma, Han Olff, Marjolijn C. A. Christianen,

Sander J. Holthuijsen, Stefan Schouten & Laura L. Govers


CHAPTER5 Unexpected diet preferences of Eurasian spoonbills in the Dutch Wadden Sea: 107 Spoonbills mainly feed on small fish instead of shrimp

Jeltje Jouta, Petra de Goeij, Tamar Lok, Estefania Velilla, C.J. (Kees) Camphuysen, Mardik Leopold, Henk W. van der Veer, Han Olff, Otto Overdijk & Theunis Piersma

Published in Journal of Ornithology (2018) 159(3): 839–849

CHAPTER6 Ecological forensics: Using single point stable isotope values to infer seasonal 123 schedules of animals after two diet switches

Jeltje Jouta, Maurine W. Dietz, Jeroen Reneerkens, Theunis Piersma, Eldar Rakhimberdiev, Gunnar T. Hallgrímsson & Ido Pen

Published in Methods in Ecology and Evolution (2017) 8: 492–500

CHAPTER7 General discussion 147

References 165

Biography 184

Summary 187

Samenvatting 195




Sea) and if observed spatial heterogeneity in trophic levels of consumers are due to baseline heterogeneity or actual spatial differences in consumer trophic positions (food

In this study we aim to examine these possibilities by a study of the diet of nestling spoonbills, across the colonies in the Dutch Wadden Sea, using both regurgitates and

Excluding birds that likely had over-summered at North Atlantic staging areas, the model predicted that Sanderlings departed from the Arctic on 13 July (range: 9–17 July), had a

The Banc d’Arguin – an area that is still relatively pristine in relation to human influences compared with the Tagus estuary and the Wadden Sea – is an ‘outlier’ in Figure

(2016) Stable isotope analysis of consumer food webs indicates ecosystem recovery following prolonged drought in a subtropical estuarine lake.. (2012) Flyway protection and

After high school she did her bachelor Biology, followed up by a master Ecology and master Education at the University of Groningen, with part of the master Scientific Illustration

Reconstruction of food webs, with help of stable isotopes analysis, can be used as a means to study the state of an ecosystem.. Stable isotopes of nitrogen and carbon are powerful

Dit omdat er teveel complicerende factoren een belangrijke rol spelen om alle voedselrelaties in één voedselweb te omschrijven, zoals; verandering door tijd, mobi- liteit van