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Academic year: 2021

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The following handle holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation: http://hdl.handle.net/1887/70862

Author: Vries, M. de


Tumor biological char

acteristics of V



Title: Hereditary paraganglioma : genetics and tumor biology Issue Date: 2017-02-02.. Hereditary Paraganglioma genetics and

Financial support for prin ng of this thesis was received from GlaxoSmithKline, Schering-Plough, Artu Biologicals, Stallergenes, Atos Medical, Schoonenberg Hoorcomfort, Beter

Three pa ents without tumor growth, but with a signi cant increase in cochleoves bular symptoms during the observa on period, also underwent surgical treatment.. Two of these

Objec ve: To evaluate func onal recovery a er facial-hypoglossal nerve transfer with direct coapta on of the intratemporal part of the facial nerve.. Study Design: Retrospec

The results of Chapter two are highly relevant when exploring QoL for current treatment in VS, because baseline data were provided for comparison of QoL outcomes between pa

Het resultaat van deze studie is dan ook van belang bij het informeren van pa ënten met kleinere of middelgrote tumoren, waarvoor radiochirurgie steeds vaker de keuze van

Shortly, he will commence his fellowship Facial Plas c Surgery at the Diakonessenhuis Utrecht / Zeist / Doorn, where he currently works as Chef de

Voor een kleine of middelgrote brughoektumor geldt dat een initieel afwachtend beleid de voorkeur heeft, zowel vanuit een klinisch als kwaliteit van leven