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Cooperative learning during math lessons in multi-ethnic elementary schools: counting on each other


Academic year: 2021

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Cooperative learning during math lessons in multi-ethnic elementary

schools: counting on each other

Oortwijn, M.B.


Oortwijn, M. B. (2007, June 14). Cooperative learning during math lessons in multi-ethnic elementary schools: counting on each other. Retrieved from


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License: Licence agreement concerning inclusion of doctoral thesis in the Institutional Repository of the University of Leiden

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Cooperative learning during math lessons in multi-ethnic elementary schools


Michiel Bastiaan Oortwijn graduated in November 2001 at the University of Amsterdam where he studied Psychology in the specialization Experimental Psychology. From August 2002 to August 2006, Michiel Oortwijn was appointed as a PhD student with the Centre for the Study of Education and Instruction, at Leiden University on a project entitled: ‘Productive interaction in cooperative learning; the influence of students’ ethnocultural background’. As of September 2006 he is working as a junior researcher within the Centre for the Study of Education and Instruction.

In addition, he is participating in a project called: ‘Talents centre’, set up by Prof. Dr. Paul Vedder and the Johan de Witt school group in The Hague. The aim of this project is to reduce the educational disadvantage of pupils at multi-ethnic elementary and high schools.



L’analyse menée a permis d’identifier plusieurs facteurs susceptibles de favoriser ou d'entraver l'apprentissage des CCI par les étudiants. Le développement de

The aim of this study is to corroborate the findings of Webb and Farivar (1994) and Gillies and Ashman (2000) that the stimulation of pupils’ high-quality helping

License: Licence agreement concerning inclusion of doctoral thesis in the Institutional Repository of the University of

Helping behavior during cooperative learning and learning gains: The role of the teacher and of pupils’ prior knowledge and ethnic background ...53.. Peer interactions during CL

In this thesis we attempted to shed light on teacher stimulation and two pupil background characteristics (i.e. ethnicity and prior knowledge) on the math performance, quality of peer

The aim of this study is to corroborate the findings of Webb and Farivar (1994) and Gillies and Ashman (2000) that the stimulation of pupils’ high-quality helping behavior

Analyses at the individual level further showed that, regardless of condition, immigrant pupils with low mathematical ability provided more high quality help and used more low

Teachers who stimulate the pupils’ use of high-quality helping behavior (henceforth experimental condition) raise their math-related talk more –i.e., the frequency of question