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Thesis Defense Master


Academic year: 2021

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Defense Master



What is the problem?

‘Meat consumption in the Netherlands’

Integrated and enjoyed activity

´Culture of flesh´


How does this research contribute in tackling the problem?

● Influence attitudes and intentions towards reducing meat consumption


Focus: Dynamic (descriptive) norm Combined with: Message framing

(1) Goal framing (Gain versus Loss)

(2) Temporal framing (Present versus Future)


Conceptual model


Method & Data analysis

● Online survey in the Netherlands: 357 valid responses ● Dutch people above 18 years old

● Excluded vegetarians and vegans

Data analysis


Hypotheses testing


Loss framing > Gain framing H2&5:

Future framing > Present framing


Gain & Future > Gain & Present Loss & Present > Loss & Future


Further analyses

● ANCOVA: Frequency of eating meat ● Explore the combinations for intentions

How do goal framing conditions act within the two temporal framing



Exploring the combinations

● Most effective: Present framing with Gain framing → Pro-Environmental behavior = Future and extern → High individual behavioral costs

´A present framed gain´ = Egoistic, direct and more tangible benefits



‘Under what circumstances do dynamic normative messages influence attitudes and intentions towards reducing meat consumption?’

● Goal framing and Temporal framing individual not effective ● Use present framing over future framing


Limitations & Future research

● External validity: Not normal distribution

● Internal validity more important: Study and messages → Strengthen temporal framing




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