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Academic year: 2021

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VU Research Portal

Imaging the structure and the movement of the retina with scanning light


Vienola, K.V.


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Link to publication in VU Research Portal

citation for published version (APA)

Vienola, K. V. (2018). Imaging the structure and the movement of the retina with scanning light ophthalmoscopy.

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It took me almost six years and two different institutions to get this book done so obviously I’ve accumulated a large amount of people that I’d like to express my gratitude.

Johannes, I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to do my PhD in the field that I found interesting and for all the mentoring you’ve given me over the past six years. It’s been a pleasure doing science under your supervision and who knows, maybe we’ll collaborate in the future.

Koen, what would have we done without our certified logic machine? You taught me to tackle the problems with logic and not just answering questions with flow of random words from my mouth as this usually ended up you replying: ”But that wasn’t my question.”

Boy, oh boy oh boy. If we would write a behind the scenes book about our PhDs we’d probably be on the New York Times best sellers list. Your expertise in LabVIEW and MATLAB came always handy when something didn’t work in my setup. Also you were a very valuable co-author in all of the manuscripts as your input was each time valuable. We need to continue our problem solving on the other side of the Atlantic. And of course you can’t mention Boy with out Lizeth! Thanks for all the fun times we had, whether was beers & socializing or watching you guys getting married.



Naturally I would like to thank also all the people I’ve collaborated with during my PhD. Especially I’d like to thank Austin for teaching me the tricks of the trade and giving me guidance in the early stages of my PhD. And of course without

Pa-vanand Qiang, the system wouldn’t have performed nearly as well as it did so big thanks for that.

Of course I’d like to give a big round of applauds to room U-52 (Mathi, Judith,

Fabio, Max and Andy). We spent countless evenings together in the office drink-ing beer and ponderdrink-ing our sanity and the meandrink-ing of PhD. It was clear that we had the coolest office of the corridor where procrastination was maximized at times. Hopefully this time next year I’ll be getting several thesis defense invitations to my inbox.

And obviously the rest of the lab crew should be also acknowledged. This in-cludes Jelmer, Dirk, Miriam, Liron, Ben, Valentina, Oleg and Bram as well as the former members Helene, Mattijs, Frank, Jianan and Joshua. I hope I didn’t ruin your minds completely with my peculiar personality.

I’m also grateful to all my former colleagues whom I met during my first three years in Rotterdam Ophthalmic Institute. These people are Babak, Gijs, Henk,

Je-lena, Leah, Robin, Rosalie, Stijn and Verena for making daily research life more entertaining. Also, I’d like to extend my gratitude to Arni, Rene, Netty, Jetty,

An-nemiek, Caroline and Marja for creating a pleasant work environment.

Everyone from team Gijs/Erwin (Anna, Aravindan, Daan, Denise, Douwe,

Fe-lix, Gerrit, Graeme, Ineke, Jona, Jordi, Julia, Mariska, Maryam, Megghi, Ning,

Onno, Raya, Seyda and Vandana), thank you for the countless intellectually stimu-lating conversations during our coffee breaks.

I would also like to thank all the people from Davide’s group (Marica, Luca,

Rene, Nelda, Kingson and Steven). We started to collaborate over a pint of beer (or several of them) before I left so I hope you guys are continuing this great tradition!

Finally, I’d like to thank all my friends that I’ve accumulated over the years living in the Netherlands. Christy, luckily we kept in touch after your visit in Rotterdam back in 2012 and it’s been always fun whenever we get together for our road trips.

Kedir, you’ve been the ambassador of the Ethiopian culture and it’s always been great hanging out with you, whether it was paintball, kitfo or beers! I hope you’ll finish your thesis soon too and join the PhD club. K ¨oller, our debates about philos-ophy and life in general were always a good distraction from the PhD life. Martijn, we still need to get our Cola Vieux project going! Nicole, you’ve been also essential part of our Rotterdam crew. Whether it’s been socializing or just good old fashioned drinking, we could always count you in to have fun with the gang and forget about the PhD life. Elrozy & Niels, what would Rotterdam be without you guys! A lot has changed from 2012 but luckily our friendship hasn’t. Thanks guys for the endless



support through thick and thin. Hopefully you’ll find the time soon to come and visit me in Pittsburgh!




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