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D.P.Story An opacity-pro DemoFileD.P.Story


Academic year: 2021

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An opacity-pro Demo File

D. P. Story

The opacity-pro pretty much needs distiller with the Adobe PDF Settings set to pro-cess the transparency operator. For your convenience, the Adobe PDF Settings file Standard transparency.joboptions is included in the distribution. Place this file wherever distiller looks for the .joboptions files.1

D. P. Story

The yellow and blue boxes are under the picture, which has opacity of 0.5 and the text which has opacity of 0.3, and blend type Normal, the default. The green and magenta boxes are on top the picture with opacity of 0.4 and blend type of Lighten. This demo file uses only the most basic of packages: color, graphicx and opacity-pro. The other demo files assume the use of the web package, some use the graphicxsp package. Be sure to download all the latest versions of these.



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Copy the provided .joboptions to the folder and restart Distiller, the Standard_transparency should now be visible in the drop down Default Settings list.... Setting

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