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University of Groningen Adverse life events and overweight in childhood, adolescence and young adulthood Elsenburg, Leonie Koosje


Academic year: 2021

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University of Groningen

Adverse life events and overweight in childhood, adolescence and young adulthood Elsenburg, Leonie Koosje

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Publication date: 2018

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Elsenburg, L. K. (2018). Adverse life events and overweight in childhood, adolescence and young adulthood. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.


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( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( Leonie!K.!Elsenburg,!Kim!J.E.!van!Wijk,!Aart!C.!Liefbroer!&!Nynke!Smidt! ( Obesity((Silver(Spring)(2017,(25(5):(820:832(




To+ systematically+ summarize+ the+ evidence+ of+ all+ observational+ studies+ investigating+ the+ relation+ between+ accumulation+ of+ adverse+ life+ events+ and+ measures+ of+ overweight+ in+ children+<18+years.+



MEDLINE,+EMBASE,+PsycINFO+and+CINAHL+were+systematically+searched+(last+search+date+18+ February+ 2015).+ The+ Newcastle7Ottawa+ Scale+ was+ used+ for+ methodological+ quality+ assessment.+ Study+ estimates+ were+ pooled+ using+ a+ random7effects+ model+ and+ sources+ of+ heterogeneity+were+explored+(PROSPERO+reg.+nr.+CRD42014014927).+



Eighteen+ articles+ were+ included,+ containing+ five+ longitudinal+ (n=6,361)+ and+ fourteen+ cross7 sectional+and+case7control+study+results+(n=52,318).+The+pooled+estimate+of+the+longitudinal+ studies+ shows+ that+ accumulation+ of+ adverse+ life+ events+ is+ positively+ related+ to+ childhood+ overweight+measures+(OR+(95%CI)+=+1.12+(1.0171.25)).+Cross7sectional+and+case7control+study+ results+were+heterogeneous.+Subgroup+analyses+show+that+cross7sectional+and+case7control+ studies+using+a+continuous+adverse+events+measure,+studies+using+a+continuous+overweight+ measure+and+studies+in+children+>6712+years+generate+positive+pooled+estimates,+while+the+ pooled+estimate+of+studies+assessing+recent+adverse+events+(past+2+years)+was+indicative+of+ no+relation+with+overweight.+ & Conclusions((

Accumulation+ of+ adverse+ life+ events+ and+ childhood+ overweight+ measures+ are+ positively+ associated.+ However,+ increases+ in+ overweight+ measures+ in+ response+ to+ adverse+ childhood+ events+do+not+seem+to+occur+instantaneously.+

+ + +


Adverse&life&events&and&overweight&in&children& INTRODUCTION+ At+the+beginning+of+this+century+an+estimated+10%+of+children+in+the+world+had+overweight+or+ obesity+[1].+Children+with+overweight+or+obesity+are+likely+to+have+overweight+or+obesity+as+ adults+[2,3].+Overweight+is+related+to+diseases+such+as+diabetes+type+2,+cardiovascular+disease+ and+cancer+and+is+now+one+of+the+leading+risk+factors+to+the+global+burden+of+disease+[4–6].+ Although+ the+ worldwide+ increase+ in+ childhood+ overweight+ and+ obesity+ seems+ to+ have+ stabilized,+ prevalence+ rates+ remain+ high+ and+ therefore+ the+ threat+ childhood+ overweight+ poses+to+child+as+well+as+adult+health+has+far+from+disappeared+[7,8].+Prevention+of+childhood+ overweight+is+thus+warranted.+

A+growing+body+of+literature+acknowledges+the+role+psychosocial+stressors,+external+ events+or+conditions+that+threaten+an+individual’s+well7being,+may+play+in+the+development+ of+ obesity+ [9,10].+ Factors+ such+ as+ problems+ in+ the+ household+ and+ poor+ family+ functioning+ (e.g.+the+division+of+roles+between+family+members+and+the+level+of+connectedness,+conflict+ and+ the+ quality+ of+ communication+ within+ the+ family)+ have+ been+ found+ to+ be+ related+ to+ childhood+overweight/obesity+[9,11].+Low+socio7economic+status+has+also+been+identified+as+ being+related+to+(central)+adiposity,+overweight+and+obesity+in+children+[12,13].+Psychosocial+ stressors+are+suggested+to+influence+children’s+weight+status+via+children’s+health+behaviors,+ such+as+their+physical+activity+level,+dietary+intake+and+sedentary+behavior,+or+via+biological+ processes+in+the+body,+such+as+the+stress+response+or+inflammatory+processes+[14–16].++ Another+category+of+psychosocial+stressors+that+could+be+of+importance+in+relation+to+ obesity+development+is+adverse+childhood+events+[17].+Adverse+childhood+events+are+defined+ in+this+study+as+events+(not+caused+by+medication)+arising+during+childhood+(<18+years+of+age)+ that+ can+ threaten+ the+ child’s+ mental+ or+ physical+ well7being+ [9,13,18].+ Examples+ of+ adverse+ childhood+ events+ are+ parental+ divorce,+ disease+ or+ death+ of+ a+ family+ member,+ parental+ incarceration+and+childhood+maltreatment.+A+distinctive+feature+of+these+adverse+childhood+ events+ in+ comparison+ with+ the+ earlier+ mentioned+ psychosocial+ stressors+ is+ that+ they+ bring+ about+a+change+in+the+child’s+life+instead+of+being+a+(rather)+stable+aspect+of+it.+To+underline+ that+this+study+is+not+about+(rather)+stable+aspects,+but+about+relatively+abrupt+change+in+the+ child’s+life,+we+have+chosen+to+use+the+term+‘adverse+childhood+events’+instead+of+the+term+ ‘adverse+childhood+experiences’.+Although+the+latter+term+‘adverse+childhood+experiences’+is+ sometimes+ used+ to+ refer+ to+ ‘adverse+ childhood+ events’,+ it+ is+ also+ used+ to+ describe+ chronic+ exposures+to+adversity+[18].+

Previous+ systematic+ reviews+ and+ meta7analyses+ have+ investigated+ the+ relation+ between+childhood+abuse+and+obesity+in+adult+populations+[19–22].+These+have+shown+that+ adults+who+were+abused+in+childhood+had+an+increased+risk+of+obesity.+The+relation+between+ childhood+abuse+and+obesity+was+not+identified+in+children+[20].+Accumulation+of+adverse+life+ events+in+childhood,+such+as+abuse,+separation+of+parents+and+mental+illness+or+addiction+of+a+



household+ member,+ also+ seems+ to+ be+ related+ to+ overweight+ and+ obesity+ in+ adulthood+ [23,24].+Adverse+life+events+often+co7occur+and+studying+the+impact+of+separate+childhood+ events+on+overweight+status+can+therefore+lead+to+overestimation+of+the+effect+of+specific+ events+ [25–27].+ Whether+ accumulation+ of+ adverse+ life+ events+ influences+ overweight+ measures+already+in+childhood+or+whether+changes+in+weight+status+emerge+later+in+life+is+ still+unclear.+Therefore,+our+systematic+review+investigates+whether+accumulation+of+adverse+ life+events+is+related+to+measures+of+overweight+in+children.++



This+ systematic+ review+ and+ meta7analysis+ is+ registered+ in+ PROSPERO+ (registration+ number+ CRD42014014927,+http://www.crd.york.ac.uk/PROSPERO/)+



A+systematic+search+of+MEDLINE,+EMBASE,+PsycINFO+and+CINAHL+was+performed+(last+search+ date+ 18+ February+ 2015).+ The+ three+ search+ strings+ consisted+ of+ index+ terms+ and+ keywords+ related+ to+ 1)+ life+ events,+ adversities+ and+ stress,+ 2)+ (childhood)+ overweight/obesity+ and+ overweight+measures+(e.g.+body+mass+index+(BMI),+waist+circumference,+waist7to7hip+ratio,+ waist7to7height+ ratio)+ and+ 3)+ children,+ adolescents,+ teens+ and+ youth+ (see+ Supplemental+ Material+S1+for+the+search+strategy).++



Articles+were+eligible+for+this+systematic+review+if+they+met+the+following+criteria:+(1)+Study+ design:+ cohort,+ cross7sectional+ or+ case7control+ study.+ (2)+ Study+ population:+ at+ least+ 90%+ consisted+of+children+<18+years+from+the+general+population.+Studies+enrolling+children+with+ illnesses+ or+ conditions+ other+ than+ overweight/obesity+ and+ studies+ including+ only+ children+ with+ overweight/obesity+ and+ no+ control+ group+ were+ excluded.+ (3)+ Exposure:+ A+ measure+ containing+ at+ least+ two+ adverse+ childhood+ events+ in+ at+ least+ two+ domains+ (e.g.+ not+ only+ events+ in+ one+ specific+ domain+ such+ as+ school+ achievements,+ housing+ issues+ or+ maternal+ health).+Only+exposure+measures+containing+events+in+at+least+two+domains+were+included+in+ order+ to+ ensure+ that+ no+ studies+ assessing+ the+ relation+ between+ just+ one+ specific+ type+ of+ adversity+and+overweight+were+included+in+this+systematic+review.+Adverse+childhood+events+ are+defined+in+this+study+as+events+(not+caused+by+medication)+arising+during+childhood+(<18+ years+of+age)+that+can+threaten+the+child’s+mental+or+physical+well7being+[9,13,18].+Studies+ not+focusing+on+events,+but+solely+assessing+(rather)+stable+aspects+of+children’s+lives,+such+as+ socio7economic+status,+were+not+part+of+the+scope+of+this+systematic+review.+Studies+using+an+ adverse+childhood+events+measure+that+included+multiple+adverse+childhood+events+as+well+ as+ (rather)+ stable+ aspects+ of+ children’s+ lives+ were+ included.+ (4)+ Outcome:+ A+ measure+ of+


Adverse&life&events&and&overweight&in&children& childhood+ overweight/obesity.+ (5)+ Data+ presentation:+ The+ relation+ between+ accumulated+ adverse+life+events+and+childhood+overweight+measures+is+presented+in+a+quantitative+way.+ (6)+Other:+Articles+must+be+full+text,+peer+reviewed+and+written+in+English+(see+Supplemental+ Material+S2).++

Two+ authors+ (LKE+ and+ KJEvW)+ independently+ determined+ eligibility+ of+ identified+ articles+in+a+two7step+procedure.+First,+titles+and+abstracts+were+screened.+Subsequently,+the+ full+ text+ of+ all+ potentially+ eligible+ articles+ was+ screened.+ Finally,+ references+ of+ included+ articles+were+screened+for+eligibility.+Discrepancies+between+the+two+authors+were+resolved+ by+ discussion.+ If+ consensus+ could+ not+ be+ reached,+ a+ decision+ was+ made+ by+ a+ third+ author+ (NS).+ If+ information+ needed+ to+ determine+ eligibility+ of+ the+ articles+ was+ missing,+ authors+ of+ potentially+eligible+articles+were+contacted.+Duplicates+were+removed.+



Relevant+ data+ with+ regard+ to+ study+ design,+ study+ population,+ sample+ size,+ assessment+ of+ exposure+ and+ outcome,+ statistical+ analysis+ and+ study+ estimates+ were+ extracted+ from+ all+ included+studies+by+two+independent+reviewers+(LKE+and+KJEvW).++

There+is+currently+no+gold+standard+for+quality+assessment+of+observational+studies+ [28],+ but+ the+ Newcastle7Ottawa+ Scale+ (NOS)+ [29]+ is+ considered+ suitable+ for+ systematic+ reviews+of+these+studies+[30].+In+this+systematic+review+the+NOS,+adjusted+to+study7specific+ requirements,+ was+ used+ to+ assess+ the+ methodological+ quality+ of+ the+ included+ studies+ (see+ Supplemental+ Material+ S3).+ Studies+ could+ achieve+ a+ maximum+ of+ nine+ stars.+ For+ cross7 sectional+studies,+the+NOS+for+cohort+studies+was+used.+Since+three+questions+did+not+apply+ to+ cross7sectional+ studies,+ they+ could+ maximally+ be+ awarded+ six+ stars.+ Quality+ assessment+ was+performed+by+two+authors+(LKE+and+KJEvW)+independently.+Discrepancies+were+resolved+ by+ consensus.+ In+ case+ of+ persistent+ disagreement,+ a+ third+ author+ (NS)+ made+ the+ final+ decision.+The+inter7rater+agreement+on+the+items+of+the+methodological+quality+assessment+ was+evaluated+by+calculating+percentage+agreement+between+the+raters+and+Cohen’s+kappa.+ + Statistical(analysis( For+the+meta7analyses,+odds+ratios+(OR)+along+with+their+95%+confidence+intervals+(95%+CI)+ were+used.+The+ORs+represent+the+odds+of+children+with+a+higher+adverse+childhood+events+ score+to+have+overweight/obesity+or+have+a+higher+BMI+score+compared+to+children+with+a+ lower+ adverse+ childhood+ events+ score.+ In+ case+ multiple+ ORs+ were+ reported+ in+ one+ article+ (because+several+cut7points+for+dichotomization+of+the+adverse+childhood+events+score+were+ used),+ the+ OR+ comparing+ the+ smallest+ difference+ in+ adverse+ childhood+ events+ score+ (e.g.+ comparing+a+score+of+1+vs.+0+instead+of+2+vs.+0)+was+used+to+facilitate+comparison+with+studies+ using+a+continuous+exposure+measure.++



If+ other+ risk+ estimates+ than+ ORs+ were+ reported,+ such+ as+ correlation+ coefficients+ or+ (un)standardized+ regression+ coefficients,+ these+ were+ converted+ to+ ORs+ (95%+ CI)+ where+ possible.+ This+ was+ done+ using+ information+ on+ the+ exact+ point+ estimate,+ standard+ error,+ p7 value/significance+ level,+ t7value,+ standard+ deviation+ of+ the+ exposure+ or+ outcome+ and/or+ sample+ size+ of+ the+ study+ [31–35].+ When+ the+ estimate(s)+ could+ not+ be+ converted+ due+ to+ insufficient+ information,+ authors+ were+ contacted+ to+ provide+ the+ necessary+ information.+ If+ multiple+risk+estimates+within+one+study+could+be+converted,+we+selected+the+estimate+(in+ order+of+importance)+(1)+adjusted+for+gender,+socio7economic+status+(SES),+ethnicity+and/or+ age,+(2)+presenting+the+relation+between+exposure+and+outcome+most+compatible+with+the+ relation+ investigated+ in+ other+ studies,+ (3)+ based+ on+ the+ largest+ sample+ size,+ and+ finally+ (4)+ measured+at+the+latest+point+in+time.+When+ORs+were+reported+for+boys+and+girls+separately,+ both+were+included+in+the+meta7analysis.+

The+meta7analysis+was+performed+using+STATA+(Stata,+College+Station,+TX).+A+random7 effects+model+was+used+to+pool+the+risk+estimates+because+of+variations+in+study+population,+ exposure+ assessment+ and+ adjustment+ for+ covariates+ between+ studies+ [31].+ Estimates+ of+ longitudinal+ and+ of+ cross7sectional+ and+ case7control+ studies+ were+ pooled+ separately.+ Heterogeneity+was+assumed+to+be+present+if+the+I27statistic+exceeded+50%+or+when+the+chi7

squared+ test+ was+ statistically+ significant+ (p<0.10)+ [31].+ Heterogeneity+ was+ explored+ using+ subgroup+analyses+and+univariate+meta7regressions+[31].+Subgroup+analyses+were+performed+ for:+(1)+type+of+outcome+measurement+(i.e.+overweight/obesity+status+vs.+BMI),+(2)+type+of+ exposure+ measurement+ (i.e.+ continuous+ vs.+ categorical),+ (3)+ mean+ age+ at+ outcome+ assessment+(076+years,+>6712+years+and+>12718+years),+(4)+time+period+included+in+adverse+ childhood+events+assessment+(i.e.+child’s+lifetime+vs.+≤2+year),+and+(5)+whether+the+estimate+ was+ adjusted+ for+ gender,+ SES,+ ethnicity+ and/or+ age+ (yes/no).+ Meta7regressions+ were+ performed+if+≥10+studies+could+be+included+[31].+A+significance+level+of+p<0.05+was+used.+To+ investigate+the+presence+of+publication+bias,+a+funnel+plot+of+the+log+odds+ratio+against+its+ standard+ error+ was+ produced.+ Egger’s+ test+ was+ used+ to+ test+ funnel+ plot+ asymmetry+ if+ ≥10+ studies+could+be+included+[36,37].+As+level+of+significance+p<0.10+was+used.++



The+ search+ identified+ 5402+ articles+ of+ which+ 332+ were+ screened+ full7text+ and+ finally+ 18+ articles+were+included+in+the+systematic+review.+These+18+articles+contained+information+on+ 16+distinct+studies,+including+2+studies+with+longitudinal+results+[38,39],+8+studies+with+cross7 sectional+ results+ [40–47],+ 3+ studies+ (5+ articles)+ with+ longitudinal+ as+ well+ as+ cross7sectional+ results+[48–52]+and+3+case7control+studies+(Figure+1)+[53–55].++



+ +

Figure(1.+Flow+chart+of+study+inclusion+ ++

The+ study+ characteristics+ of+ the+ included+ articles+ are+ summarized+ in+ Table+ 1.+ Three+ articles+reported+both+cross7sectional+and+longitudinal+results+[49,50,52].+Most+studies+were+ performed+ in+ children+ between+ 7+ and+ 13+ years+ [40–44,47–55],+ with+ the+ exception+ of+ two+ studies+in+early+childhood+(i.e.+≤5+years)+[39,46]+and+two+studies+in+late+adolescence+(i.e.+≥15+ years)+[38,45].+The+percentage+of+females+in+13+of+the+included+studies+ranged+between+45%+ and+ 57%+ [38–44,46–52,55].+ Two+ studies+ only+ included+ boys+ [45,53]+ and+ in+ one+ study+ the+ gender+ distribution+ of+ the+ study+ population+ was+ not+ described+ [54].+ We+ observed+ heterogeneity+ in+ the+ measurement+ of+ adverse+ childhood+ events.+ Different+ measurement+ tools+ were+ used,+ measuring+ different+ numbers+ of+ adverse+ childhood+ events+ over+ different+ time+ periods+ of+ the+ child’s+ life.+ Further,+ different+ informants+ (e.g.+ the+ child,+ mother+ or+ parent)+reported+on+the+adverse+life+events+that+had+occurred+to+either+the+child,+the+family+ of+ the+ child+ and/or+ the+ mother+ of+ the+ child.+ Although+ all+ studies+ generated+ a+ sum+ score+



reflecting+the+level+of+adversity+the+children+had+experienced,+the+way+in+which+these+scores+ were+ created+ (e.g.+ as+ simple+ sum+ scores,+ weighted+ sum+ scores,+ combined+ with+ stable+ aspects,+such+as+socio7economic+status,+marital+status+and+housing+issues,+or+not)+differed+ between+ studies.+ Despite+ the+ heterogeneity,+ there+ was+ overlap+ in+ the+ types+ of+ adverse+ childhood+ events+ assessed+ in+ the+ different+ studies.+ The+ assessed+ events+ in+ the+ different+ studies+can+roughly+be+divided+into+34+types+of+adverse+childhood+events+that,+except+for+five+ events,+were+all+assessed+by+more+than+one+study+(see+Supplemental+Material+S4).++

There+ was+ homogeneity+ with+ regard+ to+ the+ outcome.+ All+ studies+ used+ overweight/obesity+status+[38,39,41,46,52,53]+or+BMI+[40,42–45,47–52,54,55]+as+overweight+ measure.+ In+ most+ studies,+ overweight+ was+ objectively+ determined+ [38–40,42,44–55].+ One+ study+ used+ self7reported+ overweight+ data+ [41]+and+ one+ study+ did+ not+ clearly+ describe+ the+

assessment+ method+ used+ [43].+ In+ addition+ to+ reporting+ on+ the+ relation+ between+

accumulation+ of+ adverse+ childhood+ events+ and+ BMI,+ six+ studies+ also+ reported+ on+ the+ association+ between+ accumulation+ of+ adverse+ childhood+ events+ and+ other+ overweight+ measures,+ such+ as+ waist+ circumference,+ waist7to7hip+ ratio,+ waist7to7height+ ratio,+ body+ fat+ percentage+ and/or+ skinfold+ thickness+ [42,44,45,47,50,51].+ The+ magnitude+ and+ direction+ of+ each+of+these+estimates+was+comparable+to+the+magnitude+and+direction+of+the+estimates+of+ the+relation+with+BMI.+


Methodological(quality( (

The+methodological+quality+of+the+included+studies+is+presented+in+Table+2+and+Table+3.+The+ methodological+ quality+ varied+ from+ four+ to+ six+ stars+ for+ longitudinal+ studies,+ one+ to+ three+ stars+ for+ cross7sectional+ studies+ and+ three+ to+ four+ stars+ for+ case7control+ studies.+ Most+ methodological+ flaws+ (>75%+ of+ the+ studies+ did+ not+ score+ positively+ on+ this+ item)+ in+ longitudinal+ and+ cross7sectional+ studies+ were+ found+ for+ (1)+ (description+ of)+ the+ representativeness+of+the+exposed+cohort+of+the+population+under+investigation+(93%+of+the+ studies),+ (3)+ ascertainment+ of+ exposure+ (often+ based+ on+ written+ self7report+ instead+ of+ an+ interview)+(93%+of+the+studies),+(6)+adjustment+for+SES,+ethnicity+and+age+(80%+of+the+studies)+ and+(9)+(description+of)+the+adequacy+of+follow7up+of+cohorts+(all+of+the+studies).+For+case7 control+studies+most+methodological+flaws+(>75%+of+the+studies+did+not+score+positively+on+ this+ item)+ were+ found+ for+ (2)+ (description+ of)+ the+ representativeness+ of+ cases+ of+ the+ population+under+investigation,+(6)+adjustment+for+SES,+ethnicity+and+age+(7)+ascertainment+ of+exposure+(often+based+on+written+self7report+instead+of+an+interview)+and+(9)+(description+ of)+non7response+rate+of+cases+and+controls+(all+of+the+studies+for+all+four+items).+The+inter7 rater+ agreement+ on+ the+ items+ of+ the+ methodological+ quality+ assessment+ was+ very+ good+ (overall+agreement+89%+(118/132),+Cohen’s+kappa+0.86).+


Adverse&life&events&and&overweight&in&children& ! !! Ta bl e! 1. !Ov er vi ew !o f!ar tic les! on !th e! acc um ul at io n! of!a dverse !c hi ld ho od !even ts! (AC E)! an d! ove rw ei gh t!(O W) !mea su re s! in !c hi ld hoo d ! Char act er is tics ! !! A dv er se !chi ldhood! ev ent !m eas ur e! !! O ve rw ei ght ! m ea sur e! A nal ys es ! A ut hor ! (y ear )! St udy ! de si gn ! A ge !in! ye ar s, ! m ea n!(S D )!at ! A CE !a nd!O W ! ass es sm ent ! Type ! U si ng ! Ti m e! pe riod ! Re po rted ! by ! A bout ! Type ! N! ! Incl ude d! cov ar iat es ! Re sul ts c! ! Bag le y!e t! al .!( 2013) ! CS ! AC E! & !O W :!! 10.4 1!( 0.6 7) ! ! Sum !s co re !o f!4! risk s! of ! whi ch! AC E!was !1! risk ! (c ode d! as !1! whe n! su m ! sc or e!o f!AC E!i nc lud ing ! ap pr ai sa l!was !in !th e!t op! qu ar til e) ! Re ce nt !L ife !Eve nt s! Sca le ! (B ru gh a(et (a l., (1985) ! f! <!12! mont hs ! M ot he r! M ot he r!! BM I!z Qsc or e! (C D C) ! 228 ! G end er ,!e thn ic ity ,! pu be rt al !s tat us ,! as thm a! & !s le ep! m inu te s! b! (s) != !!0.13 ! (0.19 )!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!! ! Be the ll! et !a l.! (2014) ! CS ! AC E! & !O W :!! ±! 10 Q17!y ear s! ! Sum !s co re ,!d iv ide d! int o!0,! 1!&!≥ !2! (e st im at e!o f!1! vs.! ≥! 2!( re fe re nc e) !s ho wn) ! A!c he ck lis t! Chi ld's! lif et im e! Par ent !/! car eg iv er ! Chi ld ! O ve rwe ig ht ! an d! obe si ty ! (≥! 85t h! pe rc ent ile ! CD C) ! 43395 ! Ag e, !g end er ,!S ES ,! et hn ic ity ,!s pe ci al ! he al th! car e! ne ed! ! O R!= !0.85* ! Cap ut o! et !a l.! (2000) ! CS ! AC E! & !O W :!! 11.7 !(0.7) ! ! W ei ght ed! sc or e!f or !a ll! ev ent s! rat ed! ne gat iv el y!( Q1! to !Q4) ! Ado le sc ent !P er ce iv ed! Ev ent s! Sca le !(A PE S)! (Co mp as( et (a l., (1987) ( f (Q! jun io r!h ig h! sc ho ol !v er si on ! <!3! mont hs ! Chi ld ! Chi ld ! BM I! 69 ! N one ! r!= !Q0.05 !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !! De ! Sou sa !e t! al .!! (2009) ! CC ! AC E! & !O W :!! 9.69 !(c as es) ,! 9.36 ! (c ont ro ls) ! ! Sum !s co re ! Li st !o f!T hr ea te ni ng ! Expe rie nc es! (B ru gh a(e t(a l., ( 1985)( f! <!6! mont hs ! M ot he r!! M ot he r!! O be si ty ! (Ind ian ! re fe re nc e! da ta) ! 80! (cas es) ! 80! (cont ro ls) ! N one ! N o!d iff er enc e! in! m ean !li fe ! ev ent s! in! cas es! an d! co nt ro ls ! D ixo n! et ! al .! (2009) ! CS ! AC E! & !O W :! G irl s= 7.85 ! (0.19 ),! Bo ys= 7.81 ! (0.17 )! ! Sum !s co re ! Li fe !Eve nt s! Che ck lis t! (J oh nso n(&(M cCu tch eo n, ( 1980)( f! <!12! mont hs ! Par ent ! Chi ld ! BM I! 112 ! N one ! r!= !0.17 ! Ev an s! (2003) a ! CS ! AC E! & !O W :!! 9.19 !(1.15 )! Sum !s co re !o f!9! risk s! (o f! whi ch! 3!e ve nt s! as se sse d! wi th! m ul tipl e!i te m s,!1!S D ! ab ov e!t he !m ean !fo r!t he se ! ev ent s! was! co de d! as !1) ,! di vi de d! in to !0,!1, !2,!3, !4 ,!5! an d! ≥!6. ! Qu est io ns !o f!t he !L ife ! Ev ent s! an d! Ci rc um st an ce s! Che ck list ! (W ork (et (a l., (1990, (W yma n( et (a l., (1991) (f! Chi ld's! lif et im e! M ot he r! Chi ld! /! fam ily ! BM I! 264 ! N one ! b! =!0.36* *!


Chapter&2& ! Tabl e! 1. !Ov er vi ew !o f!ar tic les! on !th e! acc um ul at io n! of!a dverse !c hi ld ho od !even ts! (AC E)! an d! ove rw ei gh t!(O W) !mea su re s! in !c hi ld hoo d! Char act er is tics ! !! A dv er se !chi ldhood! ev ent !m eas ur e! !! O ve rw ei ght ! m ea sur e! A nal ys es ! A ut hor ! (y ear )! St udy ! de si gn ! A ge !in! ye ar s, ! m ea n!(S D )!at ! A CE !a nd!O W ! ass es sm ent ! Type ! U si ng ! Ti m e! pe riod ! Re po rted ! by ! A bout ! Type ! N! ! Incl ude d! cov ar iat es ! Re sul ts c! ! Ev an s! et ! al .! (2012) a ! CS ! AC E! & !O W :!! 9.23 !! Sum !s co re !o f!9! risk s! (o f! whi ch! 3!e ve nt s! as se sse d! wi th! m ul tipl e!i te m s,!s co re ! in! the !up pe r!q ua rt ile ! re su lts! in! 1!f or !tha t!e ve nt )! Qu est io ns !o f!t he !L ife ! Ev ent s! an d! Ci rc um st an ce s! Che ck list !(W ork &et &a l., & 1990, &W yma n&et &a l., &1991) &f& Chi ld's! lif et im e! M ot he r! Chi ld! /! fam ily !! BM I! pe rc ent ile ! (C D C) ! 244 ! N one ! r!= !0.133* !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!! Ev an s! et ! al .! (2012) a ! L! AC E:! 9.23 ! O W :!13.3 7! Sum !s co re !o f!9! risk s! (o f! whi ch! 3!e ve nt s,!e ac h! as se ss ed! wi th! m ul tip le ! ite m s,!s co re !in! the !u pp er ! qu ar til e! is! 1!f or !tha t!e ve nt )! Qu est io ns !o f!t he !L ife ! Ev ent s! an d! Ci rc um st an ce s! Che ck list !(W ork &et &a l., & 1990, &W yma n&et &a l., &1991 )& f! Chi ld's! lif et im e! M ot he r! Chi ld !/! fam ily ! BM I! pe rc ent ile ! (C D C) ! 244 ! N one ! ! r!= !0.185* *!! !!! ! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! ! G ibs on! et !a l.! (2007) ! CC ! AC E! & !O W :!! 9.51 !(1.84 )! ! Sum !s co re ! Li st !o f!T hr ea te ni ng ! Expe rie nc es! (B ru gh a&e t&a l., & 1985) &f& Unc le ar ! M ot he r! M ot he r!! BM I!z ^sc or es! (C D C) ! 137! (cas es) ! 192! (cont ro ls) ! N one ! Co ef fic ie nt ! (95%!C I)! =! 0.07 !(^ 0. 01 ^ 0.14 )! G ill um ! et !a l.! (1984) ! CS ! AC E! & !O W :!! 8.9! (0.9) ! ! Fou r!way s:! Sum !s co re ,! we ig ht ed! su m !s co re !(us ing ! Li fe !Chan ge !Un its) ,! de si rab le /un de si rab le ! ev ent !s co re ,! int er na l/e xt er na l!e ve nt ! sc or e! The !R ec ent !L ife !Eve nt s! Qu est io nn ai re ! (Co dd in gt on ,&1972) &f! <!12! mont hs ! M ot he r!/! pa re nt !/! car eg iv er ! Chi ld ! BM I! 1505 ! Unc le ar ! N o!a ss oc iat io n! (da ta! no t! sh own) ! Li pp !e t! al .! (1996) ! CS ! AC E! & !O W :!! 16.4 5!( 1.1 5) ! ! Sco re s! cal cu lat ed! by ! to tal ing !the !we ig ht ed! val ue s! fo r!e ac h! 'ye s'! re sp ons e! ! Ado le sc ent !^! Fam ily ! Inv ent or y!o f!L ife !Eve nt s! (A ^ FI LE)! & !F am ily !In ve nt or y!o f! Li fe !Eve nt s! (F ILE)! (M cCu bb in &&&T ho mp so n, & 1991)& f! Unc le ar !! A^ FILE :! chi ld,!F ILE: ! pa re nt !/! car eg iv er ! Fam ily ! BM I! 82 ! N one ! N o!a ss oc iat io n! (da ta! no t! sh own) ! Lu m eng ! et !a l.! (2013) ! L! AC E:! 4.7! (0.1),!9.0! (0.3)! & !11.0! (0.3) ! O W :!15.0 9! (0.16 )! Sum !s co re !o f!e ve nt s! wi th! ne gat iv e!i m pa ct !! Ada pt ed! Li fe !Expe rie nc es! Sur ve y! (S ara so n&et &a l., & 1978)& f! <!12! mont hs ! M ot he r! M ot he r! O W !s tat us !(≥ ! 85t h! pe rc ent ile ! CD C) ! 848 ! G end er ,!S ES ,! et hn ic ity ,! m at er na l!o be si ty ! O R!( 95%!C I)! =! 1.08 !(1.01 ^ 1.14 )* ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! +


Adverse&life&events&and&overweight&in&children& ! Tabl e! 1. !Ov er vi ew !o f!ar tic les! on !th e! acc um ul at io n! of!a dverse !c hi ld ho od !even ts! (AC E)! an d! ove rw ei gh t!(O W) !mea su re s! in !c hi ld hoo d ! Char act er is tics ! !! A dv er se !chi ldhood! ev ent !m eas ur e! !! O ve rw ei ght ! m ea sur e! A nal ys es ! A ut hor ! (y ear )! St udy ! de si gn ! A ge !in! ye ar s, ! m ea n!(S D )!at ! A CE !a nd!O W ! ass es sm ent ! Type ! U si ng ! Ti m e! pe riod ! Re po rted ! by ! A bout ! Type ! N! ! Incl ude d! cov ar iat es ! Re sul ts c! ! M ar ie < M itc he ll! et !a l.! (2013) ! CS ! AC E! & !O W :!! ±! 4< 5!y ear s! Sum !s co re !o f!6! risk s,!o f! whi ch! 5!e ve nt s,!d iv ide d! int o!0 <2!a nd !≥ !3 ! A! 6< ite m !A CE !to ol !(c re at ed! fo r!t hi s! st ud y) ! Chi ld's! lif et im e!/! pa st !y ear ! /!c ur re nt ! M ot he r! Chi ld! /! Fam ily ! O be si ty ! (> 95%!B M I! pe rc ent ile ! CD C) ! 102 ! G end er ,!e thn ic ity ,! bi rt h! we ig ht ! O R!( 95%!C I)! =! 0.18 !(0.04 < 0.84 )* ! M ic he ls! et !a l.! (2014) b ! CS ! AC E! & !O W :! 7.8!( 1.59 ),! 8.84 !(1.48 )!& ! 9.78 !(1.45 )! Sum !o f!z <sc or es! of ! be ha vi or al !p ro bl em s,! ne gat iv e!e m ot io ns !a nd ! ne gat iv e!e ve nt s! (a! we ig ht ed! su m !s co re !(us ing ! Li fe !Chan ge !Un its) )! Co dd ing to n! Li fe !Eve nt s! Sca le !fo r!Chi ld re n! (Co dd in gt on ,!1972) !f! <!12! mont hs ! Chi ld ! Chi ld ! BM I!z <sc or e! ! 316 ! Ag e, !g end er ,!S ES ,! out co m e!a t! ba se line ! β!= !0.15* ** ! M ic he ls! et !a l.! (2014) b ! L! AC E! & !O W :! 7.8!( 1.59 ),! 8.84 !(1.48 )!& ! 9.78 !(1.45 )! Sum !o f!z <sc or es! of ! be ha vi or al !p ro bl em s,! ne gat iv e!e m ot io ns !a nd ! ne gat iv e!e ve nt s! (a! we ig ht ed! su m !s co re !(us ing ! Li fe !Chan ge !Un its) )! Co dd ing to n! Li fe !Eve nt s! Sca le !fo r!Chi ld re n! (Co dd in gt on ,!1972) !f! <!12! mont hs ! Chi ld ! Chi ld ! BM I!z <sc or e! ! 316 ! Ag e, !g end er ,!S ES ! β!( SE )!= !0.02! (0.02 )! M oe ns ! et !a l.! (2009) ! CC !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !! AC E! & !O W :!! 9.78 !(1.65 )!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!! ! ! Sum !s co re ! Li fe !Eve nt s! Sca le !(pa rt !o f! the !D ut ch! PS I,! D e!B ro ck !et ! al .,!1992) ! f! <!12! mont hs ! Par ent !/! car eg iv er ! Fam ily ! Adju st ed! BM I e ! 100! (cas es) ,! 97! (cont ro ls) ! SE S, !n o.!o f! chi ldr en,!f am ily ! st ruc tur e, ! m at er na l!B M I!& ! ps yc ho pa tho lo gy ,! pa re nt ing !s tr es s! β!= !<0.0 8! Pr et ty !e t! al .! (2013) ! CS ! AC E! & !O W :!! 11.8 !(0.9) ! ! Sum !s co re !(di vi de d! int o!< 4! an d! ≥4) ! Ada pt ed! ve rsi on! of !the ! Chi ldh oo d! Tr us t!Eve nt s! Sur ve y!( CT ES !2. 0! <! Car eg iv er !fo rm ) d ! Chi ld's! lif et im e! Par ent !/! car eg iv er ! Chi ld ! BM I! 1234 ! Ag e, !g end er ,!S ES ,! ph ysi cal !a ct iv ity ,! pa re nt !h is to ry !of ! hy pe rt ens io n! b! (S E) != !1.13! (0.3)* *!! !!!! !!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!! !!!! !!! ! Sl ope n! et !a l.! (2014) ! CS ! AC E:! ±!0 <1. 5, ! 1.5 <3 ,!3 <5!&! 5< 7! O W :!± !7! ! M ean !s co re !o ve r!t he !fo ur ! pe rio ds !o f!8! risk s,!o f!wh ic h! 5!e ve nt s,!o cc ur re nc e! re su lts! in! 1! fo r!t ha t!e ve nt ! in! a! pe rio d! Qu est io nn ai re s! an d! a! st re ss fu l!e ve nt !inv en to ry ! Si nc e!t he ! las t! int er vi ew ! M ot he r!/! fat he r! Chi ld! /! fam ily ! BM I!z <sc or es! (UK!B M I! 1990) ! 4361 ! Ag e, !g end er ,!S ES ,! et hn ic ity ! β!( SE )!= !0.06! (0.03 )* ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter&2& ! ! Tabl e! 1. !Ov er vi ew !o f!ar tic les! on !th e! acc um ul at io n! of!a dverse !c hi ld ho od !even ts! (AC E)! an d! ove rw ei gh t!(O W) !mea su re s! in !c hi ld hoo d ! Char act er is tics ! !! A dv er se !chi ldhood! ev ent !m eas ur e! !! O ve rw ei ght ! m ea sur e! A nal ys es ! Aut ho r! (y ear )! St ud y! de si gn ! Ag e!i n! ye ar s,! m ean !(S D) !a t! AC E!a nd !O W ! as se ss m ent ! Ty pe ! Us ing ! Ti m e! pe rio d! Re po rt ed! by ! Abo ut ! Ty pe ! N! ! Inc lud ed! co var iat es ! Re su lts c! ! Sl ope n! et !a l.! (2014) ! L! AC E:! ±!0 N1. 5, ! 1.5 N3 ,!3 N5!&! 5N 7! O W :!± !7! & !11! ! M ean !s co re !o ve r!t he !fo ur ! pe rio ds !o f!8! risk s,!o f!wh ic h! 5!e ve nt s,!o cc ur re nc e! re su lts! in! 1!f or !tha t!e ve nt ! in! a! pe rio d! Qu est io nn ai re s! an d! a! st re ss fu l!e ve nt !inv en to ry ! Si nc e!t he ! las t! int er vi ew ! M ot he r!/! fat he r! Chi ld! /! fam ily ! ΔB M I!z Nsc or e! (UK!B M I! 1990)! ! 3348 ! Ag e, !g end er ,!S ES ,! et hn ic ity ,! out co m e!a t! ba se line ! β!( SE )!= !0.02! (0.02 )! Sug lia! et ! al .! (2012) ! L! AC E:!± !1! & !3 ! O W :!± !5! ! Si ng le !s um !s co re !o f!e ve nt s! re po rt ed! at !1! ye ar !a nd !3! ye ar s! (di vi de d! in to !0,!1, !2 N3! an d! ≥!4,!e st im at e!o f!1! vs .!0! (r ef er enc e) !s ho wn) !! CIDI!s ho rt !fo rm ,!S ur ve y!o f! Inc om e!a nd !P ro gr am ! Par tic ipa tio n,!t he !N YC ! Soc ial !In di cat or s! Sur ve y! an d! an !int er vi ew ! Chi ld’s! lif et im e!/! pa st !y ear ! /!pa st ! m ont h! M ot he r! M ot he r!! /! Chi ld! ! O be si ty ! (> 95%!B M I! pe rc ent ile )! 1605 ! SE S, !e thn ic ity ,! m at er na l!m ar ital ! st at us ,!r ec ei pt !o f! pu bl ic !a ss is tan ce ! O R!( 95%!C I)! =! ! G irl s:! 1.58 ! (0.98 N2 .55) ! Bo ys:! 0.88 ! (0.52 N1 .50)! ! Van ae lst ! et !a l.! (2014) b ! CS ! AC E! & !O W :! M edi an != ! 8.00 !!!! !!!! !!! ! ! A!we ig ht ed! su m !s co re ! (us ing !L ife !Chan ge !Un its) ! Co dd ing to n! Li fe !Eve nt s! Sca le !(Co dd in gt on ,*1972) * f! <!6! mont hs ! Chi ld ! Chi ld ! BM I!z Nsc or es! (IO TF )!! ±280 ! Ag e, !g end er ,!S ES ! !β != !0.129* ! *P<0 .05,! ** !P <0.0 1,! !** *!P <0. 001,!ACE !=!Ad ve rs e!Ch ildh oo d!E ve nts ,!O W! =!o ve rw ei gh t,!L !=!l on gi tu di nal !coh ort! stu dy ,!CS != !cro ss Ns ecti on al !s tu dy ,!CC!= !c ase Ncon tro l! stu dy ,!CIDI! =!Co m po si te!In ter nat ion al !Di agn os tic!I nterv ie w ,!BMI! =!b od y!mas s!i nd ex, !IO TF != !In tern at ion al !Ob es ity !Ta sk! Fo rce ,!CDC != !C en ters !fo r!Di se as e!Co ntro l!a nd ! Prev en tio n, !S ES != !soci oN econ om ic!s ta tu s.! a! Ev an s!( 2003 )!& !E van s!et! al .!(2 012) !p re se nt! re su lts !o f!t he !sa m e!stu dy ,! b! Van ae ls t!e t!al .!( 2014 )!& !M ichel s!et! al .!(20 14) !p re se nt! re su lts !o f!t he !sa m e! stu dy ,! c! re su lts !o f!gi rls !a nd !b oy s!a re !b oth !in cl ud ed !in !th e!r an do m Ne ff ects !m eta Nan al ys is ,! d! ce rta in !e ve nts !w ere !re m ov ed !d ue !to !li m ita tio ns !se t!f orth ! by !th e!sc ho ol !b oar d!(i .e.!s exu al !an d!p hy si cal !a bu se !a nd !mal tre at m en t), ! e !ad ju sted !BMI! =! act ual !BMI/p erc en til e!50! of !B MI! fo r!age!a nd !gend er! *!1 00! ( Fr ed er iks,* Va n* Buu re n, *W it* & *Ve rlo ove >Va nh or ic k, *2000),* f* re fe re nc es !in *ita lic !a re !th e!sou rc es !re fe rre d!t o!i n!t he !stu dy !a rti cl es . ! ! *P <0 .0 5, (**( P<0 .0 1, (( ***( P<0 .0 01 ,(A CE (=( Ad ve rs e( Ch ild ho od (E ve nts ,(O W (=( ov er w ei gh t,( L( =( lo ng itu di nal (c oh or t( stu dy ,(C S( =( cr os sC se cti on al (s tu dy ,(C C( =( cas eC co ntr ol ( stu dy ,(C ID I(=( Co m po si te (In te rn ati on al (D iag no sti c( In te rv ie w ,(B MI( =( bo dy (m as s( in de x, (IO TF (=( In te rn ati on al (O be si ty (T as k( Fo rc e, (C D C( =( Ce nte rs (fo r( D is eas e( Co ntr ol (an d( Pr ev en tio n, (S ES (= (s oc io Ce co no m ic (s ta tu s. ( a( Ev an s( (2 00 3) (& (E va ns (e t(a l.( (2 01 2) (p re se nt (re su lts (of( the (sam e( study ,( b( Va na els t(e t(a l.( (2 01 4) (& (M ic he ls (e t(a l.( (2 01 4) (p re se nt ( re sul ts (o f(t he (s am e( st udy ,( c( re sul ts (o f(g irl s( and( bo ys (a re (bo th( inc lude d( in( the (ra ndo m Cef fects (meta Ca na ly si s, ( d( ce rt ai n( ev ent s( w er e( re m ov ed( due (to (li m ita tio ns (s et (fo rt h( by (th e( sc ho ol (b oar d( (i. e. (s ex ual (an d( ph ys ic al (ab us e( an d( m al tr eatm en t) ,( e (ad ju ste d( BMI( =( ac tu al (B MI/ pe rc en til e( 50 (o f( BMI( fo r( ag e( an d( ge nd er (*( 10 0( ( Fr ede rik s, *Van* Bu ur en ,*W it* & *V er lo ov e6 Va nh or ick ,*2 00 0) ,* f* ref eren ces (in *ital ic (ar e( th e( so ur ce s( re fe rr ed (to (in (th e( stu dy (ar tic le s. (


Adverse&life&events&and&overweight&in&children& Association(between(accumulation(of(adverse(childhood(events(and(overweight(

Pooling+the+results+of+the+five+longitudinal+studies+showed+a+positive+association+between+ accumulated+adverse+life+events+and+overweight+measures+in+childhood+(OR+(95%CI)+=+1.12+ (1.0171.25);+I2=45.2%,+p=0.10)+(Figure+2).+The+results+of+four+cross7sectional+and+case7control+ studies+ could+ not+ be+ included+ in+ the+ meta7analysis+ due+ to+ insufficient+ information+ to+ recalculate+reported+estimates+into+ORs+[44,45,53,54].+The+results+of+the+remaining+cross7 sectional+ and+ case7control+ studies+ were+ heterogeneous+ (I2=52.0%,+ p=0.027)+ (Figure+ 2).+

Subgroup+ analyses+ showed+ that+ the+ study+ results+ of+ 5+ subgroups+ were+ homogeneous+ according+to+our+heterogeneity+criteria+(Table+4).+These+were+the+results+of+studies+using+a+ continuous+ overweight+ measure+ (pooled+ OR+ (95%CI)+ =+ 1.34+ (1.1171.62)),+ studies+ using+ a+ continuous+ adverse+ childhood+ events+ measure+ (pooled+ OR+ (95%CI)+ =+ 1.31+ (1.0171.70)),+ studies+ in+ children+ between+ >6712+ years+ of+ age+ (pooled+ OR+ (95%CI)+ =+ 1.34+ (1.1171.62)),+ studies+assessing+adverse+childhood+events+in+the+past+072+years+(pooled+OR+(95%CI)+=+1.23+ (0.9571.58))+and+studies+that+did+not+adjust+for+gender,+SES,+ethnicity+and/or+age+(pooled+OR+ (95%CI)+=+1.59+(0.9872.57)).+Meta7regressions+of+the+cross7sectional+and+case7control+studies+ were+only+possible+for+type+of+outcome+measurement,+type+of+exposure+measurement,+the+ mean+ age+ of+ the+ study+ population+ and+ whether+ studies+ were+ adjusted+ for+ gender,+ SES,+ ethnicity+and/or+age+or+not.+Based+on+the+univariate+meta7regression+analyses,+we+could+not+ explain+the+heterogeneity+in+the+study+results+(Table+4).++



Visual+ inspection+ of+ the+ funnel+ plot+ of+ longitudinal+ studies+ and+ the+ funnel+ plot+ of+ cross7 sectional+and+case7control+studies+included+in+the+meta7analysis+indicated+that+publication+ bias+ was+ unlikely+ (Figure+ 3).+ The+ result+ of+ the+ Egger’s+ test+ for+ cross7sectional+ and+ case7 control+ studies+ was+ in+ line+ with+ the+ visual+ inspection+ (p=0.63).+ Less+ than+ 10+ longitudinal+ studies+ were+ included,+ therefore+ funnel+ plot+ asymmetry+ was+ not+ statistically+ tested+ for+ longitudinal+studies+[37].+



In+ this+ systematic+ review+ and+ meta7analysis,+ we+ investigated+ the+ available+ evidence+ for+ a+ relation+ between+ accumulation+ of+ adverse+ life+ events+ and+ overweight+ measures+ in+ childhood.+ In+ longitudinal+ studies,+ we+ found+ a+ positive+ relation+ between+ accumulation+ of+ adverse+childhood+events+and+overweight+measures.+The+results+of+cross7sectional+and+case7 control+studies+were+heterogeneous,+but+with+the+exception+of+one+study+all+showed+either+ a+positive+or+a+neutral+association.+Further,+the+majority+of+homogeneous+subgroups+showed+ a+positive+pooled+estimate.+Thus,+both+types+of+studies+indicated+the+existence+of+a+positive++


Chapter&2& ! ! ! Ta bl e& 2. !M etho dol ogi cal !q ual ity!o f!t he! in cl ud ed !lo ngi tu di nal !an d! cro ss 4sect ion al !st ud ies! based !on!t he! N ewc ast le 4Ot taw a! Sc al e! (NOS )! Stu dy &c har ac te risti cs & Qu al ity&a ssessm en t& ! & & Se le ction & & & & Co m par ib ili ty & Ou tc om e& & & To tal & Au th or &(y ear )& Stu dy & de si gn & 1.& Repr esen @ tat iv en ess& of&th e& ex po sed & coh or t& 2.& Sele ction & of&n on @ ex po sed & coh or t& 3.& Asce rtain @ m en t&o f& ex po su re & 4.& Corr ec te d& for & ou tc om e& at& basel in e a& 5.& & Stu dy & co ntr ol s& for & ge nd er & 6.& & Stu dy & co ntr ol s& for &SE S, & eth ni ci ty& an d&age & 7.& Ou tc om e& assess @ me nt & 8.& Adeq uate & fol lo w @up& tim e a& 9.& Adeq uac y& of&fol lo w @ up &o f& coh or t a& & Bagl ey !et! al .!(2 013) ! CS ! ! ! ! n/a ! ! ! ! n/a ! n/a ! ! Be th el l!e t!al .!(20 14 )! CS ! ! ! ! n/a ! ! ! ! n/ a! n/a ! ! Cap uto !et! al .!(20 00) ! CS ! ! ! ! n/a ! ! ! ! n/a ! n/a ! ! Di xon !et! al .!(20 09 )! CS ! ! ! ! n/a ! ! ! ! n/a ! n/a ! ! Ev an s!(200 3) ! CS ! ! ! ! n/a ! ! ! ! n/a ! n/a ! ! Ev an s!et! al .!(20 12) ! L! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! G ill um !e t!al .!(19 84) ! CS ! ! ! ! n/a ! ! ! ! n/a ! n/a ! ! Li pp !et! al .!(19 96) ! CS ! ! ! n/a ! ! ! n/a ! n/a ! Lu m en g!et! al .!(2 013) ! L! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Mi ch el s!et! al .!(20 14) ! L! ! ! ! ! Ma rie 4Mi tch el l!e t!al .! (20 13) ! CS ! ! ! ! n/a ! ! ! ! n/a ! n/a ! ! Pretty !e t!al .!(20 13 )! CS ! ! ! ! n/a ! ! ! ! n/a ! n/a ! ! Sl op en !et! al .!(20 14) ! L! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Sugl ia! et! al .!(20 12) ! L! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Van ael st! et! al .!( 2014 )! CS ! ! ! ! n/a ! ! ! ! n/a ! n/a ! ! CS != !c ro ss 4s ect io nal ,!L != !lo ng itu di nal ,!S ES =so ci o4 eco no m ic!s tat us,! a Fo r!cro ss 4sec tio nal !stud ies !S el ecti on !ite m !4 !and !O ut co m e!i te m !2 !and !3 !are !no t! ap pl icab le!( n/ a) !


Adverse&life&events&and&overweight&in&children& + + & Ta bl e& 3. !M etho dol ogi cal !q ual ity!o f!t he! in cl ud ed !c ase 3c ontr ol !s tu di es! base d! on !th e! N ewc ast le 3Ot ta w a! Sc al e! (NOS ) & Stu dy &c har ac te risti cs ! Qu al ity &a ssessm en t& ! & Se le ction & & & & Co m par ab ili ty & Ex po su re & To tal & Au th or &(y ear )& 1.& Adeq uate & case& defin ition & 2.& Repr esen C& tat iv en ess& of&c ases & 3.& & Se le ction &o f& co ntr ol s& 4.& Defi ni tion & of&c on tr ol s& 5.& & Stu dy & co ntr ol s&for & ge nd er & 6.& & Stu dy & co ntr ol s&for & SE S, & eth ni ci ty& an d& ag e& 7.& Asce rtain C m en t&o f& ex po su re & 8.& & Sam e& m eth od & used &fo r& cases& an d& co ntr ol s& 9.& & Eq ual &n on C re sp on se& rate &c ases& an d& co ntr ol s& & & De !S ou sa! et! al .!( 2009 )! ! ! ! ! ! ! G ib so n!et! al .!(2 007) ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Mo en s!et! al .!( 2009 )! ! ! ! ! SES !=! so ci o3 ec on om ic! stat us ! !


Chapter&2& Evans&(2003) Bagley&et&al.&(2013) Dixon&et&al.&(2009) Marie;Mitchell&et&al.&(2013) Pretty&et&al.&(2013) Slopen&et&al.&(2014) Vanaelst&et&al.&(2014) Moens&et&al.&(2009) Caputo&et&al.&(2000) Bethell&et&al.&(2014) Study 1.99&(1.16,&3.43) 1.61&(0.40,&6.43) 1.87&(0.93,&3.76) 0.18&(0.04,&0.84) 1.43&(1.19,&1.73) 1.24&(1.00,&1.54) 1.60&(1.03,&2.49) 0.75&(0.45,&1.24) 0.83&(0.35,&1.99) 1.18&(1.00,&1.38) OR&(95%&CI) 1.99&(1.16,&3.43) 1.61&(0.40,&6.43) 1.87&(0.93,&3.76) 0.18&(0.04,&0.84) 1.43&(1.19,&1.73) 1.24&(1.00,&1.54) 1.60&(1.03,&2.49) 0.75&(0.45,&1.24) 0.83&(0.35,&1.99) 1.18&(1.00,&1.38) OR&(95%&CI) & 1 & .04 1 25 A.(Longitudinal+studies( ( B.(Cross7sectional+and+case7control+studies++ ( + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Figure( 2.+ Forest+ plot+ of+ (A)+ longitudinal+ studies+ and+ (B)+ cross7sectional+ and+ case7control+ studies+

included+in+a+random+effects+meta7analysis.++ Overall''(I*squared'='45.2%,'p'='0.104) Suglia'et'al.'(2012)'*'girls Study Suglia'et'al.'(2012)'*'boys Lumeng'et'al.'(2013) Michels'et'al.'(2014) Evans'et'al.'(2012) Slopen'et'al.'(2014) 1.12'(1.01,'1.25) 1.58'(0.98,'2.55) OR'(95%'CI) 0.88'(0.52,'1.50) 1.08'(1.01,'1.14) 1.08'(0.91,'1.28) 1.98'(1.23,'3.18) 1.08'(0.93,'1.24) 1.12'(1.01,'1.25) 1.58'(0.98,'2.55) OR'(95%'CI) 0.88'(0.52,'1.50) 1.08'(1.01,'1.14) 1.08'(0.91,'1.28) 1.98'(1.23,'3.18) 1.08'(0.93,'1.24) ' 1 ' .314 1 3.18


Adverse&life&events&and&overweight&in&children& Table( 4.+ Subgroup+ analyses+ and+ univariate+ meta7regressions+ (if+ ≥10+ studies)+ of+ cross7 sectional+and+case7control+studies+included+in+the+meta7analysis+ Variable( No.(of( estimatesa( OR((95%CI)( I2((%)( p*value( heterogeneity( p*value( meta* regression( Overall( 10+ 1.27+(1.06,+1.52)+ 52.0+ 0.027+ + 1.(Outcome(measure+ + + + + 0.313+ Continuous+ 8+ 1.34+(1.11,+1.62)+ 35.0+ 0.149+ + Categorical+ 3+ 1.14+(0.89,+1.47)+ 66.8+ 0.049+ + 2.(Exposure(measure+ + + + + 0.718+ Continuous+ 7+ 1.31+(1.01,+1.70)+ 40.4+ 0.122+ + Categorical+ 3+ 1.19+(0.85,+1.66)+ 76.9+ 0.013+ + 3.(Mean(participant(age( + + + + 0.940+

076+years+ 1+ 0.18+(0.04,+0.82)+ n/a+ n/a+ +

>6712+years+ 8+ 1.34+(1.11,+1.62)+ 35.0+ 0.149+ +

>12718+years+ 1+ 1.18+(1.00,+1.39)+ n/a+ n/a+ +

4.(Recall(period(events( + + + + n/a+ Child’s+lifetime+ 3+ 1.36+(1.10,+1.69)+ 57.9+ 0.093+ + ≤+2+years+ 6+ 1.23+(0.95,+1.58)+ 31.9+ 0.196+ + 5.(Adjusted(for(gender,( SES,(ethnicity(and/or(age( + + + + 0.372+ Yes+ 7+ 1.21+(1.00,+1.47)+ 57.0+ 0.030+ + No+ 3+ 1.59+(0.98,+2.57)+ 33.0+ 0.225+ +

OR+ =+ odds+ ratio,+ CI+ =+ confidence+ interval,+ SES=socio7economic+ status,+ n/a+ =+ not+ applicable+ (there+ were+<10+studies+in+the+comparison).+aThe+number+of+estimates+can+differ+per+variable,+because+(I)+in+

some+ studies+ multiple+ relations+ are+ presented+ and+ (II)+ not+ all+ studies+ report+ information+ on+ the+ factors+used+in+the+meta7regressions+and+subgroup+analyses.+

& &

relation+between+accumulation+of+adverse+life+events+and+overweight+measures:+the+more+ adverse+life+events+children+experience,+the+higher+their+relative+weight.+

Subgroup+ analyses+ revealed+ that+ study+ results+ of+ cross7sectional+ and+ case7control+ studies+ (1)+ using+ a+ continuous+ overweight+ measure,+ (2)+ using+ a+ continuous+ adverse+ childhood+events+measure+and+(3)+assessing+the+relation+between+adverse+childhood+events+ and+ overweight+ measures+ in+ children+ between+ >6712+ years+ were+ homogeneous+ and+ generated+a+positive+pooled+estimate.+This+shows+that+accumulation+of+adverse+childhood+ events+ is+ related+ to+ higher+ measures+ of+ BMI,+ that+ it+ indeed+ is+ the+ number+ of+ adverse+ childhood+events+that+is+positively+associated+with+higher+overweight+measures+and+that+the+ positive+ relation+ between+ accumulation+ of+ adverse+ childhood+ events+ and+ overweight+ measures+ is+ present+ in+ primary+ school+ children.+ There+ was+ one+ cross7sectional+ study+ that+ was+ performed+ in+ children+ <6+ years+ and+ this+ was+ the+ only+ study+ to+ show+ a+ negative


Chapter&2& A.+Longitudinal+studies+ ( ( B.+Cross7sectional+and+case7control+studies+ + Figure(3.(Funnel+plot+of+(A)+longitudinal+studies+and+(B)+cross7sectional+and+case7control+studies+ included+in+the+meta7analysis.( A.#Longitudinal#studies# # # B.#Cross3sectional#and#case3control#studies## # # Figure#3.!Funnel!plot!of!the!(A)!longitudinal!studies!and!(B)!cross7sectional!and!case7control! studies!included!in!the!meta7analysis.! ! 0 .1 .2 .3 SE lo g O R .5 1 1.5 2 OR

Funnel plot with pseudo 95% confidence limits

0 .2 .4 .6 .8 SE lo g O R 2 4 6 OR

Funnel plot with pseudo 95% confidence limits

A.#Longitudinal#studies# # # B.#Cross3sectional#and#case3control#studies## # # Figure#3.!Funnel!plot!of!the!(A)!longitudinal!studies!and!(B)!cross7sectional!and!case7control! studies!included!in!the!meta7analysis.! ! 0 .1 .2 .3 SE lo g O R .5 1 1.5 2 OR

Funnel plot with pseudo 95% confidence limits

0 .2 .4 .6 .8 SE lo g O R 2 4 6 OR


Adverse&life&events&and&overweight&in&children& association+between+accumulation+of+adverse+childhood+events+and+overweight,+suggesting+ that+the+relation+might+change+from+negative+to+positive+over+time+[46].+ The+subgroup+analyses+further+revealed+that+studies+(1)+assessing+adverse+childhood+ events+in+the+past+072+years+and+(2)+not+adjusting+for+gender,+SES,+ethnicity+and/or+age,+were+ homogeneous+and+generated+a+non7significant+pooled+estimate.+Differences+in+overweight+ (measures)+in+response+to+adverse+childhood+events+might+thus+take+longer+than+072+years+ to+develop.+This+seems+to+be+confirmed+by+the+fact+that+the+pooled+estimate+of+longitudinal+ studies,+ 80%+ of+ which+ have+ follow7up+ periods+ of+ ≥2+ years,+ is+ positive.+ The+ subgroup+ of+ studies+not+adjusting+for+any+of+the+specified+covariates+included+only+3+studies+of+which+1+ study+of+fair+methodological+quality+(3+stars)+and+2+studies+of+low+quality+(1+star),+limiting+our+ ability+to+draw+firm+conclusions+about+the+association+within+this+subgroup.+

The+positive+association+identified+in+this+study+indicates+that+children+experiencing+ more+ acute+ adversity+ are+ more+ prone+ to+ have+ a+ higher+ BMI+ and+ develop+ overweight+ and+ obesity+ than+ children+ experiencing+ less+ acute+ adversity.+ This+ is+ in+ line+ with+ the+ positive+ association+ between+ chronic+ adversity,+ e.g.+ low+ socio7economic+ status+ and+ poor+ family+ functioning,+ and+ higher+ BMI+ and+ risk+ of+ overweight+ and+ obesity+ identified+ in+ previous+ research+ [11–13].+ Children+ who+ are+ exposed+ to+ more+ adversity+ have+ a+ lower+ chance+ of+ a+ healthy+ weight.+ Additionally,+ they+ are+ probably+ more+ likely+ to+ have+ other+ adverse+ health+ conditions+as+well+[41,52].+Therefore,+it+is+very+important+to+monitor+accumulation+of+events+ and+changes+in+the+social+situation+of+children+and+their+family+when+children+visit+the+well7 child+ clinic+ or+ regular+ medical+ care+ facilities.+ Early+ detection+ of+ such+ accumulation+ can+ facilitate+proper+referral+and+is+thus+likely+to+result+in+health+gains.+ + Past(research(and(future(recommendations( In+addition+to+the+identification+of+a+positive+relation+between+accumulation+of+adverse+life+ events+and+overweight+measures+in+childhood,+another+important+finding+of+this+systematic+ review+is+that+there+is+heterogeneity+in+the+measurement+of+adverse+life+events+between+the+ included+ studies.+ Different+ studies+ used+ different+ measurement+ tools+ to+ assess+ adverse+ childhood+ events.+ These+ included+ different+ types+ of+ adverse+ childhood+ events,+ different+ numbers+of+adverse+childhood+events+and+different+recall+periods.+Further,+they+addressed+ different+people+(e.g.+the+child+or+parent)+and+asked+them+to+report+on+adverse+life+events+in+ the+lives+of+different+actors+(e.g.+the+child+or+his/her+family+members).+Finally,+the+adverse+ childhood+ events+ score+ was+ constructed+ in+ different+ ways+ in+ different+ studies+ and+ sometimes+ included+ other,+ more+ stable,+ stressors+ as+ well.+ Researchers+ investigating+ the+ relation+ between+ accumulation+ of+ adverse+ life+ events+ and+ overweight+ measures+ in+



childhood+ are+ therefore+ recommended+ to+ consider+ three+ aspects+ carefully+ in+ future+ research.++

The+first+aspect+to+consider+is+which+measurement+tool+to+use+or,+alternatively,+which+ and+ how+ many+ adverse+ childhood+ events+ to+ include+ in+ their+ study.+ Currently,+ the+ most+ widely+applied+tool+in+this+research+area+for+measuring+adverse+life+events+in+children+is+the+ Coddington+Life+Events+Scale+and+the+most+widely+applied+tool+for+measuring+adverse+life+ events+ in+ mothers+ is+ the+ List+ of+ Threatening+ Experiences+ [56,57].+ Both+ tools+ are+ easily+ retrievable+and+found+to+be+valid+[50,58].+The+use+of+these+tools+is+therefore+encouraged.+ Alternatively,+when+researchers+consider+existing+tools+to+be+unsuitable+for+their+research,+ they+ can+ construct+ their+ own+ list+ of+ adverse+ childhood+ events.+ These+ researchers+ are+ encouraged+ to+ look+ at+ past+ research+ and+ existing+ scales+ to+ make+ sure+ they+ include+ all+ relevant+ (types+ of)+ adverse+ childhood+ events+ in+ their+ list.+ Further,+ the+ number+ of+ adverse+ childhood+ events+ in+ their+ list+ should+ be+ sufficient+ (>10+ events)+ in+ order+ for+ the+ resulting+ adverse+ childhood+ events+ score+ to+ truly+ reflect+ which+ children+ experienced+ more+ (severe)+ and+ which+ children+ experienced+ less+ (severe)+ adverse+ life+ events.+ Finally,+ in+ choosing+ a+ measurement+tool+it+is+important+to+consider+the+implications+of+measuring+adverse+events+ the+ child+ experienced+ vs.+ adverse+ events+ other+ family+ members+ experienced+ and+ the+ implications+of+the+informant+used+to+report+on+these+events.+A+child+only+reports+on+events+ of+which+it+is+aware,+whereas+other+informants+may+also+report+on+events+of+which+the+child+ is+unaware.+This+is+especially+true+when+family+members+are+asked+to+report+on+events+in+ their+(families)+life+instead+of+the+child’s+life.+Thus,+events+reported+by+children+(and+their+ accumulation)+may+be+more+strongly+related+to+weight+issues+than+events+that+occurred+to+ or+were+reported+by+family+members.+ The+second+aspect+that+should+receive+careful+consideration+is+the+time+period+over+ which+participants+are+asked+to+recall+adverse+childhood+events.+Obviously,+the+longer+the+ included+time+period,+the+less+accurate+recall+is+likely+to+be.+However,+it+is+important+to+keep+ in+ mind+ that+ weight+ changes+ in+ response+ to+ adverse+ events+ do+ not+ take+ place+ overnight.+ Therefore,+ a+ recall+ period+ of+ ≤1+ year+ is+ strongly+ discouraged+ and+ periods+ of+ ≥2+ years+ are+ advised.+Including+the+child’s+entire+lifetime+can+also+be+sensible+to+get+a+complete+picture+of+ all+ the+ adverse+ life+ events+ the+ child+ experienced,+ especially+ if+ the+ informant+ is+ the+ child’s+ mother+or+parent.++

The+ third+ recommendation+ is+ to+ not+ combine+ adverse+ life+ events+ that+ occurred+ to+ participants+ within+ a+ given+ time+ frame+ with+ more+ stable+ stressors,+ such+ as+ low+ socio7 economic+status+and+living+in+a+single7parent+household,+into+one+exposure+measure.+These+ are+very+different+types+of+stressors+and+therefore+testing+the+influence+of+these+stressors+ separately+is+highly+recommended.+


Adverse&life&events&and&overweight&in&children& + Future+research+is+further+recommended+to+create+sum+scores+of+different+types+of+ adverse+events+(such+as+health+events,+relationship+events+or+events+of+abuse)+in+addition+to+ sum+ scores+ of+ all+ experienced+ events+ and+ to+ test+ the+ association+ between+ these+ domain7 specific+sum+scores+and+overweight+measures.+In+this+way,+future+research+can+shed+light+on+ whether+it+truly+is+accumulation+of+all+adverse+events,+rather+than+accumulation+of+specific+ types+of+events,+that+is+related+to+overweight+measures+in+children.+Previous+research+in+this+ area+ has+ shown+ that+ experiencing+ many+ adverse+ family+ health+ events+ was+ related+ to+ overweight+in+adolescents,+whereas+experiencing+many+adverse+relationship+events+was+not+ [38].+Future+research+is+encouraged+to+examine+whether+they+can+replicate+these+findings+in+ other+populations.+



The+ relatively+ small+ number+ of+ studies+ included+ in+ this+ systematic+ review+ and+ the+ heterogeneity+between+studies+in+the+measurement+of+the+exposure+warrant+caution+about+ overinterpreting+ the+ identified+ pooled+ estimates.+ However,+ confidence+ in+ the+ pooled+ estimates+ is+ strengthened+ by+ the+ fact+ that+ nearly+ all+ pooled+ estimates+ support+ the+ same+ conclusion:+that+there+is+a+positive+relation+between+accumulation+of+adverse+life+events+and+ overweight+ measures+ in+ childhood.+ Additionally,+ for+ longitudinal+ studies,+ results+ were+ consistent,+ no+ studies+ were+ of+ low+ methodological+ quality+ (all+ studies+ obtained+ 476+ stars)+ and+publication+bias+was+found+to+be+unlikely.++

Other+ limitations+ of+ this+ systematic+ review+ and+ meta7analysis+ mainly+ stem+ from+ methodological+issues+of+the+included+studies.+The+adverse+childhood+events+measure+in+all+ included+studies+was,+at+least+partly,+based+on+self7report.+Although+this+is+almost+inevitable+ in+ research+ on+ the+ accumulation+ of+ adverse+ childhood+ events,+ this+ could+ have+ led+ to+ underreporting+of+events.+Recall+bias+is+expected+to+be+limited+in+the+included+studies,+as+the+ recall+period+was+often+short.+On+the+downside,+the+short+recall+period+limits+the+range+of+ adverse+ childhood+ events+ participants+ report+ and+ limits+ the+ possibility+ for+ overweight+ development+ in+ response+ to+ adverse+ childhood+ events+ to+ have+ taken+ place.+ Reverse+ causality+can+also+not+be+excluded;+it+is+possible+that+children+become+overweight+due+to+the+ occurrence+of+adverse+events,+but+it+is+also+possible+that+children+who+are+overweight+are+ more+likely+to+experience+more+adverse+events+in+their+lives+[59].+Moreover,+it+is+possible+ that+the+results+of+our+systematic+review+were+confounded+by+factors+that+included+studies+ did+ not+ correct+ for.+ One+ factor+ that+ could+ confound+ the+ identified+ association+ is+ socio7 economic+status+[12,13].+One+of+the+five+longitudinal+studies+in+this+systematic+review+and+ meta7analysis+ did+ not+ correct+ for+ socio7economic+ status+ [49].+ Post7hoc+ pooling+ of+ the+ estimates+ of+ the+ four+ longitudinal+ studies+ that+ did+ correct+ for+ socio7economic+ status+



[38,39,50,52]+ slightly+ attenuated+ the+ results,+ but+ still+ resulted+ in+ a+ statistically+ significant+ positive+ pooled+ estimate+ (pooled+ OR+ (95%CI)+ =+ 1.08+ (1.03,+ 1.14),+ I2=0.0%,+ p=0.558).+ This+

indicated+ that+ the+ association+ between+ accumulation+ of+ adverse+ childhood+ events+ and+ overweight+ identified+ in+ this+ systematic+ review+ is+ not+ caused+ by+ socio7economic+ status.+ However,+residual+confounding+by+other,+unmeasured,+factors+is+still+possible.+

Strengths+ of+ this+ study+ are+ its+ focus+ on+ all+ studies+ examining+ the+ relation+ between+ accumulation+of+adverse+life+events+and+overweight+measures+in+childhood.+This+has+given+ us+the+opportunity+to+clearly+set+out+the+variety+of+adverse+childhood+events+measures+used+ in+this+research+area+and+the+different+results+these+have+generated.+It+has+highlighted+that+ only+a+limited+number+of+studies+assessed+the+relationship+between+adverse+life+events+and+ overweight+ measures+ in+ childhood+ and+ that+ longitudinal+ studies+ and+ studies+ focusing+ specifically+on+the+accumulation+of+adverse+childhood+events+rather+than+accumulation+of+ adversity+ (i.e.+ adverse+ childhood+ events+ in+ combination+ with+ (rather)+ stable+ aspects+ of+ children’s+ lives)+ are+ particularly+ scarce.+ Additionally,+ we+ provided+ recommendations+ for+ future+ research+ concerning+ accumulation+ of+ adverse+ life+ events+ and+ overweight+ in+ childhood.+ Another+ strength+ of+ this+ study+ is+ that+ we+ transformed+ estimates+ of+ almost+ all+ identified+studies+on+the+relation+between+accumulated+adverse+life+events+and+overweight+ in+childhood+into+ORs+(95%+CI),+which+enabled+us+to+pool+the+results+of+the+studies.++



Our+systematic+review+and+meta7analysis+shows+a+positive+relationship+between+the+number+ of+ adverse+ life+ events+ children+ experience+ and+ overweight+ measures.+ There+ is,+ however,+ heterogeneity+in+the+methodology+of+studies+examining+the+relation+between+accumulation+ of+adverse+childhood+events+and+overweight+measures.+More+research,+mostly+longitudinal,+ needs+to+be+done+on+the+specific+association+between+accumulation+of+adverse+childhood+ events+and+overweight+measures.+In+this+future+research,+researchers+should+think+carefully+ about+ which+ events+ and+ event+ domains+ to+ include+ in+ their+ study.+ Further,+ as+ changes+ in+ overweight+measures+take+some+time+to+develop,+recall+periods+of+adverse+childhood+events+


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European%adolescents.%Objectively%measured%BMI%is%a%strength,%because%the%identified%BMI% trajectories% are% more% likely% to% represent% true% BMI% trajectories% from% adolescence%

Adverse life events and overweight in childhood, adolescence and young adulthood Elsenburg, Leonie Koosje.. IMPORTANT NOTE: You are advised to consult the publisher's

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