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October 10


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Climate Prediction Center’s Central America Hazards Outlook October 10 – October 16, 2019

Heavy rainfall is continuing across the region leading to flooding concerns for some.

1. Flash floods and landslides have been occurring in many parts of Guatemala due to ground water saturation and ongoing heavy rain.

This is expected to continue for the coming week.


Questions or comments about this product may be directed to Wassila.Thiaw@noaa.gov or 1-301-683-3424.

Recent increases in rainfall are making large improvements to seasonal moisture deficits in the region

During the past week, heavy rainfall was prevalent across Central America. Many local areas recorded more than 100mm according to satellite estimates and a large portion of El Salvador received more than 150mm of rain. As a result, flooding problems and landslides have been reported in many departments of Guatemala. Lighter and slightly suppressed rainfall (<25mm) was observed in northeastern Honduras, parts of central Nicaragua and the Gulf of Honduras region. The week’s pattern resulted in positive rainfall anomalies for much of Guatemala, El Salvador, and much of Honduras. As a result of this prolonged period of enhanced rains, large parts of Honduras, Nicaragua, and Belize are experiencing much-improved moisture conditions over the last 30 days. Seasonal moisture deficits still exist in parts of central Guatemala and northwestern Honduras. However, now only 25% and 50% of average rainfall accumulation has been observed since the start of August. On the ground, Vegetation health is still struggling in regions that include Belize, northern Guatemala, and central Honduras, but positive week-to-week trends are widely observed in the region.

The forecast for the outlook period is for many portions of Central America to return to near-average rainfall conditions. A few areas could remain enhanced this week where the heaviest rainfall totals are likely to occur in northern Guatemala, El Belize, and Costa Rica. More than 75mm of rain is likely, and much more in Costa Rica. The threat of flooding remains in southern and central Guatemala where soils are especially saturated. Some central portions of Honduras and Nicaragua should receive lighter and suppressed rains. Nearby tropical cyclone development is unlikely during the next week.

Week 1 Rainfall Total Forecast and CMORPH climatology (mm) October 10 – October 16, 2019

Figure 1: Source NOAA / CPC



During the next week, moderate to heavy rains (&gt;25mm) are forecast for southern Central America and localized areas along the Gulf of Honduras, in northern Honduras and the

observed in eastern and parts of northern Guatemala, eastern Honduras, and central Nicaragua. Persistent moderate to large rainfall deficits have negatively impacted

 Heavy rain observed along the Gulf of Honduras and Pacific Rim of Central America during the past week. 1) Inconsistent and poor rain during October has resulted in abnormal

As forecast, increased amounts of weekly rainfall were received across parts of the Gulf of Honduras region and over some departments of northern

Light rainfall amounts of less than 25mm were observed in western Nicaragua, central and northern Honduras, as well as central and northern Guatemala.. The

Other areas receiving heavy rains, sometimes exceeding 100mm, include southern Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama.. Lighter and slightly suppressed rainfall

During the past week, the heaviest rainfall was observed in parts of Belize, Guatemala, Southern Honduras, western Nicaragua, and El Salvador.. More than 100mm was received in

Since the beginning of December of the past year, below-average rainfall was registered over parts of eastern Honduras and northeastern Nicaragua, while near to above-average